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从1981~2004年的统计数据看,我国同亚洲、非洲、欧洲、拉丁美洲、北美洲和大洋洲地区的进出口贸易与我国经济增长之间具有内在关系。我国同各地区的进出口贸易对经济增长的贡献存在明显差异。就长期而言,我国对欧洲地区的出口贸易对经济增长的贡献率最大,进口方面则是从北美洲的进口对我国经济增长的贡献率最大。这一结论为我国贸易政策的分地区调整提供了实证依据。  相似文献   

Rapid growth in Asia's emerging economies has boosted export earnings of resource‐rich economies over the past decade. Whether or not those high growth rates continue, how will structural changes in Asia alter the relative importance of their imports of primary products? This paper projects production and trade patterns of Africa and Latin America to 2030 under various growth and policy scenarios in Asia, using the GTAP model of the global economy. We compare a projection assuming relatively conservative economic growth in China and India with a projection in which those economies continue to grow rapidly (albeit slower than in the previous decade). We then compare our conservative growth baseline with two alternative scenarios: one assuming Africa and Latin America choose to invest more in public agricultural R&D to take advantage of Asian import growth; the other assuming China and India dampen that import growth by restricting their imports of key food grains (following the historical pattern of economies such as Japan and Korea). The final section summarises the results and draws out policy implications for Latin America and Africa.  相似文献   

This paper exploits recently-developed indicators based on network analysis to investigate the pattern of international integration followed by East Asian countries and compares it with the Latin American performance. Standard trade openness indicators fall short of portraying the peculiarity of the Asian experience, and of explaining why other emerging markets with similar characteristics have been less successful over the last 25 years. The analysis offers an alternative perspective on the issue regarding international economic integration by taking into account the whole structure of international trade relationships and by determining both the position of countries in the world trade network, and its evolution over time. We find that East Asian countries are more integrated into the world economy, as they have moved from the periphery of the network towards its core. Our results support the idea that the degree of openness matters but it is not enough to characterize economic integration. The number and identity of trade partners, and the specific individual structure of trade for each country, need to be incorporated in order to fully characterize international economic integration. By doing so, it is possible to argue that the integration process of the East Asian countries mirrors their high economic performance, while the lower degree of integration of Latin America can be related to the lack of economic development of the region, even though their degree of openness has increased.  相似文献   

耿楠 《国际贸易》2020,(3):63-72
亚太经济合作组织(APEC)自成立以来,在推进贸易投资自由化方面取得了显著成效,关税和非关税壁垒大幅削减,服务业总体开放程度提高,投资准入门槛降低,但与亚太地区自由与开放的贸易投资目标仍存在一定差距。当前,APEC面临国际环境、内部机制、议题领域、成员利益以及与区域内其他合作机制关系等方面的挑战。为此,APEC需要进一步完善机制,以亚太自贸区建设作为新动力,打造更加包容普惠的贸易投资自由化,并发挥国际经贸规则制定的试验场作用。作为APEC重要成员之一,中国应积极参与和引领APEC机制的改革,推动构建全面、高质量的亚太自贸区,将"共商、共建、共享"的新理念融入APEC贸易投资自由化进程,并利用APEC平台参与国际经贸规则的制定。  相似文献   

中国对外签订区域服务贸易协议的对象多数来自于亚洲和拉美的发展中经济体,呈现出从"货物先行"向"货服并行"转变的趋势。在区域服务贸易自由化机制设计方面,中国引入了四大创新因素:服务贸易规则和投资规则"分立"构架且各自的适用范围界定明确;尝试构建服务贸易紧急保障制度;设置更加严格的服务贸易政策审议机制;针对特定缔约对象采取相对宽泛的服务原产地规则。中国应该从国内规制改革和服务部门开放顺序选择方面做好战略谋划与策略应对。  相似文献   

International trade has been considered one of the main reasons for wealth increase in many countries. In the past, more developed countries were able to reach their current prevailing economic conditions mainly by exporting to less developed countries, especially through capital goods and by financing local projects. More recently, the pendulum has swung in the direction of the developing world, especially toward China and South Korea in East Asia, Brazil and Argentina in Latin America, and Hungary and Turkey in Europe. All of these countries have their particular financial and macro-economic pros and cons, but they have in common an export-driven approach. As exportation requires financing, the capabilities of banking systems and institutionalized export credit agencies have become increasingly important since they enhance these countries’ ability to take part in world trade. In this study, individual country facts and financial systems are analyzed in economic terms, and the support of the export credit agencies will also be evaluated.  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来,美国在巨额贸易逆差下实行了经济持续增长。本文从金融角度详细分析了美国依据美元特殊的国际货币地位和外汇储备特征实行对全球的金融剥削;从产业角度探讨了新一轮全球产业分工重组背景下制造产业的国际转移、跨国公司内部贸易、美国独特的进口商品结构、油价上涨和美国能源产业政策对“悖论”解释的合理性;从宏观政策角度解析了美国“双赤字”并存的必然原因。本文认为,美元地位的不断下降使美国经济增长模式存在潜在危机,而美国对内外经济失衡的调整,势必对中美贸易、人民币汇率、中国外汇储备及内外经济平衡产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

