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The authors’ research in Hungary during the period of transition to a market economy provides an opportunity to examine the evolving relationships between consumer product knowledge and its antecedents, including advertising, personal search, interpersonal sources, and brand experience. Their findings, based on survey data collected in Budapest in 1992 and 1998, indicate that the market information variables explain more variance in consumer knowledge later rather than earlier in the transition. Advertising is an important predictor of consumer knowledge later but not earlier in the transition, personal search is important at both times, and interpersonal sources are not important in either time period; brand experience is negatively related to knowledge earlier in the transition and positively related later in the transition. This study allows one to begin to understand the boundary conditions associated with studies conducted in developed economies. Managerial implications for firms investing in transitional economies are presented. Robin A. Coulter (robin.coulter@business.uconn.edu) is Ackerman Scholar and an associate professor of marketing in the School of Business at the University of Connecticut. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh. Her research interests include branding, cross-cultural consumer behavior, advertising, and research methods. Her work has appeared in theJournal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Consumer Psychology, theJournal of Applied Psychology, and theInternational Journal of Research in Marketing. Linda L. Price (llprice@email.arizona.edu) is Soldwedel Professor of Marketing in the Eller School of Management at the University of Arizona. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. Her research combines qualitative and quantitative methodologies to examine the active, emotional, imaginative aspects of consumers’ decisions and activities, and the social and cultural context of marketplace behaviors. Her work has appeared in theJournal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, and other leading marketing, management, and social science journals. Lawrence Feick (feick@katz.pitt.edu) is a professor of business administration in the Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh. He received his Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University. His current research focuses on cross-cultural consumer behavior, consumer word-of-mouth, and referrals. His work has appeared in the Journal of Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Consumer Research, Psychological Bulletin, andPublic Opinion Quarterly. Camelia Micu (camelia.micu@business.uconn.edu) is a marketing doctoral candidate at the University of Connecticut. Her research interests include advertising and product trial and cross-cultural consumer behavior.  相似文献   

Little work has been done to experimentally measure the impact of information on new product decisions. The author reports on both manager and researcher use of information in assessing sales estimates. Findings indicate that the two groups differ widely in their decision-making style and research use.  相似文献   

Although marketing researchers have recognized the importance of early life experiences in shaping patterns of consumer behavior in later life, they have inadequate theoretical and methodological bases for investigating consumption-related issues over the life course. As a result, relatively little is known about the changes consumers experience over time, how they respond to these changes, and how early life experiences affect their consumer behavior. The life course approach, developed as an interdisciplinary program for studying various aspects of behavior, offers a framework for filling gaps in previous efforts to study consumer behavior over time. The purpose of this article is to advocate the life course approach for studying various types of market behavior. First, the author presents a general conceptual life course framework that serves as a blueprint for discussing theoretical perspectives and organizing, integrating, and reporting consumer research relevant to the life course paradigm. Second, methods of data analysis compatible with life course research are discussed. Finally, select areas of interest to marketing researchers (materialism and compulsive consumption) illustrate how the life course approach might contribute to previous efforts to study these consumer behaviors in an innovative way.  相似文献   

随着人们收入的增加,消费的内容也在不断变化,一般地说,收入增加使得消费结构中耐用消费品比重不断升高.以往的需求函数理论分析的对象大部分假定为一次性完全消费的非耐用品,很少涉及包含耐用品消费的研究.本文的目的在于分析包含非耐用品和耐用品在内的消费者的需求函数,从而为信贷消费、分期付款、租赁行业及旧货市场等各种形式的消费方式给以理论上的解释.  相似文献   

