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Subsidizing rent-seeking: Antidumping protection and the Byrd Amendment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper argues that a recent U.S. law, which distributes the tariff revenue resulting from successful antidumping petitions to firms that supported the petitions, increases the amount of antidumping protection requested by U.S. firms in two ways. First, by increasing the total benefits accruing to industries filing successful petitions, the law subsidizes rent-seeking. Second, by awarding these subsidies only to those firms that actively support the petition, it mitigates the free rider problem traditionally associated with collective actions. Empirical results provide strong evidence that industries have filed more antidumping petitions under the new law. Moreover, the average proportion of firms in the industry filing these petitions increased under the law, suggesting that the law at least partially alleviates free riding incentives.  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to identify industries filing successful petitions in good times according to demand, capacity utilization, concentration, and import-penetration ratio under the U.S. antidumping procedures and using U.S. data. Good times means that the domestic industry is facing increasing consumption prior to filing. This article examines: (a) the relation between the dumping estimates and the conditions facing the petitioning industry prior to filing; (b) the relation between the dumping estimates and the outcome of the petitions; and (c) the factors affecting the probability of filing, the dumping estimates, and the probability of success of a petition. The decision to file and the probability of success of petitions are estimated using univariate probit and a bivariate probit model with sample selection. The dumping estimates are analyzed using a Tobit model. The primary metal products and the stone and concrete industries are also analyzed separately. The empirical analysis indicates that the import-penetration ratio, capacity utilization, and the dumping estimates by the Department of Commerce (DOC) are the significant factors in explaining the outcome of the petitions. The import penetration ratio, the concentration level, and the interaction of concentration and capacity utilization are the significant factors in explaining the decision to file. The analysis shows that in case of high-capacity utilization (proxy for high demand), less concentrated industries are more likely to file, but highly concentrated industries are more likely to receive protection. The results also show that the level of concentration of the petitioning industry, import-penetration, and the dumping estimates provided by the petitioning industries explain the dumping margins estimated by the DOC as the basis for the antidumping duty. This suggests that the relief or protection that the petitioning industry receives may not entirely be based on technical standards.  相似文献   

In light of the political debate on offshore outsourcing, this article examines firm financial characteristics associated with the probability of being identified as an outsourcer. In a sample of S&P 500 firms, we find that firms identified as outsourcers operate in more competitive industries and have relatively worse operating performance, higher administrative overhead, and higher labor overhead. These firm characteristics are consistent with cost-cutting objectives and the need to respond to competitive pressures. We find that the need to lower labor costs is a significant determinant of manufacturing firms locating operations overseas, while lowering administrative overhead influences service firms' outsourcing decisions. From a policy perspective, our results suggest that the political pressure to limit firms' ability to offshore outsource will likely reduce their flexibility to respond to operating and competitive challenges.  相似文献   

As an indicator of ‘material injury’ in antidumping petitions, companies often claim plant closings have been caused by unfairly‐traded imports or threaten plant closings if no relief is provided. This paper analyzes a sample of 91 companies involved in US antidumping proceedings in the 2002 to 2005 period to examine the determinants of plant closing activity with particular emphasis on the role of the antidumping process in the timing of plant closing announcements. We find that larger firms and firms in declining sectors are more likely to close plants, and that the prize of Byrd Amendment funds may help keep plants in operation (especially for smaller firms for whom these funds are likely to be more important). However, there does not appear to be a consistent and significant relationship between antidumping petitions and the timing of plant closings.  相似文献   

Various advocacy groups and primarily domestic-focused firms in developed countries have been pushing governments to include a "social clause" in trade treaties with less developed countries. Such a clause is designed to link trading access to markets in developed countries with improvements in working conditions in poor nations. The implications of such a clause for internationally-focused firms and how managers can effectively deal with human rights issues in their foreign operations are examined. Various constituencies in this debate are identified and an integrated response system on the part of firms is presented. It is suggested that the best policy for firms to adopt would be to acknowledge the relevance of the social clause in today's global economy and work closely with the various advocacy groups to ensure continuing public support while avoiding overly restrictive clauses in international trading agreements.  相似文献   

The paper reviews, first, Uganda's economic policies affecting the industrial sector and analyses the international competitiveness of Uganda's manufacturing industries, using a sample of 21 firms in 12 industries. It computes indices of comparative advantage, export and domestic competitiveness and compares the Ugandan indicators with those of Kenyan firms. It also identifies the main sources and obstacles to competitiveness using a decomposition method, which breaks the unit cost indices down into their main components. The study is timely as Uganda is re-establishing a free trade zone with Kenya and Tanzania, and also faces liberalized trade with the rest of the world. The numerical results of the study suggest that Ugandan firms, although not generally cost-competitive with Kenyan and other international firms, due to the country's land-locked geography and its de-industrialization under the preceding political regimes, have benefited from a recently established business-friendly environment and are more competitive in several industries than is generally assumed. This means that they may not be able to export internationally, but they are likely to hold their ground against Kenyan imports under regional free trade.  相似文献   

