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Commuting efficiency measures the impact of commuting on urban spatial and social environments. Urban policies aim to reduce commuting distances and improve commuting efficiency by supporting mixed land-use and job-housing balance. Many studies have addressed these issues by examining excess commuting at the aggregate level, and most aggregated measurements of excess commuting are based on home-to-work commuting flows between zones. However, residents' travel behaviour does not consist solely of rational attempts at minimizing commuting distances but is instead affected by commuting hours, the complexity of the commuting chain and the built environment. Thus, commuting efficiency must be studied at the individual or disaggregated levels. This paper examined individual commuting efficiency in suburban Beijing using a GPS-facilitated activity-travel survey and investigated the differences in commuting distance and route choice efficiency between morning and evening peaks. Notably, in so doing, we considered non-work stops, and also explored the impact of urban spatial factors – in both residential and working areas – on commuting efficiency using multilevel mixed effects generalized linear models. The findings suggest that there are significant differences in commuting distance and commuting efficiency between morning and evening peaks based on the nature of commutes. Residents working in city centres or with jobs near railway stations, with higher road network densities or with lower facility densities seem to be more adept at selecting optimal routes.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect on airport productive efficiency of two major funding sources used by US airports, namely the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grants and the Passenger Facility Charges (PFC). A two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) modeling approach is employed for this purpose. In the first stage, we estimate airport productive efficiency using a variable returns-to-scale DEA model with both desirable and undesirable outputs. In the second stage, random effects regression models are estimated with airport efficiency scores from the first stage as the dependent variable and PFC and a proxy for AIP grants as two of the explanatory variables. By applying the two-stage DEA model to 42 primary US airports, it is found that PFC use has a positive impact on airport productive efficiency, whereas the impact of AIP grants is negative. Multiple counterfactual scenarios are examined by altering the mix of the two types of funding sources. The results show that simultaneously raising the PFC ceiling and decreasing AIP grants could lead to greater airport productive efficiency. The US federal aviation authority would also benefit from realizing these scenarios, especially given the budgetary constraints it faces.  相似文献   

Some commentators suggest that air travelers are reluctant to use a foreign airport as a point of departure for their journey. Such reluctance has implications for marketing and policy measures, especially in border regions and in smaller countries, such as the Netherlands and Belgium. In this study, we tested this supposed barrier effect of national borders with empirical data.Our research is based on a subsample (n = 4083) of a large-scale survey among German, Dutch and Belgian adults. Participants were asked about their most recent flight, preferences regarding long-distance travel, and general travel behavior. The survey information about the most recent trip was linked to the Official Airline Guide with data from 18 airports in the Western European region. On average, however, only 10 airports offered a direct connection to the destination of the respondents’ most recent flight. A conditional logit model with varying choice sets allowed us to model only the relevant airports per respondent, while accounting for other known determinants in airport choice, such as travel time, airline competition, and number of available flights.The model results confirmed our expectations: people strongly prefer a departure airport situated in their own country. The model predictions suggest that without the border effect the share of people in our sample departing abroad would rise from 7.7% to 18.7%. Experience (with multiple airports as a point of departure) mitigates the barrier effect of the border. The performance of our model is good: the median probabilitie for the chosen alternative is 68%. Our research stresses the importance of the barrier effect of borders in airport choice: even when traveling across borders in the European sky, national borders remain important.  相似文献   

Overbooking in the airline industry has been studied intensively. However, these studies have paid little attention to the future revenue implications of rejecting (bumping) passengers. This paper seeks the optimal overbooking policies for US major airlines by considering how denied-boarding passengers would behave after they are bumped. The results imply that overbooking improves an airline's “current” revenue, but it also reduces the airline's future revenues. The results also imply that, although there is a significant negative overbooking effect, no airline should decrease overbooking levels because the positive side of overbooking is so strong that it more than offsets its negative side.  相似文献   

A modal shift away from the private car onto low-carbon transport modes is an essential part of decarbonising the transport sector. The dynamics of modal shifts are, however, not yet well understood. In particular the interrelations between structural and individual dynamics require further investigation. Furthermore, a better understanding is needed of how new transport modes become integrated into existing mobility practices. In this article, we address these questions in a qualitative study of modal shifts in (sub)urban commuting in three major Swiss cities. We analysed the interview data by means of a qualitative content analysis informed by practice theories. We found that modal shifts can arise i) from dynamics related to the conditions of use of different transport modes, ii) the coordination of everyday mobility with other people, iii) the coordination of resources between different daily practices, and iv) from dynamics related to the intrinsic motivation of everyday mobility. We found that these different dynamics are intertwined and that to understand how modal shifts arise, they must be analysed conjointly, rather than in isolation. And we identified three patterns in how modal shifts play out, and which describe different ways in which the new transport mode becomes integrated into everyday mobility practices. The first pattern describes modal shifts which require no adaptation of existing commuting practices. The second pattern describes modal shifts after which a new everyday mobility routine must be built. And the third pattern describes modal shifts that coincide with a lifestyle change. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings for decarbonising everyday mobility.  相似文献   

