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The 2008 financial crisis impacted international trade in part due to decreases in trade finance and export credit insurance. This article shows that Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) member states used their public Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) to supplement the lack of private short-term export credit insurance as a means to increase trade. All OECD states, except Greece and Estonia, either increased the capacity of their ECAs to provide short-term export credit insurance, or they developed new products for this purpose. More generally, states that changed their short-term export credit insurance programs had major trading partners with defaults.  相似文献   

发展出口信用保险 促进我国对外贸易   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈锦红  邓娟 《商业研究》2003,(10):176-178
出口信用保险是一国政府为企业扩大出口提供风险保障的政策性手段 ,并且为WTO体制所允许。我国加入WTO后 ,面临更加激烈的国际竞争 ,发展及完善出口信用保险 ,有利于提高出口企业国际竞争力 ,促进我国对外贸易的发展。  相似文献   

出口信用保险是国际贸易中广泛应用的重要金融工具,在推动外贸稳定增长方面作用显著。日本、韩国、美国官方出口信用机构的发展经验表明,坚持服务国家战略需要和支持社会发展需要是官方出口信用机构实现可持续稳健发展的基础和前提。结合中国出口信用保险机构的发展历程,从逆周期调节、开发引导市场、扶持小微企业、服务国家战略四个方面阐述中国信保政策性履职情况,并从制度建设、理念创新、同业合作等方面提出推进我国出口信用保险更高质量发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

Exporters’ performance in a given market may affect their exports to the rest of the world. Importers base their future transaction decisions upon the information revealed by exporter’s performance in other countries. This paper estimates significant effects from these information spillovers on the export patterns of fourteen developing countries, and somewhat smaller effects for a sample of exporters from six developed countries. On the other hand, it is in developed countries’ markets that the largest information spillovers are generated. Indeed, increases in market share in the United States allows for significant increases in exports to the rest-of-the world associated with information spillovers. But developing country markets could also generate important amounts of information for regional exporters. Hong Kong is the top market in terms of generating information for other East Asian exporters, and the Argentinean and Chilean markets play an important role for exporters from other Latin American countries.
Marcelo OlarreagaEmail:

扩大农产品出口,对我国农业经济发展具有重要的意义。出口信用保险是符合世贸组织规则的国际通行的支持商品出口的政策性手段,有助于解决农产品出口中面临的风险大、资金紧张、结构不合理等问题。积极推广利用出口信用保险,可以推动我国农产品出口贸易的发展。  相似文献   


This study shows how networks can be used to solve the export marketing problems manufacturing firms in developing countries are facing. Major export barriers perceived by manufacturing firms in Eritrea are identified and, subsequently, differences in perceptions between footwear and textile manufacturers, and small and medium sized firms are examined. The findings suggest that some problems can be solved through individual action by the firms (market or hierarchy). However, small and medium-sized firms on their own can't solve the most important problems, like the lack of market information, the preparation of proper designs and the fulfillment of minimum quantity requirements. The major conclusion is that export market entry by SMEs in developing countries will not be successful if no horizontal and vertical business networks are established.  相似文献   

基于合作博弈的我国与发展中国家经贸关系协调研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对近年来我国与发展中国家经贸摩擦不断扩大的现状,以较为详实的统计数据和资料阐述了我国同发展中国家经贸关系概况,深入的分析了存在的问题。在此基础上,运用博弈理论,建立经贸联盟的合作博弈模型,导出了经贸联盟经博弈后的分配方案(Shapley值)的计算公式,指出以基于合作博弈的经贸联盟博弈模型思想,协调我国与发展中国家经贸关系是积极而有益的选择,并针对性的提出我国与发展中国家经贸关系协调对策建议。  相似文献   

出口押汇是我国对外贸易中的一种重要货款结算方式,目前实务界对出口押汇的法律性质存在不同看法,甚至存在着模糊认识。本文认为,无论从国际惯例还是从国内相关法律的角度分析,出口押汇都应为一种票据转让关系或权利买卖关系,而且是一种附有较大程度清偿保证的票据转让关系。将出口押汇叙作质押关系或借款关系,不仅不符合有关信用证结算方面的国际通行惯例,也背离了我国《担保法》及《合同法》的相关规定,而且还因法律关系的混乱、操作程序的不规范较易引起有关当事人的纠纷,并使银行处于较为被动的局面。  相似文献   

一般而言.竞争政策是一国产业竞争力的制度基础,但发展中国家产业发展的基础和国际竞争环境使发展中国家政府注重运用选择性干预作为产业竞争力培养的手段,这种选择性干预与竞争政策存在矛盾和冲突.导致了发展中国家竞争政策与竞争法价值与目标的多元化,造成了竞争机构效率低下及竞争法司法裁决的不确定性.发展中国家的竞争机构应当坚持将维护和促进竞争作为竞争政策的价值,将经济效率作为竞争政策的目标.同时通过设定特殊豁免为政府的选择性干预预留空间,并降低这种选择性干预的随意性,从而使竞争政策在产业竞争力培养过程中发挥应有的积极作用.  相似文献   

发展中国家的竞争政策——背景、现状与问题   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
20世纪80年代末以来的经济自由化改革和经济全球化使竞争政策逐渐成为发展中国家一项重要的微观经济政策。发展中国家的竞争法在法律条文上与发达国家的竞争法有很多相似之处,但发展中国家经济发展的实际也使其竞争法和竞争政策具有自身特点,如多元化的政策目标、广泛而灵活的竞争例外范围、宽松的企业并购限制等。为使发展中国家的竞争政策更好地起到促进竞争、提高市场效率、推动经济发展的作用,发展中国家应确立简洁明了的政策目标和审查标准,正确认识和处理竞争政策与其他经济和社会政策的关系,着重解决严重妨碍竞争的某些突出问题,并加强反垄断政策的国际合作。  相似文献   


