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曾繁旭 《开放时代》2006,528(6):22-42
本文通过深描“绿色和平组织”在中国建构“金光集团云南毁林”议题的过程,观察一个NGO组织(非政府组织)如何通过严谨而富有弹性的媒体策略设计,根据政治结构与媒体格局的空间,建构出一个有制度意味的议题,并且在议题过程中获得媒体近用权,掌握媒体框架,最终改变了议题的走向,实现了NGO对企业与政府的监督。本文说明如果一个NGO组织更加了解中国的媒体格局,并以专业的方式操作议题过程,媒体将可能成为它重要的政治资源,从而增强它的合法性并扩展它的运作空间。而通过个案,本文也呈现了中国媒体在报道NGO议题中的逻辑,以及NGO与国家互动模式的新变化。  相似文献   

企业是推进国家治理体系与治理能力现代化的重要微观市场主体,如何通过企业社会责任实践参与和推动社会治理创新,应对和解决突发性社会公共问题,成为国家治理体系与治理能力现代化的重要议题。从企业社会责任治理模式、实践议题、实践主体、实践范式等方面阐述国家治理体系与治理能力现代化导向下的企业社会责任转向。更进一步地,以新型冠状病毒疫情应对为例,深入阐述在特大型公共危机治理过程中,企业如何通过社会责任实践参与重大公共危机治理的多元范式(基于传统个体型的原子式、基于供应链的价值链式、基于战略联盟的联动式,以及数字化平台经济时代基于平台企业主导的商业生态圈与基于公共治理平台主导的社会生态圈等5种范式)推动治理主体、治理过程以及治理手段与工具优化创新,从而为企业助力国家治理体系与治理能力现代化提供理论和实践启示。  相似文献   

刘志阳  许莉萍 《经济管理》2022,44(1):192-208
社会创业是深嵌于制度情境中的独特创业活动,二者之间的复杂关联是当前社会创业研究的焦点。已有文献对这一问题的探索不仅主题零散,也缺乏一个整合性研究框架。本文运用系统文献综述法对过去30年管理学和创业学主流学术期刊文献进行梳理,概括了四个主要研究议题,即制度对社会创业选择、过程和绩效的影响以及社会创业对制度变革的促进。在此基础上,整合创业研究的“情境-行为-结果”和“情境-思维-行为”两种研究范式,提出了制度与社会创业双向互动的“制度-认知-行为-结果”(简称ICBO)的跨层次分析框架。最后,基于中国情景的历史特征与数字化新兴实践提出了未来研究展望和建议。本文研究有助于深化对社会创业制度成因的认识,也有助于推动合意性的社会创业政策制定。  相似文献   

沈建明 《现代财经》2007,27(11):3-7
关于经济学分析范式的纯理论争论,不外乎是两种分析方法的对立。一种是古典传统剩余理论的“社会关系”分析,另一种是新古典传统供求理论的“技术关系”分析。马克思经济学坚持的是由特定的社会经济关系所决定的竞争及其博弈规则的理论,是以货币量值计量的,与后凯恩斯主流经济学的生产函数的技术关系分析无关,并从资本存量与收入流量的联系中讨论经济稳定增长状态及其波动的分析框架。  相似文献   

在对我国当前“新农保”公共投入存在问题进行分析基础上,提出“新农保”公共投入优化的多维视角及具体的优化方案.在“基础养老金+个人账户”的基础上,增加地方补助养老金,实现“两账户”模式逐步转向“三账户”模式.“三账户”模式不仅可以相对明晰各级政府之间的公共投入责任,建立中央政府、地方政府、参保个人的三方责任分担机制,而且没有破坏现行新农保制度的基本框架,只是对制度进行优化和完善,制度转换的成本较低.  相似文献   