20世纪40年代起,拉美国家采取的是以贸易保护思想为基础的进口替代政策,70年代中期开始,大部分拉美国家开始了以贸易开放、资本开放为核心的“新自由主义改革”。本文首先对拉美对外贸易政策的沿革进行回顾,就拉美的“新自由主义”改革的实效进行了一个基本考察,在此基础上,通过计量模型详细探讨了拉美国家的出口和经济增长的关系。  相似文献   

Given the backdrop of significant uncertainties largely propelled by the ongoing trade spat between the United States and China, to what degree can the Asian region move forward in terms of de facto trade integration? Drawing on the new economic geography literature, this paper offers new insights into the literature on trade regionalism in Asia by empirically illustrating how Asian economies can tap into the regional market potential. Specifically, the paper examines the scope for further de facto integration among the Asian countries engaged in the negotiation for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement by estimating foreign market potential (FMP) indices. To preview the main findings, the empirical analysis demonstrates that the share of intra-regional trade in total RCEP trade flows and, consequently, the ratio between within- and outside-RCEP trades are significantly lower than what they could potentially be. The paper makes a case that the enhancement of de jure integration among these economies through the RCEP must be accompanied by efforts to improve de facto integration.  相似文献   

The traditional theory of international trade assumes that there is a substitution relationship between international trade and migration flows. However, trade liberalization in Latin America has come with an increase in emigration. This article, based on an econometric analysis for the period 1981–2002, shows that there is a complementary relationship between trade and international migration. One explanation is related to the Washington Consensus. In particular, higher labor market flexibility, in the context of trade openness, has resulted in higher levels of unemployment. Therefore, emigration represents a safety valve that reduces the pressure on Latin American labor markets.  相似文献   

This paper studies the experience of Latin America (LATAM) with financial liberalisation in the 1990s. The rush towards financial liberalisations in the early 1990s was associated with expectations that external financing would alleviate the scarcity of saving in LATAM, thereby increasing investment and growth. Yet, the data and several case studies suggest that the gains from external financing are overrated. The bottleneck inhibiting economic growth is less the scarcity of saving, and more the scarcity of good governance. A possible interpretation for these findings is that in countries where private savings and investments were taxed in an arbitrary and unpredictable way, the credibility of a new regime could not be assumed or imposed. Instead, credibility must be acquired as an outcome of a learning process. Consequently, increasing the saving and investment rates tends to be a time‐consuming process. This also suggests that greater political instability and polarisation would induce consumers to be more cautious in increasing their saving and investment rates following a reform. Hence, reaching a sustained take‐off in Latin America is a harder task to accomplish than in Asia.  相似文献   

近年来,东亚地区产业内贸易发展十分迅速。本文对东亚10个主要经济体1992-2005年的产业内贸易发展状况进行了实证分析。研究结果表明,产业内贸易已经成为东亚地区的主要贸易形式。在各类产品中,机械和运输设备(SITC7)的产业内贸易程度最高,且提高最快。产业内贸易发展的原因在于东亚地区产业内分工的不断深化以及基于生产环节专业化分工的产品零部件贸易的迅速发展。  相似文献   

文章采用联合国贸发会议统计数据库服务贸易数据,基于服务贸易进出口关系,构建六个服务贸易关联网络,选取整体网分析法中的点度中心性指标、中间中心性指标和基于CONCOR算法的核心-边缘结构性指标,对中国服务贸易在2008年金融危机前后10年间的国际竞争力状况及其变化进行了研究。分析显示:金融危机后全球各经济体间的服务贸易往来愈加密切;中国在全球服务贸易网络中的竞争力总体偏低但地位有所上升,且进口地位优于出口地位;金融危机后中国在国际服务贸易网络中的权力地位快速提升,渐由半边缘地带转向核心地带,对其他经济体的影响力增强,尤其是东亚和东南亚等周边区域。总之,中国在全球服务贸易网络中的竞争力正在由弱转强。  相似文献   

