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这个世界的发展总是出乎我们的意料,很重要的原因在于推动世界发展的各个因素总是很难同步、合拍。融合(convergence)在几年前就是一个响亮的口号,但是直到最近,各种因素好像才逐渐就位,在几个层面上融合的趋势日渐显现出来。从技术层面看,以IP技术为基础,通信技术和IT技术已经呈现出了迅速融合的态势,用户和厂商都采取了更加积极的态度去面对;而在应用层面,多种通信方式和技术的融合,集中表现为终端的融合。几年前,商务通那句响亮的口号“呼机、手机、商务通,一个都不能少”,已经在这个信息泛滥的社会里被很多更加方便、快捷地上传图片和… 相似文献
在越来越广泛连接的时代中,一个越来越粘稠的商业世界正呼啸而来。生活在瑞士日内瓦的爱德华·贝尔已经从事了十几年的轨道巡检工作,正在发生着静悄悄的变化一一无论是他巡检的对象,抑或是工作方式。敲击,这个自他开始工作以来重复过无数次的动作,将在不久之后从他的工作中彻底消失。 相似文献
高精尖技术背后隐藏的巨大商业风险使得宋世鹏的核心技术几乎无人问津,于是这个技术专家只好很不情愿地自己创业。注册资金不过1000万元人民币,今年才开始实质性市场运作的中国民营企业——上海伽玛星科技发展有限公司居然跃入全球著名风险投资业媒体——美国《红鲱鱼》(RedHerring)杂志的“法眼”:上个月月底,上海伽玛星科技发展有限公司作为中国医疗设备研发生产企业的唯一代表,入围《红鲱鱼》在香港宣布的第二届“亚洲优秀未上市公司100强”名单。上海伽玛星的创建者事实上就是目前拥有90多项医疗专利技术,被业界称为“中国伽玛刀之父”… 相似文献
全球经济形式快速变化,持续调整,市场竞争态势扑朔迷离。在商业快速变革的同时,我们也进入了技术井喷的年代。云计算、大数据、ICT融合、移动应用、社交网络等技术浪潮的不断演进,带来了全新的信息社会,个人或组织,传统的商业形态或商业逻辑,都在快速改变中。技术企业们在急剧变革的经济形势中,不断创新,希望通过改变客户的商业,来改变自己的商业。面对严峻的市场竞争态势和改变中的客户,传统企业们正在思考应当为自己植入怎样的技术基因。谁能先于竞争对手,拥抱变革,做出改变,在竞争中抓到先机呢?在2013中国CIO高峰论坛期间,《IT经理世界》对话业界主流IT企业,探讨技术商业的变革之路。 相似文献
Technology represents the primordial force for companies and organizations in securing long‐term competitiveness. In the intensive search to access new technology, organizations are more and more looking beyond the borders of the focal firm and becoming involved in various networks with suppliers, consultants, partners, and others. However, the distinction between the focal firm, on the one hand, and networks, on the other, is in this paper argued to be too extensive without intermediating nuances. Less focus is given to an in‐between perspective configured by business groups or concerns here defined as parent corporations with subsidiary companies. It is this perspective of business groups with characteristics between individual firms and open networks that is of interest in this paper. The focus is on manufacturing business groups in which the companies will typically have individual as well as common technologies. The research aim is to develop a framework to be used as an analytical tool for understanding and organizing technology sharing in manufacturing business groups. The research approach was to study technology sharing in a natural setting combining multiple in‐depth sources of evidence in a clinical research setting. A prestudy identified key dimensions in classifying cases leading to four clusters of typified cases. Data were gathered from meetings with 24 managers from various research and development (R&D) units who met regularly every other week during seven months, in‐depth interviews, internal documents and protocols, and workshops. Following the clinical field‐study approach, findings are theoretically validated in relation to literature. The analysis identifies and depicts four different types of technology‐sharing scenarios in manufacturing business groups. Each type has particular characteristics of its own. The four scenarios together provide a synthesized portfolio with different types of dimensions. A first dimension makes a distinction between sharing new technology development versus existing technology. Another distinguishes between technologies aimed at the whole business group and those aimed at specific segments. The two dimensions together comprise four different types of technology‐sharing alternatives. Each one of them can be used at the focal firm, and together, they are applicable from a business group perspective comprising technology‐sharing portfolios of manufacturing business groups. 相似文献
在知识经济时代,技术革新日新月异,企业之间的技术竞争也愈演愈烈,渐渐演变为标准竞争。然而,技术的经济价值只是潜在的,只有通过合适的商业模式才能将其充分释放出来,从而为企业带来巨大的经济效益,乃至实现持久的竞争优势。以企业技术竞争中所采取的商业模式为研究对象,利用切萨布鲁夫提出的商业模式六维度分析框架,运用多重案例研究的方法探讨商业模式在企业技术竞争中的重要作用。通过对案例分析结果的归纳和总结,为商业模式理论提供了新的观点,也能够为标准竞争中的企业提供有益的启发。 相似文献
热敏成像技术是在CTP领域中应用的两大主流技术之一,近几年其风头大有压过可见光成像技术的趋势。作为从事感光材料研究的科技人员,作者从多个角度分析了热敏CTP技术受到业内人士推崇的原因。在此基础上,作者进一步分析了热敏CTP技术在国际、国内市场中的发展状况,并预测了热敏CTP技术的未来市场与商机。 相似文献
Jonathan D. Linton 《Journal of Product Innovation Management》2004,21(6):416-430
Current centers of active research on the management of technology and innovation (MOT) are identified through the use of a publication‐based study. This article develops a methodology for ranking centers of MOT research and in doing so identifies 120 centers of MOT research in different parts of the world. Centers of research are identified in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. Detailed assessment is offered for the 21 U.S.‐based schools with three or more active MOT researchers present. The nature and quality of research activity is assessed with a series of 21 metrics. These metrics consider the number of active faculty, the number of publications researchers have in the base journals during the study period, total publication history, MOT publication history, number of equivalent articles, number of pages published, frequency of citations, and a series of metrics that are a combination of two or more of these factors. The assessment identifies four groups of schools that have MOT research capabilities. Schools with substantial research capability are divided into three tiers based on their rankings in different metrics. Each of the schools ranked in the first tier placed first on at least two of the 21 metrics considered in this study. A reasonable argument can be made that any one of the schools ranking in the first tier is the strongest school in terms of MOT research capabilities. These U.S.‐based schools in alphabetical order are Georgia Tech, MIT, Rensselaer, Rutgers, and Stanford. An important point to note is that there are clear differences in research focus between the different first‐tier schools; therefore, it is quite likely that different types of students, faculties, and practitioners will find each of the first‐tier schools most attractive based on personal fit with these differences in specialization. The schools in the second and third tier have substantial MOT research capability. The fourth tier identifies 18 additional U.S.‐based schools that have some capability due to a core of two researchers. This core could be the springboard to a national ranking or a transitory state due to departure of a faculty member. Future research should consider the stability of the results over time and should explore the links among research capabilities, program structure, student output, and placement. 相似文献