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International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal - The purpose of this study is to improve our understanding of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Unlike many previous studies, we accomplish this...  相似文献   

We examine the relative dominance of credit and monetary policy shocks in influencing asset prices in emerging markets. Estimates from panel VAR models for 22 EMEs provide evidence of a significant impact of bank credit on house prices in contrast to trivial impact on stock prices, possibly due to prudential regulations on banks’ exposure to stock markets. Contractionary monetary policy triggers sizeable and persistent decline in stock than housing prices as higher interest rates may render the funding of leverage costlier. Global shocks play an important role in explaining fluctuations in domestic stock prices rather than house prices since the latter class of asset is largely non-tradable across countries.  相似文献   

通过对北京文化经济规划和政策实践的比较分析,揭示了北京提出和发展文化创意产业对促进文化经济的融合与兴起的重要价值.认为现阶段政府在文化经济发展中主要扮演推动者角色,但要真正建立与中国特色社会主义市场经济的繁荣和中国制造的国际影响相称的中国特色社会主义文化和软实力,政府需要进一步发挥高水平的挑战者的作用.  相似文献   

The paper develops net entrepreneurial productivity (NEP) as a complex latent construct of second order composed of productive, unproductive and destructive entrepreneurial activity. Its parameters were estimated using the partial least squares structural equation modeling method in the selected 15 developed and 7 post-transition economies for the average values in the period 2006-2013. The results unveil the direct and indirect effects between entrepreneurial activities, and between entrepreneurial activities and NEP, as well as that the level of NEP and productive entrepreneurial activity in developed economies is at a higher level compared with post-transition economies. The results suggest that for NEP and productive entrepreneurship to take place, regardless of the group of economies considered, an effective institutional environment that supports human capital development, fair competition and transparency should be established and maintained before developing more specific entrepreneurial programs and policies.  相似文献   

Although globalization has shaped the world economy in recent decades, emerging economies have experienced impressive growth compared to developed economies, suggesting specific comovements within developed and emerging business cycles. Using observed developed and emerging real economy activity variables, we investigate whether the latter assertion can be supported by observed data. Based on a two-level factor model, we assume these activity variables can be decomposed into global components, emerging or developed common components, and idiosyncratic national shocks. We propose a statistical test for the null hypothesis of a one-level specification, where it is irrelevant to distinguish between emerging and developed latent factors against the two-level alternative. This paper provides a theoretical justification and Monte Carlo simulations that document the testing procedure. An application of the test to various data sets of developed and emerging countries leads to strong statistical evidence of specific comovements within these two groups.  相似文献   

International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal - The paper examines several refugee experiences in Mexico and presents their reasons for leaving their home countries. A gap in research is...  相似文献   

It is acknowledged that social capital plays an important role in the growth of entrepreneurial firms. However, few studies have examined the contribution and function of social capital networks that contain structural holes (heterogeneous networks) in emerging economies. It is not clear how trustworthiness and behavioural commitment impact on effectiveness of these networks in obtaining resources. This study explores how heterogeneous networks characterize successful entrepreneurship of small-medium enterprises in such setting. We find that behavioural commitment moderates the relationship between heterogeneous networks and resource acquisition, while trustworthiness does not significantly moderate this relationship. The impact of the findings on the literature and practice in emerging economies is discussed, as is the need for future research in this domain.  相似文献   

自"世界文化政策大会"召开20余年来,文化产业发展大潮已席卷大多数西方国家.根据西方学者的相关研究,西方国家文化产业就业主要呈现以下七个特点:巨大的就业量、较快的就业增速、主要分布在都市区、分布倾向于发达大城市、各地域具有不同的优势部门、产业结构中"生产"功能增长显著、生产活动中中小型企业处支配地位.结合我国的实际状况,西方国家文化产业就业可以给我国如下启示:就业应成为文化产业发展的指示器;文化产业不是绝对的支柱产业;要扶持优势产业以促进城市竞争力;农村地区可以适当发展文化产业;文化产业不等同于高新技术产业;注重对小企业的扶持.  相似文献   

The effects of urban agglomeration economies on productivities in two-digit manufacturing industries is estimated using the cross section data of Japanese cities in 1979. Urbanization and localization economies, which are major forms of urban agglomeration economies, are explicitly separated. The estimates of these economies vary considerably among industries. Light industries receive more productive advantages from urbanization economies than from localization economies, but heavy industries experience these economies more from localization economies than from urbanization economies.  相似文献   

当今世界经济呈现多极化趋势,新兴经济体成为世界经济增长的主要动力,对世界政治经济格局产生深刻影响。本文阐述新兴经济体在政治、经济、社会等各方面发展状况,分析新兴经济体的发展对国际社会的影响力。新兴经济体的发展促进了世界经济、国际贸易的稳步发展和产业结构调整,为消除世界范围的贫困和维护世界和平做出了积极的贡献,为发展中国家加快发展和加强“区域化”多边合作提供了可借鉴模式,同时对全球治理结构转型和国际秩序重塑产生一定影响。  相似文献   

