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Walter Goldstein 《Futures》1981,13(3):206-216
The flow of aid and trade to the third world will be stilled if inflation and recession persist- as seems likely for the 1980s. UN hopes for a Development Decade and a New International Economic Order stand minimal chances of success. Members of OECD, Comecon and OPEC have ignored third world voices at the UN, IMF and elsewhere, for short-sighted, perilous reasons of self-protection.  相似文献   

王冲 《新理财》2013,(1):111
欧债危机阴霾难散,只盯着西欧未免狭隘。东欧包括哪几个国家?东欧剧变后这些国家怎么样?东欧国家的私有化是福是祸?这些"新欧洲"国家现在是不是依然乱作一团?这些问题恐怕很多人并不清楚,或者说没有心思去理会。由于教育和宣传的诸多因素,在中国人的认知范围内,东欧剧变后便  相似文献   

中东欧国家是指包括波兰、匈牙利、捷克等从计划经济向市场经济转轨的国家.这些国家不仅地域相近,而且银行体制改革的时间和路径也基本一致,他们还均于2004年加入了欧盟.这些国家的银行体制改革大体上都经历了两大步骤,第一步就是实行商业银行机构和业务与中央银行分离,建立二级银行体系,第二步就是将国有银行私有化.应该说,在市场经济体制下,建立二级银行体系是必然,也是必要.但对国有商业银行的私有化问题,则需要认真探讨.本文旨在通过对中东欧国家国有银行私有化的路径的介绍,总结其私有化中的经验,分析其中存在的问题,以对我国的国有银行改革提供借鉴意义.  相似文献   

The paper presents an extended version of the fundamental equilibrium exchange rate model (FEER), which introduces potential output into foreign trade equations. We show that with this specification and under some plausible assumptions the equilibrium exchange rate is consistent with the behavioral equilibrium exchange model (BEER). We use the extended FEER model to analyze fluctuations of the real exchange rate in four central and eastern European countries. The resulting FEER calculations show that the appreciation of the real exchange rates in these countries in the past nine years is largely an equilibrium phenomenon.  相似文献   

David Evers 《Futures》2010,42(8):804-816
Countless autonomous, self-reinforcing and countervailing forces impact the future competitiveness of Europe and its spatial structure. Poignant examples include globalization, ageing and climate change, but also policy decisions taken by nation-states or the European Union. Scenarios are an appropriate method by which to explore possible future developmental pathways in a dynamic context. This contribution describes and discusses four economic policy scenarios produced by the ESPON 3.2 project and link these to the Lisbon Strategy and the European Social Model. In each scenario, a policy package is assembled from existing EU policy areas according to a particular ideological context. Afterwards, its territorial consequences are discussed in terms of socioeconomic disparities, migration and the environment. In so doing, some observations will be made regarding possible spin-offs, trade-offs and side effects of European policy when placed in a spatial context. These scenarios should hold interest for policy discussions on territorial cohesion, a concept which seeks to integrate economic development and spatial planning, as well as on European competitiveness and cohesion.  相似文献   

受2008年全球金融危机和其后欧债危机的影响,欧美回购市场出现了一些新的趋势和特征,如短期融资渠道由无担保的信用拆借市场向有担保的回购市场转移,三方回购和自动交易系统交易占比稳步上升等。与欧美市场相比,我国回购市场起步较晚,在规模、交易后处理、抵押品管理以及交易工具等方面存在自身特点。文章对我国银行间回购市场的发展现状和不足进行了总结,并对照欧美回购市场发展的经验和教训,提出了改善我国银行间回购市场流动性、促进交易活跃度的建议。  相似文献   

Ivo Šlaus 《Futures》2007,39(8):986-996
Dangers, threats and challenges facing South East European countries are analyzed in the context of the salient features of the contemporary world and of the development program of the European Union (EU). This analysis leads to the conclusion that building a knowledge-based society is an imperative for each country. A roadmap of tasks to be done during the next few decades is outlined.  相似文献   

