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An investigation of communication practices among U.S. (n s= 90) and Indian (n = 71) engineers and scientists employed in the aerospace industry revealed statistically significant differences between the two cultures. The differences may be attributed to Hofstede's (1980) cultural dimensions of individualism, uncertainty avoidance, and power distance; Hofstede and Bond's (1988) Confucian dynamism; and Hall's (1976) cultural context. Implications for practice address strategies to accommodate foreign cultures and to develop complementary approaches using the strengths of both cultures. Areas for future research are offered.  相似文献   

This article investigates how outward foreign direct investment by U.S. multinational corporations influences industry lobbying for trade protection in the United States, focusing on interindustry structure of goods sales networks between upstream and downstream sectors and also on the multinationals’ input procurement patterns. If foreign affiliates of U.S. multinationals switch input sources from U.S. to host-country suppliers, U.S. suppliers should receive a negative demand shock, ceteris paribus. An empirical test finds that those U.S. upstream sectors that are highly dependent upon U.S. multinationals for goods sales tend to lobby more as the multinationals’ overseas production and sales increase.  相似文献   

This paper examines the proposition that local nationals employed as (local) managers by foreign subsidiaries of multinational corporations have managerial attitutes which are generally between those of indigenous managers employed by domestic firms in both the parent and host countries. The evidence strongly suggests that the concept has validity, and that the organization attributes of capital, R&D, and marketing intensity influence the managerial attitudes of the three groups of managers and the differences among these attitudes.  相似文献   

We use a quantitative equilibrium model with houses, collateralized debt and foreign borrowing to study the impact of global imbalances on the U.S. economy in the 2000s. Our results suggest that the dynamics of foreign capital flows account for between one fourth and one third of the increase in U.S. house prices and household debt that preceded the financial crisis. The key to these findings is that the model generates the sustained low level of interest rates observed over that period.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of formal and informal business ties on foreign-subsidiary capability-building activities. Data from 175 foreign subsidiaries in the Philippines shows that formal business ties are negatively related to capability building, whereas informal business ties are positively related to capability building. The authors also find that foreign-subsidiary home country assertiveness positively affects the positive relationship between informal business ties and capability building. These results indicate that in an emerging market, foreign-subsidiary capability building varies by the type of business ties being employed by a foreign subsidiary and that home-country assertiveness influences these outcomes.  相似文献   

This study investigates what factors affect foreign manufacturing subsidaries' channel choice, that is, the selection between integrated channels and independent distributors for their products in the U.S. market. The results of a logit analysis with 172 foreign-owned subsidiaries as a sample show that the product's transaction-specific assets are the most important factor explaining the use of integrated channels. Additionally, sales size, the time the product has been on the market, and the experience of operating in the United States were found to be significant factors. However, the home country nationality does not appear to affect significantly the channel selection of a foreign firm in the U.S. market.  相似文献   

1993年开始越南对外贸易发展迅速,但也存在一些问题,如贸易连年逆差、市场过于集中以及出口商品层次低等。越南是东盟和亚太经合组织成员,这两个国际经济组织也在一定程度上促进了越南对外贸易的发展,但是其影响力发生了不同的变化。  相似文献   

What influences foreign plaintiffs’ likelihood of winning intellectual property rights (IPR) lawsuits in an emerging economy such as China? From an institution-based view, prior scholarly debate presents two competing perspectives on the evolving IPR regime in China, focusing on the incentives of internal development and the pressures of external legitimacy respectively. We integrate these two perspectives to examine the effects of regional research and development (R&D) investment on the likelihood of foreign plaintiffs winning IPR lawsuits. We identify a direct effect reflecting the evolving economic incentives of host regions, and two mediating pathways that correspond to the legal strategies employed by foreign plaintiffs to apply external legitimacy pressure on host region legal institutions. Our analyses of a sample of 1103 IPR disputes between foreign plaintiffs and local defendants in Chinese courts from 2008 to 2017 provide support to our arguments.  相似文献   

This paper provides estimates of elasticities of substitution between domestic and imported goods for 40 4-digit S.I.C. food manufacturing industries and explains the inter-industry differences among these coefficients in terms of industry sectoral characteristics. The results show that there is a wide range of variation among such elasticities and that the intensity of each industrys percentage of output sold to final consumers, foreign direct investment, expenditures on advertising and the existence of import quotas affect the degree of substitutability between domestic and foreign goods in the face of a relative price change.  相似文献   

