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国土资源管理基础知识(四)●地下资源是指地下有经济价值的埋藏物,相对于土地、地表水及植被等分布于地表的资源,主要包括矿藏、地热和地下水等。地下资源是支持人类社会经济发展的重要自然资源,随着科学技术的进步,人们正日益扩大对地下资源的利用范围和提高其利用...  相似文献   

产权是资产所有权及其派生的众多经济权力。建立合理的产权制度,明确产权主体,体现产权利益,直接关系到经济活动的效益。长期以来林业产权作为一种特殊的产权形态,其意义未得到充分的重视,产权概念模糊,严重影响了营造林效益、资源管理与保护以及农民群众植树造林的积极性,制约了林业的发展与改革的深入。 近年来在江苏一些地方广大基层干部和农民群众积极大胆地探索林业产权制度改革,将林地的所有权与使用权分离,在保持林地国家和集体所有权不变的前提下,将使用权交给那些能够和善于经营的主体,调动其积极性,促进了林业资源的…  相似文献   

农业技术产权实施的模式选择与保障措施   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文以农业技术市场化为背景,以产权明晰为宗旨,分析农业技术产权的所有权、使用权、收益权和处置权四维权能结构和排他性、可分解性、有限性、可交易性、易逝性等产权属性,指出农业技术产权实施和保护的特殊性及其重要性。本文通过典型案例调查,概括出农业技术产权商品化和资本化的两种实施类型,归纳出农业技术产权受让人实施、被许可使用农业技术产权人实施、农业技术产权持有人与他人合作实施、农业技术产权持有人自行实施、以农业技术产权作价入股设立有限责任公司实施和股份有限公司实施六种具体实施模式,并分析了中国农业技术产权实施中存在的问题及其原因,在此基础上提出了加快农业技术产权实施转化的保障措施。  相似文献   

本文概述了前苏联解体后,俄罗斯矿物原料基地的现状和发展趋势。阐述了俄罗斯矿物原料开采及其矿产品的一般情况;涉及到了地下资源国家管理的有关政策问题;分析了俄罗斯联邦在世界矿业中的地位。  相似文献   

国家与产权之间的关系,对于转型经济尤为重要,本文力图阐明国家行为对产权结构的影响。作者不完全契约理论来讨论国家保护产权排他性的条件,作者设定国家处于一个联盟博弈之中,保护产权的排他性实际就是与某一方当事人组成联盟。这个联盟博弈最终说明国家保护产权排他性仍然是出于自利的动机。最后,本文把以上的讨论应用于村民自治,对在基层民主建设进程当中的国家行为做出一个产权解释。国家积极推进村民自治实际上是与农户组成一个联合,以对抗基层乡镇县级政府侵犯农户产权。  相似文献   

上海产权市场及其培育潘旋昌,姚锦清,王学仁,赵义怀上海按照“先一步”的发展战略,率先建立现代企业制度。因此,积极培育产权市场具有十分重要的意义。一、产权与产权市场何为产权?产权是指人们(主体)围绕财产(客体)而建立的经济权利关系,它是一组权利或一个权...  相似文献   

上海产权市场的探索与发展趋势许学武上海城乡产权交易所自1994年1月1日经上海市人民政府批准组建,当年4月20日投入试运作以来,已成为上海第一家规范运作与全国产权市场联网的产交所。到1995年5月31日止,上海产交所先后发布了14个企业产权出让、收购...  相似文献   

农村小型水利工程产权制度改革探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
刘晓玲  张兵 《水利经济》2004,22(6):53-56
围绕江苏省农村小型水利工程开发实际,从产权理论视角,运用制度分析的方法探索农村小型水利工程产权改制的情况,通过小型水利改制,为农村水利建设与管理注入新活力,以产权换资金,从而建立适应市场机制的农村小型水利工程产权管理机制,并以此为江苏农村小型水利工程产权制度的构建与管理方法的选择提供分析框架与操作指导。  相似文献   

