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丁茹皓 《现代商业》2013,(33):83-84
本文采用2005年至2010年统计年鉴中29个制造业行业的面板数据进行实证分析,说明制造业行业是否存在水平溢出、前向溢出和后向溢出,然后通过人均资本密度比(K/L)作为技术的替代指标来进行技术差距分组,又分别对不同技术差距大小的组进行计量分析,结果表明,外商直接投资对我国产生了明显的溢出效应,具体为负的水平溢出,不明显的正的前向溢出以及较明显的正的后向溢出,与整体行业的计量结果相比,技术差距大组发生了正的水平溢出效应,技术差距中组发生了明显的正的前向溢出,技术差距小组发生了明显的正的后向溢出。  相似文献   

产业关联视角的FDI出口溢出效应:分析与实证   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章从产业关联视角切入,基于已有研究梳理了FDI之东道国企业出口溢出效应发挥作用的机制,构建了一个FDI-出口溢出机理系统,据以提出实证模型并做了相应检验。研究揭示,FDI出口溢出借助产业关联的三个机制发生,但三个机制效应各异。引入中国28个制造行业相关数据的实证检验显示:FDI借助后向关联机制产生的出口溢出效应最为显著,借助水平关联机制的出口溢出效应仅在低技术企业中显著,而借助前向关联机制的出口溢出效应则为负;动态上,FDI后向关联出口溢出效应呈渐增态势,水平关联出口溢出效应则逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

本文采取2001-2007年36个工业行业的数据,检验了外资企业通过水平溢出、前向溢出和后向溢出这三种渠道对二氧化硫和COD排放强度的影响.与以往文献不同,我们发现外资企业的进入除了会影响本行业的排放强度之外,还会通过产业链之间的联系影响其上下游行业的排放强度,并且这种影响具有一定的稳定性.  相似文献   

近年来,中国向发达国家的对外直接投资接连不断,其快速增长的主要动因在于融入全球供应链,获取逆向技术溢出。逆向技术溢出效应会作用于企业、产业、国家三个层面,而企业通过模仿效应、嵌入效应、人力资本效应和平台效应四个途径获取逆向技术溢出。中国企业应立足自身,合理选择技术获取型FDI的进入模式以有效获得逆向技术外溢。  相似文献   

文章利用非竞争性投入产出表,通过将FDI经由总中间投入产生的两种垂直溢出效应分解为经由国内投入和中间进口的四种垂直溢出,并考虑投入产出效率的动态变化,对中国制造业FDI溢出效应进行研究.结果表明:只有外企通过提供给下游行业中间进口而产生的前向溢出有助于技术进步的提升,从而提升全要素生产率.而水平溢出、外企通过提供给下游行业国内投入产品而产生的前向溢出、外企通过购买上游行业所提供的国内产品而产生的后向溢出对技术进步的影响均为负,并且各种FDI技术溢出效应似乎有降低技术效率的趋势.  相似文献   

我国服务业FDI技术溢出效应渠道主要有示范与模仿、竞争效应、联系效应以及人力资本流动四种。服务业FDI技术溢出由于自身的特点,会受到东道国和投资企业等两个层面因素的影响。在东道国层面主要受到其法律制度、人力资本、技术差距等因素的影响。在投资企业层面主要受到外资企业的投资方式、FDI来源地和企业规模的影响。所以,应当根据各个地区的经济和社会发展水平合理制定吸引外资的政策,提升我国服务也FDI技术溢出效应。  相似文献   

探讨了外资产业间技术溢出的规律,并在实证过程中采用了面板数据类型,利用先进的GMM分析法,构建了新的测度产业间技术溢出的计量模型,分析结果并得出了结论,然而向模型中引入考察R&D投入因素的变量后,从资本内涵型技术溢出的角度考察,计量结果证明后向溢出还是显著存在的,且为正相关;前向溢出也是显著的,但为负相关;且得出了前后向技术溢出外资资本和研发投入的产出弹性。最后从产业关联的角度为扩大外资产业间技术溢出效应提出了若干政策建议。  相似文献   

在新新贸易理论的基础上,利用中国微观企业数据实证检验了异质性企业出口贸易水平和前后向生产关联对生产率溢出的影响。结果表明,出口贸易水平和后向关联能够显著提升全要素生产率,但前向关联影响不明显。对企业按地区和所有制进一步进行检验,发现,由于地理位置和产权属性差别,内陆企业和国有企业水平和垂直关联效应低于沿海企业和非国有企业;增加工资和扩大企业规模对生产率溢出有利,而企业存活时间较长对生产率溢出不利。  相似文献   

