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This paper examines the difference in research output of economics departments at historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and non-HBCUs that are teaching institutions. We also examine the causal relationship between economics faculty research and the number of an institution's baccalaureate graduates who earn doctorates in economics. Our findings suggest that economics departments at HBCUs produce less research output relative to non-HBCUs. However, research output is equally effective in producing economics doctorates at both types of institutions. These findings suggest that a plausible way to increase the stock of black Ph.D. economists is to increase economics research at HBCUs.  相似文献   

This paper updates a previous ranking of economics research output in East Asia based upon page counts of articles published in sixty quality journals. A salient feature of the results is that research productivity of economics profession in East Asia has improved substantially since the early 1990s. The research output of top-tier universities in East Asia these days appears comparable to that of major state universities in the United States about a decade ago.  相似文献   

Using a panel of 159 institutions over 10 years, we investigate the role model effect of women faculty and quantitative requirements on the female proportion of undergraduate economics majors. We find no evidence that female faculty attract female students. Calculus, however, does matter. A one semester calculus requirement is associated with more female majors at institutions offering business degrees and liberal arts colleges. A second semester calculus requirement deters women from majoring in economics at Ph.D.–granting universities, but is associated with more female majors at liberal arts colleges. Econometrics requirements are unrelated to the gender gap in economics majors.  相似文献   

This paper identifies factors that are important in explaining recent trends in undergraduate economics majors. The decline in economics majors during the 1990s has caused concern in the profession because the declining trend had been attributed to a general decrease in student interest in the economics major. This study uses least squares regression techniques to explain trends in economics bechelor degrees granted by 20 New Jersey colleges and universities during the 1979–2000 period, with implications for the national level. The results show that trends in economics majors are primarily a function of demographic trends, business cycle conditions, and the desire to attend post-graduate professional school. None-the-less, the authors conclude that the declining trend in economics majors in the 1990s is still cause for concern because understanding economic principles is important in the development of a globally competitive workforce.  相似文献   

财经类高校GIS专业人才培养模式创新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国教育部在1998年开始正式设置GIS专业,自此之后GIS专业得到了前所未有的高速发展。目前在众多开展GIS本科教育的院校中,主要集中在综合性院校、师范类院校和理工类院校,其他院校比如财经类院校较少。如在财经类高校开设GIS专业,由于所依托专业与主流GIS培养单位差异较大,因此人才培养模式就是一个关键问题。应结合财经类高校的特点和资源优势,以及市场需要,探讨财经类高校GIS专业的人才培养模式,并加以创新。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, economics departments in South Africa have seen major changes and a certain level of disruption. Much of this can be attributed to the integration of our discipline into the global arena after a period of academic isolation. This paper presents a survey of economics departments and covers everything from staff profiles and qualifications to curricula, and research output. This paper indicates that there has been some improvement in the state of economics at South African universities since 2003 when the previous survey was conducted. Research output is largely up as is the proportion in international journals, and more researchers are producing in leading international economics publications. However, the gap between South African economics departments and their international counterparts remains large.  相似文献   

为科学评价财经类高校科研创新博弈效率,优化该类高校资源配置,在合作与竞争背景下提高其投入产出效率,结合博弈理论和广义模糊DEA模型,以中国41所财经类高校为研究对象,在研究整体科研创新区间效率的基础上,根据财经类高校规模情况进行聚类分组,分析各高校间合作和竞争前后效率变化,进而找出最优、潜在、无效合作伙伴和竞争对手,为相关高校合作与竞争决策提供理论依据及合理建议。  相似文献   

双语教学是我国高等教育与国际接轨、教育改革发展的必由之路,是培养高素质复合型人才的需要。文章调查和分析了财经类院校双语教学工作的现状和存在的问题,找出影响财经类院校双语教学效果的因素,并对如何改进双语教学管理、提高双语教学质量等问题进行了有益的探索,旨在为财经类院校在培养具有国际竞争力的人才方面发挥更好的作用。  相似文献   

Students of economics may have heard of that economics, especially the kind of mainstream neoclassical economics taught in most universities on earth today, is an imitation of physical science in some fundamental fashion. However, few economists would imagine that economics can be as effective as physical science, not even in the remote future. China’s Chang’e 4 mission to the far side of the Moon provides a golden opportunity for economists to explore this fascinating possibility from the aspect of astrodynamics.