To forecast at several, say h, periods into the future, a modeller faces a choice between iterating one-step-ahead forecasts (the IMS technique), or directly modeling the relationship between observations separated by an h-period interval and using it for forecasting (DMS forecasting). It is known that structural breaks, unit-root non-stationarity and residual autocorrelation may improve DMS accuracy in finite samples, all of which occur when modelling the South African GDP over the period 1965–2000. This paper analyzes the forecasting properties of 779 multivariate and univariate models that combine different techniques of robust forecasting. We find strong evidence supporting the use of DMS and intercept correction, and attribute their superior forecasting performance to their robustness in the presence of breaks.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent trends in the imposition of capital flow management measures in emerging market economies (EMEs). We find that since the crisis, there has been a shift in the balance of new measures towards net capital inflow reducing measures. However, this is not driven primarily by an increase in inflow tightening measures (e.g. taxes on inflows) relative to pre-crisis periods of inflow surges, but rather by significantly slower inflow liberalization trends (i.e. existing capital controls remaining in place). In addition, there has been a compositional shift in net capital inflow reducing measures: outflow liberalizations were the predominant tools for reducing net capital inflows pre-crisis, but such measures have become less important post-crisis. Overall, the pre-crisis trend towards capital account openness has stalled. The use of capital flow management measures is motivated by macroeconomic as well as financial stability concerns. The IMF recently endorsed use of capital controls as “last resort” measures in macroeconomic management. We also find that by IMF criteria, capital flow measures have not been introduced as a last resort since 2004 – alternative macroeconomic policies to deal with the surge in net capital inflows were available to the majority of countries. Moreover, most capital flow measures introduced by EMEs since 2004 are pure capital controls rather than currency based and/or prudential type measures, suggesting that they were not directly targeted to promote financial stability. However, since the crisis, there has been a small shift towards prudential-type measures.  相似文献   

We take an organizational legitimacy perspective and use data from a large-scale nationally representative study on the state of small business in Saudi Arabia, in order to explore the antecedents to the formation of entrepreneurial ventures’ inter-firm networks in the context of an emerging economy (n?=?331). We argue that entrepreneurial ventures need to overcome a threshold of cognitive legitimacy in order to develop inter-firm ties with a diverse set of large, established firms. Results indicate that having a written business plan and a formal organizational structure are positively associated with the diversity of the new venture’s inter-firm network, while the education level of the entrepreneur does not have a significant effect. In addition, the effect of having a formal organizational structure is stronger for younger ventures. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The study of gender differences in entrepreneurial self-efficacy to date has produced inconclusive results. Cross-cultural studies are virtually non-existent. The present study seeks to understand the complex interplay of biological sex, socialized gender-roles, and culture on entrepreneurial self-efficacy and motivation to become an entrepreneur. Findings indicate that among American business students the traditional view of “entrepreneur as male” is fading. For the next generation of business leaders and entrepreneurs, a new entrepreneur stereotype is emerging that balances stereotypical feminine and masculine characteristics. These findings were not replicated in Spain where traditional gender-role stereotypes associated with entrepreneurship persist, even among business students. Implications for entrepreneurial education are discussed as they relate to the development of skills associated with venture creation.  相似文献   


Migration is among the main factors influencing economic development in the twenty-first century. And while much research has explored the role of migration on economic growth, the role of diaspora for the development of the country-of-origin entrepreneurial ecosystems remains virtually unknown. We advance evidence that the entrepreneurial activity in a country does not depend only on the activities of the current residents but also on the ties that keep them interconnected via its diaspora to global entrepreneurial hubs and on the (intangible) resources that the diaspora makes available to local entrepreneurs. We perform a mixed-method study and provide evidence consistent with the idea that the diaspora stimulates opportunity-driven entrepreneurial activity despite potential conditions of a brain drain, by contributing essential social and human capital to the resources available locally.


University Spin-Offs (USOs) are dynamically involved in the knowledge spillover process and incorporated in the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem. Drawing on the knowledge spillovers related concepts and entrepreneurial ecosystem approach, the paper aims to explore the hypothesis that the regional context may partially determine the USOs' growth via a cross-national analysis and using an ‘interactionist’ approach. Two samples of Spanish and Italian USOs (516 and 904 firms, respectively) over the period 2005–2013 were used and it was applied the multilevel modelling to empirically test the hypotheses. The findings show that regional context affects firm's growth only for Spanish USOs, while for the Italian USOs the evidences seem to suggest a not significant determining influence. The paper provides evidence that the region is a critical contextual dimension and an influential factor in building a more explicative research agenda on entrepreneurial universities.  相似文献   

Countries’ image is a multifaceted construct. Its symbolic dimensions have shown to play an important role both on consumer behavior and on the attraction that organizations can have during the recruitment process. This paper offers a comprehensive model of international mobility decisions encompassing the antecedents and consequences of perceptions about emerging economies, proposing that country image depends on individuals’ background and social identities. In this context, countries’ evaluations can play a major role on influencing the willingness to accept expatriate job offers. We used a within-subject design asking for opinions about hypothetical job offers on six particular host countries: Algeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Argentina, Chile, Angola and Mozambique. Survey results from more than 500 engineers, (125 French nationals, 121 Spanish and 131 Portuguese, with the remaining 138 coming from 42 different countries, yet working in 1 of the 3 above-mentioned European countries), evidence, that language proficiency influences the evaluation of specific expatriate locations. Our results also convey the critical role of the perceived level of safety and cultural attraction in predicting the willingness to accept expatriate job offers. We conclude by discussing the theoretical and practical implications for human resource management.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the role of manufacturing in improving innovation efficiency of emerging economies. Emerging economies are developing innovations to promote their industries toward high-technology sectors to facilitate global competitiveness. Nevertheless, the role of manufacturing is often neglected, which can result in low efficiency in the innovation process. This study constructed a three-stage innovation model that consists of human capital cultivation, manufacturing development, and innovation production to stress and verify the importance of manufacturing. The experimental results suggest that manufacturing development was a key factor affecting innovation efficiency. A performance improvement strategy map was provided to improve each country's innovation efficiency.  相似文献   

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