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This study estimates the technical efficiency measures of maize producing farm households in Ethiopia using stochastic frontier (SF) panel models that take different approaches to model firm heterogeneity. The efficiency measures are found to vary depending on how the estimation model treats both unobserved and observed firm heterogeneity. Estimates from the ‘true’ random effects (TRE) models that treat firm effects as heterogeneity are found to be identical to those from pooled SF models. Those results differ from the ones generated from the basic random effects (RE) models that treat firm effects as part of overall technical inefficiency. The more flexible generalised ‘true’ random effects (GTRE) model that splits the error term into firm effects, persistent inefficiency, transient inefficiency, and a random noise component indicates the presence of higher levels of persistent inefficiency than transient inefficiency. The basic truncated-normal RE model and heteroscedastic RE model yields similar efficiency estimates. The GTRE model predict persistent efficiency measures similar to those from the basic RE and flexible RE model with environmental variables incorporated in the variance function as well as in the deterministic production frontier. These results imply that the RE and GTRE panel models provide reliable efficiency estimates for our data compared to the TRE models. All the estimated SF models generate comparable production function parameters in terms of magnitude and sign. Overall, the results underscore the importance of scrutinising stochastic frontier models for their reliability of analytical results before drawing policy inferences.


This paper considers a panel data stochastic frontier model that disentangles unobserved firm effects (firm heterogeneity) from persistent (time‐invariant/long‐term) and transient (time‐varying/short‐term) technical inefficiency. The model gives us a four‐way error component model, viz., persistent and time‐varying inefficiency, random firm effects and noise. We use Bayesian methods of inference to provide robust and efficient methods of estimating inefficiency components in this four‐way error component model. Monte Carlo results are provided to validate its performance. We also present results from an empirical application that uses a large panel of US commercial banks. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2005,126(2):305-334
The paper analyzes a number of competing approaches to modeling efficiency in panel studies. The specifications considered include the fixed effects stochastic frontier, the random effects stochastic frontier, the Hausman–Taylor random effects stochastic frontier, and the random and fixed effects stochastic frontier with an AR(1) error. I have summarized the foundations and properties of estimators that have appeared elsewhere and have described the model assumptions under which each of the estimators have been developed. I discuss parametric and nonparametric treatments of time varying efficiency including the Battese–Coelli estimator and linear programming approaches to efficiency measurement. Monte Carlo simulation is used to compare the various estimators and to assess their relative performances under a variety of misspecified settings. A brief illustration of the estimators is conducted using U.S. banking data.  相似文献   

The classical stochastic frontier panel data models provide no mechanism to disentangle individual time invariant unobserved heterogeneity from inefficiency. Greene (2005a, b) proposed the so-called “true” fixed-effects specification that distinguishes these two latent components. However, due to the incidental parameters problem, his maximum likelihood estimator may lead to biased variance estimates. We propose two alternative estimators that achieve consistency for n with fixed T. Furthermore, we extend the Chen et al. (2014) results providing a feasible estimator when the inefficiency is heteroskedastic and follows a first-order autoregressive process. We investigate the behavior of the proposed estimators through Monte Carlo simulations showing good finite sample properties, especially in small samples. An application to hospitals’ technical efficiency illustrates the usefulness of the new approach.  相似文献   

Estimation of technical efficiency is widely used in empirical research using both cross-sectional and panel data. Although several stochastic frontier models for panel data are available, only a few of them are normally applied in empirical research. In this article we chose a broad selection of such models based on different assumptions and specifications of heterogeneity, heteroskedasticity and technical inefficiency. We applied these models to a single dataset from Norwegian grain farmers for the period 2004–2008. We also introduced a new model that disentangles firm effects from persistent (time-invariant) and residual (time-varying) technical inefficiency. We found that efficiency results are quite sensitive to how inefficiency is modeled and interpreted. Consequently, we recommend that future empirical research should pay more attention to modeling and interpreting inefficiency as well as to the assumptions underlying each model when using panel data.  相似文献   

Traditional panel stochastic frontier models do not distinguish between unobserved individual heterogeneity and inefficiency. They thus force all time-invariant individual heterogeneity into the estimated inefficiency. Greene (2005) proposes a true fixed-effect stochastic frontier model which, in theory, may be biased by the incidental parameters problem. The problem usually cannot be dealt with by model transformations owing to the nonlinearity of the stochastic frontier model. In this paper, we propose a class of panel stochastic frontier models which create an exception. We show that first-difference and within-transformation can be analytically performed on this model to remove the fixed individual effects, and thus the estimator is immune to the incidental parameters problem. Consistency of the estimator is obtained by either N→∞N or T→∞T, which is an attractive property for empirical researchers.  相似文献   

Stochastic frontier models with autocorrelated inefficiency have been proposed in the past as a way of addressing the issue of temporal variation in firm-level efficiency scores. They are justified using an underlying model of dynamic firm behavior. In this paper we argue that these models could have radically different implications for the expected long-run efficiency scores in the presence of unobserved heterogeneity. The possibility of accounting for unobserved heterogeneity is explored. Random- and correlated random-effects dynamic stochastic frontier models are proposed and applied to a panel of US electric utilities.  相似文献   