Reflections on relationship marketing in consumer markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conclusion The article by S&P is a landmark in the evolution of relationship marketing concepts. Much of what has been done in the past has addressed narrow aspects of relationship marketing or else has taken for granted the meaning of marketing relationships. S&P set the agenda for future work and give us many provocative ideas for pursuing relationship marketing topics. Their synthesis and integration of ideas from disparate literatures and their proposal for the underlying motivation for entering marketing relationships do much to delineate the direction researchers should take in the future. Before we go too far down any one path, however, we should redouble our efforts to specify exactly what is a marketing relationship. Then we would have the foundation to follow the path so eloquently forged by Jagdish Sheth and Atul Parvatiyar. He was formerly on the faculties of Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the University of California, Berkeley. His Ph.D. is from Northwestern University. He is currently doing research on the theory of action, volitional processes, and emotional behavior in marketing.  相似文献   

This research examines how consumers’ subjective product knowledge affects the way they interpret salesperson compensation within the financial services industry. Data from a nationwide panel of consumers show that higher product knowledge consumers become highly suspicious and lower purchase intentions when salesperson commission rates fall outside of the latitude of acceptance (Study 1). Study 2 results, however, demonstrate a reversal of these effects by showing that compensation–recommendation consistency is an important moderator in financial salesperson interactions. In addition, the study describes boundaries of the suspicious mindset that underlies consumer responses to sales information. Theoretical and practical implications of the finding are discussed, as are future research directions.  相似文献   

Some effects of perceived risk on consumer information processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This experiment investigated, within the context of an information processing theory of consumer behavior, the effects of level of perceived risk on the amount of information acquired and the total time taken processing that information before making a brand choice, and selection of brands made by well-known manufacturers as a risk reduction strategy. A unique aspect of the experiment was the treatment of perceived risk as a stimulus variable rather than its customary treatment as an organism variable. Note Originally a prize-winning paper in the 1979 Academy of Marketing Science student paper competition, this version was prepared for publication by Dr. Raymond Horton.  相似文献   

消费信贷是中国近年发展起来的一项新型信贷业务,呈逐年增长之势。通过对消费信贷发展的理论、前提、有利条件、制约因素及相关策略的论述,以期在理论和实践上对消费信贷的发展有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

This paper develops a unique theoretical framework for explaining consumer reactions to corporate offshoring by testing the impact of the decision to offshore or to maintain domestic activities on two dependent variables: consumer attitudes toward the company and word-of-mouth communication. We conduct two controlled experiments administered in the field with adult consumers. Study 1 analyzes the processes underlying consumer reactions to corporate offshoring from the perspective of the perceived moral harm and good that offshoring produces. Results verify the mediating role of positive and negative moral emotions (i.e., gratitude and righteous anger) felt by consumers. Study 2 demonstrates the moderating role of consumer perceived risk of offshoring on the linkage between company offshoring and the same moral emotions and through these moral emotions on consumer attitudes toward the company and word-of-mouth communication. An unexpected finding is the mediation of the positive moral emotion of elevation on consumer attitudes.  相似文献   

Traditional measures of the effectiveness of marketing communications suggest a specific process by which marketing actions influence consumers. This article offers a broader philosophical perspective on measuring the effectiveness of marketing communications that focuses on interaction as the unit of analysis, rather than the behavior of either the marketer or the consumer. Structuration theory is discussed and offered as a viable foundation for the identification, selection, and evaluation of new measures of effectiveness in an interactive context among active, goal-driven consumers and marketers. Structuration theory focuses on the emergency and evolution of the structure of interaction, which is posited as a critical factor in devising, selecting, and evaluating new measures of the effectiveness of marketing communications. This view broadens the potential set of measures of effectiveness of interactive marketing communications, implying alternative meanings for measures under different interaction structures and combinations of goal states. David W. Stewart is the Robert E. Brooker Professor of Marketing and the deputy dean of the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. He is also the immediate past editor of theJournal of Marketing. His research has examined a wide range of issues, including marketing strategy, the analysis of markets, consumer information search and decision making, effectiveness of marketing communications, and methodological approaches to the analysis of marketing data. Paul A. Pavlou is a Ph.D. candidate of information systems at the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. His research focuses on business-to-business and business-to-consumer electronic commerce, new product development, institutional trust, interactive marketing, communications, and e-government. He has more than 25 publications in journals, books, and refereed conference proceedings. His research has appeared (or scheduled to appear) inMIS Quarterly, Electronic Markets, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Journal of Logistics Information Management, andJournal of Interactive Advertising, among others. He has recently won the Best Interactive Paper Award at the 2002 Academy of Management Conference.  相似文献   

