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The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) took effect on January 1, 1994. The agreement is designed to reduce trade restrictions and enhance trade among Mexico, Canada, and the United States. The primary objective of this article is to examine and estimate the impact of NAFTA on the trade between Mexico and the United States. The data from 1989 to 1998 were used to estimate the overall trade as well as trade in three important products. The trade statistics were divided into two time periods: 1989-1993, before NAFTA, and 1994-1998, after NAFTA. The regression analysis and statistical t-test were employed to determine whether there were significant differences in the dollar volume of trade between the two time periods. The analysis of the data demonstrates that the trade between the United States and Mexico was significantly larger after NAFTA, which could not be attributed to other factors. However, the effects of other factors were analyzed. The success of the NAFTA model may have future policy implications in forging a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) in the near future.  相似文献   

整整相隔10年,又一次踏上美国土地。旧地重游,已没有了当初的新奇和激动,多的却是几分冷静与思考。一路上有意无意地在想同一个问题,寻觅同一个答案:美国这10年来的变化。直至抵达旧金山,导游小严问我,你10年前来过美国,觉得它现在有什么变化?我脱口而出:好像没有什么变化。他说,对!一点没有变化。他的话一下子给了我所要寻觅的答案。  相似文献   

日前,国家统计局公布了今年第三季度我国的国内生产总值。数据显示,第三季度我国国内生产总值(GDP)增长9.1%,低于市场人士普遍预期,环比增幅为2.3%,略高于今年二季度的2.2%。值得关注的是,虽然前三季度GDP同比增长9.4%,但第三季度低于市场预期的增长  相似文献   

我国外商并购投资管理中的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聂名华 《国际贸易》2006,(11):55-59
随着我国对外开放程度不断提高,外商在华投资领域进一步拓宽,外商直接投资额连创新高。2002年外商在华实际直接投资额突破500亿美元大关,达到527.43美元;2004年突破600亿美元大关,达到606.30亿美元;2005年又突破700亿美元大关,达到724.06亿美元。截至2006年6月底,全国已累计批准设立外商投资企业572692家,实际利用外资存量已达6508.53亿美元。与其他发展中国家相比,中国所吸收的外商直接投资遥遥领先。  相似文献   

Significant economic activities in the Latin American and Caribbean countries (LACs) since the debt crisis of the early to mid-1980s have created opportunities for U.S. firms to expand their business presence in the region. This study provides evidence on the shareholders' wealth effects of expansion by U.S. firms into the LACs. Three hundred twenty-two announcements of expansion to the LACs by U.S. firms during 1980 1996 are analyzed using event study methodology. Statistically significant excess returns of 0.52 percent are observed for the average expansion. Analysis of subsamples by mode of expansion shows that announcements of both FDI and non-FDI forms of expansion produce positive significant excess re turns. Significant positive reactions are observed for expansion to Brazil. Cross-sectional regression results provide additional insights into the determinants of wealth effects for these announcements.  相似文献   

The formats and learning experiences employed in home management experience courses in U.S. colleges and universities have increased greatly in diversity in the past decade. Many resident courses have been terminated and replaced with nonresident courses, while others continue to be taught in non-traditional formats. The overall objective of this study is the assessment of home management experience course formats and learning activities in 1979–80. Other aspects of experience courses such as types of residences used, instructors, and majors for whom the courses are required, are also described. Current questions regarding the choice of experience course format and objectives are discussed.  相似文献   

华旗爱国者坚持自主创新,产业报国,与神六、神七全部由我国自主研发一脉相承,它的参与象征着中国高科技的腾飞与崛起,同时雄辩地证明:中国人不缺产品,缺的是品牌和自信。  相似文献   

近年来,欧盟企业在中国发展迅猛且势头强劲,本文主要从欧盟在华标志性企业出发,就两个方面对其进行了探讨:一方面是中国加入WTO后快速增长的国内市场给欧盟在华企业创造了巨大的商机;另一方面是欧盟企业成功地实施了本土化战略和并购战略。深入分析这两方面因素对国内政府和企业具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

股权分置改革,使非流通股东和流通股东的利益趋于一致,理顺了证券市场定价机制,形成新的公司价值评估体系,为完善公司治理结构奠定了坚实的基础。在后股权分置时代,随着管理层激励机制的建立,机构投资者逐步参与公司治理以及证券市场上日趋活跃的收购、兼并与重组,我国上市公司的治理效率必将得到提高。  相似文献   

