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变幻莫测的灾害性天气给世界各国经济、社会带来了严重的损失,作为一种有效的天气风险管理工具——天气衍生产品逐渐得到越来越多的关注。文章从天气风险的基本概念开始,从天气衍生产品产生的背景出发,简单介绍天气衍生产品市场的现状及发展,并对我国天气衍生产品的发展进行展望分析。  相似文献   

论天气衍生产品与农业风险管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国农业面临严重的天气风险,现有的控制和分散农业天气风险的机制和措施由于自身缺陷不能有效发挥作用.天气衍生产品市场在分散和转移农业天气风险方面具有优势,我国应积极探索和发展农业天气衍生产品市场,可以率先发展生长温值(GDD)指数期货市场,待市场成熟以后再逐步推出其他衍生产品.  相似文献   

21世纪是金融全球化和自由化的时代,面对变幻莫测的天气及由此带来的社会损失,天气衍生产品作为一种有效的避险工具正受到越来越多人的关注。文章从世界天气衍生产品发展情况出发,介绍了欧美发达国家天气衍生产品发展现状及我国在应对天气风险的现有举措,结合中国现有国情,就未来我国发展该种金融工具的有利条件和不利因素进行了可行分析,充分论证了未来我国天气衍生产品发展的迫切性和直接现实性。最后为未来我国天气衍生产品的发展提出切实有效的举措与发展建议。  相似文献   

90年代后期衍生产品的发展已经逐步超出了过去以商品和货币为对象的模式。经济金融活动始终伴随着风险,理论上说各类风险都可以形成一类衍生产品。天气衍生产品的出现表明了这一趋势,并对金融衍生产品的发展产生了重要影响。金融衍生交易的功能也正在从风险防范向风险管理与风险配置转变。  相似文献   

衍生产品信用风险指的是衍生工具含有的信用风险。衍生产品的信用风险主要源于两方面,一是衍生产品本身具有交易对手违约风险,二是衍生产品标的资产含有交易对手违约风险。衍生产品信用风险具有复杂性、隐蔽性、普遍性、损失破坏大等特征。我国目前由于衍生产品市场不发达、信用风险意识不高、信用风险市场阙如等原因,在衍生产品信用风险管理方面几乎处于空白阶段。而发展衍生产品市场,尤其是衍生产品OTC市场又是我国的战略方向,为此,加强衍生产品信用风险意识,提高衍生产品信用风险管理水平有重要性和紧迫性。我们需要通过引入中央对手方交易机制等机制设计、对衍生产品信用风险进行合理定价、创新和发展信用衍生产品市场等途径,提高衍生产品的风险意识管理水平。  相似文献   

随着气候异常变化频率的增加以及极端天气事件的频繁发生,天气风险对农业的影响尤其严重,天气风险管理成为了关注的热点.天气衍生品作为国外进行天气风险管理和转移的金融创新工具,为应对天气风险提供了重要的途径,定价问题则是天气衍生品研究中的核心问题.本文使用武汉市1990.1.1-2009.12.31的每日气温数据,采用了基于ARMA的时间序列模型分析了武汉市气温动态变化的过程,对模型进行了估计、检验了模型的预测准确度,结果表明:ARMA模型具有较好的拟合优度,能以此为基础对气温期权等天气衍生产品进行合理定价.基于以上分析,本文提出应提供有利的技术环境、政策环境和制度环境以推进农业天气衍生品开发与市场发展的政策建议.  相似文献   

天气衍生品的运作机制与精算定价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天气衍生品是为了规避天气风险给天气敏感行业带来收入的不稳定性而兴起的创新型风险管理工具,其实质是通过衍生合约对天气风险进行分割、重组和交易的证券化产品。不同于传统金融衍生品,天气衍生品的价值取决于温度、湿度或降雨量等天气指数。本文在分析天气衍生品市场发展的基础上,重点探讨了最常见的天气期货和天气期权的运作机制及其精算定价。  相似文献   

郑锦亚 《时代金融》2014,(29):38+41
信用衍生品同其他的金融衍生产品一样对金融稳定性具有双重性质的影响。一方面,从理论上来讲,在市场完备的情况下,信用衍生品有利于金融体系的稳定。但是由于现实情况下信用衍生产品的系统构建尚不完善及其市场本身又具有一定的缺陷,信用衍生产品的出现在一定程度上对金融稳定性产生了较为负面的影响。  相似文献   

随着我国加入WTO,金融企业的业务创新步伐逐步加快,金融机构表外业务的占比和风险也日益加大,面对股票、期权等一系列新兴的金融衍生产品,非常需要有一套完整、统一的金融衍生产品会计核算理论来指导、规范各项金融衍生产品业务。本文在此对传统会计理论与IASC会计理论进行比较分析,探讨了金融衍生产品会计的作用,并提出加快我国金融衍生产品会计制度建设的对策与建议。  相似文献   

我国金融衍生产品会计问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国加入WTO,金融企业的业务创新步伐逐步加快,金融机构表外业务的占比和风险也日益加大,面对股票、期权等一系列新兴的金融衍生产品,非常需要有一套完整、统一的金融衍生产品会计核算理论指导、规范各项金融衍生产品业务。通过对传统会计理论与IASC会计理论的比较分析,提出加快我国金融衍生产品会计制度建设的对策与建议。  相似文献   

