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The European Commission's Action Plan on European Contract Law is the follow-up to the Communication of July 2001. It reveals the conclusions of the Commission and proposes a mix of regulatory and non-regulatory measures aimed at removing obstacles to the smooth functioning of the internal market and ensuring the uniform application of EC law. These measures are (a) the improvement of the acquis through the elaboration of a common frame reference containing common rules and terminology, (b) promotion of the use of standard terms for cross-border contracts, and (c) further reflection on an optional horizontal instrument in the field. This article will undertake a general discussion of the likely impact of the measures on the future of EC consumer law and European contract law, and treat certain questions relating to the conflict of laws. It is also hoped that the article will acquaint the new reader with some of the (mainly) recent discussions in English and French on the subject matter from different jurisdictions.  相似文献   

In July 2001 the European Commission published a Communication to the Council and the European Parliament, its so-called "Green Paper" on European Contract Law (COM (2001) 398). This document seeks feedback on the options sketched by the Commission for future European Community action in the contract law field.The present note, which incorporates as an Appendix the text of the Green Paper itself, is designed to explain the background to the Commission's intervention (the first section, pp. 339–350 below), to provide a brief commentary on the content of the Green Paper (the second section, pp. 350–356) and then to assess the constitutional implications of a proposed advance towards a European Contract Law (the third section, pp. 356–371). It is argued that the debate about the creation of a European contract law is properly seen not merely as a matter of cultural feasibility and of commercial desirability, but that in addition assessment of the EC's potential contribution is heavily conditioned by increasing constitutional anxieties about the EC's legitimate role in the field of market regulation. The Green Paper avoids explicit treatment of the constitutional dimension of European contract law, yet, it is argued in this note, this is in fact unavoidable in the wake of the European Court's seminal judgment of October 2000 in the so-called "Tobacco Advertising" case in which it for the first time invalidated a measure of harmonisation of laws on the basis that an insufficient connection with the process of market-building had been shown by the European Community's legislature. This demands that the constitutional validity of legislative proposals in the field of contract law be examined with care, for the EC, an entity created by an international Treaty, has been endowed with no general competence as lawmaker in this or any other field, even though past legislative practice may have tended to obscure this constitutionally fundamental principle.  相似文献   

Journal of Consumer Policy - This article provides an overview on the social and political contexts of the rise of consumer legislation in Argentina, on the development of consumer law in Argentina...  相似文献   

Price comparison is a basic element of competition. For comparison to work, at least prices need to be transparent. Moreover, price is usually a focal point in consumer thinking and deciding on transactions. Hence, obfuscating prices can be detrimental to consumers. Therefore, it is vital for policymakers to know how transparent pricing is in reality. Commercial practices involving price intransparency can be detrimental to consumer decision making and may be associated with market failure. So, legislative intervention to ensure price transparency is sometimes warranted. Suppliers may disclose and frame pricing information in such ways as to influence consumers. For some suppliers, advantages may be gained by obfuscating price—through practices ranging from the outright hiding of price terms in the small print to subtle ways of throwing in gifts or adding charges during the vending process. Do consumers appreciate the implications of the fact that by framing price in different ways suppliers actually try to influence their demand for products? And how does the law broadly speaking respond to problems of price intransparency? In this article, behavioural science insights are combined with a legal analysis of European consumer law in order to chart some of the detrimental influences of price intransparency on the consumer decision-making process and to answer whether and to what extent European consumer law addresses these issues. In doing so, this article first reviews research from consumer psychology, marketing, and behavioural law, and economics regarding the influence of presentation, framing, and transparency of price on the consumer decision-making process. Subsequently, it describes and evaluates the legal framework offered by European consumer law and how this framework responds to practices of price intransparency. Particular problematic pricing techniques are identified and discussed. In conclusion, attention is drawn to the disadvantages of the increasing full harmonization character of European consumer law for combating price intransparency at Member State level.  相似文献   

