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This paper examines individual trade policy preferences across 17 countries in Latin America. The focus is on whether skilled or unskilled workers are more likely to support liberalised trade and on whether country characteristics, such as factor endowments, alter the preferences of skilled and unskilled workers. Based on the standard Heckscher‐Ohlin model and the Stolper‐Samuelson theorem, wage inequality in developing countries will decrease under free trade and unskilled workers will benefit. We find that on average skilled workers are more likely than unskilled workers to support free trade in Latin American countries. Separate country regressions reveal that this pattern is only statistically significant in 8 out of 17 Latin American countries. However, there are no countries in our sample in which unskilled workers are statistically more likely to support free trade than skilled workers, not even in the lowest skill‐endowed country in the sample. We also find that people from Latin American countries with higher GDP, faster growth, more cropland and a longer period of time since reform were more likely on average to support free trade.  相似文献   

We quantitatively analyse the trade effects of enhanced trade facilitation with extended gravity equations. Our findings confirm that RTAs comprised of countries equipped with better trade facilitation are more likely to be trade‐creating, less likely to be trade‐diverting, and are thus more likely to lead the world economy toward global free trade. We also find that (i) the traditional gains from shallow integration through eliminating tariff barriers will be greater for South‐South RTAs in East Asia such as an ASEAN‐China RTA, provided that the tariff‐reducing schedule is strictly fulfilled, (ii) the gains from deeper integration through enhancing trade facilitation will be greater for North‐North RTAs in East Asia such as a Japan‐Korea RTA, and (iii) the gains from a combined trade liberalisation strategy through tariff reductions and enhanced trade facilitation will be greater for North‐South RTAs in East Asia such as a China‐Korea and an ASEAN+3 RTA.  相似文献   

欧洲经济一体化的贸易效应对中欧贸易的影响探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文将Michaely指数纳入引力模型,并建立面板协整和面板误差修正模型研究欧洲经济一体化对中欧贸易的长期和短期影响机制。结果显示,欧洲经济一体化促使欧盟的经济小国调整自身生产和贸易结构以适应欧盟的生产贸易结构,欧盟经济大国对华贸易则保持相对的独立性。从长期看贸易转移效应是影响中欧双边贸易流量的最主要因素,而贸易创造效应、中欧双方的经济规模以及汇率因素也对贸易流量有重要影响;短期在贸易创造效应和贸易转移效应共同作用下,中国对欧盟的贸易顺差有扩大趋势。  相似文献   

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that is to take effect at the beginning of 1994 will create a free trade area between three economies which differ substantially in terms of size and stage of development. What were the reasons that led the unequal partners, the USA, Canada and Mexico, to enter into closer trade integration? What will be the economic consequences for the countries involved and for world trade?  相似文献   

本文分析了美国对外贸易的重要作用和对外贸易的发展情况,研究了美国对外贸易政策的演进过程,并从中得到如下启示:对外贸易政策必须根据国际和国内经济形势适时转变;顺应国际贸易制度发展需要,增强我国贸易政策的法律化;在致力于多边经济合作的同时,我国应加强区域和双边经济合作。  相似文献   

文章利用演化博弈理论中的复制动态方法,对利益集团如何影响贸易政策制定过程与贸易摩擦成因进行了分析,认为贸易政策的形成是利益集团基于自身利益进行博弈的结果.利益集团对某种贸易政策的最初支持度,取决于其在博弈初始时对自身利益的考虑,以此为起点.利益集团在进一步的演化博弈中不断学习并调整自身的政策偏好,最终对政府政策的偏向性产生影响.  相似文献   

This note extends some of the results of Hamada (1974) on the economic effects of a duty free zone. It is shown that, in the presence of factor mobility between the duty free zone and the rest of the economy, the final equilibrium will yield the same trade pattern which would have prevailed under free trade; moreover, all of the trade will be done by the duty free zone.  相似文献   

