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The interaction between new curricular goals for students and alternative methods of assessing student learning is described. Suggestions are offered for teachers of statistics who wish to re-examine their classroom assessment practices in light of these changes. Examples are offered of some innovative assessment approaches that have been used in introductory statistics courses, and current challenges to statistics educators are described.  相似文献   

This article begins a symposium in the Journal of Leadership Studies on the subject of a formal review process for academic programs in leadership studies. The authors argue that such a process would be a way for the field to achieve more legitimacy in higher education, establish itself as a discipline, and delineate parameters of its intellectual distinctiveness. In so doing, the authors present a brief history of the development of leadership studies literature, a central question to theory building and program development, and common goals pursued by academic programs in leadership studies. Finally, the authors call for the development of standards that can help leadership programs expand their curricular and cocurricular initiatives to reflect the intellectual maturity of the field.  相似文献   

Florida State University has recently introduced the LEAD (Lead, Engage, Apply, Develop) Mobile Application for undergraduate students. The innovative platform has situated potential building of leadership capacity directly into the hands of students. Individual modules are available in the mobile application and designed to introduce leadership concepts, activities for users to practice applying these theories to their own reality, and reflection for students to make meaning from the theories learned and their application. The current article explores the application's innovative features, lessons learned from the development, and implications for leadership educators and learners.  相似文献   

Projects and other temporary forms of organizing are different from standard organizational processes. As most leadership theories are based on the assumption of stable organizational environments, the increase in temporary forms of organizing poses specific challenges to leadership theories. We evaluate existing leadership theories in terms of their applicability on temporary environments and identify theories, which are adaptable to temporary settings and therefore may be the basis for empirical investigations in this field. On this basis we derive a research agenda by proposing individual leadership theories and combinations of different leadership approaches to be further assessed in research.  相似文献   

Although leadership education holds great promise for enhancing the effectiveness of individuals in their work lives, it is limited by certain critical shortcomings. Unless these are successfully addressed, the classroom experiences we create will not facilitate the transfer of useful learning and its application to the day‐to‐day challenges that leaders face. In this article, the author addresses three important gaps in our approaches: the reality gap, the skill intensive gap, and the application gap. The author illustrates how and why each gap creates barriers to the transfer of learning to individuals and to their work‐lives.  相似文献   

当今,“变革”成为组织应对金融危机、提高生存能力的重要路径.然而,组织变革不仅需要优化生产方式、组织结构和规章制度,还有赖于领导者思想的转变.在这种背景下,变革型领导正逐渐成为时代所呼唤的领导方式,并被大量研究证实能够提升下属和组织的福祉.为了更好地预测、选拔和提升变革型领导,有必要探索变革型领导的形成机理.文章基于个体与环境两条线索,从心理特质、社会认知、情绪情感、自我决定、资源保存、社会学习、人与组织匹配七个理论视角陈述了变革型领导的前因机制,并在此基础上归纳出一个整合模型.通过这项工作,希望能够为国内学者打开变革型领导的前因黑箱,并为组织如何预测、选拔和培养变革型领导提供理论指导.  相似文献   

沈伯秀 《价值工程》2011,30(26):205-206
本文以笔者所在高校为例对工科专业学困生问题进行了研究,从数量和分布两个角度分析了工科专业学困生的现状,并从内外因两方面分析了工科专业学困生的成因,进而对工科专业学困生的教育对策进行了探索,并提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

分析现有创业教育教学问题的基础上,结合创业教育自身的特点,提出基于项目的团队学习(PBGS)的教学模式。并以《创业管理》课程为例,通过设置高度实践性的课程教学项目,引导学生进行以团队协作为基础的自主学习,以期促进学生理论水平与创业素质的提高。  相似文献   

本文运用Meta分析方法,对家长式领导与领导效能相关的87篇实证研究文献进行了阶段性总结,共获得436个效应值,40879个独立样本,总样本量达118108个.结果发现:家长式领导风格下不同领导行为对领导效能有不同的影响,其中仁慈领导是最为有效的领导方式,威权领导的效能是负向的.仁慈领导、德行领导对员工工作态度(工作满意度、组织承诺、离职倾向)的影响程度要强于对员工工作行为(组织公民行为、任务绩效)的影响程度.此外,在分析三种领导方式与个体绩效的关系时发现,相比于任务绩效,三种领导方式更能促进关系绩效;同源偏差程度能够显著调节三种领导方式与个体绩效的相关程度.通过对工作价值观的调节分析动态考察三种领导方式的效能,本文发现,随着员工价值观的改变,仁慈领导、德行领导的效能在增强,而威权领导效能的变化却不明显.  相似文献   

Education Without the State   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the Forster Act of 1870 the state look over the rode of financing and suppliying education in Britain when private schooling was growing rapidly. If it had not done so we would have been spared the unprecedented excess costs in taxation required to finance it today, and we would have had real choice in education.  相似文献   