This paper introduces large-T bias-corrected estimators for nonlinear panel data models with both time invariant and time varying heterogeneity. These models include systems of equations with limited dependent variables and unobserved individual effects, and sample selection models with unobserved individual effects. Our two-step approach first estimates the reduced form by fixed effects procedures to obtain estimates of the time varying heterogeneity underlying the endogeneity/selection bias. We then estimate the primary equation by fixed effects including an appropriately constructed control variable from the reduced form estimates as an additional explanatory variable. The fixed effects approach in this second step captures the time invariant heterogeneity while the control variable accounts for the time varying heterogeneity. Since either or both steps might employ nonlinear fixed effects procedures it is necessary to bias adjust the estimates due to the incidental parameters problem. This problem is exacerbated by the two-step nature of the procedure. As these two-step approaches are not covered in the existing literature we derive the appropriate correction thereby extending the use of large-T bias adjustments to an important class of models. Simulation evidence indicates our approach works well in finite samples and an empirical example illustrates the applicability of our estimator.  相似文献   

We show how a wide range of stochastic frontier models can be estimated relatively easily using variational Bayes. We derive approximate posterior distributions and point estimates for parameters and inefficiency effects for (a) time invariant models with several alternative inefficiency distributions, (b) models with time varying effects, (c) models incorporating environmental effects, and (d) models with more flexible forms for the regression function and error terms. Despite the abundance of stochastic frontier models, there have been few attempts to test the various models against each other, probably due to the difficulty of performing such tests. One advantage of the variational Bayes approximation is that it facilitates the computation of marginal likelihoods that can be used to compare models. We apply this idea to test stochastic frontier models with different inefficiency distributions. Estimation and testing is illustrated using three examples.  相似文献   

Although each statistical unit on which measurements are taken is unique, typically there is not enough information available to account totally for its uniqueness. Therefore, heterogeneity among units has to be limited by structural assumptions. One classical approach is to use random effects models, which assume that heterogeneity can be described by distributional assumptions. However, inference may depend on the assumed mixing distribution, and it is assumed that the random effects and the observed covariates are independent. An alternative considered here is fixed effect models, which let each unit has its own parameter. They are quite flexible but suffer from the large number of parameters. The structural assumption made here is that there are clusters of units that share the same effects. It is shown how clusters can be identified by tailored regularised estimators. Moreover, it is shown that the regularised estimates compete well with estimates for the random effects model, even if the latter is the data generating model. They dominate if clusters are present.  相似文献   

This paper considers translog and Cobb-Douglas stochastic frontiers in which the technical inefficiency effects are defined by three different models. The models involved are the time-varying inefficiency model, proposed by Battese and Coelli (1992), the inefficiency effects model for panel data, proposed by Battese and Coelli (1995), and the non-neutral frontier model, proposed by Huang and Liu (1994). Technical change is also accounted for in the frontier models. Predicted technical efficiencies of the wheat farmers and estimates of the elasticities of wheat production with respect to the different inputs and the returns-to-scale parameter are compared under the different model specifications.  相似文献   

Estimation of the one sided error component in stochastic frontier models may erroneously attribute firm characteristics to inefficiency if heterogeneity is unaccounted for. However, unobserved inefficiency heterogeneity has been little explored. In this work, we propose to capture it through a random parameter which may affect the location, scale, or both parameters of a truncated normal inefficiency distribution using a Bayesian approach. Our findings using two real data sets, suggest that the inclusion of a random parameter in the inefficiency distribution is able to capture latent heterogeneity and can be used to validate the suitability of observed covariates to distinguish heterogeneity from inefficiency. Relevant effects are also found on separating and shrinking individual posterior efficiency distributions when heterogeneity affects the location and scale parameters of the one-sided error distribution, and consequently affecting the estimated mean efficiency scores and rankings. In particular, including heterogeneity simultaneously in both parameters of the inefficiency distribution in models that satisfy the scaling property leads to a decrease in the uncertainty around the mean scores and less overlapping of the posterior efficiency distributions, which provides both more reliable efficiency scores and rankings.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a fixed-effects stochastic frontier model. That is, we have panel data, fixed individual (firm) effects, and the usual stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) composed error.  相似文献   

This paper considers a panel stochastic production frontier model that allows the dynamic adjustment of technical inefficiency. In particular, we assume that inefficiency follows an AR(1) process. That is, the current year's inefficiency for a firm depends on its past inefficiency plus a transient inefficiency incurred in the current year. Interfirm variations in the transient inefficiency are explained by some firm-specific covariates. We consider four likelihood-based approaches to estimate the model: the full maximum likelihood, pairwise composite likelihood, marginal composite likelihood, and quasi-maximum likelihood approaches. Moreover, we provide Monte Carlo simulation results to examine and compare the finite-sample performances of the four above-mentioned likelihood-based estimators of the parameters. Finally, we provide an empirical application of a panel of 73 Finnish electricity distribution companies observed during 2008–2014 to illustrate the working of our proposed models.  相似文献   

