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高职教育人才培养质量的关键在于课程的建设开发,将VOCSCUM课程理念应用到校本课程的开发,是高职专业课程建设的一次尝试。本文在分析VOCSCUM课程理念与校本课程开发的内涵价值的基础上,以《晋南旅游》校本课程开发为例,进行了课程的开发定位、理论支撑、内容结构、教学目标、教学体系规划及教法实施、教学评价体系等方面的深入探究。高职导游专业校本课程开发应以VOCSCUM课程理念为指导,以职业分析为前提,以专业课程模块设计为策略,以校企合作课程建设为路径,不断提高教学质量。  相似文献   

《财务管理》课程研究性教学的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在讨论研究性教学的基础上,结合《财务管理》课程的教学实践,认为开展研究性教学,是教师应该牢固树立的一种理念。研究教材体系,构架科学的教学内容体系;研究学科发展,渗透学科动态与前沿知识;研究学生,倡导研究性学习;研究教学方法,实现教学手段的多样化和现代化;研究实践教学,培养学生综合技能等,是研究性教学的核心内容。  相似文献   

"课程思政"建设已纳入高校思想政治教育体系,借助专业课教学开展思政教育已成为高校思政教育研究热点,市场营销专业课程思政建设也在全面推进。为探索互联网背景下市场营销专业课的课程思政建设,以"消费者心理与行为"课程为例进行教学实践,提出课程分析、课程思政融入主题的选择、教学方法设计等课程思政建设的关键问题解决方案,增强思政教育的时代感和实效性,以期为市场营销专业全面推进课程思政建设提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

金融科技的创新发展对高职院校金融专业课程教学和人才培养提出了新要求。通过开展研究性学习,可将金融科研前沿内容及时引入教学体系,满足培养新金融人才的要求。遵循情境创设、理实一体和循序渐进的原则,可以设计体现金融科技新技术、新业态和新应用的研究性学习任务,培养学生的实践能力和创新精神。在新商科背景下,根据教学目标和内容,将实务操作型任务和综合探究型任务相结合,采用多元化的教学手段和评价方法,有助于提升研究性学习的实效。  相似文献   

本通过四次对高职高专市场营销专业人才需求的调查,论述采取动态调整高职高专市场营销专业课程体系的改革措施及取得的改革效果。  相似文献   

加强市场营销实践教学提高学生创新能力   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
二十一世纪企业间竞争逐渐从低层次向高层次发展,对市场营销人才的需求也正从注重知识型向注重实践型过渡。培养具有创新精神和实践能力、创业能力的高层次市场营销管理人才,已成为高等教育的重要课题。但目前高等教育实践环节教学存在许多问题,应该从市场营销实践教学理念入手,建立实践教学体系的对策。  相似文献   

市场营销专业的实践教学是高校培养能适应社会需求、高素质的市场营销应用型人才的重要途径.我国高校的市场营销专业在人才培养模式、实践实训教学改革等方面的探索取得了一定的成果,但由于主观认识和客观条件等方面的限制,学生实践能力和创新能力还比较缺乏.本文从应用型本科院校市场营销专业实践教学的视角,分析了营销实践教学存在的主要问题及其原因,提出市场营销专业应围绕市场需求,加强实践教学的改革与创新,以培养能力为导向,构建市场营销实践教学体系.探讨了应用型本科院校市场营销专业实践教学体系的构建措施.  相似文献   

李珍 《企业家天地》2009,(7):164-165
本文以高职文秘专业培养目标为出发点,对专业课程体系进行整体优化,注重实践教学环节,加大实践和实训教学的比重,丰富实践教学内涵,提升学生专业技能水平.  相似文献   

改革与优化"课程体系",提升我国工商管理专业本科教育教学质量,是推动我国高等教育内涵发展的重要抓手。通过对中美高校工商管理专业本科课程理念、课程设置、课程评估的比较,从优化教育思想与培养目标、贯彻以生为本、注重课程评估的实际价值等方面探讨了我国工商管理专业课程体系的优化思路。  相似文献   

绿色饭店市场营销包括绿色饭店理念营销和绿色饭店产品营销。本文介绍了绿色饭店的概念,论述了绿色饭店市场营销的内涵,结合我国绿色饭店实际讨论了绿色饭店市场营销的措施。  相似文献   

用系统工程及多元分析法对市场营销课程进行多维立体化教学模式的研究,以模块设计理论为基础,进行立体化教材和立体化课堂的建设,并实现营销实践和课程考核的立体化设计,调动多种现代化的教学手段,实现教学方法的改革与创新.  相似文献   

为了适应社会对市场营销专业人才需求的多样性,彰显自身办学特色,地方工科高校市场营销本科专业应把人才培养目标定位为创新型应用人才,并构建合理的课程体系,改革和创新教学方式,大力推行产学研结合,采用多种形式的实习方式,培养学生的创新型应用能力,构建具有地方工科高校特色的人才培养模式。  相似文献   