This paper examines how bank lending decisions are affected either by executives’ connections with banks, through their former banking experience, or by their political connections with governments, using a sample of bank loans granted to Chinese listed non‐state‐owned enterprises (SOEs) from 2003 to 2010. We find that bank loans are more closely related to profitability for firms with bank connections, while firms’ political connections weaken this relationship. We further find that the influence of bank connections is more significant for firms from less supported industries or less developed regions. Furthermore, firms with bank connections are less likely to become financially distressed after the initiation of their bank loans and experience higher future stock returns, while firms with political connections experience the opposite outcome. Overall, our results indicate that in the context of a relationship‐based economy like China, firms’ connections with banks create value by alleviating information asymmetry and improving banks’ lending decisions, while political connections result in capital misallocation and subsequent deterioration in performance.  相似文献   

After widespread privatization in the 1990s, the early 2000s witnessed the reemergence and consolidation of state owned industries in the postsocialist states of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). To counter views that state owned industries have largely disappeared from postsocialist CEE due to extensive privatization, the paper demonstrates the continued economic significance of state owned industries across the region. The paper then offers a typology of state-firm relations and highlights differences in empirical cases of large state-owned firms that have emerged in the region, distinguishing between market-oriented and politicized firms. Finally, the paper develops a comparative, macro-level processual analysis accounting for the institutional and political factors that explain why some postsocialist states have developed state-owned industries that operate successfully in competitive markets while others have developed highly politicized state-controlled firm. It finds that political factors are what chiefly account for the emergence of successful state sectors in the region.  相似文献   

Numerous historians of deindustrialization argue that industrieswent into decline because established manufacturers moved productionto cheaper locales to escape unions and high wages. A differentpattern of decline occurred in the New England cotton textileindustry, where downsizing began in the 1920s. Rather than fleeingtheir home area to build facilities elsewhere, most New Englandmanufacturers were driven out of business by lower-cost competitorsin the American South. Southerners founded, managed, and financeda heavy majority of the textile companies in their region. Althoughsome New England firms did set up Southern plants, this wasa defensive reaction to changing market realities. New competitorshave brought about deindustrialization in other core U.S. industries.Recognizing this trend is important for a full understandingof the political economy of modern capitalism.  相似文献   

The structure of protection across sectors has been interpreted as the result of competition among lobbies to influence politicians, but lobbies have been treated as unitary decision makers and little attention has been devoted to the importance of individual firms in this process. This paper builds a model where individual firms determine the amount of resources to allocate to political contributions and shows that, in the presence of a fixed cost of channeling political contributions, it is efficient for a lobby to be formed by the largest firms in a sector. Therefore the size distribution of firms plays an important role: sectors with a higher share of firms above a given size exhibit higher intensity of political activity. This prediction is borne out by the data: industries characterized by higher firm size dispersion obtain a higher level of protection. The model is also tested against the leading ‘Protection for Sale’ paradigm, employing a newly matched data set on firm-level political contributions. The empirical evidence shows that, accounting for individual firm behavior, the model explains a larger fraction of the variation of protection across sectors.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of political embeddedness and media positioning on corporate social responsibility (CSR). Using a sample of Chinese listed firms from 2009–2017, we provide evidence that firms with political embeddedness from the perspectives of both government ownership and managerial political connection (PC) perform more CSR than other firms, but their motivations for doing so are different. Employing media positioning, we find that firms controlled by the government conduct less CSR when they receive more positive media reporting, indicating that this is a firm's passive choice due to political pressure; and firms with PC are incentivized by negative media reporting to conduct more CSR, indicating an active choice to maintain political legitimacy. This association is robust to different media positioning measurements and endogeneity checks. Additional analyses show that this relationship is more pronounced in central government-controlled firms and regionally politically connected firms; in firms that disclose CSR reports voluntarily; and in the environment where CSR are more valued (following the 2012 national Anti-corruption Campaign and in provinces with higher levels of marketization). Overall, our study suggests that media positioning can help to identify the motivation for conducting CSR.  相似文献   

Competition can be good or bad for innovation by firms. On the one hand it stimulates firms to innovate in order to escape competition, on the other hand it hampers firms to reap additional profits from innovation. The recent literature has embraced a model that describes an inverted-U shape relationship between competition and innovation at the industry-level. With the Price Cost Margin and Profit Elasticity as measures of competition, we find evidence supporting this prediction using industry data from the Dutch National Accounts. Moreover, we test the non-linear relation at the micro-level, with special attention for the role of the distribution of technology within industries. We find evidence that there is a threshold for this ‘technology spread’ at which the (marginal) effect of competition on innovation activity by firms turns from positive to negative.  相似文献   

