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我国旅游企业服务品牌内化及外化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>服务品牌是消费者对服务有形部分的感知和服务过程的体验的总和,其载体是服务,其本质是服务企业提供的一种承诺,其核心价值是服务的效用。服务品牌主要由服务质量、服务模式、服务技术、服务价格、服务文化、服务信誉六部分构成,其中任何一个构成要素的缺少都会导致品牌缺陷。同时,这些要素也是服务品牌内涵的重要组成部分,关系到服务品牌的影响力和渗透力,更关系到品牌价值的实现。  相似文献   

邱玮 《现代管理科学》2012,(10):102-105
文章基于保险行业进行了实证分析,结果表明,服务交互质量通过对认知品牌态度和情感品牌态度的影响,最终对消费者行为意向产生作用。其中,人际交互质量对于认知和情感品牌态度的影响同等重要,而非人际交互质量对认知品牌态度的影响更大。  相似文献   

院一线员工是组织和顾客的联系中介,是边缘跨度角色的扮演者,不但在服务传递过程中而且在处理顾客不满时都扮演着十分重要的角色。首先,阐述了内部服务补救的概念,并认为内部服务补救需要解决两大问题,情感补救与能力提升。其次,总结出一线员工服务补救影响因素,主要包括正面影响因素(授权、培训、奖励)和负面影响因素(工作压力)。但是,相关研究并不充分,为此,提出未来研究建议。  相似文献   

服务型经济中,服务质量越来越引起重视。一线员工的服务破坏行为给组织和顾客带来严重的损失,因此成为近来研究焦点之一。本文分析了服务破坏行为的产生背景、研究起源和内涵,提出避免该行为发生的有效对策,最后对未来研究作一展望。  相似文献   

在新旧两种体制并存交替的前提下,社会各阶层间利益碰撞与再调整过程中的阵痛是难以避免的,由此而产生的某些社会现象和企业自身行为,将直接或间接地影响制约着国有企业员工工作积极性的发挥。  相似文献   

对于品牌忠诚度的研究,过去一直局限于产品品牌上。本文将品牌忠诚度理论运用于B2B服务品牌,通过实证调查,研究品牌认知度与品牌形象对态度忠诚度和行动忠诚度的影响作用,并据此为B2B服务品牌的成功管理提出建议。  相似文献   

一、三种不同业务类型的企业 按照品牌与员工的关系.将企业分为三种。一种是大众消费品型.如娃哈哈。一种是组织交易类型.如伟星股份SAB(服装辅料产品)。第三种是服务型.如招商银行。这三种业务类型的企业.对员工行为的依赖程度也有着较大的差异。  相似文献   

王海燕  任恺 《价值工程》2010,29(11):47-48
人才竞争成为企业竞争的核心,如何留住人才是关键。企业伦理已成为管理理论和管理实践发展的精神动力。本文提出了企业伦理与员工忠诚度关系的理论模型,为企业提高员工忠诚度提供了参考。  相似文献   

本文认为,服务破坏是服务企业员工在向顾客提供服务的过程中,故意不遵守服务规则或顾客要求而对顾客利益造成损失的行为;诱发该行为的因素主要有顾客、组织、员工和环境等四个;服务企业应采取必要的管理手段加以应对和处理。  相似文献   

<正>一、品牌联想与品牌偏好的概念分析Aake(r1991)指出品牌联想是指任何与品牌记忆相联系的事物,它是人们对品牌的感受,期望及想法等一连串的集合,可以反映出品牌所具有的人格及产品的认知。ikenaga(2009)认为品牌联想由品牌形象,如包括功能和符号认知等内容、品牌态度也就是对一个品牌的整体评价,它和感知的质量即整体优越  相似文献   

国内目前为止几乎没有将品牌社群与品牌延伸领域相结合的研究文章。本文在这两个领域中,选择了既有很强理论价值又有被品牌企业十分看重的品牌社群认同度、感知契合度和品牌延伸评价三个概念,通过对来自互动娱乐行业品牌社群的社群成员样本进行基于结构方程模型的数据分析,探讨了品牌社群认同度对品牌延伸评价的作用机理。研究结果证实了研究假设:品牌社群认同度对品牌延伸评价有正向作用,并且通过感知契合度这个中介变量对品牌延伸评价有间接的正向影响。这个结论不仅为品牌社群作用的机理理论提供了较为有效的补充,还为品牌企业建设、培育品牌社群、发展延伸品牌提供了较为有力的指导。  相似文献   