在经济学长期发展的演革中,一直存在着两种研究范式的争论:一种是以"经济人"逻辑演绎为基础的主流经济学;另一种是以"演进理性"的历史主义-制度主义-演进主义为基础的非主流经济学.这两种经济学研究范式争论和碰撞了上百年.其实,我们应该用一种新的视角来看待二者.主流经济学的演绎逻辑分析框架适合于分析诸如经济活动的短期优化、市场关系和企业静态结构之类的可自我实施性问题;而后者的演化分析框架则适合于分析动态的宏观经济社会问题和人类社会经济活动的演进问题等.  相似文献   

从"责任式创新"这一新兴创新范式切入,聚焦人工智能技术创新治理议题,构建了责任式创新范式下人工智能技术创新治理分析框架(包括技术维、经济维、伦理维和社会维),并系统分析了人工智能技术创新在理论和实践层面的双重性,从而为人工智能技术创新的可持续发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

马克思主义经济学套用范式分析框架的缺陷   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,把马克思主义政治经济学纳入“范式”分析框架对于维护和论证其科学性的意义十分有限。一方面,用马克思主义政治经济学的具体命题即“规则”来定义范式,具有循环论证的性质;另一方面,在比较马克思主义经济学范式与现代西方主流经济学范式的过程中,基于生产的物质性与社会性、个体主义与整体主义、历史主义与形式主义等二分法来界定马克思主义经济学范式的边界,不能构成对主流范式的超越,对于维护马克思主义经济学的“硬核”来讲存在着极大的缺陷,甚至是一种倒退。  相似文献   

中国经济学范式思考:两个层次的契合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱富强 《财经研究》2008,34(5):4-15
自改革开放始,实践问题逐渐促发了传统政治经济学的范式危机,并出现了占主流地位的“修补”改革观;20世纪90年代以后,现实意识开始上升到了理论意识层面,主张全面采用现代西方经济学范式的“替代”改革观逐渐占了主流,但进入21世纪后,这一观点又开始受到质疑。文章认为,构建中国经济学范式需要面l临两个层次的契合:一是把探究事物本质的马克思主义政治经济学和实证事物现状的现代西方主流经济学契合起来,这主要涉及到探究当前经济学界两大分支的互补性和差异性问题;二是把西方学术界的经济理论与中国人的行为机理、社会文化契舍起来,这涉及到作为社会科学的经济学的本土性问题。  相似文献   

从《资本论》的视角,深入研究国际经济社会发展的新趋势和中国经济社会发展的新变化,对于彰显马克思主义理论的总体性视野与当代生命力具有重要意义。2018年4月1日,来自众多高校科研机构的专家学者和学术媒体的资深编辑齐聚中国人民大学,围绕如何发展21世纪马克思主义、拓展马克思主义哲学研究的“新范式”、把握新时代经济社会发展重大问题和开展哲学、政治经济学的对话与融合等议题展开了跨学科的多维阐释,取得了一系列有学术价值的观点成果。  相似文献   

Many previous experiments document that behavior in multi-person settings responds to the name of the game and the labeling of strategies. With a few exceptions, these studies cannot tell whether frames affect preferences or beliefs. In three large experiments, we investigate whether social framing effects are also present in Dictator games. Since only one of the subjects makes a decision, the frame can affect behavior merely through preferences. In all the experiments, we find that behavior is insensitive to social framing. We discuss how to reconcile the absence of social framing effects in Dictator games with the presence of social framing effects in Ultimatum games.  相似文献   

Earlier studies have found that framing has a substantial impact on the degree of cooperation observed in public good experiments. We show that the way the public good game is framed affects misperceptions about the incentives of the game. Moreover, we show that such framing‐induced differences in misperceptions are linked to the framing effect on subjects' cooperation behavior. When we do not control for the different levels of misperceptions between frames, we observe a significant framing effect on subjects' cooperation preferences. However, this framing effect becomes insignificant once we remove subjects who misperceive.  相似文献   

