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互文性强调特定文本与其他相关文本之间的相互影响、相互联系,是理解一切文本的前提。本文将这一概念应用到电影片名的翻译中。通过分析电影片名翻译的互文性现象以及研究一系列中、英电影片名译文,作者探讨了互文性在电影片名翻译中的运作机制及其应用价值,并指出互文性概念开拓了电影片名翻译的新思路,为电影片名翻译的研究提供了新的方法。  相似文献   

互文性理论作为一个成长中的文本理论,可以为翻译尤其是文学翻译提供方法论。本文旨在从互文性的角度探讨其对文学翻译的影响,不仅分析互文性及其与文学翻译的联系,同时介绍文学作品中互文参照的翻译策略。  相似文献   

本文从互文性角度出发。探讨广告语的汉英翻译;并运用互文性理论进行实例分析,阐述互文性在广告翻译中的应用价值。  相似文献   

互文性理论与翻译的关联   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管“互文性”一直就是个聚讼纷纭的术语,理论家们按照自己的理解和需要,对其进行了调整、修正和在阐释,但我们可以从原文作者、读者以及阐释者的视角来看待这个不定的概念,并从这三个角度找到它与翻译的关联,这些关联体现在互文性与翻译本身、互文性与翻译过程、互文性与翻译研究三个方面。  相似文献   

互文性意指对任何文本的阐释都需要受到读者先前知识的影响,而习语作为语言反映文化的一种体现方式,更是将这个民族的文化特色和文化信息表现得淋漓尽致。翻译习语时,译者应充分考虑到互文性因素,尽可能考虑到目标语读者所受先前知识的影响,让译文更加贴近译入语习语的认知和互文性,从而使译入的习语在目标语读者身上实现与原语读者同样的接受效果。  相似文献   

通过对2006~2010年《英语世界》中的新闻标题语的研究发现:结构互文性和文化互文性广泛存在于新闻标题翻译语中。在新闻标题翻译语中实现结构互文性,要充分考虑基因型模因相同信息直接传递和相同信息异型传递的方式,实现文化互文性,可采用直接套用型和同构异型方式。  相似文献   

现代翻译研究超越了传统翻译中单纯的文本—文本的翻译范式,其研究视域已扩展到文化范畴,在社会与历史的时空交错中进行横向与纵向解说。翻译研究的超文本时代对译者的职业技能提出了更高的要求。本文从模因论与互文性理论结合的视角,提出广袤的文化视野、广义的文本概念、译者的多重角色意识、科学的研究方法等都是译者职业素质建构的基本要素。  相似文献   

在全球化的今天,作为一种传播媒介,英语新闻在中西文化的交流中起着越来越重要的作用。作为点睛之笔,标题往往是最抢眼的新闻文本,通常情况下都具有很强的互文性特征。本文采用费尔克劳的分类方法,把互文性分为显著互文性与构成互文性,并分别从这两个层面对《经济学人》移动端应用The Economist Espresso的标题进行了互文性分析。  相似文献   

互文性理论作为一种诞生于结构主义和解构主义的文本理论,受到了广泛的重视。自从克里斯蒂娃于1966年提出互文性的概念前后,互文性理论主要经过了巴赫金的奠基,巴特、布鲁姆的解读,在这一发展过程中并呈现出了两个区别比较明显的走向:一个方向是解构批评,另一个是诗学方向。这些流向是对互文性理论的发展和补充,也是理解互文性理论的关键所在。  相似文献   

翻译作为一种特殊的互文活动,在以下5个方面——翻译的本质、翻译的过程、翻译的载体、翻译和其他学科间的关系以及翻译理论与实践,体现了互文性的存在。  相似文献   

英语商标词的构成是有理据的,在语言符号的能指和所指之间建立了可以论证的、有理有据的映照象似关系,反映了人们对客观世界的体验和认知方式。商标词象似性特征的研究有助于英语商标词设计者创作设计出音、形、义俱佳,易于接受的商标词。  相似文献   

Consumer exposure to new brand names can occur in contexts with or without brand information being present. Whereas previous research has examined the effects of brand name characteristics (association set size and word frequency) on memory in the presence of brand information, this paper also assesses brand name effects in contexts without brand related information and extends it to brand consideration and choice. Two different processes are found to be operating as consumers retrieve brands and make a choice. Recall seems to benefit from a distinctiveness based route, which also guides consideration and choice. In contrast, implicit memory is influenced by familiarity, with corresponding consideration and choice effects. The implications are that firms’ choice of brand names and media needs to consider the combination of brand name characteristics that will lead to desired outcomes vis-à-vis distinctiveness or familiarity based processes.  相似文献   

