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科学和技术在当代国际经济生活中日益显示出巨大威力,发达国家在新技术领域的角逐愈演愈烈。苏联和东欧各国较早地察觉到新科技革命的萌动。在七十年代苏联已经提出世界大工业生产开始进入第四个发展阶段的论断,着手编制20年发展科学技术的综合纲要。尽管如此,进入八十年代以来,新技术革命在美国和日本等国的迅猛发展,仍然使苏联和东欧各国受到很大的震动。新技术革命的冲击波新技术革命产生的影响并不象吹皱一池春水的微风,而是一股强大的冲击波,在苏联和东欧各国引起了深刻的反响。它们普遍担心新  相似文献   

经济全球化是当代资本主义的一个重要新发展,它给当代资本主义社会的经济结构、社会关系及阶级结构带来了深刻变化,使资本主义发展进入最新阶段。随着资本全球化,资本所固有的负面影响迅速在更大的范围扩展,资本主义的各种危机互相影响,互相促进,波及所有资本主义国家,形成资本主义世界的失调、失衡和危机。全球资本主义发展到尽头,取代它的必将是全球社会主义的新时代  相似文献   

新技术革命给国际营销带来了深刻的变化。通过分析新技术革命的发展过程,研究新技术革命与国际营销的互为促进关系,重点分析了国际营销中的技术要素,并展望了新技术革命在国际营销中运用的愿景。  相似文献   

郑文宝 《北方经贸》2001,(12):32-33
结合当代资本主义的实际情况,揭示当代资本主义出现的新变化和新特点,从经济基础和上层建筑两个方面对其成因进行分析,指出资本主义面貌虽变,本质依然,阐明新变化不能改变资本主义必然灭亡的历史命运,只能是新社会物质基础在资本主义内部进一步成熟。  相似文献   

我国零售商业革命浅析冯炜,董进才/一、发达资本主义国家零售业革命历史的回顾。历史上,发达资本主义国家的零售业经历了三次革命性变化。第一次发生在100多年前,以百货商店的诞生为标志。由过去分散的、单一经营的商店,发展为综合经营各类商品的百货商店。第二次...  相似文献   

新公共管理运动的兴起,推动了当代西方各国行政体制发生革命性的变化,也对建立在韦伯的官僚制基础上的文官制度进行了深刻的改革。通过梳理学者对当代西方公务员制度改革的研究情况,分析当代西方主要资本主义国家公务员制度改革中出现的困境和瓶颈,为当今我国公务员制度改革找出有益的启示。  相似文献   

陆海娟 《商》2012,(23):195-195
随着资本主义经济的快速发展,消费领域出现了异化的现象,西方马克思主义者对当代资本主义社会消费异化的现象进行了深刻的揭露和批判。本文分析了西方马克思主义消费异化的内涵,并指出了消费异化的危害。  相似文献   

(一) 在世界性新技术革命中,技术、产品、投资的发展出现了新的变化。在技术领域内,新的技术革新同基础科学紧密结合,新技术推广迅速,给所有经济部门带来了巨大影响,电子、材料、能源、信息、宇航等方面的技术取得了重大突破。在产品领域内,科技进步引起了一系列前所未有的新产品。科学新技术应用于产品开发的过程加快了。在投资领域中,风险资本投资异军突起,加速了新技术向新产品的转化过  相似文献   

<正> 一、中国企业集团跨国经营的管理决策与科学策划 (一)国际市场出现的新变化 随着新技术革命和世界经济一体化的发展,国际市场的经贸方式、内容、结构和制度都发生了极为深刻的变化,竞争的形势出现了新的格局,也对跨国经营决策提出了新的要求。因此,必须分析国际市场的下列新变化。  相似文献   

王启云 《消费经济》2006,22(2):21-24
一、发达国家保护自然环境的背景二次大战后,发达资本主义国家保护自然环境,有其深刻的经济社会背景。1.经济的高速增长,为发达资本主义国家保护自然环境提供了重要的物质前提二次大战后,发达国家发生了新的科学技术革命,这是经济高速发展的强大推动力量。国家垄断资本主义的发  相似文献   