The article examines the emergence of Albanian Consumer Law as an example of the application of the EU consumer acquis beyond the European Union. The argument is that Albanian Consumer Law was established and developed principally as a result of external pressures, whereby as part of the pre-accession process Albania has undertaken an obligation to harmonize its consumer law with EU law. In turn, the weakness of domestic pressures and factors, including a genuine commitment on the part of Albanian policy makers to develop consumer law so as to protect their citizens as consumers, resulted in a fairly slow evolution of consumer law in Albania and the lack of implementation of the initial enactments in practice. However, the empowering of a dedicated Consumer Protection Commission as the main institution in charge of enforcement of consumer law in Albania has led to some enforcement activity and a significant number of consumer protection cases. An analysis of the cases suggests the Commission is using, and upgrading, its powers so as to intervene in a number of different sectors in the economy, including against quite powerful market players.  相似文献   

The Principles of European Contract Law (PECL) must be seen as a major step forward in the development of a body of European rules and principles which enshrine the common heritage of different national legal orders and cultures. They are meant to define general rules equally applicable to any person independent of his or her status as a professional supplier and/or as a consumer. The leading principles are party autonomy and self-determination, restricted by the notion of good faith. This paper tests whether and to what degree the European Principles manage to deal with consumer protection law as it has developed over the last 20 or 30 years. It is argued that – with some effort – the European Principles can be read so as to leave room for integrating the protection of the weaker party, albeit to a limited extent only. The insufficiencies can be overcome only by merging the acquis communautaire in consumer law with the European Principles.  相似文献   

Central to this paper is the aim to discuss the effectiveness of the Consumer Protection Cooperation Network (also known as ??CPC Network??) for consumer protection in cross-border disputes in the European Union (EU). In doing so, this paper deals with the literature about networks established by grouping the Commission and national authorities to enforce European Law. The examples of the European Competition Network and the CPC Network are interesting because they raise questions with regard to the effectiveness and the accountability of emerging network-based law enforcement. The development of the CPC Network may have relevant implications for other areas of EU law and policy, including the question whether network-based governance could be transposed in other fields of EU Law.  相似文献   

Journal of Consumer Policy - This article aims to analyse whether the MERCOSUR rules that comprise Private International Consumer Law, in terms of definition, international jurisdiction, and...  相似文献   

The software, music, and movie industries keep suggesting to consumers that if they copy digital contents they may find themselves in jail. Moreover, horrifying damage claims are in the air. The problem with these scenarios is, amongst others, that it is difficult to understand for consumers where their rights end and where illegal use of content begins. This article focuses on the contractual relationship between online content providers and consumers. It explores relevant consumer law issues and lays open the legal uncertainties of the current regimes at the European Community (EC) and national level. The article then looks at current ideas put forward by the Commission on how to regulate internet consumer law. It concludes that a sector-specific i-consumer contract law should be introduced and offers proposals related to its possible content.
Peter RottEmail:

Protecting the weak party has been one of the cornerstones of the development of contract law over the past century. An enduring intellectual debate sets those who would advocate a less interventionist model against those – including the present author – who remain wedded to the virtues of protection. That debate lies at the core of this Special Issue. The European Union has been and remains at the forefront of the renovation of the law, and it now confronts questions that spill over from its longstanding preoccupation with consumer law into the field of private law more generally.  相似文献   

Examples of financial mistakes made by consumers lend support to the view that systematic mistakes of consumers exist in the EU credit market and that service providers respond strategically to these by redesigning their products. This paper seeks to determine how existing regulation can be improved to ensure consumer protection. Using insights from behavioural economics, this paper argues that financial literacy??that is, knowledge and understanding of complex financial products and skills to navigate the financial market??as a cornerstone for European financial consumer law is problematic. Current regulation is based primarily on information provision to consumers, which should enable them to make appropriate decisions about the risks and suitability of financial products. Although behavioural economics does not necessarily require legal intervention to take other forms than the introduction of information duties, the type of intervention is dependent on the design and needs of a particular market. The EU consumer credit market, in our view, demands more than the current regulation offers in terms of consumer protection. In particular, behavioural studies reveal that consumers generally do not have a sufficient level of financial literacy in order to enable them to make informed, rational decisions. Moreover, behavioural biases have a distorting influence on consumer decision making. The law as it stands, therefore, seems ill-equipped to offer protection to consumers and to prevent them from rash and bad decision making. Reviewing existing regulation and case law, we propose that in the EU law, the Consumer Credit Directive and the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive require updating in order to offer sufficient protection to vulnerable groups of consumers who, on average, have low levels of financial literacy.  相似文献   

