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本文基于Oliver的忠诚度理论构建感知网站交互性对电子忠诚的驱动效应模型,并通过实证检验发现:感知网站交互性的三个维度(双向沟通、控制性和同步性)不仅对电子忠诚存在显著的直接正向效应,还会通过满意度间接影响电子忠诚;相比非计划性购物行为的消费者而言,计划性购物消费者的感知控制性与满意度之间的关系更强;消费者网络购物经验越丰富,满意度与电子忠诚之间的关系就越强.研究结果为我国网络零售商的网站设计和网络营销实践提供了决策参考.  相似文献   

本文以当前大学生利用率较高的招聘网站的服务作为研究对象,从大学生求职者的角度出发,构建了信息内容、易用性、安全性、关怀性和交互性五大服务质量测量维度体系,通过调查问卷收集数据,利用实证方法探讨以上五大服务质量测量维度对顾客满意度的影响程度,发现交互性、关怀性、信息内容三个维度对于满意度的影响远高于安全性、易用性因素的影响;进一步探索对招聘网站服务使用频率不同的大学生用户的满意度影响因素,再次印证交互性、关怀性两因素显著影响不同使用频率的大学生;最后再结合行业现状,主要就交互性、关怀性方面,对招聘网站如何提高大学生用户群体的满意度提出些许发展建议.  相似文献   

研究以创意体验价值为核心,通过建立和分析产品创意各维度与功能体验价值、享乐体验价值和社会体验价值以及行为意向变量之间关系的模型,通过500个样本的实证分析得到结论:产品的适宜性和新颖性对于提高体验价值具有不同作用,并通过不同的路径影响消费者意向。  相似文献   

消费者购买意图已成为国内外电子商务领域的研究热点,但对其影响因素的研究仍缺乏系统性分析。消费者在线购买商品的行为是对网站提供各种信息的消费过程,文章立足于信息消费行为研究网站信息对消费者购买意图的影响因素,首先梳理国内外有关在线购买意图的实证文献,从网站信息内容、信息价值以及信息体验三个维度探讨了在线购买意图的影响因素,建立了在线购买意图影响因素的框架模型,然后应用Meta分析对55篇实证研究文献进行系统性分析,进而对文章研究模型进行检验。结果表明,网站信息内容、信息价值以及信息体验对消费者在线购买意图有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

本文从经济型酒店为研究对象,主要探究顾客在O2O模式酒店消费中的体验价值、顾客满意度的关系以及二者的影响因素。运用结构方程模型对本文提出的研究假设进行验证,结果表明,顾客在消费体验过程中线上网站体验、线下酒店体验、渠道收益和情感感知都对体验价值有显著影响;线上网站体验、线下酒店体验和情感感知都顾客满意度有直接影响,而渠道收益对顾客满意度的影响并没有得到验证;体验价值对顾客满意度有显著影响。最后文章对分析结果进行分析和探讨,以期为酒店O2O模式的发展提供相关借鉴经验。  相似文献   

随着互联网交互性的增强,企业和消费者之间的互动也逐渐增多,商家的在线回复管理在电子商务交易中发挥着越来越重要的作用。本研究结合以往文献资料,构建了商家在线回复对消费者满意度的研究模型,并通过实证研究的方法对研究假设进行验证,结果表明:商家在线回复的信息质量、策略选择和情绪表现对消费者感知服务价值有显著的正向影响,消费者感知服务价值对消费者满意度有显著的正向影响,并结合研究结论提出了提升商家在线回复质量的对策建议,希望通过在线回复正向促进消费者满意度。  相似文献   

顾客感知价值一直是国内外学术界相关学者研究的重要课题,在移动网络普及的今天,网上购物已经成为广大消费者日常生活中不可缺少的一部分。本文从感知利得、利失及网络评价三个部分研究了顾客网购行为,提取了情境价值、信息价值、网站售后服务价值、辅助价值、情感价值、产品风险、服务不满等8个维度,研究这8个维度对消费者网上购买行为的影响。结果显示,信息价值、网站售后服务价值、辅助价值、情感价值等正向影响顾客网上购买行为,产品风险、服务不满负向影响顾客网上购买行为,网络评价正向影响顾客网络购买行为。据此,网络商家应关注信息提供、售后服务、辅助服务、消费者购物体验及网络评价等因素,降低消费者对产品的风险感知和对服务的不满。  相似文献   

伴随着在线零售的迅速发展,在线购物体验及其衍生的购物体验价值日益受到学术界和实务人士的重视。基于消费者体验视角,本文考察了在线购物体验的四个维度,即感官体验、实用体验、认知体验与关系体验,识别出在线购物体验价值的四种类型,包括经济性价值、社会性价值、享乐性价值以及利他性价值——本研究证实的一种新的购物体验价值,发现消费者感知的在线购物体验会正向影响购物体验价值,后者又会对在线购物意向产生正向影响。研究还发现,性别、互联网经验、网购年龄及网购频率会影响消费者的在线购物体验及体验价值感知。  相似文献   

