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Japan, South Korea and China are the three juggernauts of the East Asian economy. In gross domestic product terms, China is the world’s second largest economy, Japan the third and South Korea the eleventh. Also, Japan and South Korea are the only two of the OECD’s prestigious Development Assistance Committee members from Asia, providing a large combined annual budget to developing countries, and the only two Asian countries of the seven-member 50–20 Club with members with a population of 50 million or more and a per capita GDP of US$20,000 or more. Many studies have offered explanations of this Asian economic and corporate success, although few have attempted to explain the leadership styles in these three countries. Globalization has also changed these economies enormously, leading to the possible convergence with universalism forces and commensurate globalization of their leadership styles. This collection, therefore, presents some of the most recent findings of leadership studies on Japan, South Korea and China in light of this.  相似文献   

李锋 《全球化》2020,(2):72-84,135,136
当今世界面临百年未有之大变局,变局中危和机同生并存,这给中国经济从融入世界经济走向与世界经济深度融合带来重大机遇。2035年前中国外部发展环境有望总体保持和平稳定,和平与发展的时代主题不会变,世界经济重心向亚太地区转移,新兴市场国家和发展中国家继续崛起,构建利益共享的全球价值链成为人类共同需求,“一带一路”倡议促进世界加速互联互通。但中国经济与世界经济深度融合面临的外部环境不稳定、不确定因素日益增多,国际关系复杂程度前所未有,大国之间的竞争与合作博弈更趋复杂,全球经济治理体系面临新危机。同时,中国的综合国力持续提升,市场规模日益壮大,综合优势显著增强,将为中国经济与世界经济深度融合奠定坚实的基础,但也面临经济发展新动能不足、世界级企业和品牌缺乏、能源瓶颈制约加剧和金融系统性风险加大等突出问题。  相似文献   


The creation of Mercosur rested on perceptions of US and European economic and political “hegemony” to which the new regional trade arrangement was viewed as an appropriate response. Since then the world economy has evolved in ways that question these assumptions, driven by the sharp increase in the number of economic activities that are in competition on a world scale. Other major economies, notably China and India, have been more successful than the Southern Cone countries in adapting to this multipolar world economy, challenging Mercosul to find new responses.  相似文献   

从FDI看世界经济波动对我国经济增长的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着我国对外开放的不断发展,外国直接投资已成为世界经济波动影响我国经济增长的一个重要经济变量。世界经济增长率下滑,我国外国直接投资流入增长率上升,推动我国经济高速增长;世界经济增长率上升,我国外国直接投资流入增长率下降,阻碍我国经济高速增长。本文对近20年来世界经济增长率与我国外国直接投资增长率以及国民生产总值增长率的相关性进行分析,充分验证了上述论点。  相似文献   


China is the most populous and the fastest growing major economy in the world. Although still a centralized economy, free enterprise and foreign investment is now encouraged. Many regulations have recently been introduced to control the new trade based economy. These are policed by the State Administration Bureau for Industry and Commerce, a huge bureaucracy with thousands of local offices. This paper reviews how it manages trade and particularly the marketing mix in China. The power of the local offices is discussed and a distinction drawn between “the rule of men” and “the rule of law”. It provides recommendations for trading in China.  相似文献   

朱秀亮 《中国海关》2012,(7):20-22,17
通关即将进入新的时代。这是企业的需求,亦是海关的主动创新。海关统计显示,1-5月,全国实现外贸进出口总额15109亿美元,同比增长7.7%;其中,出口7744亿美元,增长8.7%,进口7365亿美元,增长6.7%;贸易顺差379亿美元。  相似文献   

With huge debt levels, high unemployment and low growth, it appears that the European economy will continue to stagnate for the foreseeable future. China, on the other hand, has emerged as the largest trading nation in the world and become the second largest economy in the world. China’s economic rise presents a rare opportunity for Europe. However, to fully take advantage of these opportunities, both economies will need to overcome some economic frictions and trade protectionism tendencies.  相似文献   