This article, inspired by thoughts of Justin Yifu Lin and Angang Hu among others regarding China’s economic reform, demonstrates that physics explaining the Three-Body Problem of classical mechanics may as well be understood as guiding principles when dealing with issues in development economics. Several aspects of ‘Washington consensus’ are examined in relation to the concerns raised by Chinese scholars. The study concludes that neoliberal interpretations of modern economics are basically inconsistent with the neoclassical framework outlined in standard economics textbooks.  相似文献   

朱富强 《改革与战略》2011,27(12):20-25
经济人之所以会成为现代主流经济学的硬核,从思想史的角度看,主要有两个重要的分水岭。一是,斯密关于“无形的手”之“预定协调”的观点赋予了自利行为的合理性,从而使得“自利”为后来的主流经济学家所片面强调,乃至赋予了个体行为以效用最大化这一偏至诉求。二是,边沁关于效用加总的功利主义原则赋予了个体效用的计量性,从而使得“效用”为后来主流经济学所普遍接受,乃至进一步发展了基于理性计算的数理模型化分析。显然,正是两者的结合,为经济人假设的出现及其在经济学中的支配地位奠定了思想史的基础。  相似文献   

文章通过对我国45所财经类全日制本科院校网站的访问调查,从办学规模、办学层次、学科专业设置等方面进行比较分析,揭示了目前我国财经类本科院校存在办学趋同的现象,认为高等院校自身利益诉求、高等教育资源短缺、传统办学理念和管理体制的制约,以及社会对高等教育需求和期望的误导,共同造成了这一趋同现象。  相似文献   

The deteriorating performance of first-year economics students has become a concern at many South African universities. Addressing the issue requires an understanding of the factors influencing students' success. Studies analysing academic performance use the education production function approach. This approach identifies inputs that are crucial to learning and to achieving certain outputs. Factors that have been investigated in other studies include the impact of lecture attendance on performance, school-leaving exam (matriculation) results, particularly performance in mathematics, and the gender and age of students.
This study adds to existing local empirical research by analysing the impact of the tutorial programme as an input. The case study investigates the tutorial programme for first-year economics students at Stellenbosch University using quantitative analysis. Results confirm what previous studies have found, namely that lecture attendance, gender, and matriculation results contribute positively to the performance of first-year economics students. The main finding of the paper is that tutorial attendance also contributes positively to academic performance.  相似文献   

论中国“人的发展经济学”研究的历史和现状   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
文章从两个方面论述介绍中国关于对“人的发展经济学”研究的状况:一是中国古代有关人的发展经济思想的渊源;二是中国当代经济学家对人的发展经济学的研究。文章指出,需要越来越多的经济学家和经济学者来研究人的发展经济学、早日建立起具有中国特色的人的发展经济学,从而为在这一领域紧跟国际学术的前沿和进入国际上“人的发展经济学”学术研究的前列、为人的发展经济学这门科学的发展作出贡献。  相似文献   

近些年我国在高校科技成果转化方面取得了一些成绩,但是从客观上来说,目前我国高校科技成果转化率还很低。本文以经济学最基础的供需理论为分析框架,通过分析目前高校科技成果转化存在的问题、症结,提出解决高校科技成果转化问题主要着力点为均衡各方利益诉求问题,结合政府干预和市场自行调节,实现科技成果加速转化。  相似文献   