本文认为,农产品贸易自由化发展与环境的相容性是世界农业可持续发展的基本条件,必须建立农产品绿色贸易制度,以使环境成本内在化。考虑到绿色贸易制度对国际农产品贸易发展的双重性作用,对于其存在的制度缺陷,予以完善和适应将是世界各国的共同选择。文章提出,针对我国遭受绿色贸易壁垒的现状,应建立与国际接轨的绿色农产品制度,培育绿色经营和营销观念;逐步建立健全农产品质量标准体系;大力推进农产品产业化经营;调整农产品产业结构,发展生态农业;建立综合协调、适时高效的农产品出口促进贸易政策体系,以期积极跨越国际贸易中的绿色壁垒。  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the effects of four regional integration agreements (Common Market of the South [MERCOSUR], Andean Community [ANCOM], Central American Common Market [CACM] and North America Free Trade Agreement [NAFTA]) on bilateral trade in 19 countries from the Western Hemisphere for the period 1970–2014. For this purpose we estimate different gravity models to control for trade creation and diversion, export diversification and intra-industry trade using OLS log-linearized gravity model and Poisson pseudo-maximum-likelihood panel data estimators that allow controlling for zero-value trade flows. We find trade creation for ANCOM, MERCOSUR and CACM and trade diversion for NAFTA and MERCOSUR countries. Export diversification negatively affects bilateral trade in all American agreements, while intra-industry trade has contributed to trade expansion in ANCOM and the opposite for NAFTA, MERCOSUR and CACM. Global supply chains may help us explain these results. Finally, we find anticipatory effects on trade several years before the signing of the agreements, but only NAFTA countries seem to be natural trading partners in the region while the rest of Latin American regional agreements have not resulted in a comprehensive, profound and consolidated common market.  相似文献   

近年来,中非经贸合作日益加强。随着非洲地区经济进入快速增长期,美欧等发达国家开始积极调整对非经贸政策以应对中国在非洲经贸关系中地位的迅速提升。在此背景下,中非经贸政策安排将面临欧美国家的挑战。与非洲经贸关系有着制度性整体安排并卓有成效的当属欧盟与以非洲国家为主的非加太地区签署的《洛美协定》,其可以为中非经贸合作提供有益借鉴。本文将深入梳理、分析《洛美协定》产生的历史背景和核心内容,并对当前中非经贸合作安排提出相关建议。  相似文献   

This paper makes a theoretical argument that growth in developing countries is likely to worsen the income distribution in developed countries and lead to a protectionist response that undermines the incentives for developing country growth. The model for this purpose is the two-cone version of the Heckscher–Ohlin (HO) trade model, in which countries have different factor prices even with free trade, and in which they produce mostly different groups of goods. In this model, unlike the HO model with factor price equalization, growth by the poor country expands the output of its capitalintensive good, which is also the labour-intensive good of the other country. Regardless of whether factors are mobile or immobile across sectors, this reduces the real wages of factors that are either intensive or specific in the labour-intensive sector of the rich country. The paper argues that this will then lead to the rich country restricting trade. This, in turn, will lower the return to capital in the poor country and reduce the incentive for further growth.  相似文献   

The EU has indicated that after 2008 its trade relationships with developing countries will be dominated by the development of preferential trade agreements. Although not a consequence of the Cotonou Agreement, the free trade agreement between the EU and the Republic of South Africa (EU RSA FTA) was clearly one of the first fruits of this approach to trade relationships. However, there is no evidence that the design of the EU RSA FTA incorporated a comprehensive general equilibrium evaluation of the agreement for either the signatories or the other southern African nations. The analyses reported here indicate that while the EU RSA FTA may substantially benefit the signatories, there are appreciable negative impacts for other states, especially the Republic of South Africa's immediate neighbours. Moreover, the analyses indicate that the structural adjustments for African economies signalled by the FTA are substantial, which implies that there will be substantial economic costs associated with the FTA.  相似文献   

2011年7月1日欧盟韩国自由贸易协定生效实施。该协定成为各自经济体与贸易伙伴签署的最大的自由贸易协定。该协定既是双边密切经济关系的需要,也是各自实施FTA战略的结果。欧盟韩国自由贸易协定是迄今为止在全球范围很全面的贸易自由化协定,开放深度和广度远远超过世界贸易组织。欧盟韩国自由贸易协定的出现推动了区域经济一体化的进程。韩国目前在中日韩三国各自实施FTA战略上占据了有利的地位。  相似文献   

Bernhard Klinner 《Intereconomics》1978,13(9-10):255-257
This study analyses the development of the Federal Republic’s foreign trade relations with 20 Latin American states within the 15 years from 1963 to 1977. It examines primarily the exchange of goods between the Federal Republic and the seven most important Latin American countries which on an average of the last 15 years accounted for more than 75% of the German foreign trade with the Central and South American states.  相似文献   

