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亚洲酒店越来越无所不包。SPA,一种古老的沐浴方式,来自14世纪比利时小镇,如今风靡全球。现在那些顶级的商务酒店也对此趋之若骛,用各种奇特的创意把SPA融入到自己的世界之中……  相似文献   

要么读书,要么旅行,灵魂和脚步至少有一个在路上,阅读和旅行是丰富自身的最佳方式,而酒店的图书馆能够将两者完美融合。安顿好行李,歇一歇身躯,找一个安静的角落,翻开那些等待你已久的书页。  相似文献   

我和男友想去泰国的海岛度蜜月,又不想参加旅游团,希望能有一个属于自己的二人空间,但又担心安排不好会遇到许多意想不到的麻烦,比如如何选择和预定酒店呢? --长春读者:沈莉  相似文献   

如今的经济型酒店行业被误解为一部资本运作套利的机器,却忽略了服务业的商业本质,有些企业过多的关注资产规模,却忽视了酒店的核心竞争力是服务,只有到位的服务才是提高经营性利润的关键。  相似文献   

威尼斯是世界闻名的水城,这里有数不清的美丽风景,令人目不暇接。等到华灯初上,桨声灯影、波光如梦的威尼斯更是令人迷醉,此时的你真需要找一个美妙的窗口,去眺望,去沉默,去发呆——而安缦威尼斯酒店就有这样绝佳的窗口。站在安缦的露台看风景,看风景的人在楼下看我。威尼斯一直有个约定俗成的规矩,和船上的人招手致意。坐在露台上,原本只想喝点小酒吹吹风,怎奈再内向的人到了威尼斯,都会变得热情洋溢,远远的,一船的笑脸一船的挥手,你又怎能视而不见?不由想起《甄传》中,  相似文献   

餐饮业已经进入“微利时代”,如果在经营中不注重细节。同样的规模档次.同样的菜肴质量,不同的经营管理细节就会带来不同的结果。也就是说.服务质量和细节管理将直接影响到餐饮业的生存和发展。而仅仅靠漂亮的外袭和职业化的微笑是远远不够的.必须清楚满足顾客的合理要求才是最合常情的服务。所以,吸引顾客的餐馆不仅是以美味的食品为招牌.服务也是一个异常重要的环节。顾客来酒店享用美食的同时,也需要酒店为其提供优质的服务。从一些在经营中注重细节服务和管理,并赢得广大消费赞誉的酒店可以看出。种种细节从顾客踏进酒店大门时就已经悄悄的发生。[编按]  相似文献   

经济型酒店08年可能出现滞涨国内经济型酒店自2004年以来的持续投资旺盛趋势或许会在奥运年出现降温。据中国经济型酒店网最新发布经济型酒店景气指数,今年1月,全国行业规模指数大幅上涨1829.21点至2829.12点,但  相似文献   

南京丁山香格里拉大酒店丁山香格里拉大酒店现在推出至尊套房包价。2004年5月20日~2004年7月30日期间入住香格里拉楼套房人民币1450元起。还可以获得其他服务:2小时免费使用6人~8人会议室;免费在大堂酒廊享用下午茶;免费宽带上网及市内电话;免费烫衣1套;欢迎茶、水果及鲜花;房内办理入住及离店手续:免费加床服务;特色开床服务;延迟离店至18:00。地址:南京察哈尔路90号,电话:(025)58802888。  相似文献   

香港凯悦酒店香港凯悦酒店最新推出"港币888凯悦京港住宿购物大激赏"活动。优惠包括:单/双人房间同价港币888元(包括13%政府税和服务费):咖啡厅自助早餐2位(每房计):港币100元的酒店晚餐优惠券(每房计);免费往返免税店和机场的巴士。优惠期从2003年11月16日-2004年2月29日。预定电话:8008520230  相似文献   

如何提升员工创造力一直是理论和实践界关注的重点问题,然而现有对创造力的研究,主要聚焦于员工个体特征、组织情境因素和工作特征的影响,而忽略了外部客户的作用.在酒店服务情境中,服务接触使得客户能够与员工进行知识分享,这种行为有助于提升员工创造力.文章通过对酒店销售人员及其接触的企业客户进行问卷调查,发现客户进行知识分享需要具备能力、意愿和机会等条件,即客户的专业性、自主性动机以及与员工的关系密切性都有助于客户进行知识分享,进而提升员工的创造力.  相似文献   

