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管理大师Peter Deruk曾经说过,"获得并留住客户是企业经营的核心目标"。本文以关系营销理论为框架,在明确客户价值、市场细分和客户关系管理内涵的基础上,归纳和总结了三者之间的关系,同时对于客户关系管理与客户价值之间的逻辑流程进行了梳理总结。  相似文献   

关于商业银行公司客户营销战略的初步思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
包力军 《新金融》2004,(4):25-27
我国加入WTO后,外资银行纷纷进驻国内金融市场,中资商业银行若想在激烈的竞争中获得一席之地,必须潜心研究公司客户营销战略。一、公司客户营销战略的含义商业银行公司客户营销战略是指商业银行对全局性的公司客户开展营销工作的—整套指导思想以及为实现公司客户营销目标所设计的系统和  相似文献   

中国加入WTO两个后,外资银行即可为公司客户提供人民币业务。在有限的过渡期内,如何巩固并发展公司客户市场份额,已成为农业银行面临的重大课题。  相似文献   

市场信息的日益丰富使得客户的选择愈来愈多样,银行间的竞争也愈来愈激烈。如何依据客户的特性和喜好为其提供所需的产品或服务,让客户感受到不同银行之间的区别,成为银行扩大客户基础、提高客户黏性的重要课题。有效的数据分析工具可以帮助银行针对不同客户的特点制定科学的客户关系维护和营销策略。  相似文献   

从客户忠诚视角探寻银行客户关系管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商业银行作为营销金融产品和货币信用业务的特殊企业,其竞争战略的核心就在于吸纳、维护客户,扩大市场份额。而忠诚客户是企业的无形资产,能为企业带来竞争优势,谁赢得了忠诚客户,谁就赢得了市场和发展先机。提高对忠诚客户重要性的认识,全面分析和解决在提升客户忠诚度上所面临的问题,已成为商业银行未来竞争策略的核心所在。本文通过客户忠诚理论的阐述,分析了目前我国商业银行客户关系管理方面存在的问题,并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

我国近年来频繁发生企业重大危机或损失、失败事件,如三九集团、华源股份、中航油、国储铜、中信泰富、三鹿集团等。整体来看,企业在资金链管理、生产运营、下属公司管控、供应链管理等领域存在较大的经营和财务风险。因此,提升管理水平、加强风险控制纷纷提上大型国有企业的日程,建立健全内部控制体系已经被很多企业所接受,但内部控制体系成果的使用、固化和持续优化成为很多企业头疼的问题,而且目前市场上内部控制体系信息化成型软件不多,建立适合企业自身管理需要的内部控制体系信息化系统迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

程明 《现代金融》2004,(2):19-20
差别化战略是银行通过对客户与竞争对手的分析,提供与众不同的金融产品和服务,满足顾客特殊的需求,从而形成竞争优势。实施差别化战略需要特殊的管理技能与组织结构,包括客户资源系统化管理、业务品种的差别化、加强市场细分与银行的组织机构改革等,其中,加强客户资源管理是银行实施差别化战略的基础。  相似文献   

田文秀 《财会学习》2020,(10):186-186,188
随着信息时代的到来,信息技术已被广泛地应用于各个行业领域。当然,信息化不仅给各行业带来了机遇,更带了挑战。信息化建设在企业内部设计中也不例外,随着时代的进步,企业竞争愈发激烈,传统的方式已不适用于当下企业发展趋势,企业内部审计也在逐渐加强和完善信息化建设。本文主要探讨了信息化在企业内部审计中的现状及信息化建设于企业内部设计的作用,旨在为企业内部审计信息化的完善提供借鉴。  相似文献   

IT商业价值是指IT改进企业绩效、创造持续竞争优势的能力。最近二十多年来,信息技术呈现出速度更快、质量更好、价格更便宜、使用更方便的发展特征,在社会与经济领域被广泛运用,不仅改进了社会治理与生活质量,也成  相似文献   

The coming battle for customer information   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hagel J  Rayport JF 《Harvard business review》1997,75(1):53-5, 58, 60-1 passim
Companies collect information about customers to target valuable prospects more effectively, tailor their offerings to individual needs, improve customer satisfaction, and identify opportunities for new products or services. But managers' efforts to capture such information may soon be thwarted. The authors believe that consumers are going to take ownership of information about themselves and start demanding value in exchange for it. As a result, negotiating with customers for information will become costly and complex. How will that happen? Consumers are realizing that they get very little in exchange for the information they divulge so freely through their commercial transactions and survey responses. Now new technologies such as smart cards, World Wide Web browsers, and personal financial management software are allowing consumers to view comprehensive profiles of their commercial activities-- and to choose whether or not to release that information to companies. Their decision will hinge, in large part, on what vendors offer them in return for the data. Consumers will be unlikely to bargain with vendors on their own, however. The authors anticipate that companies they call infomediaries will broker information to businesses on consumers' behalf. In essence, infomediaries will be the catalyst for people to start demanding value in exchange for information about themselves. And most other companies will need to rethink how they obtain information and what they do with it if they want to find new customers and serve them better.  相似文献   

金融衍生品法律监管的价值在于促进金融自由的同时,又不会危及金融安全。现有的法律监管制度贸然地将金融自由置于金融安全之前,造成制度价值错位,导致在监管内容上过度强调风险评估监管技术和过度迷信资本充足监管标准。金融衍生品作为金融自由和金融安全的产物,客观上要求其法律监管的价值取向回归到金融自由与金融安全的对立统一,重塑监管制度内容。  相似文献   

