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Founded in 1993, the Beijing Arts and Crafts Group, formerly the Beijing Arts and Crafts Corporation, is one of the earliest independent export enterprises in Beijing. Since it was granted the right to export in 1989, its trade has steadily increased. When it started exporting it earned US$4 million in foreign exchange. A year later, the figure increased to US$9.6 million. In 1993, it earned US$17. l million, up by 9.6 percent on 1992.  相似文献   

In more than a decade since 1980, the number of producing enterprises in China's cosmetics trade has developed from some twenty to over two thousand, and annual sales amount has increased from RMB0.3 billion to 10 billion; one now has difficulty in finding at.cosmetics counter in shopping malls the skin protection products that dominated the market for more than three decades. Instead, there are Chinese products of famous brands, joint venture products,  相似文献   

Yichang is not only one of the major industrial and commodity agricultural bases in Hubei, but also one of the important goods transient hubs. Since the State Council approved Yichang City independently running exports in 1988, it has steadily developed foreign trade along with deepening reform. In 1993, it earned foreign exchange worth US$24 million from exports, up by more than 60 percent over 1992.  相似文献   

Beijing Municipality's foreign trade has developed rapidly since 1979. Beijing's exports in 1978 was only US$285 million, but they reached US$1.69 billion in 1993, an average increase of 12.64 percent every year. Its exports reached US$1.293 billion between January and August this year, an increase of 24.7 percent over the same period last year. While exports increase steadily, the structure of export goods increases steadily, and the transfer from rough machining to finished machining is being completed. The export of electromechanical products, hightechnology products and high added value communities increases every year. Taking  相似文献   

According to the Interim Methods Concerning the Management of State Assets in Shareholding Companies costipulated by the National State Assets Administration Bureau and the State Commission for Economic Reconstructuring, the management of State shares in shareholding companies is concurrent with public ownership as the principle for keeping the State's holding position in sharehoiding companies  相似文献   

The China National Jewellery HubeiI/E Corporation, a subsidiary of the China National Arts and Crafts I/E Corporation, mainly engages in foreign trade in jewellery. With experienced professionals and processing subsidiaries injewellery and diamonds, the corporation in mainly involved in wholesale and retail  相似文献   

China recently announced a new policy that seeks to rein in the de- velopment of processing trade in re- stricted commodities,in a bid to op- timize the country's exporting struc- ture,put strong curbs on the export of"high-energy-consuming, high- polluting and resource-dependent"products,and discourage the export of commodities with low added value and poor technology content,so as to gradually eliminate trade frictions, and promote trade balance to ease tension caused by the too wide trade surplus.The change is instrumental in upgrading the present processing trade system,transforming the pat- tern of foreign trade growth mode, and promoting the sustainable devel- opment of social economy.  相似文献   

The Goods Trade Agreement of The Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between The People's Republic of China and The Association of South East Asian Nations which was signed in 2004 has been implemented on July 1,marking the start of a substantial phase of Sino-ASEAN Free Trade Area.  相似文献   

China to Permit Foreign and PublicCompanies to Hold Shares of Insurance Companies to the China NewsAgency, China's stock-system insurancecompanies will permit foreign and Public companies to hold their shares whenraising funds to increase shares, and willencourage qualified companies to enterthe market, so as to diversify their ownership right.Stock-system compares must establish a standard structure managed by alegal person to describe responsibilitiesof general meeting of shareholders, t…  相似文献   

China'slmportsWorthUSS1.5TrillioninSevenY6arsSunZhenyu,ViceMinister0fForeignTradeandEconomicCooperati0n,pointedoutrecentlyinBeijingthatinthesevenyearsfrom1999to2OO5,Chinaexpectstoimp0rtequipment,techn0logyandproductsworthUS$1.5trillionfromabr0ad.Hediscl0sedthatin0rdertopromotethedevelopment0ffOreigntrade,Chinawillreducetheaveragerateofcustomsdutiesfromthecurrent17%to15%nextyeaLIn2OOS,Chinawillreducethatofindustrialproductsto1O%.HesaidthatChinawillfurtherexpanditsopeningfields.China…  相似文献   