功能翻译理论为商标名称翻译研究开辟了一个新的视角。商标名称翻译应根据商标名称的文本类型、语言特点等,找出商标翻译最佳的翻译方法,如音译、意译、音意结合等,以提高品牌名称翻译的质量,实现译名的规范化,增强译名的可读性。  相似文献   

跨文化交际与出口商品商标词研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
出口商品商标是中国企业、商家走向国际市场不可缺少的开拓工具。出口商品商标的宣传已成为各国在国际市场上推销商品和参与商业竞争的战略之一。本旨在通过分析我国出口商品商标词的构成,从跨化角度出发探讨中国出口商品商标词国际化的途径。  相似文献   

中国企业要拓展国外市场,必须树立品牌意识,使国外消费者认识中国品牌。为此,中国品牌必须要有好的英文译名。然而到目前为止还少有文献对中文品牌名称的英译方法进行全面研究。该文以鞋类品牌为例,总结出了音译、直译、意译、音译和音译结合、模仿和零翻译等六类中文品牌名称的翻译策略。  相似文献   

老字号是长寿的企业和企业名称品牌,是体现中国文化特质的企业形态。以北京西城老字号为研究对象,在认真总结近年来各级政府相关政策制定及实施情况的基础上,科学确定老字号的分级认定条件和分级标准体系,对于确立和提升老字号的社会地位,更好地发挥老字号在提供行业示范、优化产业结构、完善地区形象、充实城市精神、推动中华民族优秀文化传承方面的作用,扩大老字号的社会影响,以及探索新的研究思路和方法,都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

使用市场营销学、法学、经济学、语言学与心理学的方法对品牌功能进行综合研究,认为高强品牌具有保障产品质量、降低消费者搜寻成本并能满足消费者心理需求等功能,高强品牌同时还可以使品牌所有者通过各种途径来扩大其经济利益。通过对高强品牌的功能研究发现不仅仿冒行为会损害高强品牌的价值,而且其他与高强品牌相联系的行为均会造成高强品牌价值的贬损。因此,美国法律也随着品牌功能的不断变化而逐步扩大其保护的范围(尤其是对高强品牌的保护),以适应品牌发展的需求。  相似文献   

Composite branding extensions, wherein two existing brands ally themselves to create a composite brand name and enter a different product category, have become a common way to introduce a new product. An important managerial issue is deciding how to position the two brand names within the expression to communicate this alliance to consumers. Drawing on linguistic theories, this research explores how consumers may interpret different composite brand expressions relative to the positions of the two brand names in the expressions. We find that the brand in the initial position of most expressions is perceived as more closely associated with, and more responsible for the extension product than the other brand in the alliance. This perceived responsibility is also influenced by the perceived relative brand strengths, or the marketing abilities of both brands.  相似文献   

Existing research on the effects of sexually suggestive illustrations in advertising has reported reduced recall of brand names and product information as well as negative product attitudes. This study evaluates two explanations for the reduced recall. A negative affect explanation hypothesizes that a viewer's attitudinal response to the suggestive material interferes with recall. An attention-distraction explanation hypothesizes that the visual draw of the suggestive illustrations decreases reading time for the ad copy. Ads varying in suggestiveness were viewed by male and female college students. Recall of both brand names and product information was lower for all suggestive ads. Recall differences were found to be totally unrelated to all affect differences, to measures of general attitudes toward the use of sex in advertising, and to demographic variables but were generally consistent with independent ratings of the visual characteristic of the illustrations. These results favor the attention-distraction hypothesis. Implications for advertising strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

Consumers may have learned to generalize from usage experiences that nationally advertised, name-brand items tend to be higher in quality than unadvertised brands. Such generalization may have prompted the substitution of brand-name evaluations for search in quality assessments of nondurable experience goods. This paper offers theoretical arguments which suggest that if some consumers do not search, all firms in nondurable, experience goods markets can increase their profits if some substitute dissipative advertising (i.e., advertising which ignores information about product performance characteristics) of brand names for product quality enhancements. Undersearching by consumers invites firms to downgrade value in nondurable, experience goods markets. In support of the hypothesized substitution by consumers of brand-name evaluations for search in nondurable, experience goods markets, this paper reports results of a field experiment in which the influences on quality assessments of brand name and product composition were studied in two categories where dissipative advertising is heavily relied upon. Results suggest that branding is relied upon more heavily than search to assess quality, even when brand cues are inconsistent with actual quality levels and search is costless, suggesting that dissipative advertising can be extremely effective.  相似文献   

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