境外市场客户交易信息披露经验的借鉴与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提高信息透明度是市场发展的努力方向之一。目前国内证券期货市场一般做到部分会员层级的数据披露;但是从最新情况来看,部分境外市场已经开始适度公开客户信息,如台湾期货市场2008年4月7日开始公布三大法人的交易及持仓数据。提高市场信息披露程度,适度公开主要交易群体的交易信息,有助于维护不同投资者之间的信息公平,能够利用市场力量来规范和抗衡市场操纵等违规企图,提高监管效率,降低监管成本,值得借鉴。  相似文献   

客户服务中心的意义通常被概括成这样一段话:“可以有效提升企业的服务质量,提升品牌形象;通过现代信息技术手段的应用,使得客户服务摆脱了时问和空问的限制,从而实现了在为客户提供方便、快捷和人性化服务的同时,带来丰厚的社会效益和经济效益。”对于中国的证券行业而言,对这段话的解读有一个狂热到冷静的嬗变过程。  相似文献   

在经济全球化、金融一体化的发展趋势下,金融创新和竞争已成为当今世界金融发展的主流。商业银行要想在激烈的金融市场竞争中立于不败之地并得到持续发展,就必须加快金融信息化建设、提高金融服务水平,才能增强商业银行的核心竞争力。商业银行的必争之源是优质的客户资源,而优质的客户资源对商业银行的服务手段、服务质量的要求也越来越高。  相似文献   

随着信息时代不断发展,多元化、个性化的客户需求日益突出,对金融服务提出了更高的要求。各家银行在争取与客户的交流权、交易权、服务权的同时,对客户信息的管理愈加重视,积极通过整合客户信息资源等方式不断提升服务质量及产品特性,争抢市场份额。  相似文献   

The importance that businesses have accorded their customers during the past thirty years has not, as yet, been fully matched by the development of accounting for the customer. A range of customer-related techniques has emerged, including customer profitability analysis, the balanced scorecard and several strategic management accounting approaches. In large part these can be characterised as attempts to construct the customer in a very conventional manner, one which serves the interests of business rather than customers. Similar emphases can also be identified in the marketing management literature, which in recent years has shown worrying signs of becoming focused on the adoption of a form of hard number accounting. The purpose of this paper is to provide a review and critique of extant customer accounting techniques and approaches, as well as identifying some of the fundamentals of a more appealing attempt at ‘taking the customer into account’.  相似文献   

2005年6月,商业支付业务提供商Cardsystems遭遇一系列集团诉讼案件,案件宣称其未能充分保护40 000 000名客户的个人信息.VISA和American Express随即切断与Cardsystems的合作,最终导致Cardsystems业务面临崩溃,随后被其他公司收购.  相似文献   

We use two sets of customer satisfaction measures obtained from a homebuilding company to examine the effect of measurement timing on the association between customer satisfaction measures and future financial performance. The research site employs two separate consulting firms that measure customer satisfaction at different times from the same homebuyer population. A national consulting firm captures customer satisfaction at a fixed time in the year following purchase (the “NF” measure), whereas an industry-focused, boutique consulting firm captures customer satisfaction at three specific points in time (30 days, 5 months, 11 months) after purchase (the “BF” measures). We analyze data for the period 2002–2004 and have the following findings: first, customers’ satisfaction varies over a homebuyer's consumption period. Comparing across the three BF measures, we find that on average a homebuyer is most satisfied 30 days after purchase and least satisfied 11 months after purchase. Second, we compare the NF measure with the BF measures and find significant differences in their predictive abilities for future financial performance. The BF measures are significant leading indicators of future financial performance, as measured by higher revenues and profits and lower warranty costs, but the NF measure is not. Additional analyses indicate that the relatively higher predictive ability of the BF measures is due to the more precise timing of those measures, rather than differences in measurement content. Finally, we find that the point of diminishing returns to improvements in customer satisfaction varies across customer satisfaction measures obtained at different points in the consumption period. We conclude that timing has a significant impact on the information content of customer satisfaction measures, at least for goods and services that are consumed over extended period of time.  相似文献   

The concept of the customer exercising market power to obtain the desired combination of attributes in terms of price and quality of the product to be purchased has been integral to the Conservative Government's justification of privatization. However the practical import of giving effect to customer sovereignty was problematic if it was not accompanied by an increase in competition and choice for customers. This is particularly true of the recently privatized Water industry, where the monopoly character of the industry has remained unaltered. To give effect to its claims that customers would benefit, and to prevent overcharging and to protect standards of service, the Government had to introduce a new regulatory system operated by the Office of Water Services (Ofwat). In pursuing these objectives the Director General of Ofwat has stated that his aim is to secure for the customer a place that he/she would have were the companies operating in a competitive market. This paper, drawing on Miller and Rose's analysis of Governing economic life, examines the attempts that have been made to give effect to this “place for customers”. In doing so much of the analysis focuses on exploring how notions of “the customer”, and “customer service”, have been constructed through new forms of accounting and accountability, and how this new accounting for customer service has enabled the concept of “the customer” to be made operational within the newly privatized Water plcs, even though their monopoly status has remained unaltered. Central to this has been Ofwat's determination of performance indicators on levels of service to customers, its measurement of company performance against these indicators, and assessments based on these measures of companies' success in “serving customers”. The paper seeks to demonstrate how these new accounts of organizational performance required of the Water plcs by Ofwat have only been made possible by rendering “customer service” a calculable and comparable entity. The paper also looks at some of the ways in which this accounting for customer service has been incorporated into other accounts of managerial and organizational performance.  相似文献   

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