Al-RoundOpeningofChina'sShippingMarketSofar,Chinahasopened130portstotheoutsideworld.Bytheendof1997,120Sinoforeignjointventur...  相似文献   

InvestmentofRMB400billioninWaterConservancyZhangJiyao,theViceMinisterofWaterResources,disclosedinBeijingthatinthenextfewyears,ChinawillmakeatotalinvestmentofRMB400billioninwaterconservancyprojects.Ofit,RMB120billionwillbeinvestedintheYangtzcRivervall...  相似文献   

14MillionRegisteredInternctUsersforChinaTelecomattheEndoftheYearBytheendofthisyear,accordingtoHuasengNewspaper,ChinaTelecomwillsee14millionregisteredInternetusers.YinYping,DirectoroftheDigitalTelecommunicationsBureauofChinaTelecom,revealedthatChinaTelecomwillexpandbandwidthandimprovenetspeedwithintheyear.Duringthisyear,thekeynetbandwidthwillbeexpandedfrom300MBto2.5G-10G,andtheinternationalexportofInternetwillbeturnedfrom700MBto1.5G.SofarChinaTelecomhas7.74millionregisteredInternet…  相似文献   

ChinaWillExpandtheOpeningtoForeignCapitalAnofficialfromtheMinistryofForeignTradeandEconomicCooperationrecentlyindicatedthatChinawouldfurtheropentoforeigncapitalinordertoabsorbmoreforeigncapitalinimprovedforms,andconstantlyimprovethequalityandstandard...  相似文献   

Opening the Western Part furtherChinese departments concerned aredrawing up the list of foreign-investedindustries in the Western area andplanning to establish state developmentzones there.English Some provinces and cities in China'sWestern area intend to give priority to thedevelopment of infrastructural facilitiesand industries, such as roads, railways,civil airports and power stations. Andthey will grant more preferential policiesto foreign businessmen within the limitsallowed by the stat…  相似文献   

StatePlanningCommissiontoslashretailpricesofsomedrugsItisreportedbytheChinaNewsAgencythattheStatePlanningCommissionhasrecentlymadeaformalannouncementthattheretailpricesofsomedomesticdrugswillbecutsubstantially.Theaveragereductionisabout30%,andinsomecaseswillexceed60%.Thesavingsinannualmedicalexpensesareexpectedtobeabout8billionRMB.Thedrugsaremainlyantibioticdrugsinninecategoriesand57sPecifications.OfficialspointoutthattheStatePlanningCommissionwillstrengthenthesuPervisionofdtugpricesset…  相似文献   

Foreign Insurers Permitted to RaiseInvestment Proportions According to the Xinhua NewsAgency, with the approval of the ChinaInsurance Supervision Commission, theSino-US Joint Venture Pacific AntaiInsurance Co., Ltb., located in Shanghai,has increased its investment proportionin the stock market from 5% of its totalassest to 10% this year, becoming the firstforeign (joint venture) insurancecompany with a capital proportion in thestock markst of over 5%, since China'sinsurers were admit…  相似文献   

CentralFinanceLendsRMB8billiontoLocalitiesforTwoProtectionsNewsfromtheChinaMinistryofLabourandSocialSecurityRMB8billionloansareallocatedtovariouslocalitiesfromChina'scentralfinanceforthebasiclivingofthelaid-offfromthestate-ownedenterprisesandthepensionsofretiredstaffandworkersoftheseenterprises.Apartofthemoneyhasbeenalreadylenttosomelocalitiesforthreeyearswithoutinterest.importantReformCarriedoutinChinaAdministrativeStructureofIndustryandCommerceRecentlytheChineseGovernmentdecidedtha…  相似文献   

Structure of Investment Expanded and Readjusted In 1995 the Chinese government continues to expand and readjust the structure of investment, and move in the direction of social funds. The investment is concentrated in agriculture and water conservancy and irrigation, and to strengthen the key industries of energy,  相似文献   

参加出国展览是实现产品出口的重要环节,Trade Tree 为您精选了2006年与机电产品相关的出境展览,如果您对哪些展览感兴趣,请立即传真或打电话给我们,您将很快获得有关这些展览非常详尽的信息,并有专业人士与您联系,回答您所关心的一切问题。  相似文献   

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