The current article makes a distinction between pedagogical delivery and “disciplinary foundations” in our approaches to leadership studies. Although the liberal arts are helpful in the delivery of leadership content in the classroom, it is argued that the content, at its core, remains a social science enterprise. Therefore, leadership programs should help students understand how leadership works as a social phenomenon. The current article shows how the McDonough curriculum moves students beyond leadership training (with its focus on skill building), using a social science–based working definition of leadership. Leadership education provides the opportunity to organize the curriculum using the social science lenses. By moving the focus away from the leader and examining instead the complex interaction of multiple components, a deeper understanding of how leadership works under different contexts, influenced by a variety of societal norms and values can be obtained.  相似文献   

谦卑型领导的研究述评与未来展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着组织环境的动态性、不确定性和不可预测性的不断增强以及一系列公司丑闻的出现,组织愈发强调谦卑对于领导行为的重要性.学术界近十年才提出谦卑型领导这一概念,目前中西方相关的实证研究还很少.研究系统地梳理了谦卑型领导的研究起源、内涵特征、测量演变、与其它领导理论(公仆型、真诚型、变革型领导)的异同以及前因后果,并对未来的研究方向进行了较为全面的展望,以期对以后的研究具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Organizational knowledge creation integrates context, knowledge assets, and knowledge creation processes throughout the organization. Using organizational knowledge creation theory as an organizing framework, we conduct a literature review that shows prior work has focused on the role of central, upper‐echelon, leadership in knowledge creation processes, without devoting much attention to context and knowledge assets. To remedy these weaknesses, we develop a new framework for situational leadership in organizational knowledge creation. The framework is based on a continuum that ranges from centralized to distributed leadership at three layers of activity: a core layer of local knowledge creation; a conditional layer that provides the resources and context for knowledge creation; and a structural layer that forms the overall frame and direction for knowledge creation in the organization. We discuss the implications of this framework for theory and practice.  相似文献   

Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal - Servant leadership is a form of moral-based leadership where leaders tend to prioritize the fulfillment of the needs of followers, namely employees,...  相似文献   

在竞争激烈危机四伏的商业环境下,自我牺牲型领导正逐渐成为一种引领组织走出困境的有效领导方式.自我牺牲型领导是指领导者为了组织和下属的利益,自愿承担各种风险和损失的精神或行为.组织危机、下属惰化和组织归属感等可以预测自我牺牲型领导,而自我牺牲型领导又可通过社会交换、社会认同、情绪、动机、领导授权等心理机制影响下属的工作态度、角色内绩效和角色外行为.未来研究可从认知和情感双重路径探讨自我牺牲型领导的前因,从社会交换视角和社会学习视角探索自我牺牲型领导的后果.  相似文献   

随着知识经济的到来,知识管理成为学术界和企业界都在关注的重要议题之一。知识领导是符合知识经济时代需要的一种崭新领导模式,它将领导思想结合知识管理,其目的是促进组织知识发展。文章系统梳理了国内外近十几年知识领导研究文献,从知识领导的研究起源出发,对知识领导内涵、结构以及其与知识管理的关系等一系列研究成果进行了总结归纳和评述,并提出了未来知识领导研究的方向。  相似文献   

Researchers have shown that transformational leadership is applicable to higher education teaching, that is, transformational instructor‐leadership. However, such research is fractionated across diverse fields. To address the fractionated literature, the purpose of the current study was to conduct a meta‐analytic review of transformational instructor‐leadership and to analyze research in which such leadership has been empirically associated with student outcomes. For the meta‐analysis, the Hunter–Schmidt approach was adopted, and thus, correlations were corrected for attenuation due to measurement error. The findings indicated that transformational instructor‐leadership was positively associated with students’ motivation, satisfaction, perceptions of instructor credibility, academic performance, affective learning, and cognitive learning. Moderator analyses revealed that culture, course delivery, instrument, and gender were all significant moderators of the relationship between transformational instructor‐leadership and specific student outcomes. The findings also showed that there were significant differences between the transformational leadership dimensions, thus supporting the notion that each dimension is conceptually distinct. The present meta‐analysis drew from varied disciplines in contributing the first integrative review on transformational instructor‐leadership. Future research needs to extend the literature with regard to context sensitivity, common method variance, causal conclusions, mechanisms, outcome measures, and control variables. Practically, higher education institutions should consider training transformational instructor‐leaders.  相似文献   

员工建言行为对组织的创新与发展具有重要意义,而领导是影响该行为的关键因素之一.本综述对近十年来关于领导因素影响员工建言行为研究中的自变量、作用机制及情境条件进行梳理和总结,并指出了现有研究的不足和未来研究的方向.  相似文献   

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