对美国反倾销法法律规定及1995-1998年的反倾销实践的考察表明,美国现行反倾销法往往没有达到其所宣称的惩罚不公平定价行为的目的.首先,商务部认定低于公平价值销售存在的方法不能有效认定价格歧视的存在,其次,即使在它确实存在时,它也未必与外国政府造成的市场扭曲相联系.  相似文献   

欧盟成立后,统一了中小企业划分的标准。按欧盟标准,中小企业是指雇员人数在250人以下,年营业额在4000万欧元以下,所有者净资产在2700万欧元以下,有经济独立性,外人控制的股权不能超过25%的企业。  相似文献   

This article explains the extent of intra-industry trade (IIT) in Mexico's foreign trade, and tests empirically various country-specific hypotheses concerning the determinants of intra-industry trade between Mexico and its major trading partners. The results of the econometric analysis corroborate the predictions of the theoretical models. The results indicate that the extent of Mexican intra-industry trade is positively correlated with the average income levels, average country size, trade intensity, trade orientation, the existence of a common border, the existence of a common language, and the participation in regional integration schemes, while it is negatively correlated with income inequality, inequality in country size, distance, and trade imbalance.  相似文献   

This paper explores the possibility that booms and busts are endogenous with an econometric examination of the U.S. economy. Although existing empirical results suggest the contrary, a theoretical literature discounts the stability verdict on the grounds that it is based on linear econometric evidence which is unreliable when the underlying phenomenon is non-linear. We study a simple Keynesian cycle model which is theoretically general enough to include convergence to equilibrium or endogenous cycles as special cases. We find one particular nonlinear econometric specification which exhibits a limit cycle when estimated on postwar data, while the estimate of its global linear approximation converges to a fixed equilibrium. Our results are an empirical investigation of the boundary between stability and instability.  相似文献   

中美两国经贸关系,随着20多年前《中美贸易关系协定》的签定、相互给予最惠国待遇,迅速发展,贸易额连年增长。进一步推动中美两国的经贸发展,显然是符合两国人民根本利益的。在全球经济一体化的大背景下,在中国企业“走出去”呼声日高的今天,如何解读美国的投资环境?[编者按]  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to incorporate free entry into the Kaleckian model. To this end, we consider a model with monopolistic competition, mark‐up pricing and a free‐entry condition. Using this model, the Kaleckian model is unstable under a wage‐led growth regime, and it is stable under a profit‐led growth regime, when the interest rate is supposed to be constant. Stability under a wage‐led growth can be achieved if the interest rate is allowed to respond positively to capacity utilization. We also find that a goods market policy, but not an income distribution policy, is then effective from an economic growth perspective.  相似文献   

为了帮助企业走出去,参与经济全球化的进程,上海市贸促会每年组织越来越多的企业走出国门,在世界各地举办和参加近100个各类经贸展览会,帮助企业寻找商机,扩大经贸合作。怎样做一个成熟的参展商,每次海外参展都能接获订单,达到预期的效果?我们最近走访了长期参加上海贸促会组展的企业老总,与他们进行深谈。听听他们成功的“秘诀”,对一些初次走出去的企业将是很有教益的。  相似文献   

Firms manage a portfolio of different relationships within their supply chains. Because each relationship is unique, the context from which it develops is unique as well. Utilizing a qualitative study, this research explored the situational drivers that influence the magnitude of the relationship that firms develop. Eight drivers were identified: capabilities, expected benefits, external influence, history, importance, interpersonal interaction, performance, and strategy congruence. Theoretical and managerial implications and research opportunities are provided.  相似文献   

According to the statistics, China's total volume of foreign trade has exceeded 1 billion dollars in 2004. From 1997 to 2004, China began the Anti - Dumping investigation against the foreign products. Now, China is the world's biggest injured state of anti -dumping investigations. With the continuous come down of China's tariff, there are more and more dumping of foreign products in China. With increasingly severe anti - dumping lawsuits, we must be conscientious and make a good job of studying the basis of anti - dumping law and practice of the western countries, especially the USA. So that we can speed up the improve of China's anti - dumping legislation.  相似文献   

2012年的经济格局将呈现变化无常的态势。由于欧债问题凸显出欧元机制的内在缺陷,美国经济在企业修复资产负债表的瘦身行动和社会贫富差距扩大的矛盾中呈现出来的失业率居高不下的现象,以及当年处在世界制造  相似文献   

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