Until recently consumers and consumer-interests have been virtually absent not only from the rules of copyright but also from copyright’s discourse. This has been so even though the combination of an expansion of copyright and a devaluation of the internal balancing mechanisms raise concern from a consumer perspective. There would, therefore, seem to be a need to incorporate a consumer perspective into copyright analysis. To integrate consumer interests in copyright law, this study recommends action aimed at two levels. On the general level it is suggested to rebalance copyright in order to recognize the interests of users on the same level as right holders. On the concrete level it is suggested to change the limitations found in copyright to ease access to reuse elements of previous works. It is also proposed to reinforce the rule on private copying and to consider measures to secure access to basic information.
Jens SchovsboEmail:

This research contrasts the perceptions of consumers with those of loan officers faced with similar credit application situations. Fundamental misperceptions of the credit granting process are encountered. Consumers clearly misperceive the credit standards of both banks and finance companies. Given large interest rate differentials between loan sources and the narrow shopping scope of most consumers for consumer credit, equitable allocation of credit dollars demands greater appreciation of the nature of the credit evaluation process by lender and borrower.  相似文献   

This article analyses the functioning in practice of the system of substantive regulation of unfair terms in consumer contracts, introduced into Macedonian law as part of the harmonization obligations of the EU accession process. Specifically, the article seeks to establish the possible reasons for the absence of substantial evidence of application of the rules on unfair contract terms in consumer contracts in Macedonian practice. In providing an explanation, the focus is on the transposition of the consumer acquis and the Unfair Contract Terms Directive into national law, the enforcement structure for consumer law, and the relationship with the pre-existing civil law. In sum, the inconsistencies and incompleteness of the transposition, the weak and complex enforcement structure, as well as the unsettled relationship with the already existing civil law rules on similar topics have all contributed to weaken the practical significance of the special law on unfair contract terms.  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展,我国电子商务发展迅速,各类民营快递公司也应运而生,但快递服务过程中出现了一系列的法律问题,引发了一系列的纠纷和矛盾,对我国物流快递业发展造成了严重的负面影响.与国营邮政企业性质不同,民营快递企业根据我国企业法设立,不受《邮政法》调整,应适用我国民事法律规定,具体受我国《合同法》调整.民营快递企业快递合同的格式条款应根据《合同法》的相关规定来制定,并根据《合同法》来分析它的效力.鉴于快递服务合同双方作为一般民事主体,法律地位相等,应适用《民法通则》、《合同法》等相关法律关于市场交易主体双方权利和义务的规定,如果快递企业违约,没有将邮件安全送达目的地,应按照邮件实际价值进行赔偿.  相似文献   

In April 1992, the Danish Parliament published an information paper regarding Denmark and the European Union which was distributed to all homes. The paper said, among other things, that a number of new areas are explicitly incorporated in the EC cooperation. Consumer protection was mentioned as an example. It is, however, questionable whether the Maastricht Treaty in this area involves anything more than a formal, statutory confirmation that the EC may work for the protection of consumers precisely as before. The Edinburgh declaration on Denmark and the European Union does not seem to contain an answer.
Verbraucherschutz innerhalb der Europäischen Union
Zusammenfassung Im April 1992 veröfentlichte das dänische Parlament ein Informationspapier über Dänemark und die Europäische Union, das allen dänischen Haushalten zugestellt wurde. Unter anderem wurde darin behauptet, da\ eine Reihe néuer Bereiche in die Europäische Kooperation ausdrücklich neu aufgenommen worden sind. Verbraucherschutz wurde als ein Beispiel genannt. Allerdings ist fraglich, ob der Vertrag von Maaastricht gerade in diesem Bereich irgendetwas enthält, das über die formale vertragliche Bestätigung dessen hinausgeht, da\ die Europäische Gemeinschaft beim Verbraucherschutz genauso weiterarbeiten kann wie zuvor. Die Deklaration von Edinburgh über Dänemark und die Europäische Union enthält offendar nichts, was diese Frage beantworten könnte.

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