本文从人力资本产权的界定出发,分析目前学术界在探讨“可分离论”与“不可分离论”时存在的误区,指出人力资本产权包括所有权在内的各项具体权能与其载体都是可分离的。由于人力资本投资主体的多元化和人力资本产权的特性,试图明确界定人力资本产权的各项权能几乎是徒劳的。明晰人力资本产权的重点不是产权权能的划分,而是个人、企业、国家分别占有人力资本产权的侧重点,以及其行使人力资本产权的方式。  相似文献   

转让产权焕发了企业生机———江苏省东海县黄川镇企业改制情况调查与思考●高凤龙朱新山江苏省东海县黄川镇在企业改制中大胆探索,转让、拍卖企业产权,不仅使集体资产升了值,还盘活了存量资产,给企业带来了生机。一、转让企业产权的做法和效果黄川镇原有镇属企业19...  相似文献   

With the booming development of urban underground space in China, “fuzzy” property rights of this special form of land use type are not only the cause of ownership disputation and registration chaos, but also may seriously delay the undertaking of related underground land laws or regulations. China's emerging property rights issue of urban underground space, especially the delimitation of the surface and ground or underground, is facing such a challenge. This article aims to identify the property rights of urban underground space by using a practical method that classifies the underground space as economic goods, and to analyze attributes of different property rights of urban underground space within the theoretical framework of public goods. We use civil defense projects and underground parking lots as case studies. Both case studies are the most utilized types and controversial ownership cases of urban underground space in present China. Our case studies indicate that it is a feasible method to avoid the delimitation of the start-stop height of 3D property right vertically, and directly define the attributes of surface and underground property rights in line with the supply mode of goods. Our results show that the method proposed in this study can effectively solve the dispute of property rights against problems rising with unclear contract and lags in the legislation of urban underground space and clearly delimited the interests boundaries among different parties of property rights for urban underground space. Ultimately, this study may offer better insight into the utilization and registration work of urban underground space in China as well as reference for countries with similar property rights issues.  相似文献   

研究目的:研究不同类别地下空间的物品属性,在此基础上建立其权利结构,为完善地下空间利用立法提供借鉴。研究方法:文献资料法和比较分析法。研究结果:地下空间在功能区分和时间维度上呈公共物品到私人物品的连续性特点,地下空间权利内涵包括所有权、使用权(地上权和役权)。研究结论:修改和完善相关法律法规,引入空间权制度,建立完善的地下空间权利制度。  相似文献   

This study examines the evolutionary process of land tenure systems in Uganda from communal to private ownership with a special attention to the role of rural-to-rural migration as a key driving force. By tracing migration patterns using unique longitudinal household survey data containing detailed information on land tenure and migration history, we found that immigrant-dominated communities have a higher incidence of private land ownership even after controlling for population density and market access. We also found that land markets are more active in immigrant-dominated communities and that private land ownership results in higher agricultural productivity.  相似文献   

《Land use policy》1988,5(1):121-129
A series of US Congressional acts have delineated land ownership patterns in Alaska, with the resultant emergence of three principal landowners, the state of Alaska, the US government, and native peoples of the region. Rather than resolving long-term land conflicts, these ownership patterns have generated new controversies. The author presents an historical overview of land policy in Alaska, discusses current land ownership, and describes some of the resulting problems to date. The article concludes with some observations on possible future land use policy scenarios.  相似文献   

The first part of this review examines what is meant by ‘urban land and property’ (ULP) and looks at the background of ULP in the light of trends in UK urban areas over the past 50 years.Key conceptual approaches to the ULP ‘ownership issue’ are identified, together with the constraints to empirical analysis, which include a lack of data and patchy and inconsistent datasets. Three main components of ULP ownership in the UK are then examined using published data on commercial property, residential property and urban land, including ‘previously developed land’ (PDL) and ‘development land, covering both the private and public sectors.The review examines past trends in ULP ownership patterns in these sectors within the UK, and the key drivers which have created the present day patterns of ULP ownership. It concludes by identifying possible future trends in ULP ownership over the next 50 years to 2060 in the three main ULP sectors.  相似文献   