国际服务贸易作为国际间新的经济形态,是世界经济高度化、一体化发展的结果,应当看到这个新的经济增长点和经济发展的重要机遇,进行战略性的思考和长远的安排.国际物流服务贸易作为国际运输服务贸易的升华和发展,是国际服务贸易一个新的课题,对于促进国际间从商品、技术、知识到服务的全面融合,提高我国国际服务贸易水平具有重要意义,将成为我国新的经济增长点和战略选择.为推进国际物流服务贸易,可从两方面着手进行:一方面是以系统物流为独立的服务形态进入到国际服务贸易领域里面去,这是国际物流服务贸易的主体;另一方面是作为国际实物商品贸易共生、配套、派生的物流服务,随同实物商品国际贸易进入到国际贸易领域,在多数情况下,这已经成为国际商品贸易的一部分,不容忽视.此外,推进国际物流服务贸易,除了要从数量上推进外,还要注重内涵的扩展.而且国际服务贸易与国际物流服务贸易的发展,会遇到很多困难和问题,对此要有充分的准备.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(6):821-865
During c. 1810–59 over 260 British merchant houses operated in the River Plate or Chile, and many more in the rest of Latin America. These were times when Anglo-Latin American economic relations remained largely commercial, since the region was an important commercial partner of Britain. British investment was unimportant during this period in the region. The main economic activity of these mercantile houses was the import of textiles in exchange for bullion, specie, bills of exchange and local produce. Yet the textile trade has received little attention, despite the importance of the region as a market for British manufacturers. This paper describes in detail the relations between textile manufacturers and/or merchants in Britain and merchants on the spot, in particular for the marketing oftextiles, the backbone of the business of British merchants operating in Latin America. This paper focuses on the particular case of the Southern Cone during c. 1810–59.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 28 emerging market economies from Asia and Latin America spanning 1990–2013, we show that the marginal effect of capital flows on growth is positive and contingent on the threshold level of institutional quality (IQ). The conditional effect of capital flows holds for both the income per capita growth and total factor productivity (TFP) growth. We also determine the different threshold levels of IQ at which the marginal effect of capital flows is positive. The overall level of IQ in the Asian countries is superior to the Latin American countries and requires a lower threshold level to exert any positive effect. While the same conditional effect of IQ holds in Latin America for TFP growth, this effect is reversed in Asia. For very high levels of IQ (91st percentile), the marginal effect of capital flows on TFP growth in Asia is almost negligible. The marginal effects also vary based on the composition of capital flows in each region.  相似文献   

The study examines the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) on economic growth and trade balances of 10 emerging economies in Europe before they joined the European Union. This article uses the Granger causality test to investigate the link between FDI inflows and economic growth for the countries under study. The findings show that gross domestic product growth has a unilateral Granger-cause on FDI inflows for 9 of 10 emerging European economies. However, the results did not show FDI inflows Granger-causing the changes in economic growth of any of the 10 countries. Furthermore, FDI inflows had no or negative effects on trade balances of the majority of the emerging European nations. The policy implications of this study are that host governments in emerging economies must carefully evaluate spillover effects of FDI inflows on their economies before offering significant incentive packages to lure multinational enterprises into their countries.  相似文献   

中日经贸关系的战略思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近两年,中日两国的经贸关系因历史和政治原因而受到了一定的影响,中国和日本都是东亚地区的重要国家,中日两国之间的经贸关系不仅影响着各自国家的经济发展,也影响着东亚地区的经济合作和整个亚洲未来的经济发展趋势。本文利用贸易依存度、投资依存度等指标分析了中日两国经贸关系的相互依存性,指出了中日经贸关系中存在的问题,并根据一个多世纪以来中日两国间的经贸政策,对发展中日经贸关系做了战略思考。我国在加强与日本经济合作的同时,需加快实施“自主创新的竞争战略”。  相似文献   


This study investigates business cycle synchronization and transmission patterns among the major Latin American countries and their linkages with the United States and Europe. Correlations, principal components, trade patterns, vector autoregressions, and impulse responses are used to discern the business cycle transmission patterns.

There is moderate evidence of a unique Latin American business cycle and of business cycle transmission among the Latin American economies. Most transmission linkages come from outside Latin America. The European business cycle has a slightly stronger influence upon most Latin American economies than the influence of the US business cycle. Brazil is clearly the most influential Latin American economy in terms of business cycle transmission.  相似文献   

This article investigates empirically whether the effect of tax reform (involving the progressive replacement of trade tax revenue with domestic tax revenue) in developing countries' tax revenue performance (measured by tax revenue‐to‐GDP ratio) depends on the degree of trade openness of these countries. The analysis has used an unbalanced panel data set of 95 developing countries over the period 1981–2015 and the two‐system GMM approach. Results suggest that tax reform is positively and significantly associated with tax revenue performance in developing countries, with the magnitude of this positive effect increasing as countries experience a higher development level. Additionally, and more importantly, countries that further open up their economies to international trade enjoy a higher positive effect of tax reform on tax revenue than countries that experience a lower degree of trade openness. Therefore, these findings should help dissipate the concerns of policymakers in developing countries that greater openness to international trade would further erode their tax revenue, including by lowering their international trade tax revenue. In fact, the implementation of an appropriate tax reform in the context of greater trade openness would generate higher tax revenue, while concurrently allowing countries to reap the well‐known benefits of international trade.  相似文献   

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