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The present study seeks to examine the image of Singapore as a tourist destination. A sample of 131 tourists was collected at the Singapore Changi International Airport's two departure halls. In addition to answering a short Likert‐scale questionnaire, respondents were asked to describe in their own words the unique aspects of the country. Comparisons of response differences in respect of gender, age groups, educational levels as well as countries of origin were also conducted. Significant perceptual differences were detected with respect to the last three categories. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley &Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research empirically tested a tourism behaviour model explaining tourists' intentions to vacation for the first time in selected countries extending image research by Baloglu and McCleary [(1999). U.S. international pleasure travelers’ images of four Mediterranean destinations: A comparison of visitors and nonvisitors. Journal of Travel Research, 38(2), 144–152; A model of destination image formation. Annals of Tourism Research, 26(4), 868–897] and more recently Kaplanidou and Vogt [(2007). The interrelationship between sport event and destination image and sport tourists’ behaviors. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 12(3–4), 183–206]. Key factors that remain untested in modelling international travel propensity were identified as: information sources, cognitive and affective destination image, and perceived risk. On-site surveys were conducted in two US metropolitan areas with a purposive convenience sample. Data were analysed with structural equation modelling for three destination countries (China, Japan, and South Korea) so that positioning strategies were illustrated through empirical evidence. Modelling results supported previous research showing that stronger positive cognitive and affective destination images and lower perceived risks for vacationing in a destination positively influenced intentions to travel to the countries of interest. Of greater interest are findings on information usage influencing cognitively held images, particularly cultural experiences, but information use was found not to directly influence the affective component of image. Intent to travel to each of the three countries was heightened by different factors – for China it was affective image, for Japan cognitive image, and South Korea a reduction in perceived risks. Destination marketers can use this model to understand the use of information sources, in general or specific types, to influence cognitive images held and perceived risks associated with a foreign country, and to ultimately modify affective image and intent to visit a destination for the potential first-time visitors.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have been conducted on consumers' information search prior to arrival at a destination. This study attempts to continue to fill a research gap focusing on travellers' information search behaviour for services not only before the trip but in transit to the destination and once at a destination. In particular, the research explores service‐related decisions before and during a trip, the sources of information utilised, which include locals residing at a destination, and how demographic and trip purpose characteristics influence decision‐making. Using the results of this study, practitioners and academics alike can design effective strategies for marketing to travellers. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the potential effects of a promotional video on the image change of China as a travel destination. The analysis is based on an experimental study conducted among young, international short‐term employees in the USA. Despite positive changes in almost all the destination attributes as a result of watching the promotional video, the structure of the image constructs remains fairly stable, providing critical insights on the potential role of publicity campaigns in affecting destination images. Results of the study reveal that China's image consists of mixed and often contrasting representations, especially the polarity of modernisation and progress versus nature and history. It was found that the dominant factor affecting the respondents' behavioural intentions was the cultural and nature tourism dimension. Although other image dimensions exhibit influence as well, findings of this study suggest that perceived value should be a strategic focus in promoting China as a desirable travel destination, in addition to culture and nature tourism. This paper ends with conclusions and implications for both research on destination image and destination marketing in China. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to measure the immediate impacts of a film on the perceptions of viewers from different countries. The film chosen for this experiment was the Motorcycle Diaries in which South America was featured prominently in the film. Using established scales from the tourism and marketing literature, viewers from the USA, Canada and Spain were surveyed before and after seeing the film, and results showed that the film did change the viewers' perceptions of South America. After watching the film, a large percentage of the respondents expressed a desire to visit the countries seen in the film, with Canadians showing a significantly higher desire to visit South America than the US and Spanish participants. Those who were motivated to travel by the film were especially influenced by the scenery, landscape and the cultural attractions of the destination as depicted in the movie. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examines the influences of en route information on travel behaviours, based on cognitive dissonance theory, which explains that selective exposure to new information leads to the presence of dissonance. Fifteen travel activities were identified from the related literature to measure levels of unplanned travel behaviours. Moreover, two types of information sources used during trips were tested to evaluate the degree of dissonance in accordance with new information provided to travellers while on vacation. The results indicated that during trips, those who use information technology change their intended behaviours, while those who use ‘traditional’ information sources actualize their intended behaviours. In line with cognitive dissonance theory, information technology is viewed as dissonance-increasing information, while traditional information sources used during trips are considered consonance-increasing information.  相似文献   