李罗力 《全球化》2020,(2):25-39,134
改革开放40多年来,中国经济一直在“唱衰”声中成长,不但没有崩溃,反而突飞猛进地成为世界第二大经济体。唱衰中国经济的很多人只是照搬西方宏观经济理论简单片面地分析和判定中国经济。而中国经济能够奇迹般地高速增长,其根本原因在于中国具有举世瞩目的产业发展能力、居于世界前列的市场消费能力和潜力无穷的科技研发能力,这三者才是决定中国宏观经济发展乃至长期可持续发展“基本面”的三大决定性因素,是决定中国宏观经济发展的“新三驾马车”。  相似文献   

肖黎 《中国市场》2008,(41):51-54
农村物流作为现代物流的重要组成部分,对一国经济的发展起着巨大的促进作用,而这种作用的发挥必须有一个有效、完善的物流运作平台。为了加快我国农村物流运作平台的构建,促进农业经济和农村经济的发展,本文对世界上农村物流运作平台比较先进的几个发达国家与地区进行了比较分析,并概括出了值得我国学习与借鉴的一些共同经验,希望对大家有所启示。  相似文献   

国际金融危机的爆发将国际贸易推向了贸易保护主义的泥沼,世界主要经济体普遍采取大量不合理的贸易限制与贸易救济措施。中国作为世界第一大出口国、第二大进口国,首当其冲,遭受了众多国家贸易保护主义倾向的反倾销、反补贴等措施,成为首要目标国和最大受害者。贸易摩擦数量居高不下、强度增大;涉及到传统制造业和新兴产业领域;除"双反"措施之外的技术性、绿色壁垒开始增多;摩擦议题也升级到经济体制层面;同新兴发展中国家的摩擦日益增多。后金融危机时代,贸易摩擦已经成为困扰中国对外贸易的一大顽疾。面对这种现状及发展趋势,中国在平常心面对的同时,需要反求诸己、深化改革,礼尚往来、法律抗衡,坐而论道,妥善解决。  相似文献   

随着中国利率市场化改革的深化,银行拥有更多的经营自主权,但银行在信贷市场中所处的垄断地位却没有随着利率市场化改革而相应改变。运用VECM模型对中国12家上市银行及同时期美国商业银行的利润增长对经济发展的影响进行了实证研究,结果表明美国的银行利润增长显著促进了经济发展。相比之下,中国银行利润增长对经济发展的长期影响并不显著,而四大国有银行利润增长对经济发展有显著的阻碍作用,非国有银行利润增长则对经济发展有显著的促进作用。四大国有银行在信贷市场中的垄断地位导致其对经济发展产生阻碍,这意味着中国利率市场化改革及资本市场改革仍不彻底。因此,应鼓励非国有股份制银行发展,并进一步深化利率市场化改革及资本市场改革。  相似文献   

This article is the first of two parts of a comprehensive analysis regarding the key issues involved in doing business in China. By examining the complex business environment, it aims at helping foreign businessmen and investors to master the key background knowledge for being successful in the Central Kingdom ("know‐what"). A key theme is China’s immense diversity, variety, and complexity, as well as enormous competitive intensity, which are unrivaled by any other market in the world. Foreign businessmen often underestimate these aspects. The article reviews China’s historical development, political structure and climate, international relations, economy, and foreign trade. China’s infrastructure and energy structure, legal framework, competitive environment, as well as market structure and potential also are analyzed. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

本文利用社会网络分析法来分析新中国成立以来中国在世界贸易网络中地位的发展变化。新中国成立初期,我国各项网络地位衡量指标在世界各国中的排名都相对落后,1962年我国点出度为48位,点入度为73位,出强度为24位,入强度为33位,核心度为68位。经过曲折发展(1949-1978年)、高速发展(1979-2001年)和高水平发展(2002-2018年)三个阶段,到2018年我国除了入强度排名第二以外,其他各项指标都是排名第一。中国已经从世界贸易网络中的边缘国家成长为核心国家,这充分反映了我国在对外贸易领域取得的巨大成就。随着我国经济迈入高质量发展的新阶段,我国在世界贸易网络中的核心地位也将得到进一步的加强。  相似文献   


The reduction of CO2 emissions embodied in export will have an important role for China to achieve its CO2 emissions peaking target. In this study, we use input–output analysis to examine the embodied CO2 emissions in China’s export to its top largest trading countries from 2008 to 2015. We find that China’s exported CO2 emissions peaked in 2008. More than 70% of embodied CO2 emission were exported to only 20 countries, and CO2 emissions exported to developing countries have been increasing. High-energy consumption sectors contribute to CO2 emissions embodied in export significantly, such as Electricity, Gas and Water. We conclude that structural adjustment could be considered alongside technological improvements to curb China’s growing CO2 emissions.  相似文献   