This multiphased study identifies the salient benefits that parents seek for their families from a youth sport program. Phase 1, a preseason focus group study of parents of swimmers in three clubs (N = 15), indicated parents seek a sense of community for their children and themselves, and sense of community is linked to their desire for children to learn sport and life skills. Phase 2, a postseason survey of parents in the same three clubs (N = 129), tested the relationships among coaching quality, friendships, organizational communication, sport and life skills, sense of community, parents' satisfaction, and their repeat purchase intention. Using path analysis, sense of community was identified as the key driver of satisfaction and repeat purchase intention, with swimming improvement also having a significant effect on satisfaction. These findings highlight the central role sense of community plays for participants and their families in youth sport contexts.  相似文献   


This study surveyed 402 international travelers to explore their satisfaction levels towards service and facility quality in three Hong Kong hotel market segments, High-Tariff A, High-Tariff B and Medium Tariff. Six perception dimensions were extracted from 33 hotel attributes by a factor analysis. All six dimensions had a significant impact on the overall satisfaction of travelers with service quality and facilities in the three Hong Kong hotel market segments. Quality of Staff Performance was the most influential factor followed by Quality of Room Facilities, Value for Money, Variety and Efficient Services, Business Related Services, and Safety and Security respectively. It was found that travelers had the lowest satisfaction level towards the Medium-Tariff hotel segment. By identifying the most influential hotel dimension in influencing travelers' satisfaction levels, hoteliers will be in an advantageous position to formulate tactics to meet the changing needs and expectations of travelers. Implementing human resources training that emphasizes the fact that service quality is part of each employee's job should have a significant impact on guest re-purchase intention. The importance of value segmentation cannot be overlooked by hoteliers. Travelers will continue to expect hotels to provide more value-for-money services and facilities and they are expected to shift their purchasing decision to an economic value basis.  相似文献   

Saudi Arabia's localization policy, “Saudization,” aims to decrease reliance on expatriate workers, but it has been more successful in the public sector than in the private sector. This study explores the issues involved in effectively implementing the policy in the hotel industry in Saudi Arabia, specifically four- and five-star hotels. Tourism professionals, HR professionals, and hotel managers were interviewed and hotel managers and employees surveyed. The research specifies criteria for the effective implementation of Saudization and identifies the issues involved in implementing this policy in four- and five-star hotels. It makes recommendations, which could assist in implementing the policy effectively in the hotel industry.  相似文献   

Gender has frequently been identified as one of the key attributes and predictors in developing marketing strategy. This study examines the moderating role of gender in the relationship between hotel service quality dimensions and tourist satisfaction with hotel service delivery. The results derived from multi-group structural equation modeling via the AMOS 5.0 computer program revealed that gender significantly moderated the relationship between service quality dimensions and tourist satisfaction with hotel service delivery. Empathy and tangibles both contributed as the most important significant predictors of tourist satisfaction with hotel service delivery for male tourists as opposed to female tourists. It is statistically confirmed that men and women appear to respond to different aspects of a service encounter when making judgments about their satisfaction.  相似文献   

This study was designed to explore the leadership competencies necessary for general managers (GM) in Thailand hotels. The exploratory factor analysis extracted six leadership competency components: leadership, motivational/interpersonal skills, strategic orientation, planning and implementation, team building and ethics, communication skills, flexibility, and concern for the community. The results showed that team building and ethics, leadership, and communication skills are the most important factors for the GMs. In contrast, flexibility and strategic orientation were the least important competencies for them. There were significant differences between leadership competency factors and GMs’ age, education, hotel stars, and hotel locations in diverse aspects.  相似文献   

This study investigates the major factors that can influence electronic data interchange (EDI) within the hotel industry. Results illustrate that some profile, channel, and task variables can influence EDI usage in the areas of purchasing, financing, and strategy. By identifying and testing relevant intraorganizational variables, this study offers insights to academics and practitioners regarding the usage of EDI within the hotel industry. Indications are EDI could become an important tool for hotels to use in conducting business in both an interorganizational and intraorganizational manner.  相似文献   


This paper presents the potential economic effects of an indexed state minimum hourly wage upon certain sectors of the hospitality industry. The authors report the findings of a study conducted at a luxury resort that employed action research and organization development (OD) techniques to implement a compensation strategy aimed at mitigating the effect of an indexed minimum wage. The paper concludes with implications for human resource practitioners facing challenges from rising state minimum wage levels.  相似文献   

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