随着旅游业的激烈竞争,旅游产业安全问题也越来越受到重视。利用张家界2002~2011年旅游相关数据,运用主成分分析法对张家界旅游产业进行安全评价。结果显示张家界旅游产业一直处于基本安全状态,在旅游产业安全上任需采取加大资源保护力度、加强海外营销、提高旅游服务水平、提高旅游产品创新及建立安全预警体系等方法提高张家界旅游产业安全度,保证张家界旅游产业安全可持续发展。  相似文献   

This research explores the effects of price information on brand extension evaluations across different levels of similarity. Brand extension similarity is proposed as a moderator of the effects of price on brand extension perceived quality, perceived value, and purchase intentions. Specifically, price is hypothesized to have a larger positive impact on perceived quality evaluations of dissimilar extensions, but a larger negative impact on perceived value and purchase intentions for similar extensions. Results indicate that a high-price introductory strategy used to suggest a high-quality product will likely be more effective for dissimilar extensions than similar extensions. The results of this research suggest a number of implications for new product pricing. Directions for subsequent research are offered as well. Valerie A. Taylor is an assistant professor of marketing in the College of Business Administration at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. She received her Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina. Her research interests include product branding strategies, and consumer perception and use of quality cues and signals, and health communication issues. Her research has been published inAdvances in Consumer Research andAmerican Marketing Association Educator's Proceedings. Her teaching interests include marketing communications, marketing strategy, consumer behavior, and marketing research. She has also held positions in the telecommunications industry. William O. Bearden is the Bank of America Chaired Professor of Marketing in the Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina. He is on the editorial review boards of theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of Consumer Research (JCR), theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Retailing, and theMarketing Education Review and is currently serving as an associate editor forJCR. He has published frequently in theJournal of Marketing Research andJCR, and has a number of publications in other marketing and consumer research journals. His teaching and research interests include consumer behavior, marketing research, and the evaluation of marketing promotions.  相似文献   

通过用国外英语教材为英语专业本科生开设市场营销学课程,探索了相关专业知识课程教学及其与英语教学相结合的实际问题。在教学实践基础上进行的研究表明:英语专业的学生用英语教材学习市场营销学,从内容上易于接受,并增加了习得英语的机会,有利于英语综合能力的提高。大学二年级的学生学习该课程时,主要难点是语言问题。国外原版教材有优点,但也不完全适用,应组织力量编写适合我国英语专业学生使用的教材。  相似文献   

The attempt of some marketers to define marketing as all social behavior broadens marketing to an extent that it is difficult if not impossible to operationalize. The marketing discipline is facing an identity crisis because it is expanding its boundaries to include all human exchange. The consequences of the blurred image of marketing will be confusion in research, teaching and the practice of marketing.  相似文献   

营销渠道管理作为企业营销活动的重要环节之一,承担着商品资本转变为货币资本的重要职能,而营销渠道管理人才的综合素质和能力对评价企业渠道效率的高低有直接的影响,因此培养以社会需求为导向的营销渠道管理人才是渠道管理教学中值得探索和思考的问题。本文以应用型本科渠道人才的培养为例,从营销渠道管理的理论教学和实践教学两方面探讨如何进行课程的教学。  相似文献   

为了提升高职院校市场营销专业学生的就业竞争力,本文运用项目管理的思想对传统的市场营销专业进行改革,提出了一套高职院校市场营销专业教学的项目管理模式,希望能给各高职院校一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

通畅、规范、稳定有序的安全农产品营销体系,可以有效保证安全农产品的生产销售和安全消费,而农民专业合作社能够对这一体系的建立起到明显的促进作用。文章对国内外相关文献研究进行了较为详细的梳理与归纳,并在充分解释国内外安全农产品和农民专业合作社内涵的基础上,分析探讨了安全农产品消费影响因素、生产管理策略、营销渠道和营销机制、农民专业合作社对促进安全农产品营销的作用,以及安全农产品营销的未来发展方向,以期为安全农产品营销的进一步完善提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Exchange relationships and interfirm power in channels of distribution   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Conclusion The article by Weitz and Jap in this volume makes a significant contribution to the marketing literature, as it enhances our understanding of relationship marketing in channels of distribution. Our commentary was designed to elaborate on important issues raised by Weitz and Jap. We hope it generates interest in channel relationships that are in trouble, leads channel researchers to consider alternative channel contexts when formulating and testing theory, and motivates a more open and positive view of interfirm power and its use. His research, teaching, and consulting efforts focus on the structuring and management of channels of distribution. He is a frequent contributor to leading research journals and has won several awards for his teaching. He has consulted for such companies as AT&T, Carnation, General Electric, General Motors, Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell, IBM, Intel, Merck, 3M, Northrop, TRW, and Weyerhaeuser. Before joining USC in 1984, he served on the faculty at the University of Illinois. His research and teaching interests focus on the structure and coordination of channels of distribution and on services marketing. Prior to his admittance in the doctoral program, Kersi worked in India for Software Research Corporation as a software developer and at Citibank. His dissertation proposal has just been awarded a grant by the University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Research on Contracts and the Structure of Enterprise.  相似文献   

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