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随着"互联网+"时代的到来,免费的商业模式获得了极大发展,人们接触到的免费商业类型主要分为四类,包括直接交叉补贴模式、免费+收费模式、非货币市场、三方市场模式。本文主要从经济学方面分析免费商业模式的基础、实质,以及未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

根据“长尾教父”克里斯·安德森提出的免费增值商业模式的主要观点,结合现阶段网络等行业实施免费模式的情况来探讨免费商业模式的本质、特点和主要策略。得出企业可采取的免费增值商业模式常见策略,主要有平台增值、交叉补贴、广告、劳务交换、零边际成本、赠予经济等模式。企业实施免费模式时要在产品或服务核心价值创造的基础上,不断结合商业环境的变化和企业的实际,加强免费模式的创新。  相似文献   

互联网作为新的生产要素和技术创新不断渗透、融合传统行业,引发了生产方式、组织架构的重大变化,出现了新的业态、新的模式,变革着商业逻辑,倒逼制造业变革思维、创新价值创造模式。那么,"互联网+"大环境下究竟出现了哪些新的商业逻辑,倒逼制造业产业创新商业模式?互联网+制造业创新商业模式的理论基础和实践机制何在?本文基于互联网工具理性属性和产业互联网思维,回答了互联网+制造业创新商业模式的压力机制、理论可能空间和实践可行空间。  相似文献   

受制于客户需求的商业模式在当今已经发生了很多演变,通过搭配新的数字资源、信息资源演化出了当代新的互联网数字商业模式。互联网数字商业模式在内容主张、价值运行、关系治理、渠道安排等方面都发生了显著的变化。借助于网络、数据群聚效应,通过改造、嫁接传统的双边商业平台,多变搭配型的数字商业平台得以流行。这种新的数字商业模式有着新的竞争内涵、竞争手段和竞争模式。本文针对互联网数字商业模式在与传统商业模式的竞争中制胜的手段、方式、模式的分析,阐述新一代互联网数字商业模式的特征。也对互联网数字商业模式在与传统商业模式的较量中获胜的原因进行剖析,通过以上分析,本文展望了未来互联网数字商业模式的发展方向。  相似文献   

曾娜 《商务周刊》2008,(7):50-51
100年前发源于剃须刀的免费策略,最近十多年来通过信息技术推波助澜,由最初的营销辅助手段逐渐演变成整个互联网商业模式的核心,并开始重新界定未来商业的一切。但是,天下没有免费的午餐,免费真的是商业社会的福祉吗?  相似文献   

互联网的特质彻底打破了原先商业模式中价值创造的逻辑和商业资源的协调方式。本文针对传统行业如何适应互联网时代的发展要求,进行了商业模式的探讨,并将"互联网+"时代的商业发展特征总结为三要素:社群、平台和跨界。社群模式是新兴的价值创造模式,跨界协作是新兴的资源协调方式,而平台则是连接社群和跨界的重要工具。三要素通过互相连接,促进企业产生"关联利润",创造出新兴的价值。  相似文献   

在基础信息技术进步和市场盘活化大环境下各企业的激烈竞争中,移动互联网已成为中小企业新的优势发展渠道,其独特方便的商业营销模式将极大地促进企业的可持续发展,现有中小企业的商业模式也需要更适应移动互联网的发展.本文以商业模式理论等为理论基础,结合中小企业的发展特征和新兴移动互联网的特点,从中小企业的视角研究移动互联网的商业营销模式,在组织模式等创新中探讨中小企业如何发展移动互联网.  相似文献   

在"互联网+"的时代背景下,企业之间的竞争已转变成一种运用高效互联网技术进行网络化商业模式的竞争,企业需要进行全面的转型与变革,用高效的网络信息平台和运营模式进行企业发展方式和商业价值链的重塑。本文在分析商业模式的基本形态、基本内容下,探讨了"互联网+"大学生创新创业的商业模式路径。  相似文献   

营销服务平台是基于互联网新生的商业形态,其主要的运营模式为OTO模式,线上联络,线下进行营销渠道建设、企业培训等服务。本文以通路快捷为例,分析阐述其商业模式内涵并提出其商业模式的改进建议。  相似文献   

