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英国住房保障政策的历史、体系与借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过理顺英国住房保障政策的历史脉络,概括目前英国住房保障政策的执行体系,总结英国住房市场的经验和教训.本文认为,政府既不能承担太重的建设负担,也不能一昧放开住房市场,政府需要综合考虑各种长期因素,制定保障性住房发展方针和政策,积极引导各类机构参与保障性住房建设和管理,扩大保障性住房供给渠道,推动保障性住房融资模式的创新,从而使更多中低收入居民享受到保障性住房带来的收益.  相似文献   

美国以创新性区划促进可支付住宅发展的经验和启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为满足中低收入家庭的居住需求,美国旨在推动可支付住宅建设的创新性区划得到了快速发展.创新性区划包括弹性区划、奖励性区划和包容性区划等多种形式,创新性区划的实施使美国地方政府在不扩大地方财政支出的前提下,有效增加面向中低收入家庭的可支付住宅的供给,缓解社会中存在的居住隔离状况.本文介绍了创新性区划的发展历程和实践情况,并分析了其所具有的积极作用以及面临的挑战.  相似文献   

本文系统回顾了国内保障性住房及住房保障制度相关研究成果,梳理我国住房保障制度的演进,综合分析安徽省住房保障工作现状与存在的问题。在此基础上,根据保障性住房生命周期设计了住房保障制度的政策流程,从而构建起保障性住房制度设计的初步框架,并对保障性住房制度安排的关键环节,即保障覆盖面的合理划定与测算进行了实证分析。  相似文献   

Research on informal housing tends to focus overwhelmingly on less developed countries, downplaying or ignoring entirely the presence of informality in United States housing markets. In actuality, a longstanding and widespread tradition of informal housing exists in the United States but is typically disregarded by scholars. In this article we draw on three definitions of informality—as non‐compliant, non‐enforced, or deregulated economic activity—to characterize examples of informality in US housing markets, focusing in particular on five institutions that govern housing market activity in this country: property rights law, property transfer law, land‐use and zoning, subdivision regulations, and building codes. The cases presented here challenge the notion that informality is absent from US housing markets and highlight the unique nature of informal housing, US style—namely, that informal housing in the US is geographically uneven, largely hidden and typically interwoven within formal markets. We conclude with a discussion of how research on informal housing in the US can inform research in the global South.  相似文献   

采用定量分析与定性分析相结合的研究方法,以广州市经济适用住房停建政策的影响人群为研究对象,对已获得经济适用住房准购证但未购房以及已申请住房保障但未获批两类家庭进行问卷调查和入户访谈,并采用SPSS软件对相关数据进行深度挖掘,分析了两类家庭的经济状况与居住现状,经济适用住房停建政策对两类家庭的影响及其未来的住房保障诉求。在此基础上,对经济适用住房停建政策的稳妥实施提出相关建议,包括做好停建政策后续配套工作,妥善处理已获得准购证家庭的购房需求;优化住房保障申请程序,加强保障性住房分配和后续管理等。最后,针对困难群众对住房保障产品多元化的诉求,对创新产权式住房保障方式进行了探索。  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》1978,2(9):11-13
Here we consider the performance of the economy since autumn 1976, when a major sterling crisis caused a significant change of policy, In the policy debate at the time many argued that a major cut in the public sector deficit would have very adverse consequences Normally such a debate would have been purely hypothetical but in the event the cut that did take place was enormous - largely by accident. We can therefore see who comes out best in the light of developments in the last eighteen months.  相似文献   

Our research examines whether there is a causal effect between expanding health insurance and diabetes incidence. Comprehensive county‐level data from the United States is used to study the effect of Medicaid expansion on diabetes rates. The analysis is based on cross‐county variation according to Affordable Care Act health care reforms, along with county share‐eligibility variation. Difference‐in‐difference and triple‐difference statistical regression specifications are employed to control for confounding variables. The results suggest a slight negative relationship between expanding health insurance and diabetes diagnoses.  相似文献   

委托—代理视角的保障性住房政策地方执行阻滞分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方政府住房保障政策执行力不足已严重阻碍了保障性住房的健康发展.以委托-代理理论为视角分析了住房保障政策地方执行阻滞的深层次原因,在于中央与地方利益目标函数不一致、财政集权体制不健全、信息沟通机制不健全、监督与制约机制不健全等.研究表明,提高地方政府住房政策执行力不能简单地依靠加大对地方政府的监督惩处力度,而是要加强中央与地方的利益整合,完善政府间信息沟通机制,构建完善的激励与监督机制等.  相似文献   

美国对华投资与中国自美进口的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际投资与国际贸易之间是替代关系还是互补关系,在国际经济学界一直存在不同的认识。本文以最大的发达国家美国和最大的发展中国家中国为对象,研究了美国对华投资与对华出口之间关系的一般理论模型,并进行了计量模型的检验,给出了相应结论。  相似文献   

Abstract . Since the beginning of the 80s, there has been a discernible decline in federal spending for water resource development. The methods of financing project development at the state level exhibit diverse characteristics across different states. The state and sub-state level agencies and users will have to find and develop additional resources. This might also call for reduction in subsidies in water pricing which might give a greater role to market factors in conservation efforts. The present differentiated cost-sharing formula for different uses on the basis of the federal agency involved in the project development contributes to inefficient allocation of the resource. There is urgent need for financial and water management reform in order to avert a potential water crisis. Use, efficiency and equity considerations need to play a greater role in the distribution of the resource than in the past.  相似文献   

经济适用房自上世纪90年代提出特别是1998年房改政策实施以来,得到了较大程度的发展,成为中低收入家庭的首选。但是从近些年的发展来看,经济适用房政策虽然解决了部分中低收入家庭的住房问题,但围绕经济适用房的出现的问题也屡见不鲜。因执行政策的偏差和固有的局限性没能完全发挥其社会保障功能,并孕育了潜在的风险、滋生了一些社会问题。文中认为在当前严厉打击房地产泡沫以及我国十二五规划严格控制房价的前提下,是时机取消经济适用房政策,这将更有利于社会的发展。  相似文献   

在新型城镇化背景下,为了实现居者有其屋的目的,保障性住房的建设需求日益增加。以新型城镇化为背景,分析PPP模式应用于保障房建设的优势,阐述不同形式保障房的具体适用模式,并对PPP模式的发展提出建议。PPP模式应用于保障房建设,可以使政府和企业获得双赢,促进新型城镇化的发展。  相似文献   

龙平 《价值工程》2019,38(25):81-82
自中国改革开放以来,我国居民的生活水平不断提高,很多农村居民都开始向城镇迁移,在这过程中却存在着很大的住房问题,很多落后地区贫困人口的住房得不到保障,与日益增长的房地产价格形成了鲜明的对比,导致很多居民住不起买不起的现状。政府为之提出的保障性住房便是其中一个很好的解决办法,但同时也是存在很多不利的方面。  相似文献   

基于杭州实证调查数据,利用经济、效益、效率、公平四组变量构建了“4E”模型,对经济适用房政策的绩效进行了评价.结论为:杭州经济适用房建设供给的圈层分异明显,整体绩效表现出“经济和效率较好、公平和效益略显不足”的特征.提出:未来经济适用房在规划建设上应注重区住选择、设施配套的高效性与供给规模、开发模式的实效性,在政策管理...  相似文献   

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