基层央行处于国债监管的前线,担负着防范、化解国债资金风险以及维护金融业务安全稳健运行的重要任务。但由于种种原因,目前基层央行的国债监管工作还存在一些问题,直接影响到基层央行监管职能的充分发挥。如何解决这些问题,提高基层央行国债监管工作的质量和效率,是一个要认真探讨的问题。  相似文献   

Asian stock markets are compared with European markets before and during the 1997 Asian crisis. The clinical issue is whether regional inter-dependence became larger around the crisis, fomenting investor fears of contagion and reducing asset values because of lower diversification potential. Statistical measures are developed to aid in this inquiry. We find that European and East Asian countries were not susceptible to volatility contagion in the pre-crisis era but that susceptibility increased significantly with the onset of the crisis. Covariances, correlations, and volatilities increased from the pre-crisis to the crisis period in both regions, but the percentage increases were much larger in Asia. Diversification potential was better in Asia than in Europe before the crisis; this was reversed during the crisis. The observed decline in diversification potency in Asia is reason enough for large declines in asset values though one cannot prove, of course, that it was the cause rather than the effect of the crisis. Exchange rate volatility played a major role.  相似文献   

科学发展观的提出,不仅带来了经济发展摸式和经济增长方式的根本转变,而且也带来了人们经营理念、思维方式,工作思路和工作重点的根本性转变。审计特派办作为总行派出的专职监督部门要适应这一根本转变的需要,就必须根据科学发展观的要求,及时更新调整审计理念,转变原有的思维方式和思维方法,打破原有的一些不适应发展的习惯做法,增强宏观意识、全局意识和协调发展意识,从宏观层面去研究监督工作对象、重点和方法等,监督派驻行依法、科学执政兴行,推动派驻行业务经营规范运作快速健康发展。具体要正确处理好以下十个关系。一、处理好监督与…  相似文献   

欧美网络保险的最新发展及对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着互联网的兴起和快速发展,保险业正经历着一次重大变革。欧美国家的保险公司利用互联网等信息技术解决实际业务问题,为代理人、客户、潜在客户、合作伙伴提供各种服务,大幅降低了成本,并提高了业务效益、内部运营效率和合作有效性。本文主要分析了欧美网络保险的发展状况,并找出我国发展网络保险的差距。我国应该借鉴国外经验,结合国内有利环境,重点解决网络安全、风险控制和网上支付等技术瓶颈,全方位发展网络保险,以促进我国民族保险业的高效、快速发展,使之以全新的姿态积极参与国际保险市场的竞争。  相似文献   

境外战略投资者对中东欧8国银行产业转型与发展的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中东欧8国银行产业转型最重要的步骤之一是引进外资银行,形成了外资银行在该地区银行市场占有巨大市场份额的基本格局。从目前的情况来看,外资银行对中东欧8国银行产业的影响是正面的积极的,既改善了中东欧8国的宏观经济金融环境,也带动了本土银行的发展。  相似文献   

史定女:在现代农村银行客户服务综合信息系统的建设过程中,我们严格按照IT项目管理的流程对项目的实施进行管理。  相似文献   

Should local authorities be free to determine their expenditure, provided they finance changes in spending by changes in local taxation? We set up a theoretical framework to analyse this issue, and discuss three arguments that have been put forward for central control of such spending. The first relates to tax spillovers, the second to distributional effects combined with imperfect local democracy and the third considers self‐interested local politicians. While these arguments cannot be entirely dismissed, they are subject to numerous qualifications and, if correct, would imply the desirability of a number of policies other than expenditure capping.  相似文献   

依据中国《物联网"十二五"发展规划》制定的物联网产业统计口径,结合物联网产业链结构的特征,设计包括5个一级指标和20个二级指标的物联网产业发展水平评价指标体系,运用层次分析法(AHP)确定指标权重,以14家物联网上市公司数据为基础,考量中国18个主要城市2009~2011年物联网产业水平。结果显示:整体上,中国物联网产业水平呈上升趋势;东、中、西部地区物联网产业发展水平存在差异;不同城市物联网产业发展的优势不同。  相似文献   

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