In April 2007, Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA) issued debt for USD 7.5 billion, the largest debt offering to date by a Latin American company. The conditions surrounding this issue, which was denominated and tradable in dollars, but payable in bolivars, were quite special, particularly when considering the strict foreign exchange control system put into place by the Venezuelan government in 2003. The fact that the bond issue attempted to fulfill the dual purpose of offering dollars to local companies and investors in the midst of prevailing exchange rate controls, while helping to finance PDVSA as a company, creates a unique dilemma that is ideal for class discussion. This teaching case provides the information necessary for estimating and proposing a price for PDVSA's bond offer.  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates how cross-country differences in the quality of human capital, as they are captured by the conventional measures of international test score differences, influences the patterns of foreign direct investment. Using panel data covering 32 countries during the period between 1985 and 2004, this paper finds that a host country's quality of educational attainment plays an independent role in attracting foreign direct investment. In particular, the quality of human capital influences horizontal foreign direct investment, even after accounting for the roles of skill and factor endowments, trade costs, investment costs, and country-size and income effects.  相似文献   

This study attempts to explain theoretically and empirically the influence of developed and developing countries’ environments on foreign direct investment from the United States. It is postulated that foreign direct investment into these economies can be explained by examining interactions among three environmental constructs: technological development, quality of life, and political instability. A structural equation model is developed to test the concurrent and longitudinal influence of the three environmental constructs on foreign direct investment into these economies from the United States.  相似文献   


U.S. organizations are experiencing dramatic growth from the North American Free Trade Agreement. Companies that operate across the Mexican border must decide to either relocate currently employed personnel or to hire foreign nationals to staff positions. Since many cultural differences exist between the United States and Mexico, the use of “culture-pins,” or bicultural people who bridge value differences, may facilitate success in these operations. Consequently, this paper proposes that U.S. firms located in Mexico should recruit and retain Mexican Americans.


Las corporaciones mexicanas y estadounidenses están creciendo dramáticamente como resultado directo del NAFTA. Las empresas que operan del otro lado de estas fronteras, debe decidir si desean trasladar a sus gerentes y trabajadores o contratar nacionales extranjeros para ocupar estos cargos. Este documento presupone que los iucomodines-culturalesl., o personas biculturales que pueden cruzar el puente de las diferencias culturales, son necesarios para asegurar el éxito de NAFTA y contribuir, brindando una inventaja competitivalc a las compañías participantes. La propuesta de este artículo es que las empresas estadounidenses que operan dentro de México se beneficiarían reclutando y entrenando mexicanos-norteamericanos para aumentar su fuerza de trabajo local.


As empresas mexicanas e americanas têm experimentado um crescimento diretamente relacionado à NAFTA. As empresas, que operam dentro destas fronteiras, devem decidir entre realocar os gerentes atuais contratados ou contratar estrangeiros para ocupar cargos disponíveis. Pretende-se, através deste estudo, mostrar que pessoas com ambas as culturas, capazes de superar as diferenças culturais, são essenciais para o sucesso da NAFTA e contribuem para a vantagem competitiva das empresas envolvidas. Este trabalho prop[otilde]e que as firmas americanas, atuando no México, seriam beneficiadas, se recrutassem e treinassem americanos, de origem mexicana, para aumentar a sua força de trabalho no México.  相似文献   

A by-product of the Watergate investigations into illegal political contributions and money-laundering was the revelation that American corporations had been making questionable payments to foreign officials to gain business advantages. That discovery was the driving force behind passage of the FCPA in 1977. Many since have complained that the law put American firms at a disadvantage in international trade. This paper assesses the credibility of that claim, as well as exploring the socioeconomic implications of corruption in a world of intensifying international competition. Based on the literature review, examination of international trade data and intensive interviews with foreign firms doing business in Nigeria, the paper reaches the following conclusions:1. Enforcement of FCPA has waxed and waned, but there is no evidence that its enforcement has impeded the growth of U.S. trade. In fact, trade with countries previously considered "bribe prone" has out-paced the growth of trade with non-bribe-prone countries, despite FCPA.2. Those American corporations which, in the past, were guilty of international bribery did so as a short-cut when adherence to time-honored ethics could have accomplished the same or better results.3. The "Storehouse of Knowledge" maintained by successful firms has been far more influential in promoting exports than any questionable payments they might be tempted to make.4. In most of the questionable payments investigated, American corporations had indulged in bribery to gain a competitive edge over other U.S. firms rather than foreign ones.5. Whatever the result, international bribery is inherently wrong for the same reason that domestic bribery is wrong.Despite criticism of it, FCPA has benefitted honest U.S. firms by reducing unfair competition among other American firms which comprise about 80 percent of the world's true multinationals. For multinationals to function in anything other than a transparent manner would be to impede the spread of democratic governments and market economies worldwide.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的加深,越来越多的跨国公司通过对外直接投资向海外销售产品和服务的方式来获取收益。传统的贸易余额没有包含对外直接投资收入。本文指出与传统的贸易余额相比,加入对外直接投资净收入的贸易收入余额更能反映当今一国的对外贸易状况及国家间的经济利益,用贸易收入余额衡量的美国贸易逆差和中国贸易顺差将大幅减少,中美贸易收入逆差将使中美贸易逆差小幅下降。  相似文献   