绿色发展是中国式现代化的重要方向之一,以外商直接投资(FDI)为载体的技术溢出是赋能企业绿色技术创新能力的重要途径。基于2002—2013年中国工业企业数据库和专利数据库的企业微观数据,研究结果表明,产业关联方面,FDI依赖于市场交易关系的水平溢出效应显著为负,即负向的竞争效应占主导地位,而行业间溢出效应主要体现在前向渠道;知识流动方面,基于技术相似度的水平和垂直溢出均对于企业绿色技术创新具有正向显著的影响。基于技术相似度的纯知识溢出效应对于污染行业和信息依赖行业以及高环境规制强度、高外商直接投资强度和绿色技术创新专业化与多样化集聚的地区更加显著。研究结论为合理引入外资、切实提高内资企业吸收能力并针对不同行业和地区进一步优化内资企业绿色技术创新提供了政策启示。  相似文献   

庞磊  朱彤 《国际贸易问题》2019,(12):121-135
本文利用BVD子数据库全球并购交易分析库Zephyr1990—2016年数据,收集中国境内1 205家海外并购企业数据,研究中国企业海外并购与母国技术进步问题,结论如下:母国技术进步源于国内R&D资金投入、人力资本存量以及海外并购企业逆向技术溢出效应,其中,逆向技术溢出效应含逆向研发资金溢出与逆向人力资本溢出,逆向技术溢出推动母国技术进步的程度强于前面二者;母国R&D资金投入和人力资本存量分别为企业海外并购设置了"高门槛"和"低门槛",当企业海外并购跨越R&D资金投入"门槛"后,母国海外并购企业能够有效地学习、模仿并同化吸收目标企业先进技术;企业海外并购数量为母国技术进步的单调递增函数,相反,当其未跨越"门槛"时,由于技术具有显著差距,母国异化排斥目标企业先进技术地有效吸收,随着企业海外并购数量的增加,其对母国技术进步的抑制效应不断增强,同理,企业海外并购跨越人力资本存量"门槛"前呈现同化吸收效应,跨越后呈现异化排斥效应。  相似文献   

This paper aims to identify genuine technological spillovers from multinational firms (MNEs). To this end, we use data on R&D from MNEs to measure spillovers, while most of the existing literature uses output to measure the foreign presence in an industry (what we call output-based spillovers). In line with the existing literature, we distinguish between horizontal spillovers (i.e., intra-industry linkages) and vertical spillovers (i.e., backward—or downstream—and forward—or upstream—inter-industry linkages). Our results show that the three types of technological spillovers from MNEs are positive, with the horizontal spillovers the larger ones, followed by backward spillovers. The effect of forward spillovers is much smaller in magnitude. Moreover, we find that not controlling for industry size (i.e., technological spillovers from all firms in an industry) leads to underestimating both horizontal and backward spillovers from MNEs, and to overestimating forward spillovers from MNEs. Finally, we find that the distinction between technological and output-based spillovers is of great relevance. The size of backward technological spillovers is approximately 44% of the size of output-based backward spillovers, while for horizontal spillovers both types of spillovers are quite similar. Importantly, output-based forward spillovers are negative while technological forward spillovers are positive.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展,对FDI技术溢出效应的研究已经取得了相当多的成果,但是对于东道国技术创新能力对于FDI技术溢出效应的影响的研究却并不是很多见,因此,从这个角度出发,对已有文献进行了综述,并提出东道国技术创新能力对提高FDI技术溢出效应的重要性。  相似文献   

This paper brings together the issues of knowledge spillovers and absorptive capacity, by assessing the role of prior R&D experience in enhancing a country's ability to understand and improve upon external knowledge. International spillovers are found effective in increasing innovative productivity in laggard countries, while technological leaders are a source rather than a destination of knowledge flows. Quantitative estimates of the effect of absorptive capacity on innovative performance, through knowledge spillovers, show that absorptive capacity increases the elasticity of a laggard country's innovation to international spillovers, while its marginal effect is negligible for countries at the technological frontier.  相似文献   