In this paper, we revisit the evidence for framing effects in threshold public good games. Our particular focus is on why the probability of providing the public good appears to be higher in positive, give frames compared with negative, take frames. We show that the impulse balance theory can explain this effect. We also report a new experiment designed to test the predictions of the impulse balance theory. The results of the experiment fit well, both in quantitative and qualitative terms, with our predictions.  相似文献   

We highlight the problem of loneliness, and argue that it is not only a public health issue but also an economic problem. We provide a brief review of findings from the key literature on the associations between loneliness, mental and physical health, and healthcare costs; and then present some evidence on its trends, the extent of socioeconomic inequalities and its links with health and healthcare usage, in Australia. We hope to encourage further economics research on loneliness, and related issues of social isolation and poor social support, to aid the design of policies and interventions to reduce loneliness.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report an experimental investigation of the effect of framing on social preferences, as revealed in a one-shot linear public goods game. We use two types of indicator to measure social preferences: self-reported emotional responses; and, as a behavioural indicator of disapproval, punishment. Our findings are that, for a given pattern of contributions, neither type of indicator depends on the Give versus Take framing that we manipulate. To this extent, they suggest that the social preferences we observe are robust to framing effects.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is two-fold. It provides a framework for understanding what happened in the recently failed effort to reform the U.S. medical industry. The guiding theme is that politicians, the public at large and social scientists framed the discussion in largely ritualistic terms: “bureaucratic reformers” advocated a federally regulated national health system: “market reformers” advocated a free market health system. This framing of the debate doomed meaningful reform, whether or not the Clinton plan had passed. Second, with this discussion as backdrop, a closely related problem is examined:1 why most social scientists failed to introduce more thoughtful, critical discussion into public debate. This part of the discussion draws on, though is not limited to, the author's experience of more than a decade with issues of health planning and policy,2 in medical industry reform in Omaha and in Nebraska.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is two-fold. It provides a framework for understanding what happened in the recently failed effort to reform the U.S. medical industry. The guiding theme is that politicians, the public at large and social scientists framed the discussion in largely ritualistic terms: “bureaucratic reformers” advocated a federally regulated national health system: “market reformers” advocated a free market health system. This framing of the debate doomed meaningful reform, whether or not the Clinton plan had passed. Second, with this discussion as backdrop, a closely related problem is examined:1 why most social scientists failed to introduce more thoughtful, critical discussion into public debate. This part of the discussion draws on, though is not limited to, the author's experience of more than a decade with issues of health planning and policy,2 in medical industry reform in Omaha and in Nebraska.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a simple theoretical model to investigate how economic development affects AIDS epidemics through its influence on individuals’ sexual behavior, building on the literature on economic growth with endogenous mortality concern. We employ provincial data from China on the incidence rate of AIDS between 2002 and 2008 to test the theoretical predictions. The findings are: (1) a rise in personal income/wealth induces more safe sexual activities and reduces the prevalence of AIDS; and (2) increases in public health expenditure do not have a significant positive impact on individuals’ preference of risky sexual activity over safe sexual activity.  相似文献   

The field of social psychology explores how a person behaves within the context of other people. The social context can play a substantive role in non-market allocation decisions given peoples choices and values extend beyond the classic market-based exchange institution. Herein we explore how social psychology has affected one aspect of environmental economics: preference elicitation through survey work. We discuss social representation, social isolation, framing through cheap talk, and commitment theory through an oath.  相似文献   

We examine how news outlets’ communication of macroeconomic information affects policy support during the COVID-19 crisis. In our survey experiment based on a representative sample from Germany, respondents are exposed to an expert forecast of GDP growth. Individuals either receive no information, the baseline forecast, or real-world media frames of the same forecast. We find that positive framing of economic growth increases policy support. This effect is stronger for respondents with more pessimistic macroeconomic expectations. Negatively framed economic news are perceived as more credible and hence less surprising in times of recession, not translating into political opinion.  相似文献   

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