据主导产业发展的一般原理,在分析影响合肥主导产业更替变化的经济、社会、技术等内外因素的基础上,结合地区经济发展特点,对现代主导产业选择基准进行了合理的变化与补充,提出了七条选择地区主导产业应遵循的基准,构造了一套指标体系,建立了一个合肥主导产业的层次选择模型,并且通过实际测算以及定量和定性的综合分析制定未来产业发展战略.研究表明,未来一段时期合肥市主导产业为五大主导产业群:(1)汽车产业群;(2)橡胶与塑料产业群;(3)家用电器产业群;(4)传统商贸业为主的生活性服务业;(5)由社会服务业、金融、物流组成的生产性服务业.  相似文献   

新古典理论的自闭倾向早已遭人诟病,去过程化、去动机化并且和社会性的制度不接洽的理性演绎模型确实可能需要对此负很大的责任。但是,行为经济学挥舞着“不现实性”的大棒对主流的新古典经济学进行批判是否就真的能够导向更经验、更科学的经济学?行为经济学强调引入心理学知识来使经济学建立在更现实的基础上的做法同其批判的新古典理论一样,都采取的是一种本能的、不加反思的态度对待如何抽象的问题,无非是一个更看重形式化的逻辑,而另一个更看重经验现实。有必要将行为经济学对于新古典正统的挑战看成是一场经济学内部的对话的展开。其最终的目的是使经济学家们对于经济学应有的学科定位、经济学和其他相邻学科尤其是人的行为的理论之间的界限、什么是适合于经济学的任务的关于人的抽象等达到更高程度的自觉。目前行为经济学表面上繁荣恰恰是以回避对这些基础性的问题进行思考为代价的。  相似文献   

使用文献计量学的方法分析2001-2012年间在我国内地发表的2 607篇期刊论文,以评估国内技术转移的研究趋势。研究发现,技术转移相关论文和期刊数增长明显,论文涉及学科主要是管理学和经济学,清华大学是发文最多的机构,北京是发文最多的地区,技术转移、跨国公司、技术创新是国内技术转移研究的焦点,国内外技术转移的研究焦点并不相同,高校、技术进步、科技成果转化是国内技术转移研究的热点。  相似文献   

贾根良 《南方经济》2018,37(1):5-35
国际学术界有关产业政策的研究存在着两种不同的理论范式:演化经济学和后新古典经济学,这两种不同的理论范式在发展经济学领域中表现为演化发展经济学和新结构经济学的不同。两者的产业政策基于完全不同的理论基础:技术赶超或比较优势;新结构经济学有关政府作用的理论仍是以新古典经济学的市场失败理论为基础的,而演化发展经济学则在批判市场失败理论的基础上提出了一系列的新理论。在演化发展经济学家看来,新结构经济学不适合于中等收入国家,特别是在运用于作为超大型发展中国家的中国国情时存在着严重的缺陷;即使是运用于低收入国家,也是有局限性的。事实证明,技术赶超而非比较优势战略更适合中国国情;以自主创新为核心的基础全面的价值链升级正是我国所有地方政府都面临的共同挑战,而《吉林报告》则忽视了这一关键问题。《吉林报告》的缺陷说明,聚焦于传统意义上产业部门之间区别的新结构经济学已不适应新国际分工对产业政策提出的新要求,演化发展经济学所关注的价值链特定环节、核心技术和组织能力已经成为产业政策的核心问题。因此,一个重要的问题就摆在了中国经济学界的面前:是通过新结构经济学研究中国经济发展问题,还是在演化发展经济学基础之上,针对中国作为超大型发展中国家的国情,发展一种历史和国情特定的中国经济发展理论?  相似文献   

This paper presents a classroom game that can be used to demonstrate network externalities, standardization, and switching costs. In the basic game, students independently choose a technology whose value depends on the total number of students choosing that technology. In the next round, sequential decision making is allowed that quickly leads to standardization. Introducing imperfect information and switching costs into subsequent rounds can lead to the real-world phenomenon of an inferior technology becoming the standard. This exercise can be used in principles of economics classes to teach these important concepts without requiring mathematical models. In more advanced classes, construction of the mathematical model behind the game may be assigned.  相似文献   

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