The paper uses 1834 individual life histories to examine changes in journey to work transport modes in Britain since 1890, and 90 in-depth interviews to investigate modal choice amongst commuters since the 1930s. There have been three main periods of change in the transport mode used for commuting, but there has also been considerable inertia in individual modal choice. The reasons why people use particular forms of transport have been quite stable over time, with some long-established differences between men and women. It is suggested that such trends have implications for the formulation of present-day transport policy.  相似文献   

The theoretical agenda of this paper is to bring airports and airline operations more squarely into the mainstream of the urban and regional development literature. The paper examines the spatial and temporal patterns of air passenger flows by airport in the US Carolinas. An emphasis is placed on articulating the linkages that exist between airport operations at the local level, the structural composition of the regional economy, and the competitive strategies of the airline industry. Particular attention was paid to administrative and auxiliary employment levels because it is a knowledge-based producer service that tends to seek out markets that offer high levels of air service connectivity to other places. A major finding in this paper is that those US Carolina airports that experienced significant gains in air passenger volume (e.g., Charlotte and Raleigh-Durham) tended to experience comparable gains in the employment levels of administrative and auxiliary workers, particularly in the manufacturing sector.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how the entry of low-cost carriers in Southern Italy has supported local and regional economic development in different ways: spreading the traffic demand during the year, increasing the rate of international tourism, generating new jobs and improving the income of the area. The evidence of traffic de-seasonality is quantified by an index, resulting in a decrease to all those airports specialized in low-cost services. Additionally, an assessment shows that the net impact driven by a low-cost route on the local economy is about €14.6 million per year.  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical estimates of market elasticities of demand and elasticities of mode choice probabilities in the intercity freight transport market. Results are derived from a mixed discrete/continuous choice model of mode and shipment size. The mode choice component of the full model was specified as a binary probit function. The two modes considered were rail and regulated common carriers (full truck load). Data was drawn from the US Commodity Transportation Survey consisting of individual shipments of manufactured goods identified at the most disaggregate level. Results obtained in this study are compared with those obtained in previous studies, and areas of similarities and dissimilarities in the magnitude as well as interpretation of the results are highlighted. The own-price and cross-price elasticities of mode choice probabilities were found to vary from 1.44 to 1.88, and from 1.54 to 1.75, respectively. The market price elasticities of demand were found to vary significantly across commodity groups and geographic territories. Among the 40 market segments considered, the truck price elasticity of demand ranged between −0.749 and −2.525; the rail price elasticity of demand was slightly larger, ranging between −0.956 and −2.489; and the rail–truck cross-price elasticity of demand ranged between 0.904 and 2.532.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of flight delay on market power in the U.S. airline industry. Consistent with the literature, our estimation results confirm that flight delays are associated with negative consumer welfare effects. Most importantly, we find that poor on-time performance negatively impacts product markup—proxy for market power. Furthermore, we are able to decompose these markup effects into price and marginal cost effects and evidence suggests that the source of these negative markup effects is primarily driven by negative price responses.  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute towards the design of effective freight transport policy by means of empirical analysis. In order to do so, a stated preference survey is undertaken to model the modal choice between door-to-door road transport and short sea shipping in the Motorway of the Sea of south-west Europe. The proposed analysis will provide policymakers with the necessary tool to identify the critical areas that should be addressed by future policy action in order to boost short sea shipping on Spain's Mediterranean coast. By applying the proposed method, we will be able to obtain estimates of the subjective values of transport attributes – value of time, value of reliability and value of frequency – in freight transport, values for which barely any empirical evidence on a national scale exists. Quantifying such values is a key part of the cost benefit analyses performed when evaluating transport projects.  相似文献   

The demand for recreation and nature-based tourism experiences in parks and protected areas continues to grow in many locations worldwide and in response, many parks are employing transit services designed to improve visitor access. Transit services (e.g., public bus service) are a component of the overall park transportation system and are very desirable in park settings as they yield many advantages over personal auto access including reduced congestion in parking areas, a reduced carbon footprint, and an enhanced visitor experience. However, a growing body of research also suggests that the delivery of visitors via transit to destinations within a park or protected area may have unique ecological disturbance implications resulting from increased visitor use, density, and altered spatial and temporal use patterns. In this paper, we examine the relevant literature and present examples from recent research that illustrates the potential range of ecologic impacts from visitor deliveries via park transportation systems. We conclude while transit systems remain very desirable in park settings, depending on a range of situational factors, conventional, demand-driven planning and management approaches may result in unintended impacts to ecological conditions. Overall, this discussion provides a framework for improved management of the potential ecological impacts of protected area transportation systems.  相似文献   

