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周超 《消费经济》2011,(2):70-73
随着《食品安全法》的出台,连带责任在食品安全领域的适用范围得以扩大。出于食品安全多元控制的需要,符合一定条件的利益相关者对食品消费者承担连带责任。在对消费者的保护和对加害人之间公平承担责任的权衡中,从加害人的主观状态入手限制连带责任的适用是必不可少的。  相似文献   

2009年2月28日《食品安全法》被表决通过,其中规定:"社会团体或者其他组织、个人在虚假广告中向消费者推荐食品,使消费者的合法权益受到损害的,与食品生产经营者承担连带责任"。这一规定明确了广告代言人在虚假广告中的责任。但也引发了广泛的争议。特别是在明星代言方面,有关法律界人士观点不一。本文从争议的焦点入手分析了虚假广告产生的原因,并且对外国的广告代言制度做了详细阐述,进而针对我国广告制度提出了虚假广告的解决措施。  相似文献   

<正>日前新修订的《中华人民共和国食品安全法》将于今年10月1日起施行。据悉,新修订的《食品安全法》包括总则、食品安全风险监测和评估、安全标准、生产经营、检验、进出口、安全事故处置、监督管理、法律责任和附则,共有十章。这部新法被各界称为"史上最严的食品安全法",字数也由之前的1.5万字增加到了3万字。该法对保健食品、网络食品交易、食品添加剂等当前食品监管中存在的难点问题都有涉及,让损害消费者利益的商家承担连带责任,这些  相似文献   

明星代言连带责任法理基础研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自《食品安全法》的出台到今年"两会",明星代言食品出现质量问题将承担连带责任是一个令人关注的热点话题。从明星与经营者合同权利与义务,与消费者的默示的保证合同说明明星代言将承担连带责任,探讨其法理基础。  相似文献   

明星代言食品是否担责的问题曾引起广泛争议,新出台的《食品安全法》第五十五条规定:“社会团体或者其他组织、个人在虚假广告中向消费者推荐食品,使消费者的合法权益受到损害的,与食品生产经营者承担连带责任。”  相似文献   

公众参与食品安全治理法治探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王辉霞 《商业研究》2012,(4):170-177
食品安全是政府、企业向社会公众开放食品决策和行动过程,是化解食品风险的制度需求。有效的公众参与是食品安全治理的民主和公正基础,公众参与理性,要求法治推动食品信息公开,增进对消费者的教育,完善公众的维权救济机制,同时注重发挥社会组织的组织优势。  相似文献   

《食品安全法》中明星代言人连带责任研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孟晓媚 《现代商贸工业》2009,21(14):222-223
《食品安全法》第五十五条规定:"社会团体或者其他组织、个人在虚假广告中向消费者推荐食品,使消费者的合法权益受到损害的,与食品生产经营者承担连带责任。"在崇尚明星、讲究fans的明星时代,明星的号召力得到了极大地释放,消费者对明星行为的追风、模仿有时显得近乎痴迷,明星代言自然成了企业扩大产品影响力,争取市场份额的首选手段。明星代言的产品非常广泛,从日用品到耐消费品,从食品到保健品,甚至药品等等,几乎涵盖了老百姓消费的所有商品。明星代言也已成为我国广告市场中不可或缺的广告因素,明星代言也不再是个人行为,俨然已成一个产业。当然,明星代言出现问题也是屡见不鲜,从肯德基的苏丹红事件、郭德纲的藏密减肥茶到去年的三鹿奶粉三聚氰胺事件,人们已经丧失了对食品安全的基本信心,人们在对不法厂商声讨的同时,也在谴责给这些产品进行的代言的明星,最终上升到这次的对食品安全代言进行立法。  相似文献   

近年来,我国食品安全问题的不断出现,不仅是由于生产企业的不规范生产行为造成的,食品生产许可环节也存在着一定的疏漏,进而为不法厂家提供了可趁之机。为了保护消费者的合法权益,为维护消费者生命安全提供有效保障,有关食品生产许可的风险防范问题必须被予以高度重视。  相似文献   

我国2009年制定的《食品安全法》及《食品安全法实施条例》是在反映国情、顺应民意的背景下应运而生的,它具有五个方面的亮点:一是首次以“食品安全”的名称命名该法,二是强化了政府对食品安全的监管,三是建立了“缺陷食品”召回制度,四是明确规定了名人代言虚假广告应承担的连带责任,五是首创了“假一赔十、损一赔十”的规则。  相似文献   

近年来,我国食品安全事故频发,严重影响广大消费者生活与社会和谐稳定。保障食品安全,需要从多方面努力。连带责任制度在食品安全领域的适用,有利于保障消费者的合法权益,对相关责任主体也具有惩戒和警示功能。  相似文献   

