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2008年12月16日,由人力资源和社会保障部、中国石油和化学工业协会共同举办的“全国石油和化学工业劳动模范表彰大会”在北京人民大会堂隆重召开,大会表彰了全国石油和化学工业先进集体、劳动模范和先进工作者,这是我国石油和化学工业管理体制改革13年来的第一次。中共中央政治局常委、中纪委书记贺国强发来贺信,全国人大常委会原副委员长顾秀莲到会致辞,并为获奖者颁奖。  相似文献   

我国石化工业发展现状与前景苏亿民石化工业的现状我国石油化学工业包括石油加工和以石油、大然气为原料的化学工业(简称石化工业)。石化一I:业是国民经济中的能源和原材料工业,已被国家列为同民经济的支柱产业之建国四十多年来,我国石化工业迅速发展,并已有了相当...  相似文献   

<正>石油和化学工业是我国国民经济的能源原材料产业、基础产业和支柱产业。"十三五"是我国全面建成小康社会的决胜阶段,是我国由石油和化学工业大国向强国跨越的关键时期。建设石油和化学工业强国对"十三五"末全面建成小康社会、实现第一个百年奋斗目标具有十分重要的意义。为推动"十三五"时期我国石油和化学工业的持续  相似文献   

7月份,我国石油和化工行业经济效益情况继续保持良好的势头,备子行业经济效益情况特点是:石油和天然气开采业获利继续大幅增长,而精炼石油产品制造业盈亏相抵后亏损,化学工业则保持稳定快速的增长。据中国石油和化学工业协会数据快报显示,7月份,我国石油和化工行业实现利润总额331.2亿元.同比增长54.5%,其中石油和天然气开采业实现利润275.3亿元,同比增长78.2%,精炼石油产品制造盈亏相抵后亏损27.1亿元,化学工业实现利润81.3亿元,同比增长54%。1-7月累计,  相似文献   

2003年,世界石油化学工业走向复苏,我国石油和化学工业也取得了快速发展,各主要经济指标均创历史最好水平。进入2004年,石油和化工行业延续上年的趋势,需求持续增长,价格稳步上扬,市场销售旺盛,全行业经济效益继续保持了快速增长的势头。  相似文献   

2005年以来,尽管石油加工业一直因受油价高涨的挤压而举步维艰,但我国石油和化工产品市场需求旺盛,价格持续走好,石油和化学工业的整体效益因此保持了较为快速的增长势头。据中国石油和化学工业协会最新数据快报显示,4月份,全国行业规模以上企业共计20165家,  相似文献   

记者从中国石油和化工协会了解到,伴随着近年来整个石油和化学工业的复苏和国内石化业的良好态势,跨国石油和化工企业普遍看好中国市场,石油石化业成为国内外企业在中国新一轮的投资热点。新建装置以规模庞大、资金密集、技术先进为主要特点,推动了我国石油和化学工业的升级换代。  相似文献   

我国石油和化工产业的竞争力评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
入世后我国石油和化学工业面临着激烈竞争的局面,对其竞争力的客观分析显得尤为必要。作为我国国民经济支柱产业的石油和化学工业,面对国内外激烈的竞争。其主要企业竞争力状况究竟怎样。如何评价其竞争力水平,对于制定正确的石化工业发展战略,增强  相似文献   

研究软科学加速我国石油化工的发展王定松半个世纪以来,炼油和石油化学工业的迅猛发展,给世界经济带来了深刻的变化,也给人类日常生活带来了繁荣,现代社会已日益离不开炼油和石油化工产品。30多年来,我国的炼油和石油化学工业(以下统简称为石油化工)取得了长足的...  相似文献   

据国家发改委工业司负责人介绍,国家将要采取措施,控制化肥涨价。最近,石油和化学工业规划院受国家发改委的委托编制了《我国氮肥行业原料及动力结构调整专项规划》。为此,就有关我国氮肥工业发展和技术改造等问题,本刊特邀撰稿人赵晏彪采访了石油和化学工业规划院院长顾宗勤。  相似文献   

高技术在中国产业发展中的地位和作用   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
在资源和能力有限的条件下,对传统技术和高技术进行选择,是关系发展中国家产业发展前途的重大战略问题。西方产业向中国的转移和西方产业技术向中国的扩散,是现阶段中国产业发展和产业技术进步的主要内容。在中国已经经历了20多年的持续快速增长的今天,各类产业(无论是成熟产业还是新兴产业)都面临着技术进步的艰巨任务。在现行世界经济体系中,高技术的高附加值利益将得到更大的强化;传统技术和传统产业的规模竞争和利润摊薄,使得其附加价值趋向降低;而高技术产业的高增长和高附加值(垄断利润)倾向则将长期保持。在中国现阶段的工业化进程中,一方面,需要发展高技术产业以拓展产业空间;而在这一过程中,高技术产业链的分解以及各产业间的融合,使得中国在整体工业技术水平不高的条件下也能在高技术产业领域中获得很大的发展空间;另一方面,要实现高技术同传统产业的结合,将高科技注入传统产业,以提高传统产业的竞争力,使得高技术的运用成为推动传统产业发展的重要力量。因此,买技术、换技术、学技术和开发自主知识产权的技术,在中国工业化过程中以及高技术产业的发展过程中都具有重要的意义。在现阶段,中国高技术产业的发展既要力争有所突破,也要做到量力而行。尤其是要通过科技资源配置体制的改革,形成高技术产业发展有效的市场竞争秩序,以促进高技术产业的长期持续发展。  相似文献   