Weather derivatives are a relatively recent kind of financial product developed to manage weather risks, and currently the weather derivatives market is the fastest-growing derivative market. The development of weather derivatives represents one of the recent trends toward the convergence of insurance and finance. This article presents an overview of weather risks, weather derivatives, and the weather derivatives market, and examines the valuation of weather derivatives in an incomplete market, the hedging effectiveness of standardized weather derivatives, as well as optimal weather hedging with the consideration of basis risk and credit risk.  相似文献   

We present four models for predicting temperatures that can be used for pricing weather derivatives. Three of the models have been suggested in previous literature, and we propose another model that uses splines to remove trend and seasonality effects from temperature time series in a flexible way. Using historical temperature data from 35 weather stations across the United States, we test the performance of the models by evaluating virtual heating degree days (HDD) and cooling degree days (CDD) contracts. We find that all models perform better when predicting HDD indices than predicting CDD indices. However, all models based on a daily simulation approach significantly underestimate the variance of the errors.  相似文献   

本文对上海世博会期间的异常天气保险进行了设计,并提出了政府给予一定补贴建立异常天气保险制度、引入专业保险中介、完善异常天气保险相关法律法规、提高保险和气象专业服务水平等政策建议。  相似文献   

农业自然风险的金融管理:天气衍生品的兴起   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
天气衍生品是农业保险创新的产物,它将金融工具的理念用于自然灾害的风险管理,为农业生产者的风险转移提供了新途径。天气衍生品的推出可以增强保险公司和再保险公司分散风险的能力,有助于提高农业自然风险的管理水平。本文介绍了全球天气衍生品发展的产品与市场状况,并提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

基于产品空间理论,利用1998~2015年UNComtrade数据库计算中国在全世界范围和"一带一路"沿线国家范围的出口产品密度,实证分析出口产品密度对中国34个工业行业产业创新的影响。研究结果表明:在全世界范围内,中国出口产品密度对行业新产品的影响具有显著的促进作用,进一步将新产品转变为比较优势产品的过程中,前者仍然具有积极的影响;在"一带一路"沿线国家范围内,中国的出口产品密度对新产品以及新产品转变为比较优势产品过程中的影响却不明显;外国直接投资、固定资本、人力资本等对中国产业创新均起到积极的驱动作用,而传统意义上的研发投入和专利项对产业创新的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

Weather index insurance as a tool to insure the income of agriculturally active households has triggered extensive discussions in the literature. Despite the convincing theoretical argumentation, the demand for these products stays behind expectations. Several studies revealed effects impacting the demand for index insurance, such as liquidity constraints, basis risk, lack of understanding and trust in insurers and products alike. This paper takes a different perspective and hypothesizes that low demand is due to heterogeneous risk exposure towards weather variability among potential insured. The paper tests the impact of income heterogeneity as a measure of risk exposure on insurance demand and finds that risk exposure negatively affects insurance demand. In order to increase demand, it is concluded that product design should emphasize more the importance of income risk composition and exposure of potentially insured.  相似文献   

We consider pricing weather derivatives for use as protection against weather extremes by using max-stable processes to estimate risk measures. These derivatives are not currently traded on any open markets, but their use could help some institutions manage weather risks from extreme events. The central challenge is to model the dependence of payments, which increases the risk of holding multiple weather derivatives. The method described utilizes results from spatial statistics and extreme value theory to first model extremes in the weather as a max-stable process, and then simulate payments for a general collection of weather derivatives. As the joint likelihood function for max-stable processes is unavailable, we use two approaches: The first is based on the composite likelihood, and the second is based on approximate Bayesian computing (ABC). Both capture the spatial dependence of payments. To incorporate parameter uncertainty into the pricing model, we use bootstrapping with the composite likelihood approach, while the ABC method naturally incorporates parameter uncertainty. We show that the additional risk from the spatial dependence of payments can be quite substantial, and that the methods discussed can compute standard actuarial risk measures in both a frequentist and Bayesian setting.  相似文献   

Optimal Hedging of Prediction Errors Using Prediction Errors   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Wind power energy has been paid much attention recently for various reasons, and the production of electricity with wind energy has been increasing rapidly for a few decades. One of the most difficult issues for using wind power in practice is that the power output largely depends on the wind condition, and as a result, the future output may be volatile or uncertain. Therefore, the prediction of power output in the future is considered important and is key to electric power generating industries making the wind power electricity market work properly. However, the use of predictions may cause other problems due to “prediction errors.” In this work, we will propose a new type of weather derivatives based on the prediction errors for wind speeds, and estimate their hedge effect on wind power energy businesses. At first, we will investigate the correlation of prediction errors between the power output and the wind speed in a Japanese wind farm, which is a collection of wind turbines that generate electricity in the same location. Then we will develop a methodology that will optimally construct a wind derivative based on the prediction errors using nonparametric regressions. A simultaneous optimization technique of the loss and payoff functions for wind derivatives is demonstrated based on the empirical data.  相似文献   

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