Firms in geographic regions with industry clustering have been hypothesized to possess performance advantages due to superior access to knowledge spillovers. Yet, no prior studies have directly examined the relationship between a firm's location within a cluster, knowledge spillovers and firm performance. In this study, we examine whether technological spillovers explain the performance of new ventures in cluster regions. We find that ventures located within geographic clusters absorb more knowledge from the local environment and have higher growth and innovation performance, but contrary to conventional wisdom, technological spillovers are not the contributing cause of higher performance observed for these firms.  相似文献   

This paper brings together the issues of knowledge spillovers and absorptive capacity, by assessing the role of prior R&D experience in enhancing a country's ability to understand and improve upon external knowledge. International spillovers are found effective in increasing innovative productivity in laggard countries, while technological leaders are a source rather than a destination of knowledge flows. Quantitative estimates of the effect of absorptive capacity on innovative performance, through knowledge spillovers, show that absorptive capacity increases the elasticity of a laggard country's innovation to international spillovers, while its marginal effect is negligible for countries at the technological frontier.  相似文献   

本文选取我国对外直接投资比较集中且技术水平比较发达的九个国家(地区),利用我国和九国(地区)对外直接投资与技术创新的投入产出数据,测算我国的全要素生产率、母国和东道国的研发资本存量,实证分析了我国直接投资到这些国家(地区)所产生的逆向技术外溢程度。研究结果表明,我国通过对外直接投资渠道获得的国外研发资本存量能给母国带来正的技术外溢效应,只是由于我国对外直接投资相对吸引外资而言发展缓慢,因而其技术外溢效应相对较低。  相似文献   

Research and Development (R&D) is a key component behind technological development and economic growth; therefore, understanding the drivers of R&D is crucial. An interesting question is the role of technology spillovers, transferred by trade, and their impact on firm R&D. Here we analyze not only how international and domestic inter- and intra-industry technology spillovers affect firm R&D but also the relatively unexplored issue of how relationship-specific interactions between buyer and seller affect such spillovers. We find international technology spillovers to be larger and more significant than domestic inter- and intra-industry spillovers. Moreover, relationship-specific interactions between seller and buyer enhance technology spillovers in general and international spillovers in particular.  相似文献   

产业集聚对山东省FDI技术溢出的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将产业集聚因素纳入了外商直接投资(FDI)技术溢出的研究中,运用面板数据从行业的角度对比分析了山东省2000-2009年在有产业集聚倾向的行业与没有集聚倾向行业中FDI对技术进步的影响,得出结论是山东省引进的外商直接投资存在技术溢出效应;相关行业的产业集聚抑制了FDI的技术溢出;同时产业集聚也抑制了流动资本周转率和资产负债率对技术进步的促进作用。  相似文献   

Firms cluster their economic activities to exploit technological and informational spillovers from other firms. Spillovers from multinational firms can be particularly beneficial to firms in less developed economies, because technological superiority and management expertise of foreign multinational firms yield various opportunities for learning. Yet, the importance of foreign firms’ spillovers might vary with respect to two key features of domestic firms: their productivity level and their export status. In line with theories on the absorptive capacity of firms, we argue on the basis of an empirical analysis of Hungarian firms that larger and more productive firms are more able than smaller firms to reap spillovers from multinationals. However, the export status is found to be of minor importance once higher productivity is controlled for.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether there are signs of regional spillovers from FDI, although evidence is still very scarce. It hypothesizes that (a) the assessment of regional spillovers relies on a detailed analysis of these effects, according to the channels by which they occur (namely, increasing competition, worker mobility, and demonstration effects); (b) the size and the extent of these effects depend on the interaction between their channels and the levels of existing technological capacity of local firms; and (c) spillover benefits tend to occur in regions where local firms largely invest in absorbing the best foreign knowledge. Using detailed firm-level manufacturing data from Switzerland, we have found that local firms gain from the presence of foreign firms in their region, but lose out if the firms are located elsewhere. Competition-related spillovers appear to be fully absorbed by local firms, with high technological capacities; worker-mobility-related spillovers are fully absorbed by low technology firms; while demonstration-related spillovers are absorbed by all groups of firms with mid technology firms experiencing the larger benefit. In addition, our results demonstrate that only local firms which have invested largely in the absorptive capacity benefit from spillovers, stemming mainly from technology transfer. This benefit seems to occur at both regional level and outside.  相似文献   

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