This study examines whether auditor realignments and voluntary Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Section 404 adoption are associated with the remediation of internal control material weaknesses (ICMWs) in the case of U.S.-listed foreign companies. Furthermore, we investigate whether the results are driven by the home country’s legal systems. Using a sample of 266 U.S.-listed foreign firm-year observations reporting ICMWs, we found that firms engaging new auditors are more likely to remediate their ICMWs effectively in the subsequent year. Furthermore, we found that firms in the voluntary adoption period are less likely to solve internal control problems and that ICMW remediation significantly improved earnings quality. However, our results hold only for firms from common-law countries. This study provides evidence to academics that auditor realignment can serve as a functional change by which U.S.-listed foreign companies can remediate their ICMWs. Furthermore, this paper extends earlier cross-country research and suggests that country institutional differences affect the internal control reporting behavior of auditors and the effect of ICMW remediation on earnings quality.  相似文献   

Research has shown that consumers have a preference for goods based on the origin of production. This is important because it suggests that, in some cases, even lowering trade barriers may not significantly increase trade flows. In particular, flows may be lower than are predicted by trade theories such as Heckscher-Ohlin. Despite evidence that home consumption bias exists in many countries, it is only recently that research has begun to examine the sources of this bias.

This article fills a gap in the literature by testing a model that addresses the source of this consumption bias. The paper's model incorporates consumers' exposure to foreign products and culture through media imports and tourist visits as factors affecting consumers' preferences for foreign products. Using panel data from 19 countries, the article's results support the hypothesis that lagged exports of U.S. movies have a positive impact on other U.S. exports. Some evidence is also found of a positive effect of tourist visits on U.S. exports.

Since U.S. media exports may generate demand for other U.S. goods and services, opening up foreign media markets should receive a higher priority in U.S. trade negotiations. Another interesting implication of the paper is that overall U.S. export losses resulting from media piracy may be lower than previously calculated, as the consumption of pirated media products may increase demand for other U.S. exports.  相似文献   

Taking a longitudinal approach, we analyze how the evolution of different dimensions of social capital between an SME (Small and Medium enterprise) and its key foreign customers directly influences the firm’s foreign performance growth. Moreover, we utilize a contingency approach by introducing two dyad-specific characteristics into the analysis: psychic and geographic interorganizational distances. Our findings contribute to the international business literature on social capital and suggest that while an investment in social capital with distant foreign customers always reinforces SMEs’ foreign performance development, relational and cognitive social capital have the same positive effects only for low levels of interorganizational psychic distance.  相似文献   

Based on a sample of 522 foreign affiliates of Turkish multinational enterprises (MNEs) with varying levels of Turkish equity ownership, this study provides an empirical analysis of the determinants of equity-based entry mode strategies in host country markets. A number of hypotheses are developed to examine the impact of institutional, transaction specific and firm level variables on Turkish MNEs’ choice of equity ownership mode in their foreign affiliates. The results reveal that institutional variables are important in explaining the equity composition of foreign affiliates of Turkish MNEs. Particularly important in determining equity ownership mode were found to be political constraints, linguistic distance, knowledge infrastructure and the extent of parent diversity. Results concerning the influences of the size of the affiliate are contrary to expectations and contradict the findings of previous research. No support was found for the impact of cultural distance on the equity ownership mode of Turkish MNEs in their foreign affiliates. Apart from political constraints, equity ownership choice and its underlying determinants do not vary between emerging and developed host country markets.  相似文献   

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