This research investigates the characteristics of 354 directors of Britain's largest companies. Three sections of independent variables were analysed: those relating to the economic environ; those relating to the domestic environ—family background and educational experiences; those relating to self-concept. Directors were categorized according to the economic performance of their industries—GOGOs (industries in growth); YOYOs (industries in turbulence); and DODOs (industries in decline). Several differences emerged between the characteristics of directors and the economic success of their industries for which they were strategically influential.  相似文献   

在目前国内节能减排政策力度不断加强的背景下,我国工业行业在进行节能减排的同时保持稳定的工业经济增长,以改善发展质量显得尤为重要。本文基于对我国31个工业细分行业2000~2014年的行业要素密集度的计算,并对柯布道格拉斯生产函数进行扩展,运用面板数据分析方法进行资本密集型行业和劳动密集型行业的计量检验。结果发现我国工业行业中,资本密集型行业与劳动密集型行业的能源产出弹性存在较大的差异,资本密集型行业的产出弹性高于劳动密集型行业约433%,同时资本、劳动和技术等要素在这两种要素密集度行业的产出弹性也存在差异,因此不同要素密集度性质的行业应采取差异化的措施从而在节能减排的同时保证产出稳定增长。  相似文献   

我国石油石化产业聚集现状及发展策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了我国石油石化产业的空间聚集现状.表明:石油开采与加工业有一定的相关性,但并非起决定作用;石化产业的聚集明显依赖于区位和市场因素,以化纤为代表的石化产业将会在长江三角洲进一步聚集;产业聚集的地区其区位商一般都大于1,但也有特殊情况.与发达国家比,我国石化产业聚集的规模总体来说还不算高.石化产业聚集有利于综合利用资源,提出今后以化工园区的模式,进一步加强我国石油石化产业的空间聚集,推动产业发展.  相似文献   

Aggregation of homogeneous product markets into industry classifications or disequilibrium in terms of differences between expected and actual market shares can lead to bias in the estimated relationship between concentration and profitability from regressions using cross-industry data. The relationship between concentration and profitability over the period from 1965 to 1980 is estimated for various samples of Canadian manufacturing industries. Regressions for the full sample of industries lead to rejection of the hypotheses from either structure-conduct-performance (structuralist) analysis or a model of oligopolistic equilibrium. However, regressions for subsamples of industries selected to remove industries subject to aggregation provide results consistent with the structuralist hypothesis, while regressions for industries selected to remove industries subject to both aggregation and disequilibrium provide results consistent with the oligopolistic equilibrium hypothesis.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 1990 Meetings of the Canadian Economics Association. Helpful comments from Jeff Church, Steve Davies, Simon Domberger, Ben Heijdra, Dave Sapsford, Pam Weidler and participants at the meetings are gratefully acknowledged. Useful suggestions were also received from an anonymous referee of this journal.  相似文献   

This paper consists of two parts. In the first, a method is suggested to isolate the effects of scale economies on learning phenomena by integrating the conventionally specified learning curve with the production function in neoclassical economics. The problem of establishing the variable for measuring experience is dealt with in the estimation procedure. Using this method we estimated the learning curves of 20 industries in the manufacturing sector in Singapore using data taken from 1961 to 1991. More modern industries like electronics, precision instruments and pharmaceutics have steeper learning curves than older industries. Among traditional industries, the food and beverage industry has a greater learning potential than others. In the second part of the paper, the learning curves for 11 common industries in South Korea, Japan and Singapore were estimated and compared. The Japanese industries are found to have steeper learning curves compared to those in Singapore and South Korea.The authors are from the Department of Business Policy, Faculty of Business Administration, National University of Singapore. The authors would like to thank Ms Tan Mui Lee for her assistance in preparing the time series data used for this study.  相似文献   

中国制造业知识特性、规模、经济效益比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文建立了知识要素对制造业发展的影响模型,并根据模型建立起评价制造业知识特性的指标体系,进而分析了在知识经济条件下,中国制造业的产业结构特征,建立起知识与产业规模,知识与产业经济效益的分类准则,并以此标准对29个制造业进行了分类,揭示了产业知识水平对产业发展的重大影响。  相似文献   

Skill relatedness and firm diversification   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Because of the importance of human capital, a firm's choice of diversification targets will depend on whether these targets offer opportunities for leveraging existing human resources. We propose to quantify the similarity of different industries' human capital or skill requirements, that is, the industries' skill relatedness, by using information on cross‐industry labor flows. Labor flows among industries can be used to identify skill relatedness, because individuals changing jobs will likely remain in industries that value the skills associated with their previous work. Estimates show that firms are far more likely to diversify into industries that have ties to the firms' core activities in terms of our skill‐relatedness measure than into industries without such ties or into industries that are linked by value chain linkages or by classification‐based relatedness. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

自然垄断产业市场结构重组的目标、模式与政策实践   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:32  
为促进自然垄断产业的有效竞争 ,提高经济效率 ,许多国家都对自然垄断产业实行市场结构重组政策。本文将探讨自然垄断产业市场结构重组的基本目标 ,5种主要市场结构重组模式及其特点 ,并分析一些经济发达国家和中国在自然垄断产业实行市场结构重组的政策实践。  相似文献   

Major developments are occuring in the manufacturing technologies used in many industries—especially the metal manufacturing and fabricating industries and the electronic manufacturing industries. These developments provide a basis for developing a firm's distinctive competence but this can only be exploited to the full if Marketing personnel are aware of and take account of the new capabilities offered by these technological developments.  相似文献   

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