The most popular econometric models in the panel data literature are the class of linear panel data models with unobserved individual- and/or time-specific effects. The consistency of parameter estimators and the validity of their economic interpretations as marginal effects depend crucially on the correct functional form specification of the linear panel data model. In this paper, a new class of residual-based tests is proposed for checking the validity of dynamic panel data models with both large cross-sectional units and time series dimensions. The individual and time effects can be fixed or random, and panel data can be balanced or unbalanced. The tests can detect a wide range of model misspecifications in the conditional mean of a dynamic panel data model, including functional form and lag misspecification. They check a large number of lags so that they can capture misspecification at any lag order asymptotically. No common alternative is assumed, thus allowing for heterogeneity in the degrees and directions of functional form misspecification across individuals. Thanks to the use of panel data with large N and T, the proposed nonparametric tests have an asymptotic normal distribution under the null hypothesis without requiring the smoothing parameters to grow with the sample sizes. This suggests better nonparametric asymptotic approximation for the panel data than for time series or cross sectional data. This is confirmed in a simulation study. We apply the new tests to test linear specification of cross-country growth equations and found significant nonlinearities in mean for OECD countries’ growth equation for annual and quintannual panel data.  相似文献   

Using 1971–90 panel data from a Siberian province, two econometric methods are used side by side to examine technical inefficiency with a suggestion as to how the methods might be used in sequence. Estimates derived from a random effects method reveal that technical inefficiency is both substantial and not time invariant. Results using either a random or fixed effects method suggest that existing estimates of technical inefficiency in centrally planned economies may be biased downward because of the choice of the estimation method. Using either method, the increasing technical inefficiency found is likely to be one cause of the decline in the performance of centrally planned economies and their regions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide an intensive review of the recent developments for semiparametric and fully nonparametric panel data models that are linearly separable in the innovation and the individual-specific term. We analyze these developments under two alternative model specifications: fixed and random effects panel data models. More precisely, in the random effects setting, we focus our attention in the analysis of some efficiency issues that have to do with the so-called working independence condition. This assumption is introduced when estimating the asymptotic variance–covariance matrix of nonparametric estimators. In the fixed effects setting, to cope with the so-called incidental parameters problem, we consider two different estimation approaches: profiling techniques and differencing methods. Furthermore, we are also interested in the endogeneity problem and how instrumental variables are used in this context. In addition, for practitioners, we also show different ways of avoiding the so-called curse of dimensionality problem in pure nonparametric models. In this way, semiparametric and additive models appear as a solution when the number of explanatory variables is large.  相似文献   

An important issue in models of technical efficiency measurement concerns the temporal behaviour of inefficiency. Consideration of dynamic models is necessary but inference in such models is complicated. In this paper we propose a stochastic frontier model that allows for technical inefficiency effects and dynamic technical inefficiency, and use Bayesian inference procedures organized around data augmentation techniques to provide inferences. Also provided are firm‐specific efficiency measures. The new methods are applied to a panel of large US commercial banks over the period 1989–2000. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most stochastic frontier models have focused on estimating average productive efficiency across all firms. The failure to estimate firm-specific effiicency has been regarded as a major limitation of previous stochastic frontier models. In this paper, we measure firm-level efficiency using panel data, and examine its finite sample distribution over a wide range of the parameter and model space. We also investigate the performance of the stochastic frontier approach using three estimators: maximum likelihood, generalized least squares and dummy variables (or the within estimator). Our results indicate that the performance of the stochastic frontier approach is sensitive to the form of the underlying technology and its complexity. The results appear to be quite stable across estimators. The within estimatoris preferred, however, because of weak assumptions and relative computational ease.The refereeing process of this paper was handled through J. van den Broeck.  相似文献   

This study estimates cost inefficiency and economies of scale of Slovenian water distribution utilities over the 1997–2003 period by employing several different stochastic frontier methods. The results indicate that significant cost inefficiencies are present in the utilities. An introduction of incentive-based price regulation scheme might help resolve this problem. However, the inefficiency scores obtained from different cost frontier models are not found to be robust. The levels of inefficiency estimates as well as the rankings depend on the econometric specification of the model. The established lack of robustness can be at least partly explained by different ability of the models to separate unobserved heterogeneity from inefficiency. Newly proposed true fixed effects model (Greene, J Econom 126:269–303, 2005; J Prod Anal 23(1):7–32, 2005) appears to perform better than the conventional panel data models with respect to distinguishing between unobserved heterogeneity and inefficiency. On the other hand, different models produce fairly robust results with respect to estimates of economies of output density, customer density and economies of scale. The optimal size of a company is found to closely corresponds to the sample median. Economies of scale are found in small-sized utilities, while large companies exhibit diseconomies of scale.
Jelena Zorić (Corresponding author)Email:

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