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This paper employs the technique of variance decomposition and impulse response functions to examine the dynamic nature of stock market volatility relationships among six major countries during the pre, around, and post October 1987 crash period. During the period around the crash, the US stock market volatility explains much better the variations of the stock market volatility of Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and the UK. Our findings clearly indicate that the crash originated in the US and then spread to other major stock markets.  相似文献   

In this paper I relate the risk premia in the stock and bond markets to the conditional volatility of returns and time-varying reward-to-volatility variables. I find that the relation between the expected returns on the stocks and bonds and the volatility of returns is time varying. I provide an approach for evaluating the relative importance of the time-varying volatility of returns and reward-to-volatility variables to explain the predictability of risk premia for stock and bond returns. I show that changing reward-to-volatility variables explain more predictable variation in the risk premia for stocks and bonds than changing volatility of returns.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of the October 1987 crash on the co-movements among national stock markets. Interrelationships among the price movements in different national stock markets are analyzed using correlation and exploratory factor analysis. The data on weekly returns of 12 national stock market indices over the period from August 1984 to December 1990 are used in both local-currency and U.S. dollar terms for the analysis. This study finds that national stock markets became more interrelated after the crash, and the strengthening co-movements among national stock markets continued for a longer period after the crash. In addition, it is shown that the co-movements among national stock markets were stronger when the U. S. stock market was more volatile. These results imply that after investors experienced the October crash, they tend to give more weight to international factors in making investment decisions after the crash than before.  相似文献   

Market integration and currency risk in Asian emerging markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most of the Asian emerging stock markets started to liberalize their markets in 1990s. In this paper, I examine whether those markets have become integrated with world stock market since the 1990s by estimating and testing a dynamic version of international CAPM (ICAPM) in the absence of purchasing power parity (PPP) using a parsimonious multivariate GARCH-in-Mean (MGARCH-M) approach. I also investigate to what extent the liberalization process has affected the cost of capital and price volatility for each market. The empirical results show that Philippines was segmented from the world stock market before its liberalization date, but no evidence of market segmentation is found for the other five markets (India, Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Thailand) before their liberalization dates. However, all six markets have become integrated after opening up their markets to foreign investors. In addition, the estimated risk premia are lower after the liberalization, indicating that the liberalization process has reduced the cost of capital for their domestic firms. Moreover, there is no evidence of extra market volatility introduced by capital market liberalization, and on the contrary, the markets have become more stabilized through the liberalization process.  相似文献   

This article examines sudden changes in volatility for five Gulf area Arab stock markets using the iterated cumulative sums of squares (ICSS) algorithm and analyzes their impacts on the estimated persistence of volatility. This algorithm identifies large shifts in volatility of the stock markets during the weekly period 1994 to 2001. In contrast to Aggarwal et al. [Aggarwal, R., Inclan, C., & Leal, R., 1999, Volatility in emerging markets. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 34, 33-55], this paper found that most of the Gulf Arab stock markets are more sensitive to major global events than to local and regional factors. The 1997 Asian crisis, the collapse of oil prices in 1998 after the crisis, the adoption of the price band mechanism by OPEC in 2000, and the September 11th attack have been found to have consistently affected the Gulf markets. Accounting for these large shifts in volatility in the GARCH(1,1) models significantly reduces the estimated persistence of the volatility in the Gulf stock markets.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to employ the generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroskedastic in the mean (GARCH-M) methodology to investigate the effect of interest rate and its volatility on the bank stock return generation process. This framework discards the restrictive assumptions of linearity, independence, and constant conditional variance in modeling bank stock returns. The model presented here allows for shifts in the volatility equation in response to the changes in monetary policy regime in 1979 and 1982 to be estimated. ARCH, GARCH, and volatility feed back effects are found to be significant. Interest rate and interest rate volatility are found to directly impact the first and the second moments of the bank stock returns distribution, respectively. The latter also affects the risk premia indirectly. The degree of persistence in shocks is substantial for all the three bank portfolios and sensitive to the nature of the bank portfolio and the prevailing monetary policy regime.  相似文献   

