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“取代曾经的宏大,打动世界”,这是华贸中心的宣言“成就百年精品,汇聚跨国品牌”,这是房超的心愿  相似文献   

杨文洁 《财经》2011,(7):247-254
“如果一个女人想创作小说,那她必须要有钱和一间属于她的房间.”说这话的时候,弗尼吉亚·伍尔夫并不是在鼓动女权.她只是提醒女性要摆脱对男人的经济依附,并不是要她们变为男人.  相似文献   

事实上,王利芬的创业经历可以追溯到她进入央视的第一天. 2006年,她创办的<赢在中国>让她成为不是明星的明星;2008年,她创办的<我们>让她成为不是焦点的焦点;还有她参与创办的<经济信息联播>、<第一时间>和<全球资讯榜>,都让她收获颇丰.  相似文献   

清的原名叫青,曾经她是一个自信的女孩子,那时的她清纯、漂亮。但自从清的家里发生了一些不幸的事情后,清就认为那些事情都是她造成的,因为一次逛街时她遇到一个算命的先生,说青这个名字硬,命也硬,虽然她也不是很相信那个,但只是为了以后她身边不再发生不幸的事情,于是她改了名字,叫清。  相似文献   

年轻的女人走到她的奶奶面前,抱怨自己的日子过得是如此的艰难.生活中,她遇到了很多挫折,她不知道应该如何去生活,她想要放弃.因为,她已厌倦抗争和奋斗.  相似文献   

明星开店并不是什么稀奇事,但像章子怡这样,把服装店开到全球最顶级的商业街——纽约第五大道,目前只有她一位华人影星.章子怡开店,并不是闹着玩,她把大商场的秘密克隆到小店.  相似文献   

多大家也许并不熟悉,但是看过婷美广告和早年。恐怕不会对这张面孔感到陌生。就是因为这些广告,从那时起她已成了众人眼中的明星。再后来,她凭借一系列广告成为“中国十大广告明星”之一。当年她才19岁。生活中的她与镜头里的成熟优雅的广告明星.有着不小的差距。直到今天。她的性格也有点大大咧咧。《武林外传》里她认为最适合演的角色是郭芙蓉。而不是那个祝无双。  相似文献   

女人是什么?有人说,女人就是母亲、妻子和女儿;有人说,女人就是家,就是锅碗瓢勺、油盐酱醋;也有人说,女人就是水,因为她是一切生命的源泉;还有人说,女人就是大地,因为她像大地一样孕育了万物.并使之郁郁葱葱,茁壮生长。一年之计在于春,春天在人们的心目中是美好的,因此又有人说,女人就是春风,她是那样的轻盈、温柔,那样的阿娜多姿。 这就是女人吗?我说,这些都不是女人的真谛。女人是什么?是一朵花,她给人间带来美丽和色彩;是一支歌,她给人们送来了欢乐和温馨。哪里有女人,哪里就有欢歌笑语,哪里就会生机勃勃,春…  相似文献   

在某小镇上有一个非常穷困的女孩子,她失去了父亲,跟妈妈相依为命,靠做手工维持生活.她非常自卑,因为从来没穿戴过漂亮的衣服和首饰.在这样极为贫寒的生活中,她长到了十八岁.  相似文献   

在一次礼仪培训上,一位女同学告诉培训老师她刚刚从一家公司面试回来,感觉很糟糕.培训老师问她是否是穿着身上这件衣服去面试的.她回答说是的,她也知道这样的装扮不正式,但她当时在逛街,面试的时间又太紧,她根本来不及去换衣服了.培训老师现场对她的着装从头至尾进行了一番点评:一身很生活、很休闲的衣服,颜色太杂,样式古怪,上下衣搭配不和谐……最后,这位培训老师对同学们说,你们要时时刻刻把自己打扮的漂漂亮亮的,因为你不清楚接下来会遇到什么人,碰到什么事.这人,也许关系你一生的幸福.这事,也许主宰着你事业的成功.不要因为着装影响了他人对你的看法,让机会与你擦肩而过.  相似文献   

两会期间,在人大会议中心,我们见到了全国人大代表、中国证监会吉林监管局局长江连海。刚刚抵达北京住地的他,已连夜为我们的采访做了大量准备工作,记者不禁被他的责任心深深打动。  相似文献   

We study the market selection hypothesis in complete financial markets, populated by heterogeneous agents. We allow for a rich structure of heterogeneity: individuals may differ in their beliefs concerning the economy, information and learning mechanism, risk aversion, impatience and ‘catching up with the Joneses’ preferences. We develop new techniques for studying the long-run behavior of such economies, based on Strassen’s functional law of the iterated logarithm. In particular, we explicitly determine an agent’s survival index and show how the latter depends on the agent’s characteristics. We use these results to study the long-run behavior of the equilibrium interest rate and the market price of risk.  相似文献   

We analyze the sustainability of a conversation when one agent might be endowed with a piece of private information that affects the payoff distribution to its benefit. Such a secret can compromise the sustainability of conversation. Even without an obligation, the secret holder will disclose its secret if it prevents preemptive termination of the conversation. The nonsecret holder lacks this possibility and stops the conversation. Competition and limited effectiveness of the conversation amplify this result of early disclosure and render the conversation process less sustainable. We discuss policy and managerial implications for industry standard development and joint ventures.  相似文献   

《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(3):177-178

Friends with money   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When banks and firms are connected through interpersonal linkages - such as their respective management having attended college or previously worked together - interest rates are markedly reduced, comparable with single shifts in credit ratings. These rate concessions do not appear to reflect sweetheart deals. Subsequent firm performance, such as future credit ratings or stock returns, improves following a connected deal, suggesting that social networks lead to either better information flow or better monitoring.  相似文献   

A compendium is provided of some major political, economic and social issues and themes facing the development of the EC's environmental policy in the 1990s and beyond. Among the major issues analysed are the growing political perceptions and realities of environmental interdependency, the importance of EC intergovernmental conferences, the compatibility of the development of the internal market and international trade with the protection of the environment, the meaning of sustainable development in the interdependency context, and the importance of valuation of the environment. The article ends with a brief analysis of new instruments for future environmental policy and the crucial issue of strategic eco-industrial opportunities.  相似文献   

The development of research and reporting skills is recognized as an important function of accounting instruction, but the problems associated with such development have not been widely discussed in the accounting literature. One of these problems, that of plagiarism, is examined. The concept of plagiarism is discussed and an evaluative model is described.  相似文献   

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