论因特网对图书出版业的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了计算机网络技术的发展对传统的图书出版业的工作方式、发行方式、纸介质出版物等带来的影响。  相似文献   

Consumer behavior theory, as it has largely evolved from economics with its rigid adherence to marginal utility theory, suggests that consumers are highly rational and that they basically strive to maximize utility or satisfaction by the careful rationing of resources. In this paper, the typical assumptions in consumer decision process models are reviewed and analyzed, the empirical evidence supporting the models of the rational consumer is challenged, the concept of rationalization is developed and the existential support for the concept is examined, the role and significance of alternative ego state on consumer decision processes are explained and finally, the rudiments of a revisionist approach to consumer behavior are advanced. An earlier draft of this paper entitled “Consumer Decision Processes: The Role and Influence of Rationalization” was presented at the annual meeting of The American Psychological Association Division 23 in 1977. The author was assisted in the preparation and development of this earlier draft by Dr. Chem Narayana. This assistance is herewith acknowledged.  相似文献   

随着消费者主权时代的到来,消费需求成为拉动经济发展的重要力量,为使消费者权益能在自由的市场竞争中得到更好的保护,由垄断问题引起的对消费权益的保护也应提上日程。  相似文献   

利用博弈论研究了消费者再制品接受度对再制品市场策略的影响,建立并求解了新产品制造商和再制造商质量决策模型,并对模型结果进行了分析。研究发现:完全垄断(UM)、潜在威胁(UT)、再制品竞争(UC)三种状态的形成条件存在差异;UT市场下消费者再制品接受度能提高产品质量;UC市场下则再制品挤兑效应明显,有助于提高再制品需求和再制造商利润。在消费者再制品接受度较高且成本适中的情况下,消费者剩余以及社会总福利均达最佳。  相似文献   

弗洛伊德的精神分析学说在20世纪早期盛行于世。这一学说深深地影响了沈从文并成为他诠释“人性”的最好工具。在沈从文的创作及其作品中,这种影响具体地表现在主题和题材的选择、人物形象的塑造和“纪梦”三个方面。  相似文献   

本文通过分析企业与媒体之间的关系,提出企业与媒体沟通的一些基本策略。通过实例说明媒体对企业发展的影响,建议企业与媒体间采取较深层次的合作方式,建立一种互信、互谅、合作、对话的企业——媒体关系。  相似文献   

注册会计师非审计服务是相对于审计服务而言、向客户提供并收取一定费用的除财务报表审计和审阅之外的多种专业服务的统称。非审计服务的提供有可能会损害会计师事务所的审计独立性,进而影响审计质量。对我国非审计服务与审计客户盈余管理程度进行实证检验发现,非审计服务与上市公司的盈余管理程度正相关,提供非审计服务的会计师事务所独立性受到损害。  相似文献   

拓展消费信贷是商业银行优化资产结构、降低金融风险、赢得同业竞争,刺激消费、扩大内需、促进国民经济和商业银行自身发展的必然选择。历20余年改革,开放的我国大陆已为些开辟了广阔的前景,因此,必须针对思想认识滞后,组织管理缺位,营销竞争乏力,人员素质偏低等现状,采取实有效的措施,大力拓展消费信贷,并注意防范风险。  相似文献   

消费者行为学是市场营销理论的重要组成部分之一,而且随着流通领域竞争的不断加剧,消费者行为学已经成为营销专业的热门课程。为适应社会主义市场经济的发展,必须建立适合社会发展和人才培养需求的教学模式,通过教学引导学生发现和掌握消费者在消费活动中的心理与行为的特点及其规律,改善和优化其消费行为,提高学生的综合能力。  相似文献   

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