Recent explanations of aggregate stock market fluctuations suggest that countercyclical stock market volatility is consistent with rational asset evaluations. In this paper, I develop a framework to study the causes of countercyclical stock market volatility. I find that countercyclical risk premia do not imply countercyclical return volatility. Instead, countercyclical stock volatility occurs if risk premia increase more in bad times than they decrease in good times, thereby inducing price–dividend ratios to fluctuate more in bad times than in good. The business cycle asymmetry in the investors’ attitude toward discounting future cash flows plays a novel and critical role in many rational explanations of asset price fluctuations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates sudden changes in volatility in the stock markets of new European Union (EU) members by utilizing the iterated cumulative sums of squares (ICSS) algorithm. Using weekly data over the sample period 1994–2006, the time period of sudden change in variance of returns and the length of this variance shift are detected. A sudden change in volatility seems to arise from the evolution of emerging stock markets, exchange rate policy changes and financial crises. Evidence also reveals that when sudden shifts are taken into account in the GARCH models, the persistence of volatility is reduced significantly in every series. It suggests that many previous studies may have overestimated the degree of volatility persistence existing in financial time series.  相似文献   

为防范股票市场上的不确定性和风险,有效地度量股票指数收益率的波动性显得尤为重要。本文运用GARCH族模型,拟合了股票指数收益率的波动性方程,并实证研究了亚洲地区四个最具代表性国家:日本、中国、印度和韩国的股票指数收益率的波动性。结果表明:亚洲地区股票指数收益率的波动呈现出聚集性和持续性,股票市场存在着冲击的非对称性;中国和印度的股票市场抗风险能力比日本和韩国弱,股票指数收益率的波动性带来的负面影响更大。  相似文献   

Prompted by the recent volatility in equity markets, I investigate performance evaluation methods and the mutual fund managers' ability to select undervalued investments and time major market movements during the high-market-volatility period of the 1980s. Specifically, I examine mutual fund managers' stock-selection and market-timing abilities by employing a five-factor risk-adjusted model based on Carhart's four-factor loading model and Bhattacharya and Pfleiderer's quadratic timing model adjusted for perverse timing behavior. Individually, some managers persistently affect fund performance through the selection of undervalued investments, however, at the expense of timing performance. In addition, funds that demonstrate an ability to time major market movements showed persistence in timing performance before and after the October market crash of 1987.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the stochastic behavior of weekly stock market returns in the U.S., Japan, and the U.K. during the period 1984 to 1994. The analysis is carried out using an augmented version of Bollerslev's [7] multivariate GARCH model with structural dummies to test for differences in the mean, volatility, and covariance structure of returns during the pre- and post-October 1987 crash periods. In addition, the paper explores the issue of the volatility reversion and time-varying behavior of correlation structure of returns in these markets. Mean-spillovers exist from the U.S. and Japan to the U.K. The magnitude of these spillovers is, however, low. Volatility spillovers exist from the U.S. and, to a lesser extent, from Japan to the U.K. Mean returns in all three markets and volatility in Japan and the U.K. are the same during the two periods, while volatility in the U.S. is lower during the post-crash period. With the exception of the correlation of returns between Japan and the U.K., which has doubled since the October 1987 crash, the remaining correlations are statistically similar during the two periods. Simulations performed indicate that volatility is reverting in the sense that, when it departs from its long-run equilibrium level, it tends to revert back to that level.  相似文献   

Stock volatility and the crash of '87   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
This article analyzes the behavior of stock return volatilityusing daily data from 1885 through 1988. The October 1987 stockmarket crash was unusual in many ways. October 19 was the largestpercentage change in market value in over 29,000 days. Stockvolatility jumped dramatically during and after the crash. Nevertheless,it returned to lower, more normal levels more quickly than pastexperience predicted. I use data on implied volatilities fromcall option prices and estimates of volatility from futurescontracts on stock indexes to confirm this result.  相似文献   

We construct a text-based measure of uncertainty starting in 1890 using front-page articles of the Wall Street Journal. News implied volatility (NVIX) peaks during stock market crashes, times of policy-related uncertainty, world wars, and financial crises. In US postwar data, periods when NVIX is high are followed by periods of above average stock returns, even after controlling for contemporaneous and forward-looking measures of stock market volatility. News coverage related to wars and government policy explains most of the time variation in risk premia our measure identifies. Over the longer 1890–2009 sample that includes the Great Depression and two world wars, high NVIX predicts high future returns in normal times and rises just before transitions into economic disasters. The evidence is consistent with recent theories emphasizing time variation in rare disaster risk as a source of aggregate asset prices fluctuations.  相似文献   