国内目前为止几乎没有将品牌社群与品牌延伸领域相结合的研究文章。本文分别从这2个领域中选择了既有很强理论价值又是品牌企业十分看重的品牌社群认同度、品牌社群参与度和品牌延伸评价三个潜变量,通过对来自汽车行业某奢侈品品牌社群的社群成员样本进行基于结构方程模型的数据分析,探讨了品牌社群认同度和参与度对品牌延伸评价的作用机理。研究结果证实了研究假设:品牌社群认同度对品牌延伸评价有正向作用,并且通过品牌社群参与度这个中介变量对品牌延伸评价有间接的正向影响。这个结论不仅为品牌社群作用的机理理论提供了较为有效的补充,还为奢侈品品牌企业建设、培育品牌社群和发展延伸品牌提供了较为有力的指导。  相似文献   

品牌广告共鸣实质上体现了消费者与广告中品牌的一种紧密的心理联系,通过与品牌的情感互动,消费者会感觉到该品牌能够反映自己的情感并且可以通过该品牌为媒介与其他人进行交流,因此会增强消费者对品牌的认同和依赖,获得较高的品牌忠诚度.本研究发现消费者对广告中品牌的共鸣实际上体现为消费者对广告中的品牌理念、代言人、广告形式、广告场景的共鸣四方面,本文把这四方面命名为理念分享、形式欣赏、人物认同、场景相识,并且验证了消费者对这四方面的共鸣对品牌认知、品牌偏好产生显著正面作用,从而影响消费者对品牌的购买意愿.  相似文献   

Advocates of employee rights, relying upon moral and legal perspectives, have used moral appeals and the threat of legal sanctions to persuade managers to act responsibly. Drawing on a behavioral perspective and analyzing interviews and literature about employee complaints, this paper develops the practical view. This view emphasizes employees' perceptions of their rights, as represented by eight broad categories of asserted rights, and the subtle costs that employees can impose when their standards of proper treatment are violated. While important differences between the behavioral, legal, and moral perspectives are identified, a general standards-setting framework is presented that indicates the complementarity of the three perspectives and the advantages of a multidisciplinary combination.  相似文献   

Although mission statements are deemed effective tools for communicating the goals of public organizations, there is a dearth of research examining how employees perceive mission statements and their effect. Data from 1,418 employees of a Belgian public organization indicate that although perceived mission statement quality and employee mission engagement are positively related, individual acceptance of the mission statement varies within the analysed organization and can be, partially, explained by cognitions and attributes of the message receiver (hierarchical position, perceived self-efficacy and person–organization fit), and employee cognitions regarding the message sender (behavioural integrity) and the message (mission ambiguity).  相似文献   

In an examination of the possible impact of differences in the number of employment screening devices on employee attachment, cognitive dissonance theory was used to deduce the hypothesis that increases in the number of screens would be associated with more favorable job-related attitudes. Contrary to the prediction, results from a national probability sample of 702 full-time employees yielded evidence that an increase in screening was related with increasingly negative responses. Statistical controls for employee demographic differences and organizational size did not alter the conclusion. The need for additional study of the possible marginal utility of multiple screens in the hiring process is highlighted.  相似文献   

Using matched employer-employee data from a nationally representative sample of British establishments, the paper examines the impact of different types of performance-related pay (PRP) on earnings and whether this is moderated by the presence of employee involvement and financial participation schemes. It supports previous work that has suggested that there are strong and complex interactions between employee involvement schemes and compensation mechanisms. In particular, the results indicate that employees' earnings are highest where both individual and work-group PRP schemes are present at a workplace, and where there are congruent PRP and employee participation schemes.  相似文献   

The extant operations management literature has extensively investigated the associations among quality, customer satisfaction, and firm profitability. However, the influence of employee attributes on these performance dimensions has rarely been examined. In this study we investigate the impact of employee satisfaction on operational performance in high-contact service industries. Based on an empirical study of 206 service shops in Hong Kong, we examined the hypothesized relationships among employee satisfaction, service quality, customer satisfaction, and firm profitability. Using structural equations modeling, we found that employee satisfaction is significantly related to service quality and to customer satisfaction, while the latter in turn influences firm profitability. We also found that firm profitability has a moderate non-recursive effect on employee satisfaction, leading to a “satisfaction–quality–profit cycle”. Our empirical investigation suggests that employee satisfaction is an important consideration for operations managers to boost service quality and customer satisfaction. We provide empirical evidence that employee satisfaction plays a significant role in enhancing the operational performance of organizations in the high-contact service sector.  相似文献   

在品牌竞争时代,服务企业的竞争更多表现为品牌竞争,培育服务品牌权益成为服务企业获取竞争优势的重要来源。文中分析了服务企业品牌权益形成的主要因素,并从顾客体验等方面提出了培育服务品牌权益的营销启示。  相似文献   

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