We develop a general equilibrium model with heterogeneous firms to address two sets of questions: (1) what are the characteristics of firms that choose the various modes of foreign market access (exporting, greenfield FDI, and cross-border M&A), and (2) how does the international organization of production vary across industries and country-pairs? We show that the answers to these questions depend on the nature of firm heterogeneity. Depending on whether firms differ in their mobile or immobile capabilities, cross-border mergers involve the most or the least efficient active firms. The comparative statics on industry and country characteristics display a similar dichotomy.  相似文献   

This paper documents how productivity varies with globalization modes, based on a firm-level data set covering all manufacturing industries in Japan without any firm-size threshold. Only a small fraction of firms outsource, export, or invest abroad. Foreign outsourcers and exporters tend to be less productive than the firms active in FDI or in multiple globalization modes but more productive than domestic firms. This productivity ordering is robust even when firm size, factor intensity, and/or industry are controlled for. This paper also finds that outsourcers are on average less capital intensive than other globalized firms.  相似文献   

Technological convergence is changing the division of industries from vertical to horizontal; it has also made user participation easier in information and communication technology industries. To understand this situation, it is necessary to identify the causes of successful innovation. In this research, factors affecting successful innovation by mobile and Internet contents firms were tested from the viewpoint of user-involved innovation. The results show that active user participation in the innovation development process is very important. In addition to being useful to firms, this study points out the need for policies that support users to policy makers.  相似文献   

In the United States, there is evidence that domestic non-filing firms do not always support dumping/countervailing duty investigations. Absent other factors, domestic firms have an unambiguous incentive to support petitions filed by other domestic producers. We argue that in cases where the non-complainant firm is not a significant importer or exporter, the most plausible explanation is that non-support acts as a costly signal of private information. Extending the model to allow firms to engage in cheap talk, such signaling can take place even in the absence of an investigation. This result provides an explanation for the puzzling observation that fewer antidumping investigations are filed than one would expect.  相似文献   

This paper examines the location decision of foreign investors in Canada. Their motives are surveyed on the country level and on the regional level. The results on the national characteristics are comparable to previous studies; firm motivations are directly related to profitability concerns. We do note that there are some differences across industries and country of origin, but not by competitive advantage. When choosing a specific location within Canada, firms seek to be in close proximity to customers. The analysis further indicates that cost of production is an overriding concern independent of how the data are analyzed. These costs are apparent in an ex post facto evaluation of the investment. Firms investing in Canada see taxes and political stability as overriding concerns.  相似文献   

To explore the motivations underpinning corporate social responsibility (CSR) decisions in China, a country characterized by extensive government intervention, this paper investigates whether building a good relationship with the government is a political incentive that is driving firms to conduct CSR by examining the effects of political connections on the latter. Our results indicate that politically connected firms exhibit better CSR. However, the effect is considerably more significant for firms with existing political relationships. Additionally, findings show that the effect is more prominent in firms for which political connections are more valuable, namely, non‐state‐owned enterprises, small firms, and firms operating in less market‐oriented cities, indicating that CSR can serve as a differentiation strategy to compete against other bidders. Dividing CSR activities into economic, environmental and social aspects, we find that the social‐based activities are more likely to be driven by political motivations. By categorizing CSR and political connections, this paper not only expands the scope of political CSR and renders the generated results that have been mixed together more distinguishable, but also provides a more precise understanding of the fundamental drivers of CSR in China from the perspective of resource exchange.  相似文献   

Is protection for sale? In this research, we examine the effect of corporate lobbying on the disbursement of proceeds of the recent antidumping petitions under the Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act, the so-called Byrd amendment. With the use of novel U.S. Customs Service data on the disbursements of the antidumping duties to the injured firms, we find that the petitioning firms that spend more on lobbying gain larger proceeds. We conclude that firms that lobby are the ones that get protection, not necessarily the healthy ones.  相似文献   

This paper explores the persistence of profitability and growth for firms operating in the Greek service sector, paying special attention to knowledge-intensive services (KIS) and knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). The generalized method of moments is used on a rich panel of firms over a recent nine-year period. Quantile regressions are complementarily applied for KIS and KIBS industries. The key results from both growth and profit dynamics suggest that firms in KIS and KIBS industries persistently outperform firms in less knowledge-intensive service industries, pointing to strategic advantages of the former. Importantly, KIS and KIBS seem to be able to sustain their growth and profitability persistent trends even in times of crisis. Further insight into these issues is provided by the quantile analysis, the exploration of the profitability and growth inter-linkages, and the investigation of differences among various size groups in KIS and KIBS.  相似文献   

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