We provide new evidence regarding the degree of integration among markets for stocks, futures and options prior to and during the October 1987 market crash. Where previous analyses have resulted in recommendations for the implementation of circuit breakers, the coordination of margin requirements across markets, and changes in regulatory jurisdiction, our analysis indicates that delinkage between markets during the crash was primarily caused by an antiquated mechanism for processing stock market orders. The results suggest that market integration may be better served by efficient order execution than by further restricting markets. To a large extent, the problems of mid-October can be traced to the failure of these market segments [stocks, stock index futures, and stock options] to act as one. (Report of the Presidential Task Force [Brady Report] (1988, Executive Summary, p. vi)).  相似文献   

Relations between foreign exchange risk premia, exchange ratevolatility, and the volatilities of the pricing kernels forthe underlying currencies, are derived under the assumptionof integrated capital markets. As predicted, the volatilityof exchange rates is significantly associated with the estimatedvolatility of the relevant pricing kernels, and foreign exchangerisk premia are significantly related to both the estimatedvolatility of the pricing kernels and the volatility of exchangerates. The estimated foreign exchange risk premia mostly satisfyFama’s (1984) necessary conditions for explaining theforward premium puzzle, but the puzzle remains in several caseseven after taking account of the pricing kernel volatilities.  相似文献   

We investigate interdependencies between stock returns and exchange rate changes for six industrialised countries, namely the US, the UK, Japan, Germany, France and Canada, by testing for volatility spillovers using a bivariate EGARCH model. Volatility spillovers from stock returns to exchange rate changes are found for all countries except Germany. These spillovers are symmetric in nature. No evidence is found of volatility spillovers from exchange rate changes to stock returns for any country. Spillovers from stock returns to exchange rate changes have increased since October 1987. This finding is consistent with the notion that international financial markets have become increasingly integrated.  相似文献   

We investigate interdependencies between stock returns and exchange rate changes for six industrialised countries, namely the US, the UK, Japan, Germany, France and Canada, by testing for volatility spillovers using a bivariate EGARCH model. Volatility spillovers from stock returns to exchange rate changes are found for all countries except Germany. These spillovers are symmetric in nature. No evidence is found of volatility spillovers from exchange rate changes to stock returns for any country. Spillovers from stock returns to exchange rate changes have increased since October 1987. This finding is consistent with the notion that international financial markets have become increasingly integrated.  相似文献   

本文以多元随机波动模型检视亚洲五个主要金融市场股指期货与现货的报酬关系与波动溢出效应。实证发现,五地金融市场股指期货与现货之间皆存在双向的波动溢出效应。股指现货动态相关系数和波动持续系数均高,显示现货市场具有聚类的现象。此外,本研究进一步探讨股指期货与现货的联动和共同波动因子的关系,实证发现,股指期货与现货的波动关系是同时受到共同信息发布的影响。  相似文献   

This paper examines out-of-sample option pricing performances for the affine jump diffusion (AJD) models by using the S&P 500 stock index and its associated option contracts. In particular, we investigate the role of time-varying jump risk premia in the AJD specifications. Our empirical analysis shows strong evidence in favor of time-varying jump risk premia in pricing cross-sectional options. We also find that, during a period of low volatility, the role of jump risk premia becomes less pronounced, making the differences across pricing performances of the AJD models not as substantial as during a period of high volatility. This finding can possibly explain poor pricing perfomances of the sophisticated AJD models in some previous studies whose sample periods can be characterized by low volatility.  相似文献   

Five-minute changes in the S&P 500 index and futures contract are examined over a ten-day period surrounding the October 1987 stock market crash. Since nonsynchronous trading problems are severe in these data, new index estimators are derived and used. The estimators use the complete transaction history of all 500 stocks. Nonsynchronous trading explains part of the large absolute futures-cash basis observed during the crash. The remainder may be due to disintegration of the two markets. Even after adjustment for nonsynchronous trading, the index displays more autocorrelation than does the futures and the futures leads the index.  相似文献   

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