The paper analyses the role of regulation in the suppression of disruptive innovations and shows that this process might be explained by the dependance on the path of joint evolution of regulation and the mainstream technology. Industrial policy in highly regulated industries such as wireless telecommunications is able to support evolution of established technologies and adjust itself to sustaining innovations, while regulatory disconnection impedes disruptive technologies, and the market plays a quite secondary role in this process. We observe more innovations in those parts of telecommunications where regulator is less active, but the core, the physical layer, of the industry is changing in sustaining way of development of the technology. The paper argues that the problem of impediment to disruptive innovations could be alleviated if the crucial resources of the industry were accessible for a number of potential innovators and newcomers. The openness makes easier the appearance of disruptive technologies, and regulation must facilitate it in order to promote opportunities for creative destruction.  相似文献   


This paper examines the adoption of radical food production systems in the Dutch food industry. It is argued that radical innovations are of major importance to contribute to the increase of growth and competitiveness. A model was developed to test which factors influence the adoption of radical product innovations, in particular health enhancing food products. It includes organizational and environmental factors derived from literature that influence the adoption of radical innovations. Results indicate that differences in firms' organizational factors determine the adoption of radical product innovations. Implications, limitations and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

非试点地区农村信用合作社的行为异化及其制度创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张庆亮 《财贸研究》2003,14(6):41-47
改革开放以来,我国农村信用合作社的改革不断出现反复,一直没有取得大的突破和进展,2003年下半年新一轮的试点改革在8个省市进行。本文简要分析和评价“2003试点改革方案”。指出非试点地区农村信用社目前所面临的制度困境以及由此引发的信用社行为的异化,结合实际提出了非试点地区农村信用社的制度创新主要依赖于理顺政府与农村信用社的关系,明晰信用社的产权,在此基础上完善信用社的治理结构,强化信用社的非营利性与互助性,完善内部控制制度,加强同业自律组织建设等等,从而实现农村信用社的制度创新与行为理性。  相似文献   

The global financial crisis hit nearly every country in the world, devastating their economies, decimating the financial resources of their companies and citizens, and nearly collapsing the banking systems in their countries. While risky financial instruments and bad home lending practices receive much of the blame for this downturn, too few innovations introduced in the years leading up to the crisis also contribute to this collapse or, at a minimum, deepening the resulting recession. This paper draws on theoretical literature and contemporary media accounts, building the argument for a significant impact of innovations on the economy and its potential role in pulling the US economy out of the financial crisis. The paper develops propositions based on this review and discusses implications for staving off future economic difficulties.  相似文献   

In recent years, the combination of economic growth and population growth in emerging markets and less developed markets has accelerated the progression of globalization of retailing and globalization by retailers. The challenges faced by global and globalizing retailers (retailers who currently have or intend to establish a market presence in mature markets, emerging markets and less developed markets) can be more daunting compared to those faced by firms in other industries such as automobiles, steel, and computers. Retailing innovations that are responsive to the characteristics of distinctive national markets and broader aggregations of markets such as mature, emerging and less developed markets are critical to the success of global and globalizing retailers. Against this backdrop, this paper focuses on retailing innovations in the context of a globalizing retailing environment. It attempts to shed insights into the characteristics of retailing innovations conducive to superior performance in distinctive national markets and across broader aggregations of markets. Towards this end, we first examine the environmental conditions of markets in different development stages, namely mature, emerging and less developed markets, and explore consumer based, industry based, and legal/regulatory based challenges faced by globalizing retailers in these markets. Second, we show how these challenges can be transformed into opportunities with retailing innovations. We conclude with a roadmap for future research and present propositions on future development with respect to retailing innovations in these markets.  相似文献   

