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本论文涉及一种机械零件装配用压装装置,特别涉及一种采用流体动力缸驱动的通机调速齿轮销轴压装装置。某型号通机的调速齿轮由一钟罩结构的齿轮和罩在齿轮内的两个重锤组成,重锤通过销轴在齿轮的罩顶部与齿轮转动连接,销轴轴线与齿轮的轴线垂直。在使用中,齿轮绕其轴线转动,两重锤在离心力作用下,其尾端向外张开。齿轮的转速越高,重锤的外张角度越大,外张的重锤触动控制开关,降低旋转轴转速,从而实现调速目的。目前,组装齿轮和重锤通常采用人工操作逐一将销轴敲入的方式进行装配,存在效率低和容易造成零件碰伤的不足。为此,需要一种含有动力源的机械装置压装装置,以提高生产效率和减少零件损伤。  相似文献   

针对埋刮板输送机链轮装配结构,分析了其不合理之处;定位准确度低,加工困难,装配难度较大。本文在此基础上提出了改进结构,在轴上增加定位轴肩,缩短配合面长度,从而改善装配工艺性。  相似文献   

主要特点 ☆机动滚移,省时省力。每台机组运行一天(24h),只需投工1h。 ☆爬坡能力强,可用于很陡的坡地,省去平整土地的费用。 ☆管道接头为快速拆装式,装拆方便。采用加装或拆掉一节或几节管道的方法,可灌溉不规则地块。 ☆四轮双梁加长型中央驱动车,保证管道滚移  相似文献   

辊子与齿轴套的配合尺寸为130h6/130.24h6,过盈为0.24/130的超大过盈,单独采用冷装或热装的方法均无法完成装配.经技术攻关,采用冷装和热装并用的装配新技术,同时采取严密的工艺措施防止工件冷脆开裂,解决了超大过盈机架辊的装配难题,并为将来具有同类结构的产品提供了可行的装配方法.  相似文献   

主要特点: 1装配国产名优莱动KM385发动机,低震动、低噪音、低油耗。 2.采用HST静液压驱动。无极变速便与喷药量匹配合理速。 3.液控手柄操纵力小,换挡更加舒适,可直接前后无级切换。 4.采用全液压升降拆叠机构,自动化程度高,并可根据作业要求任意调整喷杆高度。 5.装配三级过滤系统、滤网为不锈钢滤材质,防腐能力强,过滤效果好。  相似文献   

图1是套式铰刀所用的传动套,其端面上有两个键,两键相对于孔的对称度允差为±0.05mm。以前我们在平面磨床上磨削时,由于无法保证对称度,因此只能留余量,最后由钳工修研。这种人工修研法费力又费时,经过分析实验,后来采用了下述简易方法。  相似文献   

离合器打滑不仅可烧损离合器的摩擦片,更重要的是使机车的动力不能充分发挥。 确定离合器打滑的简便方法:起动发动机,拉紧手制动器,慢松离合器踏板,徐徐加大油门起步,若车身不动,发动机继续转动而不熄火,说明离合器打滑;或将发动机熄火后,挂上挡,  相似文献   

本文提出了一种在J2EE平台上开发的出口收汇核销业务系统,该系统采用Browser/Web/Database的三层体系结构:把业务信息按照应用功能模块拆分开;业务逻辑与数据库服务器分开;用户界面与业务逻辑分开;这种框架设计有利于可提高可重用性和扩展性。该系统的各个模块既可以独立运作,又可以实现无缝集成。  相似文献   

介绍一种背负式雷达易折叠平板反射阵天线上采用的高精度双向互锁铰链的结构设计。该铰链采用了四轴系双向互锁、粗定位与精确定位转换等技术,实现了天线快速展开和拆收、天线表面装配精度及重复定位精度,从而确保了天线的主要技术指标。  相似文献   

对于用螺栓联接的左右半联轴器,当起、制动频繁时,为了防止联接螺栓的逐个松劲,而将螺栓焊死;装拆联轴器时,只有将联接螺栓割开。不但装拆麻烦,而且停机时间长,工人劳动强度大。因此设计一种新型联接方式,克服上述螺栓联接的不足。  相似文献   

斗式提升机在粮食烘干中存在的两大问题:回粮与打滑。文章从卸料理论切入,分析了重力式和离心式卸料的回粮因素,列出了物料抛物线的计算值,并绘出飞行轨迹图。指出畚斗和机头形状与线速度,是斗提机设计的三个要害因素。胶带打滑源于头轮整体光面的复胶形式和硬而脆的再生橡胶质地。打滑摩擦造成轮子胶面损毁殆尽,胶带跑偏、磨破,更大的危害还在于摩擦生的热,它就是造成胶带断裂和畚斗脱落的祸根。  相似文献   