Business in the urban informal economy can be seen as a challenging terrain with enormous hurdles for women entrepreneurs. This paper explores major barriers that obstruct smooth development of women entrepreneurship in Uganda’s urban informal economy. The study provides some useful academic insights and offers some practical suggestions for improving policy for women entrepreneurs. The value of this research lies in providing significant insights related to the initiation of policies and programs for entrepreneurship development, but also in increasing women’s involvement in the urban informal economy through a better understanding of the gender-based barriers to entrepreneurship. It is hoped that the study will influence business development in the urban informal economies of Uganda in particular, and Africa in general.  相似文献   

China’s economy, the second largest in the world, is undergoing a fundamental transition. Its transition from a strong focus on investment and exports towards a larger share of consumption could have important ramifications for China’s trading partners. Using China as a case study, this paper deploys a sectoral input–output (IO) analysis to take into account higher‐round spillovers from a reduction of import demand or a shift in the composition of the Chinese economy. This approach demonstrates strong indirect effects that exceed by far the initial shock from direct trade links, reflecting China’s integration into a closely knit global value chain. The result suggests that the ongoing transition in China will have important effects on the global economy.  相似文献   

PurposeSharing economy is surging and so are the consumers’ ethical concerns regarding such platforms. The current study examines the antecedents of consumers’ intention to co-create value that include consumers’ ethical perceptions constructs (i.e. privacy, security, fulfillment/reliability, shared value, service recover, and non-deception) and relationship quality constructs (trust, satisfaction, commitment), focusing on the digital sharing economy platforms.MethodologySurvey method was applied to gather data from n=348 consumers at digital sharing economy platforms. Structural equation modelling technique through Amos version 24. was employed in order to further analyze the data.FindingsResults reveal that consumers’ ethical perceptions as a second order construct comprising of privacy, security, fulfillment/reliability, service recovery, and shared value does not influence consumers’ intention to co-create value. However, relationship quality as a second order construct including commitment trust and satisfaction influences consumers’ intention to co-create value. Furthermore, relationship quality serves as strong full mediator between consumers’ ethical perceptions and their intention to co-create value.OriginalityThe studies on drawing relationships between value co-creation and relationship quality constructs have been popular yet to the authors’ surprise; seldom any studies have been conducted in examining the role of ethical perceptions in the settings of digital sharing economy platforms. Therefore, the current study closes this gap.  相似文献   

竞争中性原则是当前中国推进改革开放过程中必须要面对的一个重要问题,在中国未来的发展中具有深刻的意义。本文首先分析了竞争中性原则在目前国际博弈中的经济和政治双重内涵,然后分别从国企改革、市场深化和国家崛起三个视角研究推行竞争中性原则对中国发展的重大意义。最后,从双重承诺接受竞争中性原则、创新优化国有经济地位和作用、引导多元经济协同演进及消解美国打击四个方面,提出了我国推进这一原则的基本策略。  相似文献   

扩大内需是中国当前经济态势的迫切要求,是走向现代化的历史呼唤,是经济、社会科学发展的规律性取向,是社会主义制度的主要课题。中国发展以内需为基本驱动力的消费,应提倡积极消费,这符合世界潮流。针对中国居民生活理念守旧、落后以及消费认识上的误区,应宣传建立正确的、科学的消费理念,把握引导消费的社会舆论导向,注意在实际工作中讲究引导消费的艺术,来实现引导消费的目的。  相似文献   

论我国的碳排放权交易市场机制选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球变暖问题已经成为世界各国政府和人民关注的焦点之一,在此背景下,人们开始寻求环境保护与经济发展的共赢之路,如何发展低碳经济成为世界经济的新课题。现阶段,碳交易作为国际社会应对气候变暖的主要手段,在世界范围内的节能减排工作上取得了显著成效。本文旨在探讨构建适合我国国情与低碳经济发展的碳交易市场体系,在总体把握碳交易相关理论的基础上,借鉴国际碳排放权交易市场发展的先进经验,结合我国碳交易市场发展的基本现状,对我国建立碳排放权交易市场提出建议。  相似文献   

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