Firms need to protect their positioning innovations from copycatting and imitation by competition. However, there is limited insight into factors driving legal protection of positioning innovations. This research utilizes non-traditional trademark (NTT) registrations as indicators of protection of certain types of positioning innovations by firms and investigates the role of firm and industry factors in these registrations. Findings based on secondary data collected over the time period (1984–2015) reveal that firm age and market share play a positive role in NTT registrations. Analysis also shows that industry munificence plays a positive role in NTT registrations, whereas competitive intensity and industry dynamism lower NTT registrations. Together, these findings provide important implications for research and practice that extend beyond technological innovations and add to the innovations literature in marketing.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore the process of customization by investigating how retailers and consumers interact in bicycle retailing. The paper focuses on three high-end bicycle retailers. Building on qualitative data gathered through interviews and netnography, this study takes both retailers’ and consumers’ processes into account. The results show that retailers capitalize on external and internal opportunities for co-creation, including new technologies, production and distribution innovations, and social media. Retailers’ planning for co-creation plays a significant role in providing a unique shopping experience for consumers. This includes supply chain solutions such as effective inventory and warehousing systems, partnerships and outsourcing, tracking, and postponement, which facilitate simplicity. Retailers rely on feedback from consumers to improve their planning and implementation processes. In terms of consumer processes, several emotions are evident, including the sense of standing-out and self-esteem, fun and coolness, creativity and imagination, and most importantly, the possibility of reflecting one’s personality in self-designed bikes. Systems that are easy to interact with, such as interactive online configurators, contribute to consumers’ cognitive processes. Loyalty and positive word-of-mouth turns out to be a common manifestation of the behavior associated with such co-creation processes. We also reflect on how, by what means, and why consumers and retailers engage in co-creation through customization, mainly pertaining to learning and innovation. Our results also point to various possible outcomes from such processes for consumer and retailers; including expressing ones personality and individuality for consumers, and providing product variety efficiently, and boosting brand image for retailers.  相似文献   

In discussing the nexus between innovations and market structure it is often argued that industry characteristics (called opportunities) might play an important role as determinants of innovation, and that simultaneity rather than one-way causality prevails. We consider a three-equation model for innovation, advertising, and concentration. Based on pooled cross-section time-series data for 26 German manufacturing industries we estimate single equation models with and without fixed industry and/or time effects (to control for unobservable industry or time effects, respectively) and simultaneous equation systems including fixed effects, and controlling for extreme cases (outliers) or not. Furthermore, we use two different measures for innovations, i.e., the percentage of shipments due to new products, and the percentage of firms which classified themselves as innovators. Our results can be summarized as follows: (1) The firm size has no significant effect on innovation. One can, therefore, not conclude from this data set that large firms are more innovative than small ones; (2) unobservable industry effects do matter; (3) the treatment of outliers does matter; (4) simultaneity does matter (5) the way innovations are measured does matter; (6) different stories could be told based on the results of the systems of interdependent equations estimated.Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the annual meeting of the committee of industrial economists of the Verein fuer Socialpolitik at Hohenheim University in March, 1990, and at the 1990 conferences of the European Economic Association and the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics in Lisboa. We would like to thank participants of these meetings and three anonymous referees for helpful comments. A more complete version of the paper with a set of tables for the results of all computations is available from the authors on request.  相似文献   

In this paper, a positive organizational ethics (POE)-based framework is informed by the microfinance and socially responsible investing movements to capture the process of sustainable financial innovations. Both of these movements are uniquely characterized by the formation of positive ethical networks (PENs) to develop sustainability innovations in response to external crises. The crisis–PEN–innovation framework proposed makes four contributions to the POE literature: (1) positions corporate sustainability through a POE lens; (2) formalizes the PEN construction through POE theory; (3) proposes PENs are mobilized to respond to external crises; and (4) demonstrates how PENs facilitate sustainability innovations. The theoretical framework is tested using theory-guided process tracing in the sustainable banking sector to understand how sustainability innovations were realized. The findings are consistent with the crisis–PEN–innovation framework proposed.  相似文献   

This research looks into the innovative activities of subunits of large non-U.S firms in the U.S from 1969 to 1995, suggesting that the innovations in the subunits of multinational corporations are closely linked to their specializations in General Purpose Technologies (GPTs). GPTs enable recombining knowledge from different domains on an international scale, and that the specialization of innovations in GPT fields within a subunit is positively associated with the innovative capacity at large, along with the degree of technological diversification of that specific subunit. As firms expand geographically to tap into local innovation centers to develop new growth alternatives, specialization of GPTs in these firms actually facilitates further geographical dispersion of innovative activities across locations. Lastly, additional specializations of innovations in GPT fields within the host innovation centers does help in attracting innovation activities of firms from a wider range of industries.  相似文献   

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