供风装置是气垫带式输送机的关键技术之一,精心搞好供风装置的设计可大大提高气垫带式输送机的技术性能,拓宽其使用范围。作者在总结多年设计供风装置成功经验和存在问题的基础上,研制成功了对称供风分风分流型供风装置。实践证明,运行效果良好,其经验可供同行借鉴。  相似文献   

橡胶密封件是密封装置中的一类通用基础元件,根据工程机械用的橡胶密封材料的功用特点,首先对机械用橡胶密封材料密封失效泄漏的原因进行了分析;介绍了机械用橡胶密封制品材料的种类及用途;以及橡胶密封材料在机械上的应用;同时指出了机械用橡胶密封材料的装用与失效的预防措施。  相似文献   

摘要:本文对TDTG100/47斗式提升机在使用过程中出现的产能达不到设计产量、牵引皮带跑偏且难以纠偏等问题进行分析探究,分析可能造成上述问题的原因,同时探索性的提出一些针对性的改进措施。  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义理论体系可以区分为"硬核"和"保护带"。有效整合理论体系,既坚持体系的"硬核",又不断调整和完善体系的"保护带",增强体系的科学性和合法性,是体系自身发展的需要,也是社会主义建设伟大实践的需要。  相似文献   

This research compared body shapes, measurements, ratios and fit problems of 234 African (109) and Caucasian (125) women. A three‐dimensional (3D) full‐body scanner generated virtual body images from which circumferential, width, protrusion and height measurements were extracted. Thereafter, circumferential and height ratios were computed. Drop values of key circumferential measurements were used to classify participants' bodies that were later visually confirmed and adopted. Results revealed that triangle, hourglass and rectangle were the three most predominant shapes among African and Caucasian women. There was a significant association between the three most predominant body shapes and ethnicity. There were significant differences in some body measurements and ratios, most of which were observed between African and Caucasian triangle as well as some of the other body shapes and the Caucasian hourglass used in the apparel industry. The differences especially between Caucasian hourglass and the other body shapes may be resulting in the persistent fit problems reported by some of the predominant body shapes at some of the selected body parts. This study therefore concluded that multicultural markets need to identify characteristics of all prevalent shapes within a population in order to minimize apparel fit problems.  相似文献   

Cause‐brand alliances (CBAs) are becoming a routine strategy to enhance the image of the brand and the cause and to encourage brand sales. This research conducted two studies to evaluate importance and fit as selection criteria for the cause partner. Study 1 evaluated the relative importance of a cause on attitudes and purchase intent for a familiar versus an unfamiliar brand. Results suggested that importance of the cause had an effect on attitudes and purchase intent for an unfamiliar brand but not for a familiar brand. Based on an unexpected finding in Study 1, a second study was conducted that addressed the issue of cause–brand fit. Results show that perceptions of logical fit between the cause and the brand does not have an effect for either the familiar or unfamiliar brand. These findings suggest that the importance of the cause may be a more relevant criterion for optimizing a CBA for an unfamiliar brand but, unlike other forms of alliances and contrary to popular anecdotal belief, perceptions of fit may not be relevant for either familiar or unfamiliar brand. ©2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

在Philips关于消费愿景的研究中提到,消费愿景会对行为态度有积极的影响.考虑到其研究中实验的刺激物是不容易想象的产品,文章想要考察针对容易想象的产品,是否也有同样的结论.文章进行了两个单因素组间设计来考察针对容易想象和不容易想象的产品,消费愿景对行为态度的影响.结果发现,针对容易想象的产品,消费愿景对行为态度没有影响;针对不容易想象的产品,消费愿景对行为态度有影响.这个发现进一步补充了Philips的结论,同时也可以更加合理地为实践提供指导.  相似文献   

汽车工业是国民经济的支柱产业,汽车工业的发展可以带动国民经济许多部门的发展。根据车用橡胶制品的发展趋势,较详细介绍了汽车的橡胶轮胎、汽车V带和同步带、减震橡胶制品、车用胶管、胶黏剂、密封胶和门窗密封条等汽车橡胶制品的种类、产品特点和市场动态,并指出了各种汽车橡胶制品的市场空间和发展前景。  相似文献   

A great deal of past work has demonstrated that ads that “fit” or blend into their context evoke favorable responses because consumers perceive such ads as less intrusive. The current work posits that when aspects of the ad make persuasive intent salient—such as exposure to retargeted ads, which are generated based on consumers' past online browsing behavior—this relationship reverses such that fit between an ad and its context elicits higher perceptions of intrusiveness. Specifically, ads that present ad copy in a conversational style “fit” with a social media context on the dimension of social presence. Across three studies, we show that retargeted ads that “fit” the context on the dimension of social presence evoke higher levels of perceived intrusiveness, which, in turn, influence downstream responses such as attitudes toward the ad.  相似文献   

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