This study examined using patterns of risk and warning-related information by backpackers who develop their own travel risk perceptions. It looked at the preferences of information sources and usage levels among Israeli backpackers. Using a simulating approach, interviewees were asked to report on their preference and usage patterns in four stages of the travel consumption sequence – (a) prior to choice of destination; (b) after choice of destination but before departure; (c) during the trip, and (d) after returning home. Based on a sample of 467 former backpackers, the study revealed that they use a relatively wide range of risk-related sources of information yet their preference and usage levels in those sources vary as they moved from one consumption stage to the other. The most innovative finding of this study is that unlike previous findings there was a significant and direct correlation between the level of risk-related information consumption and the backpackers’ level of risk perception in each of the tourist product consumption stages. Further research directions derived from these findings as well as management implications are provided.  相似文献   

This study examines the perceived destination image of Hong Kong among visitors from mainland China, as revealed on the travel blog of Ctrip.com. Textual analysis and the overall evaluation scores of 2247 blog entries indicate that this image is positive in all aspects among these visitors. They are particularly impressed by the shopping experience, as both product quality and prices are considered competitive in Hong Kong. These visitors also evaluate overall food quality highly, although the high price of food and accommodation leads to the perception that Hong Kong is an expensive tourist destination. Managerial implications are discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Addressing the lack of an integrated view of family travel destination positioning and experience design, this study focuses on examining how a new form of family travel experiences, that is, childcare service experiences available during the hospitality and tourism consumption, combined with destination positioning to trigger travelers' positive perceptions of the overall tourism experiences in Macau. Furthermore, using the lens of identity salience, this study is among the first to investigate how the salience of self- or family-identity changes the impact of childcare service experiences on travelers' destination attitudes. The findings of the two scenario-based experiments suggested that compared to family travel destination positioning, individual characteristics (i.e., identity salience) exerted a significant strengthening effect on the impact of childcare service experiences on family travelers. This study is informative for destination marketers and hospitality and tourism managers and will help them to effectively design tourism experiences that appeal to family travelers.  相似文献   

Recent literature has emphasized the emerging role of social media in generating a destination image. Even so, there is still no clear definition of the main actors, typologies and components prevailing in these environments or the possible differences between diverse social platforms. Specific analysis and comparison of the Barcelona TripAdvisor Forum and a traditional Destination Management Organization (DMO) website showed that actors, typologies and components are platform specific and have both similarities and differences with other sources, including DMO websites and other social media platforms.  相似文献   

This study's purpose is to conceptualise a wine regional destination's perceived image, in the process integrating multiple theories such as servicescape, place-based and destination choice. The research (n?=?334 respondents) outlines the conceptualisation of a wine region destination's image in the form of a winescape framework as perceived by visitors. The winescape construct is identified within a framework of eight dimensions for a well-known US wine region. The most important winescape dimension is the natural beauty/geographical setting. The first-time and repeat visit dynamic impacts upon visitors' wine tourism behaviour and perception of the region's winescape. For in-state and out-of-state-based visitors there are pronounced differences in their perception of the region's winescape dimensions. Increasing distance from the destination region is pivotal in the perception of the winescape dimensions. The decision to engage in wine tourism is seemingly impulsive from a timing viewpoint, and the motivations guiding the visitors' behaviour are mainly of a hedonic nature.  相似文献   

