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The surge of interest in the social impacts of the Internet has led information systems experts to apply methods and theories garnered from disciplines such as psychology and sociology. As researcher look across disciplines for methods and explanations of outcomes, they run the risk of researching badly. This may be because they are inexperienced in the theory or method, or because the theory or method is not entirely applicable to the context that challenges them. Thus, in the search for the novelty necessary to achieve publications, and given the lack of experience in applying information systems to issues beyond the corporate sphere, research that does not hold water is being undertaken. This is of particular interest because it is not necessarily being undertaken by the novice. The research reported here was undertaken by experienced researchers using experimental and interview methods with which they had experience in other disciplines (psychology and economics). However, the context of researching the impact of the Internet on the quality of life of first time users over the age of 65 was sufficiently different as to render the methods and possibly the theory inappropriate. This dilettantism must be recognized for what it is.  相似文献   

吕江涛 《价值工程》2014,(25):253-254
高校图书馆大多馆藏丰富,有很多有价值且公立图书馆所没有的资源,为高校师生教学科研提供有力的帮助,但是假期中高校图书馆的图书却闲置起来,而公立图书馆却人满为患。在检索中查到高校图书馆的书籍却无法查阅,这对于高校图书馆来说实则是一种资源浪费,高校图书馆如何应对,本文就此问题提出建议。  相似文献   

面临复杂多变的外部环境、更为激烈的行业竞争以及内部管理经营的提升,大多数民营企业处在转型期,其发展战略必须做出相应调整,而战略决定组织结构,势必要进行企业组织结构的变革以适应其战略,而民营企业由于其创始人或者CEO的素质和特征以及民营企业固有的特性,在组织结构变革中显得更为步履维艰。笔者试图从管理咨询实践中分析民营企业在组织结构变革实施过程中所遇到的难点与症结,并总结民营企业在组织结构变革中所采用的好措施和对策,以期为民营企业更好地进行组织结构变革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

As the economies in Central Europe have commenced their transformation from centrally planned to market-led economies, each country has implemented a new legal framework for accounting and auditing. This provides a unique opportunity to research the implementation of aspects of accounting and auditing well known to Western market economies into different economic contexts. In particular, it provides an opportunity to revisit the role of the independent audit. This paper contributes to the research on the developing of auditing in Central Europe by analysing the role of the audit in the Czech Republic. It covers aspects of both regulation and practice and, in order to gain more understanding of how the audit role is developing in the Czech Republic, focuses on three areas: influences on the Czech audit legislation; the position of the audit report and perceptions of the objectives of the audit in the Czech Republic. After a brief review of the published literature on accounting and audit in the Czech Republic, the paper studies some of the country's recent economic and legislative developments in relation to auditing. These developments are put into the context of auditing before and after the ‘Velvet revolution’ of 1989. The paper then concentrates on the influences on the development of Czech audit legislation by comparing aspects of the Czech audit legislation with the German and UK equivalents. This comparison highlights some anomalies in the Czech legislation. The Czech audit legislation is then put into the local context based on a review of the contents of the audit report and its publication with interviews among a selection of users and preparers about how the audit is perceived.  相似文献   

傅强 《企业技术开发》2005,24(11):79-81
文章针对高速公路施工中可能发生的一些不可控事件,分析怎样做才能对这些不可控事件取得更可能的索赔。  相似文献   

侯波  焦琛 《价值工程》2010,29(4):185-185
我国在2009年哥本哈根气候变化大会上承诺,2020年单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降40%~45%;为实现温室气候排放目标,建立低碳城市规划体系将成为这一新理念的标志,也将是发展低碳城市,实现减排目标的必由之路。低碳城市规划是发展低碳城市的基本战略、有效策略和可靠保障。  相似文献   

"简政强镇"改革,使乡镇经济社会管理职能由"权小责大"向"权责一致"转变,已经取得了实质性的进展。但这一改革仍面临着诸多的困境。因此,必须从形成改革共识、理顺行政体制、转变职能定位、保障执法权威以及加强权力监管等方面构建"简政强镇"改革的实现机制,才能从体制和法制上保障改革的顺利进行。  相似文献   

抽油机在平衡性能较好的状态下运转,可以延长设备的使用周期,也可以减少设备对电网的最大需量,节省电力以及相关耗材费用的支出。平衡性差的抽油机会在一段时间消耗很多的电力,而另一段时间还要向电网回馈电力,其回馈的电力还会对电网及用电设备造成损害。因此文章试着从功率曲线入手,探讨抽油机平衡率的应用。  相似文献   

There exists a close similarity between the input–output structure of a national economy and the structure of the system of scientific knowledge. The flow of commodities between the different disciplines is analogous to the flow of goods and services between industries. The so-called citation indexes listing the subjects of articles published in different scientific journals and references made in them to articles published in other journals can be used to construct input–output tables describing the interrelationship between the creation and use of different scientific ideas.  相似文献   