Assessing the equity impacts of transportation systems/policies has become a crucial component in transportation planning. Existing statistical modeling approaches for transportation equity analysis have typically assumed that parameter estimates are constant across all observations and used data aggregated to certain geographic units for the analysis. Such methods cannot capture unobserved factors that are not contained in the dataset, i.e., unobserved heterogeneity, which is likely to be present in the increasingly popular disaggregated datasets. To investigate whether there is unobserved heterogeneity in transportation equity impacts, this study carries out an empirical study focusing on the distribution of individual accessibility to activity locations via bike-sharing in southern Tampa. A disaggregated dataset containing information on individual bike-sharing accessibility and socio-economic factors is modeled with a random parameters logit model that allows for the investigation of possible unobserved heterogeneity. Further, models are estimated using data aggregated to parcel- and TAZ-levels to explore the impacts of data aggregation on model estimation results. The models unveil the unobserved heterogeneity in bike-sharing accessibility among populations in different groups defined by different sociodemographic factors in southern Tampa. These results shed insights into how the inconsistent disparity direction of transportation outcomes across individuals in a population group can be measured from the heterogeneity effects. Finally, a comparison between different models show that to capture such inconsistency, the use of disaggregated data with heterogeneity models is highly recommended for transportation equity analysis.  相似文献   

The impact of operational performance on airline cost structure is empirically investigated using an aggregate, statistical cost estimation approach. Two distinct sets of operational performance metrics are developed and incorporated into the airline cost models as arguments. Results from estimating a variety of airline cost models reveal that both delay and schedule buffer are important cost drivers. We also find that flight activity outside schedule windows increases cost, whereas flight inactivity within schedule windows does not. Using the estimated cost models, we predict the cost savings to airlines of “perfect” operational performance, obtaining an estimate in the range of $7.1–13.5 billion for 2007.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between hubbing activities and flight delays in the United States from an airline-specific network perspective. Airline hubbing is measured with the Hubbing Concentration Index. We estimate the impact of hubbing behavior on delays, using three measures of delay, two based on delay against schedule, and the third based on buffer-corrected excess travel times. A significant (and positive) influence of hubbing concentration can only be found for the latter delay indicator. We conclude that airlines use buffer times to mitigate passenger-perceived delays against schedule that would, without buffers, arise from more complex network operations.  相似文献   

The paper presents a productivity analysis using data envelopment analysis (DEA) of 45 US commercial airports selected from the top 15 large, medium, and small hub airports. Financial and operational data, such as aircraft movements, number of airport gates, the annual number of enplaned passengers and runway capacity, is used. Initially, a DEA is deployed to analyze the efficiency and performance measures of airports within each group by comparing and cross-referencing them with each other. We then extend our analysis to identify those airports that are not efficient and are thus dominated by other airports that are more efficient.  相似文献   

Out-of-home leisure activities are often conducted jointly by individuals implying that location and travel choices made for these activities are the result of a group interaction. Current utility-theoretic approaches assume an aggregated group utility function and hence ignore aspects of the group decision making process. In this study, an empirical model of joint-activity choice is developed that, in contrast, assumes a negotiation process. A social utility function describes how individuals deal with preference differences in the group. The model is estimated based on an experimental activity-travel choice task where group settings are mimicked. A sample (N = 315) from a national panel of individuals participated in the experiment. Estimation results based on a discrete mixture model show that individuals display a preference for locations in which losses are equally distributed in the group even when this comes at the costs of the total group outcome. Results further show that the social utility function is asymmetric: compromise solutions are favored more strongly when consequences relate to costs (travel costs) than when they concern rewards (attractiveness). Furthermore, there is considerable heterogeneity in how people make social trade-offs. It is concluded that the model offers new insights in location preferences for joint activities that should be taken into account in spatial choice models and accessibility analysis.  相似文献   

This paper aims to explore the effects of rational and habitual factors on mode choice behaviors in a motorcycle-dependent region. Both a discrete choice model and theory of planned behavior (TPB) are employed to examine mode choice behaviors. A sample was obtained from two major cities in Taiwan to examine the contextual effect of public transport development. The empirical results reveal that psychological (rational and habitual) factors have stronger influences on mode choice behaviors than socio-economic factors, and furthermore that habitual factors explain traveler mode choice behaviors better than rational ones. The contextual effect with regard to public transport development is found to be significant for motorcyclists' mode choice behaviors. The practical implications of the results of this study are discussed.  相似文献   

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