中韩产业内贸易的实证分析——以工业制成品贸易为例   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李盾 《国际贸易问题》2007,292(4):49-54
近年来,中韩贸易规模迅速增长,产业内贸易也得到迅速发展,本文首先考察了1992年以来中韩两国工业制成品产业内贸易的发展,然后通过实证研究检验了1986-2005年两国工业制成品产业内贸易的影响因素。结论显示,韩国对华直接投资是推动中韩产业内贸易的关键因素,中韩间的地缘优势及不断发展的区域经济合作也促进了两国产业内贸易的发展。最后,本文提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

通过分析中国与南部非洲关税同盟的贸易现状,文章发现双方贸易关系日益紧密且贸易结构为互补关系,中国与南部非洲关税同盟建立自由贸易区具有良好的贸易基础。文章运用全球贸易分析项目(GTAP)模型(GTAP7.1版)模拟建立该自由贸易区的结果显示:自由贸易区的建立使各成员国互利共赢,经济福利提高,经济增长,实际进出口总量增加,各成员国比较优势产业产出和实际出口增加,而且自贸区外国家(如欧盟27国、美国等)也会受到不同程度影响。因此,文章认为中国应积极促进中国-南部非洲关税同盟关税削减谈判及自由贸易协议签署,促进成员国宏观经济发展,实现成员国优势产业互补,同时,还应积极应对南非或南部非洲关税同盟与其他国家如欧盟、美国等国的自贸谈判。  相似文献   

中韩自由贸易区建立对两国贸易影响的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章以局部均衡为基础,建立校准模型,从产业层面测算了中韩自由贸易区的建立对两国贸易流量的影响。模拟的结果表明:如果中韩不建立自由贸易区,那么中韩贸易将会较大程度的受到韩美自由贸易区贸易转移带来的影响;如果中韩建立自由贸易区则更有利于两国比较优势的发挥。  相似文献   

This paper develops a new theory of international economics by introducing Heckscher–Ohlin features of intra-temporal trade into an intertemporal trade approach of current account. To do so, we consider a dynamic general equilibrium model with tradable sectors of different factor intensities, which allows for substitution between intertemporal trade (current account adjustment) and intra-temporal trade (goods trade). An economy's response to a shock generally involves a combination of a change in the composition of goods trade and a change in the current account. Flexible factor markets reduce the need for the current account to adjust. On the other hand, the more rigid the factor markets, the larger the size of current account adjustment relative to the volume of goods trade, and the slower the speed of adjustment of the current account towards its long-run equilibrium. We present empirical evidence consistent with the theory.  相似文献   

A three-country, three-commodity model is developed to illustrate the dynamics of growth among the ‘North’, the ‘South’ and ‘OPEC’. One conclusion is that the Southern growth rate will be increased by faster growth of Northern capital, with a steady state response coefficient of unity. However, if the steady state is perturbed by increases in Northern productivity or the oil price, then the coefficient becomes less than one. In the short run, higher capital flows from North to South increase the former's growth rate but may have only marginal impact on growth in the South. Higher productivity in the South will slow its growth rate and reduce its terms of trade when the Engel elasticity of Northern demand for its exports is less than one. These and other results follow from surplus labor in the South and its dependent position in international trade, from which it will be difficult to escape.  相似文献   

Trade between developing countries, or South–South trade, has been growing rapidly in recent years following reductions in tariff barriers. However, significant barriers remain, and there is currently reluctance in many developing countries to undertake further reductions, with a preference instead for focusing on opening up access to developed country markets, or maintaining the status quo given that multilateral liberalisation may result in the erosion of preferential access enjoyed by some developing countries. This emphasis on Northern markets represents a missed opportunity for developing countries. To assess this we compare the potential effects of the removal of barriers on South–South trade with the gains from developed country liberalisation and from regional free trade areas within Africa, Asia and Latin America. A general equilibrium model, the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) model, containing information on preferential bilateral tariffs, is used to estimate the impacts. The results indicate that the opening up of Northern markets would provide annual welfare gains to developing countries of $22 billion. However, the removal of South–South barriers has the potential to generate gains 40 per cent larger. The results imply that giving greater emphasis to removing barriers between as well as within continents could prove a successful Southern survival strategy.  相似文献   

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