张琳 《光彩》2010,(7):27-29
时间和注意力成为更有价值的部分,它们变成了这种商业模式的基础随着互联网技术的发展,越来越多的行业被襄挟着奔赴"免费"经济的浪潮,造就了一系列新的商业模式。表面上看,这些商业模式与企业以盈利为目的的宗旨相去甚远,这也是人们一直对这种模式的生存状况和未来感到困惑和怀疑的原因。但事实上,淘宝、迅雷、奇虎360等高举"免费"大旗的公司不但活着,而且生机勃勃。那么,这些企业提供的产品和服务究竟是真免费还是假免费?免费之后企业该如何生存下去?通过对众多免费模式的介绍,读者也许可以一探究竟。  相似文献   

Recent research in the field of international entrepreneurship has emphasized the need for a better conceptualization of international opportunity recognition. Further, with advancements in information and communication technologies, such as the Internet, there has been a profound impact on the way in which international business is conducted, for example, enabling entrepreneurial firms to capitalize on the economic opportunities of an Internet environment. In this study, we propose a model, highlighting the importance of international opportunity recognition, as a critical component for leveraging Internet capabilities and international market performance. Through the lens of a resource capabilities approach, a quantitative, online survey was used to collect data from Australian, international entrepreneurial firms. Structural equation modelling results indicate that international opportunity recognition plays a central role in explaining how resources and Internet capabilities combine for the firm’s realization of international opportunities, and subsequent international performance. The findings enrich current understanding of how international entrepreneurial firms realize opportunities in Internet-based environments.  相似文献   


The Bryant College Collaborative Learning at a Distance (CLD) Program in Belarus was designed to promote collaboration across diverse cultural, political, and philosophical boundaries. CLD programs can assist the Newly Independent States (NIS) in meeting the political, social, and economic challenges associated with the transition from a centralized, administrative command economytoa more democratic and diversified society. Cost-effective, collaborative distance learning projects can help to address the problem of limited educational resources and prepare faculty, undergraduates, entrepreneurs, and NGO leaders for better understanding the role of civic responsibility as a foundation for western business practices.

The ongoing Internet-based, Bryant College CLD Program, including educational institutions, research facilities and business firms, focuses on a non-hierarchical model, emphasizing reciprocal, interactive learning and problem-solving. Components include Web-based courses, International Virtual Roundtable Discussions via E-mail, seminars on business skills and Web design, Internet protocol video conferencing between the U.S. and Belarus, a faculty exchange and training project, and a business internship program aimed at providing hands-on experience with business and NGO leaders in the U.S. This project demonstrates that Internet-based, collaborative learning can transcend cultural and language barriers and advance the development of a business environment supportive to the entrepreneurial spirit.  相似文献   

In the Net Economy, numerous start-ups relying on Internet-based business models have been founded in the recent years. In these ventures IT experts are confronted with different requirements to those of traditional software development. It can thus be assumed that founders in the Net Economy prefer IT experts with a different competence profile. Based on an elaborate competence model for IT experts in Internet-based ventures, founder preferences are empirically analyzed and related to the novelty of the venture’s product. An adaptive conjoint analysis is applied to obtain utility values for single components of competence. Using cluster analysis, four different competence profiles are identified which correspond to prototypical IT experts bearing different core functions. Data analysis suggests that founders with more innovative products differ from founders with less innovative products in their perception of the optimal IT expert’s competence profile. The results have implications both for career decisions of IT experts and for founders of Internet start-ups who are looking for co-founding IT experts. This study is one of the first to explicitly focus on IT competence in Internet-based ventures. It therefore extends existing research on IT competence to a new and dynamic industry.  相似文献   

Broadband Internet has fundamentally changed business models in many industries. In the music industry, for instance, old business models were challenged by illegal competitors, and broadband Internet has enabled value creation through new business models. The changes that established business models experienced in the wake of broadband Internet, however, differed vastly across national markets, and these differences are not well understood. We build a conceptual framework and study the extent to which differences in economic and cultural factors are associated with different market outcomes in the wake of the proliferation of broadband Internet. Thus, we compile two unique data sets from the music industry, comprising (1) revenue data for 36 countries and 22 years and (2) piracy data for 47 countries and >2 years. We use a Bayesian multilevel model to explore between-country heterogeneity in the associations between these variables and broadband Internet adoption and business model innovations. Our results show that the negative association between broadband Internet penetration and music revenue is weaker in high-income countries, where income restrictions are less likely to drive demand towards illegitimate piracy services. In terms of cultural factors, we find that a market's response to the introduction of broadband Internet is less negative in countries scoring high on Hofstede's individualism and uncertainty avoidance dimensions. Furthermore, we find that overall revenues only recover after the latest generation of streaming services (e.g., Spotify) has been introduced, and the adoption of these services is associated with lower levels of online music piracy.  相似文献   