This article argues that the traditional belief that “consumer ethnocentrism is a phenomenon of developed countries only” is no longer true. To establish this argument, our study assesses the applicability of the Consumer Ethnocentric Tendencies Scale (CETSCALE) to Bangladesh by judging the unidimensionality feature of the same. The methodology is based on a sample of 788 respondents collected from 27 districts in Bangladesh. Statistically significant results show that for three chosen sociodemographic groups, namely, students, job holders, and businesspersons, the original CETSCALE is to a large extent applicable as those groups have shown positive attitudes in retaining 12 to 14 items of the 17 items of the original scale. However, the groups and the respondents as a whole did not agree with the unidimensionality feature of the CETSCALE. Moreover, the results of the study show that Bangladeshi consumers in greater extent prefer to see “Made in Bangladesh” tags when buying consumer products that Bangladeshi businesses can produce locally—a significant potential threat to international business that multinational companies need to address.  相似文献   

黄鹂 《商业研究》2005,(6):111-114
随着国家间经济联系的加强 ,资本国际化也经历了从无到有 ,从偶尔到经常 ,从少量到大规模的历史过程。资本国际化在提高全球资本配置效率的同时也给各个国家 ,特别是发展中国家带来了一些挑战 ,鉴于此 ,发展中国家既要善于利用资本国际化带来的机遇更要采取有针对性的政策措施防范资本国际化可能带来的冲击  相似文献   


We undertook a review and classification of research on electronic commerce (e-commerce) in developing countries. We analyzed 181 articles published in a broad range of journals covering e-commerce, global information technology, and development issues. The analysis provides a roadmap that not only indicates the current state of e-commerce for development research but also identifies gaps and priorities for future research. This will be of significant value to both academics and practitioners who are working on, or plan to work on, e-commerce in developing countries.  相似文献   

This article examines the role and importance of the textiles and clothing sector in the economies of the United States and developing countries as well as the qualitative changes in the dynamics of the industry. After briefly looking at the history of protectionism in the industry, the article addresses the impact of quota elimination on developing countries' exports to the United States. It also discusses the role of China as the dominant supplier. It suggests that with the elimination of quotas, most of the benefits will probably accrue to a handful of efficient suppliers, notably China and India. The article concludes by providing some recommendations to enable many developing countries to cushion the sudden effects of trade liberalization.  相似文献   

李燕燕 《商业研究》2005,(24):144-146
发达国家投资厂商对发展中国家的直接投资已发生了很大变化,传统直接投资以投资者持有足够股权对投资项目保持有效控制的活动方式,新直接投资是以其他方式不同程度地参与控制,或只参与收益分享而不参与控制。新直接投资是由传统直接投资、间接融资、纯国际贸易相结合而形成的国际经济活动,反映了投资的实质性特征。  相似文献   

农产品出口信贷及新框架协议下的影响与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
W TO框架内,出口信贷、出口信贷担保及出口信用保险对国民经济与国际贸易,尤其是农产品国际贸易具有重要的意义和作用。2004年8月“多哈谈判”达成的框架协议也对此产生了深远影响。作为W TO新成员,我国对此领域的研究与实践还是空白,本文在回顾出口信贷、出口信贷担保与保险规则发展历程基础上,着力探讨W TO各主要成员国的立场与做法及面对新框架协议的应对措施。  相似文献   

发展中国家对华反倾销的深层次分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
经济全球化使得国际贸易竞争态势更加激烈,中国加入WTO后发展中国家对华反倾销趋势有增无减,这种严峻形势要求我国企业必须对发展中国家反倾销的形势、特点有清醒的认识,结合发展中国家的国际贸易地位,产业结构,及反倾销法律环境制定有针对性的应对策略,这样才能提高我国产品在发展中国家的市场占有率,拓展发展中国家市场。  相似文献   

出口固定成本的存在将导致企业生产率的“自我选择”效应。如果存在出口信贷约束,信贷获取能力强的企业出口表现将优于信贷获取能力差的企业。本文利用世界银行调查数据,实证发现信贷约束限制企业出口,银行营运资金贷款和固定投资贷款对企业出口的影响存在非对称性。营运资金贷款对扩大出口集约边际和扩展边际的作用都很明显,而固定投资贷款仅仅扩大出口扩展边际。此外,对于财务脆弱的企业,银行信贷的出口促进作用更加显著。  相似文献   

经济全球化中发展中国家实现可持续发展的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济全球化趋势不可避免,它在促进发展中国家经济增长的同时,也影响到发展中国家的可持续发展。对于发展中国家而言,应当充分利用全球化的有利条件和机遇,要在国际政治经济秩序、环保产业、技术创新和金融可持续发展方面制定相应的对策,实现可持续发展的目标。  相似文献   

信用是电子商务发展的“瓶颈”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜灵敏 《商业研究》2004,(24):168-170
电子商务是建立在网络上的经济商务活动 ,比传统商务更加依赖健全的信用体系。没有信用 ,就没有电子商务。分析和研究信用与电子商务之间的关系 ,提出建立适应电子商务环境的信用体系 ,是电子商务理论和实务的一个重要研究课题  相似文献   

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