李鹏 《物流科技》2012,(1):40-45
20世纪末,第三方物流迅速发展,由传统第三方物流逐渐向现代整合性第三方物流过渡,相应的,第三方物流合同也逐渐从传统的运输、仓储合同向类型结合型的第三方物流合同转化。这种类型结合型的第三方物流合同系无名合同,其裁判依据包括双方之间订立的第三方物流合同本身(包括补充协议、体系解释、交易习惯)和民事法律规范。从双方之间订立的第三方物流合同角度而言,其违约责任多采用的是严格责任归责原则。从民事法律规范的角度来说,基于个案中能否确认货损发生的区间,第三方物流合同适用不同的违约责任的归责原则,或适用《合同法》总则的严格责任原则,或适用损失确认区间适用法律的违约责任的归责原则。  相似文献   

物流工程专业双语教学模式探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
楚岩枫 《物流科技》2007,30(3):136-138
双语教学是以教育的国际化、信息化为背景,以培养创新国际化人才为目的。随着我国物流产业的发展,物流人才尤其是物流工程专业的人才培养已刻不容缓。本文探讨了在物流工程专业开展双语教学的意义,并进一步研究了物流工程专业的课程体系,在此基础上分析了物流工程专业双语教学的层次和应采用的教学方法。  相似文献   

The commons are a one input-one output production process with increasing marginal cost. In the everage return game, each agent chooses his input contribution and total output is shared in proportion to individual contributions. In the average cost game, each agent chooses his output share and total input cost is shared in proportion to individual demands. The tragedy is that the non cooperative equilibrium results in inefficient overutilization of the technology. We prove formally the tragedy when individual preferences are convex and both goods are normal. This result has not been proved previously on such a general preference domain. We also show that overutilization is less severe in the average cost game than in the average return game.  相似文献   

在对信息企业文化特点和影响要素分析的基础上,构建了评价指标体系;针对企业文化具有抽象化和难以量化的特点,综合采用熵权法和灰色模糊评价法,进行无量纲处理得到各指标的得分值并分析影响效果;最后结合西安H信息企业文化进行实例研究,提出信息企业文化建设需要关注员工.加强信息交流,树立企业信用,营造信息氛围。  相似文献   

王星 《企业技术开发》2009,28(6):109-110
胡主席在军队一次重要会议上提出,要围绕强化官兵精神支柱,大力培育"忠诚于党,热爱人民,报效国家,献身使命,崇尚荣誉"的当代革命军人核心价值观。军人价值观是属于军人这一特殊群里所拥有得共同价值观,他符合并反映这一群体的根本利益和要求。我国军校学院作为我国军人的一个重要组成部分,还存在着价值取向不明等种种问题,我们应该在当代军人核心价值观的指导下,进行我国军校学院的价值观构建。  相似文献   

21世纪物流事业的发展.离不开法律的保护.目前我国有关物流的法律法规已经不能适应现代物流业的高速发展,相关内容散见于其他法的条款中,要想适应飞速发展的物流事业,必须完善物流法律制度。在找出我国现有物流法律制度存在的问题的基础上.强调完善物流法律体系的构建是时代发展的必然。  相似文献   

We investigate the incentives of sales managers to transmit information on demand conditions to headquarters under different organizational structures and its subsequent impact on firm performance. When headquarters determine quantities of production, sales managers' interests are aligned with that of the firm, and reliable information is transmitted. On the other hand, when the authority of decision making on quantities of production is delegated to sales managers, they prefer not to transmit reliable information; consequently, headquarters set transfer prices given poor information about demand. Due to such difference in the quality of the information available to headquarters, a centralized organizational structure frequently leads to the best performance.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse in formal terms the desirability of the regionalisation of a National Health Service. The policy consists of a devolution process, i.e. the increase in the health services provision to be decided by a region and financed by an increase in its revenues. The change is a marginal one, as it regards the part of supply of the health services exceeding a minimum standard, which for purposes of equity is maintained uniform in the national territory. As the central government is responsible for this component of the provision of health care (a federal “mandate”), the level of the said component is chosen by this authority and financed by federal taxation. Moreover, the government also applies an equalisation scheme based on the difference between a standard level of tax revenues and the revenues which the region is deemed able to raise for this purpose. Within the theoretical context of welfare improving reforms with distortionary taxation, we derive two conditions which focus on the regional, as well as the social, convenience of regionalisation. Received: May 5, 1999 / Accepted: January 21, 2000  相似文献   

张蓓 《价值工程》2011,30(36):110-111
现代科学技术的飞速发展,电子计算机及互联网的普及应用,使得图书分类工作方式产生了深刻的变革,同时对图书分类人员的综合素质也提出了新的要求。本文阐述了网络环境下图书分类人员应具备的综合素质,探讨了提高图书分类人员素质的途径,以期使图书分类人员能够适应、面对网络环境下图书分类工作新的挑战。  相似文献   

A number of influential authors have argued that the long-run average cost curve has only a limited role in the theory of the firm. This note examines this claim in more detail. It argues that the curve has an important role in determining long-run equilibrium as it provides an important ‘signal’ to agents in the capital and product market about the extent to which an industry is in disequilibrium. The effect of removing the certainty assumption is then examined and it is argued that the average cost curve is an important input in the assessment of operating risk.  相似文献   

新形势下高校党员教师的党性修养与师德高低关系着我国教育事业的成败。党性修养与师德建设具有内在的一致性。高校应将二者合二为一开展师德教育,“以师为本”,建立合理的师德评价机制,注重教师专业成长,增强教师的职业荣誉感。  相似文献   

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