This study examines online information value structure and its motivational communication competence using the motivational language theory (MLT). MLT explains how communication acts directed by managers to employees generate a greater motivation for work. Five information value dimensions — functional, hedonic, innovation, aesthetic and sign — were identified through literature on the subject of MLT and applied to online information. This study confirmed the multidimensionality of online information and proposed four online information dimensions: experiential (hedonic–innovation), sign, functional and aesthetic. The findings also suggested that experiential (hedonic–innovation) and functional information values have significant effects for travel motivation, including exploration, family togetherness, novelty, escape and socialisation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Food image has begun to influence tourist behaviour, so understanding the food image of a destination is important. This study examined the relationships among destination food image, preference, and intention to eat destination foods. A total of 357 tourists in Korea participated in this study. The results of structural equation modelling confirmed empirically that image affected behavioural intention as it applied to food. Cognitive image had a stronger influence than affective image on preferences for destination foods and intention to eat destination foods. In addition, preference for destination foods predicted intention to eat destination foods. This study indicates that the cognitive image of destination foods should be identified and that image strengthened to increase tourists' intentions to eat destination foods. Marketing strategies should appeal to both authenticity and the unique cognitive image of destination foods as well as encourage tourists to experience destination foods and gain internal information.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of how operators and destination authorities work within a destination region, illustrating a method by which the problems resulting from different geographical scales and objectives of business units can be tackled through co‐operative marketing within a strong destination image. Following a review of the literature, a case study covering the research underpinning a cooperative marketing programme involving hotels in Port Douglas, Tropical North Queensland (TNQ) is presented. The research methodology is outlined. The policy implications of the findings for the State Tourist Organisation and for organisations involved in destination image management are considered, and a conceptual model of cooperative marketing at the destination level is proposed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Travel information exists in paper guides, word of mouth, and countless websites. Organizing a trip has never been more accessible and simultaneously riddled with doubt. Professional journalists produce travel journalism while often anonymous reviewers on TripAdvisor provide their commentaries, and in between, there are blogs, wikis, tourism boards, vendors, and a host of other information sources available. How does the twenty-first-century tourist make sense of all of this information? Through a study of tourists in Paris, this study seeks to understand the methods and strategies that they employ in order to identify trustworthy and useful information. Interviews with a sample of travellers reveal that each person has his/her own unique process guided by their personal motivations, but they also share several practices along the way. This research reveals that tourists ultimately exhibit a multistep process of verification using both professional and non-professional sources. No one type of author or website appears to be a unique or singular influencer when it comes to primary or trustworthy sources. These findings will lead to larger discussions about destination management and transparent practices among information providers.  相似文献   

The birth of Web 2.0 tools has created a new paradigm for word-of-mouth communication. Bearing in mind the relevance of tourists as agents in destination image-formation processes, this research discusses the new role they play in this paradigm, and how it affects and modifies the seminal typology of image-formation agents originally proposed by Gartner [1994. Image formation process. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 2(2), 191–216. doi: 10.1300/J073v02n02_12]. The results focus on the effects of Web 2.0 tools on the credibility, market penetration and costs for the destination of tourists' actions as image-formation agents. Implications for destination marketing organisations are also considered and discussed.  相似文献   

One main purpose of adopting a celebrity-themed aircraft campaign is to differentiate an airline from its competitors through delivering and/or reforming consumers' flying experience. This practice has become a popular tactic of airlines' experiential marketing efforts. Based on the data collected from Taiwan, this study investigates the influences of five antecedents – customer return on investment (CROI), playfulness, aesthetics, service excellence, and destination image – on purchase intention. The results reveal significant positive relationships among all five antecedents and purchase intention. Meanwhile, destination image moderates the relationships between CROI, and service excellence and intention. Furthermore, this study proposed a more integrated strategic experiential modules with the combination of destination image.  相似文献   

This study tested a structural model which investigates the effects of perceived authenticity, motivation, information search behaviour and destination imagery on tourists' behavioural intentions to consume cultural attractions. Data were collected at selected cultural and natural heritage sites in the island of Mauritius (N?=?600). The sample was split into two data sets. Structural equation modelling and hierarchical multiple regression were employed to test the hypothesised relationships. Findings revealed a significant positive relationship between perceived authenticity and cultural behavioural intentions of tourists. Destination imagery had an influence on tourists' cultural intentions. Information search behaviour was found to exert a negative influence on tourists' cultural intentions while motivation did not have any influence on the latter. Perceived authenticity was seen to exert a moderating effect on the respective relationships between motivation, information search behaviour, destination imagery and cultural behavioural intentions of tourists. The theoretical and managerial implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

By reporting a study undertaken during the final stages of the European Football Championships—UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) EURO 2004TM, this paper aims to evaluate the cognitive image of a country/destination by the media during the coverage of mega‐events, which may in turn contribute to the field of tourism promotion and planning. By applying various statistical methods, it is possible not only to assess and identify the aspects which have contributed the most to the opinion‐forming of autonomous agents, but also to present empirical evidence of the influence of the organisation of this event on the image formation of the destination as a whole. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of the study is to examine how destination knowledge acquired by cruisers through different information sources (online versus others) can moderate destination image formation and the relationship of image–satisfaction–behavioural intentions in a port of call. A multiple group analysis with partial least square method was carried out using data collected from a major tourism destination in Spain: Valencia. The findings revealed knowledge acquired through different information sources is a moderator of the image–satisfaction and satisfaction–behavioural intention relationships. The destination image formation is also significantly different from one group to the other. The findings of this study have a number of practical implications.  相似文献   

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