基于问卷调查数据,本文研究了电子商务网站推荐特性的各个维度对客户网上购买的影响。研究发现,加强购物网站建设,充分发挥网站商品推荐特性在商家与消费者之间的媒介作用,增强购物网站的商品推荐的信息度、准确性、易用性、及时性和可靠性,对消费者网络购物认知会有显著的影响关系,进而可以提高客户网络购买行为。  相似文献   

购物网站品牌资产及其形成机制实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,购物网站品牌资产是消费者头脑中购物网站品牌知识导致的消费者对网站营销产生的差异化反应。文章从国情出发构建基于消费者视角的购物网站品牌资产模型并进行实证研究。研究认为,网站认知、网站品牌形象(感知质量、网站体验)、网站信任和网站忠诚是购物网站品牌资产的构成要素,它们之间不是并列的关系,而是有次序的因果关系。网站认知是网站品牌资产的基础,感知质量和网站体验可构成网站品牌形象而导致消费者对网站的信任,进而影响网站忠诚。建立消费者忠诚是购物网站的关键,网络企业可以通过提高网站知名度、产品和服务质量以及在网站设计方面增加网络购物的愉快体验来建立消费者对网站的信任,提高网站忠诚度。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between three dimensions of interactivity (controllability, synchronicity, and bi-directionality) and consumers’ perceived value composed of utilitarian and hedonic values on e-shopping, finally determining the level of overall satisfaction on using interactivity features in e-tailing service. A total of 451 respondents participated and the usable sample size was 427 after the screening process. The results indicate that bi-directionality is a key interactivity feature for consumers’ hedonic value creation in e-tailing service settings while synchronicity is a key for utilitarian value.  相似文献   

This study analyzes differences in the formation of overall perceived value of a tourism service purchased online, taking tourists’ national culture as a moderating variable. The intention is to understand the influence of cultural dimensions on the antecedents and consequences of overall perceived value amongst consumers of different cultures. The sample is made up of 300 tourists (150 British and 150 Spanish) who have purchased a tourism service via the Internet. The two cultures to which the tourists belong differ in terms of the cultural dimensions of uncertainty-avoidance and individualism–collectivism. The findings reveal that in the formation of overall perceived value—which embraces both the online purchase phase and also consumption of the tourism service—moderating effects are generated principally by the cultural dimensions of uncertainty-avoidance and individualism/collectivism. The key practical implications of the study are to understand the variations on overall perceived value when making an online purchase, and to understand the role played by cultural dimensions in interactions with web-based businesses.  相似文献   

Despite Generation Y (Gen Y) consumers' significant role as a decision maker in the market, it is increasingly challenging for retailers to understand these consumers’ behavior and psychology. To enhance an in-depth understanding of Gen Y consumers, this study examined the effect of fashion involvement (FI) and perceived experiential value (EV) on Gen Y consumers’ retail apparel patronage behavior. Based on a survey method, data were collected from USA and Taiwan Gen Y samples. The structural equation modelling technique was used to analyze 413 useable surveys. Results indicate EV directly influences retail patronage, while FI indirectly affects retail patronage through EV. Analysis further reveals two dimensions of FI; cognitive involvement and affective involvement. Cognitive involvement has a moderate direct, negative effect on escapism value, and weak, negative effect on utilitarian value, while affective involvement has a moderate direct, positive effect on aesthetic value and weak, positive effect on escapism value. This study theoretically contributes to understanding how consumer involvement affects perceived experiential shopping value. Findings also provide strategic ideas for apparel retailers in creating shopping environments that resonate with Gen Y customers, which ultimately leads these customers to be loyal to their brands and stores.  相似文献   