The overall aim of the present paper is to better understand the evolution of tubewell ownership in the North China Plain, especially focusing on the factors that determine ownership and its effect on production. Based on a random sample of 30 villages in three counties in the Hai River Basin, our results show that collectively owned tubewells have been gradually privatised. The analyses demonstrate that increasing water and land scarcity and policy intervention (mainly fiscal and financial subsidies for tubewell investment) leads to the observed shifts in tubewell ownership patterns. The results also show that the privatisation of tubewells has affected cropping patterns in the North China Plain. When villages shift towards private tubewells, farmers move into more water‐sensitive and high‐value crops. Privatisation, however, has no negative effect on crop productivity in the present sample. Importantly, the evolution of tubewell ownership in the villages studied does not accelerate the fall of the groundwater table.  相似文献   

不同于一般的农地制度创新,沿海农村的土地制度变迁属于集体经营性建设用地的范畴,其核心是土地开发权的界定问题。乡村工业化既推动了土地开发权从国家向集体转移,也影响了这一权利的配置方向。本文研究发现,不同乡村工业化模式形塑出不同的土地制度,珠三角的外资充裕型、苏南的外资竞争型、浙江的内生资本稀缺型工业化模式,分别产生了保护股民利益的土地共有制,强调政府统筹能力的土地集体所有制与有利内生资本积累的"公有私占"的土地制度类型,三者都在一定程度上推动了区域性工业生产要素的优化配置。这表明,评价土地制度的绩效,必须着重考虑具体的工业化模式。当前,中国正处于全球资本竞争与产业升级的重要时期,仍然需要发挥土地集体所有制统筹土地开发权的优势,为建立服务于工业发展的高水平公共服务体系提供保障,同时,也应当加强土地的再分配功能,保护农民共享经济发展成果的权利,提高土地集体所有制的制度合法性。  相似文献   

研究目的:依据《物权法》对地上、地下空间权利区分设立,以明晰权属、准确登记。研究方法:借鉴建筑物区分所有权的理念,通过楼面地价充分体现土地价值,建立专有部分使用权与成员权的复合型法律关系,用建筑面积与高程的组合,构建区分建设用地使用权。研究结果:通过分析与建筑物区分所有权、建筑用地使用权的关系,明析区分建设用地使用权的地位。通过对地籍调查方法的细化,解决区分建设用地使用权实际操作中的问题并举例说明。研究结论:区分建设用地使用权的提出对地上、地下空间权利的设立填补了实际操作中的空白,与现在的法律法规、国家标准紧密衔接,对研究土地空间利用的不动产管理问题具有积极探索的意义。  相似文献   

The broad pattern of rural land ownership exhibits quite modest change over the past 30 years, but this impression is misleading. It understates substantial changes in property rights, evidence of which is not readily available from published statistics. These changes reflect the growing urbanisation of the countryside, which has required owners to pay more attention to consumption interests, sometimes at the expense of traditional agricultural and forestry interests, which in turn have experienced mixed fortunes. Rural land is expected to supply, and is increasingly valued in terms of, multiple goods and services.Major trends in ownership, occupancy and land prices are reviewed, noting that the divisibility and flexibility of the bundle of rights which constitute ownership have allowed holders to respond to urban pressures and farming difficulties with practices including short-term leasing, contracting, supplying life-style residential properties and accommodating increased environmental regulation. But linking land use to land ownership type is difficult, not least because there are many other drivers of land-use change. Moreover, local and individual circumstances are now more significant than in the past, not least the ageing occupational structure of farming. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of some of the political, economic and environmental drivers that may affect future land ownership patterns.  相似文献   

Tracking farmland purchases is central to interpreting transnational finance's growing power in agrarian restructuring. Australia's public Register of foreign land ownership reveals little about agrarian change, however. In presenting the first comprehensive mapping of farmland purchases made between 2008 and 2020, this paper examines the ways that financial investments are altering farm ownership patterns in Australia. First, we show that most foreign owned land has been purchased by only 10 pastoral companies, which are implicated in speculative development activities. Second, foreign investment in cropping and horticulture is more significant than it appears in the Register, with investments in agricultural infrastructure increasingly driving land use change. Third, we illustrate the deepening entrenchment of institutional finance. By engaging with the findings from our dataset as well as with the politics of data that have shaped the availability of information, the paper progresses understandings of the financialization of farmland in both its material and ideational aspects.  相似文献   

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