唐建 《江苏商论》2014,(9):18-22
移动互联网是各种移动终端通过移动通信网络与互联网结合的产物,在我国有着广阔的发展前景。我国目前在该领域处于领先地位,但鉴于缺少可借鉴的成功经验,其商业模式更多的来自于桌面互联网的移植。本文从我国移动互联网现状出发,阐述了广告、游戏、移动电商、入口、硬件平台结合内容服务等几种商业模式,并在分析制约创新移动互联网商业模式的障碍的基础上提出相关对策,力图为我国移动互联网从业者提供参考,以促进我国移动互联网产业的发展。  相似文献   

Many peer‐to‐peer sharing platforms are transforming their business model from sharing for free to renting with or without in‐person interactions. How will these changes affect consumers’ participation in peer‐to‐peer sharing of personal items? The work studies consumers’ choice among three business models that vary on two dimensions: “free versus renting” and “with or without in‐person interactions.” The novelty is to consider that consumers’ choice can be driven by their perceptions of relationships among peers, which are shaped by the business models of sharing platforms. Perceptions of communal sharing (CS) relationships among peers are found to differ across business models and to predict consumers’ choice among the platforms above and beyond the economic and social benefits that consumers seek. Interestingly, perceptions of CS are not only found to explain the choice of a sharing for the free business model over the two others, but also the choice of renting with in‐person interactions over renting without in‐person interactions. For managers of peer‐to‐peer sharing platforms, this means that renting does not make sharing completely similar to traditional market exchanges as long as in‐person interactions are involved. For scholars, this calls for more work on the factors that bring about perceptions of CS.  相似文献   

The crisis of the new economy might have cast doubt on the usefulness of the Internet for business activities. However, it is unquestionable that the possibilities offered by Internet-based technologies in terms of information processing, transfer and collection enable the firm to improve market knowledge and the relationship with clients and suppliers. This work explores, theoretically and empirically, the possibilities offered by the Internet to facilitate the internationalization process of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as well as to improve the relationship with other firms within the same value chain. Using a wide representative sample of Spanish SMEs, the empirical analysis confirms the benefits of the Internet in both cases.  相似文献   

自由现金流量折现估值法是企业价值评估理论中最为成熟的模型。运用由自由现金流量定义衍生出的股权自由现金流量折现方法作为研究对象,选取3家上市公司进行案例分析,通过对永续增长模型、两阶段增长模型、三阶段增长模型在企业价值评估中具体应用的比较,并与真实市值对比,其结果表明,股权自由现金流折现法下采用永续模型和两阶段模型得到的估算值能够最好的拟合上市公司的流通市值。股权自由现金折现流模型对于我国A股市场中一些成熟行业且发展稳定公司的价值评估是比较准确的,从而一定程度上能为投融资双方、收购企业和目标企业的决策者提供参考。  相似文献   

Through utilising currently available Internet technologies, academic and governmental organisations can provide seedling companies in their incubators with additional competitive advantage through efficient access to markets, partners, knowledge and services both locally and globally. This paper proposes a Triple Helix approach for brokering social and human capital based on the skills brokerage business model. The skills brokerage business model is primarily suited for individuals and firms operating in localised settings. However, by using information and communication technologies, it is also possible to apply the model internationally for firms that need strategic partnerships in countries or regions other than their own. Coupled with the Triple Helix of university–government–industry interactions, it can propel innovation and the commercialisation of it beyond traditional boundaries of geography, such as the region and nation state. The paper also presents an Internet-based service that could be used to facilitate the brokerage process among the firms and people with relevant expertise and resources, and it discusses the implications this would have for a number of stakeholders, such as entrepreneurs, established businesses, service providers and business support organisations. This is still an emerging area and several themes for future research will be highlighted.  相似文献   

This study is an effort to identify and analyze the factors that could potentially influence web customers’ willingness to engage in online shopping with an Internet retailer. Using the primary data collected from a large sample of a web-based consumer survey, researchers developed a structural Equation model that embodied those factors that potentially influenced web customers’ willingness to engage in online shopping with an Internet retailer. Seven constructs were considered to study the effects of those factors on the web customers’ willingness to engage in online shopping with an Internet retailer, including quality of service, inertia to change, economic value, stress reduction, enjoyment in doing business, comfort level with website, and aesthetic appeal. The proposed model is largely supported and validated by several statistical measures and tests.  相似文献   

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