The aim of the study is to examine the key service quality attributes that affect Korean consumers’ loyalty toward McDonald’s in Korea. A survey instrument was developed to examine the key service quality attributes that influenc Korean consumers’ loyalty. The surveys were distributed to Korean college students. The results of the study suggest that social place and employee service quality are the two major dimensions that significantly affect Korean respondents’ intent to return to McDonald’s. Interestingly, convenience, value, and food quality were not found to be major dimensions that impact Korean respondents’ intention to return to McDonald’s. This finding is starkly different from the common belief that McService is based on value and covenience, as emphasized by McDonald’s value statements. The results of the study suggests that Korean consumers view McDonald’s as a social gathering place and expect high service quality from McDonald’s.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和社会的进步,体验消费的形式日益多样化,并逐渐在消费市场中占据重要地位。鉴于现有研究大多关注体验消费的结果变量,而缺乏对其前因变量如心理因素的探索,通过在线问卷调查收集有效样本1014份,并利用层次回归分析法、拔靴法等实证分析孤独感与体验消费意愿之间关系,探讨社交需求和自我建构在其中的作用。研究结果表明,孤独感对个体体验消费意愿具有显著正向影响,即个体感受到的孤独感越强,其为摆脱孤独感及相关负面情绪影响而进行体验消费的意愿越强;社交需求在孤独感对个体体验消费意愿的影响中起中介作用,即孤独感会激发个体产生社交需求,进而提高个体进行体验消费的意愿;自我建构调节了社交需求的中介作用,且相比于独立型自我建构个体,孤独感对依存型自我建构个体社交需求的影响更大,依存型自我建构个体进行体验消费的意愿更强。因此,为进一步推动体验消费产业发展,对企业而言,应积极关注孤独感等消费者内在心理因素,根据消费者心理与个人特质制定相关营销策略,满足消费者社交需求,缓解消费者孤独感;对商家而言,应积极向目标消费者传递体验产品社交价值,激发消费者依存型自我建构,满足消费者情感诉求;对政府而言,应关注居民心理状态,积极引导居民进行体验消费,加强社会成员心理健康建设。  相似文献   

This research investigates how offering experiential values by an online retailer affects the personality of the e-retailer’s website in consumers’ minds. It empirically studies the impacts of four experiential value types – aesthetics, playfulness, customer return on investment (CROI), and service excellence – on each of the five website personality dimensions of enthusiasm, genuineness, solidity, sophistication, and pleasantness. The findings confirm the overall model and the majority of the hypothesized relationships are significant. The findings show that e-retailers should use appropriate combinations of experiential values to portray their desired website personalities.  相似文献   

As the use of technological features is becoming more common in digital retailing, retailers have adopted augmented reality (AR) solutions to help consumers browse their products. This study examines dimensions of perceived interactivity after experiencing shopping with AR and investigates the relationships between perceived interactivity and mental imagery and between mental imagery and other consumer responses in a mobile shopping context. A total of 302 female online consumers in South Korea participated in a survey. After shopping cosmetic products with the AR function in a mobile app, participants completed the questionnaire. The findings reveal that the controllability and playfulness dimensions of perceived interactivity influence mental imagery, which, in turn, affects consumers' attitudes toward a product and their behavioral intentions. The relationship between perceived interactivity and mental imagery differs based on an individual's involvement level. These results provide practical insights for digital retailers in creating effective mobile shopping environments.  相似文献   


Rapid technological advancements have led to the emergence of smart services and smart consumers. This study focuses on smart consumers who voluntarily engage in value creation activities, in order to conceptualise smart experience co-creation (SEC) and the smart servicescape. Drawing on the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) framework, a model is proposed and tested around the impacts of smart servicescape dimensions (aesthetics, superior functionality, social presence, perceived interactivity and perceived personalisation) on smart consumer experience co-creation. SEC is conceptualised as a second-order construct consisting of cognitive, hedonic, social/personal, and pragmatic/economic first-order dimensions. Results show that the technological environmental cues of the smart servicescape (S) collectively influence smart experience co-creation (O), and this co-created experience eventually influences consumers’ service brand equity and word-of-mouth (WOM) intentions (R). A major novelty of this study lies in uncovering the relationship between experience co-creation and service brand equity. Findings have theoretical and managerial implications for smart services.  相似文献   

It is now common to see consumers post their own purchases on social media to communicate feelings and/or thoughts about the consumption items to their social media audience. The authors conducted two surveys with a student sample and an Amazon MTurk sample to investigate factors leading to such behavior. The results show that purchase type predicts the consumption-related posting behavior—experiential purchases are more likely to get posted than material purchases, and materialism serves as a moderator in the influence of purchase type on the posting behavior. Specifically, lower-materialism consumers are more likely to post experiential purchases on social media than material purchases, while higher-materialism consumers do not show such a pattern. This article pioneers in investigating consumption-related posting behavior and provides important implications to research on user-generated content, materialism, and purchase type.  相似文献   

Responding to increasing demand for ephemeral and experiential consumption, pop-up stores have developed into a preferred retail concept. By considering the juxtaposition of pop-ups’ non-sales focus and recent research finding experiential stores generating immediate store purchase, two experiments test how and when pop-ups’ distinguishing feature, ephemerality, affects purchases. We integrate commodity and regret theory to propose that store ephemerality boosts purchase of standard products for low-need-for-uniqueness (NFU) consumers as well as exclusive product purchases for high-NFU consumers. The implications for academic researchers and retail managers are discussed.  相似文献   

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