Nakhon Si Thammarat province is one of the largest cities in Thailand and offers various types of street foods in the city. However, the number of street vendors that pass food safety certification is very low. Nevertheless, there are many consumers who still purchase street food because of their lifestyle who are exposed to food safety risks. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate how consumers make their decisions about the safety of the street food. This study investigates the importance of the need recognition and pre-purchase evaluation stages in consumers’ decision-making in relation to their purchasing of safe street food. The results from the structural equation modeling analysis found that, at 95%, the confidential need recognition would act as a partial mediator between consumers’ motivation → pre-purchase evaluation on purchasing safe food and consumers’ food safety knowledge → pre-purchase evaluation. In turn, pre-purchase evaluation would act as a full mediator between consumers’ motivation and safe street food purchasing. The findings signify that the stages of need recognition and pre-purchase evaluation in the decision-making process are important in order to reduce consumers' food risk while purchasing street food. Therefore, encouraging consumers to recognize the importance of purchasing safe food and convincing them to be concerned when selecting food is necessary to prevent consumers from unsafe food consumption.  相似文献   

In developed countries, choosing and purchasing food is today perhaps more complex than ever. In recent years, European consumers have experienced several food crises. We face a rapidly expanding range of novel food products, the food chain has become longer, and the origin of food more anonymous. At the same time, consumers confront increasing amounts of information on food every day. Consumers build their conceptions of modern food‐related risks on the basis of their everyday knowledge and coping strategies. Hence, the focus of this paper is on consumers’ food choices and everyday practices in relation to food safety and quality as well as food‐related risks. The paper is based on a Finnish study 1 examining consumers’ food choices. The data for the study were collected in September 2004 using an Internet‐based food diary accompanied by open‐ended questions on food‐related views and strategies. Altogether, 92 consumers completed the diary. The method combining the tradition of dietary intake and food consumption surveys with open‐ended questions was developed in order to gain an insight both on the types of foods purchased and on consumers’ conceptions of food‐related issues. In this paper, we focus on the key findings of the study as regards to consumers’ notions on food quality and safety issues and the practices they use in their everyday lives. We found eight everyday strategies consumers use. We suggest, first, that the strategies are important in simplifying food choice and making daily life easier, and second, that consumers use food‐related information flexibly in creating these strategies.  相似文献   

Using data from a national survey, this study analyses US consumers’ acceptance of genetically modified foods that provide additional nutritional benefits. Using an ordered probit model, this study examines the relation between the willingness to consume genetically modified foods and consumers’ economic, demographic and value attributes. Empirical results suggest that despite having some reservations, especially about the use of biotechnology in animals, American consumers are not decidedly opposed to food biotechnology. Consumers’ economic and demographic variables are only weakly related to their acceptance of food biotechnology, especially when technology involves plant‐to‐plant DNA transfer. However, public trust and confidence in various private and public institutions are significantly related to their acceptance of food biotechnology. Overall, consumer acceptance of bioengineered foods is driven primarily by public perceptions of risks, benefits and safety of these food products.  相似文献   

人要生存必不可少的要摄入食物,而食品质量是否安全则严重影响到人们的健康和安全。影响食品质量安全的因素有:受到污染、商家造假、违规生产等。这不仅损害了消费者的利益,威胁其健康,也严重影响社会的安定以及经济的发展。本文主要分析食品质量安全的主要问题和其产生的危害,并对此提出一些解决该问题的建议。  相似文献   

This study used choice experiment survey data from a random sample of 374 respondents to analyze consumer preferences for quality and safety attributes of artisanal fruit juices in Kenya. Results show that consumers had a positive and significant preference for single fruit juices compared to fruit mixtures, private rather than public inspection of the juices, traceability of fruit origin, and vendor’s health. Additives such as colorants, flavors, and preservatives were not preferred. Consumers were willing to pay premiums of up to 200% for artisanal juices that contain single fruits, lack additives, and are inspected by private agencies. These insights should be incorporated in ensuring that artisanal fruit juice designs comply with food quality and safety requirements. Further, there is a need to license and regulate the artisanal juice preparation and handling and to provide training to the handlers on safety and quality requirements.  相似文献   

随着信息环境、技术环境以及商业环境的变化,"新零售"在生鲜零售、连锁服务、快消餐饮等领域迅速发展,以创新模式满足消费者特定时空的消费期望,是零售业转型升级的重要表现。场景化要素在零售业嵌入程度的不足,导致零售业同质化现象严重,消费者体验未得到明显改善。为了使零售业能符合当前环境,提高消费者体验的愉悦度,应以零售商主导的供应链逆向整合为创新点,通过综合运用场景化要素的融合功效,依据由消费者、零售企业和供应商为核心要素的供应链创新机理,遵循全面性、分节点和成体系的原则,从消费者的消费需求、消费习惯和消费偏好出发对商业情境进行多维度、立体化的配置,强化零售商的自主经营能力,促进消费者消费体验的良性循环,提高消费者与场景的黏性,提高其持续购买的意愿,形成"新零售"供应链创新路径。  相似文献   

食品安全消费良序的存续既有企业生产、政府信息发布的伦理问题,也有民众对信息处理的行为心理问题,特别是消费者对政府发布的食品安全信息持何种心理预期即“不可信”与“可信”的主观感受,更可归结到社会宽松的视域内加以认识,心理预期与社会宽松互为关联.中国目前在食品安全信息发布与采信上的社会宽松度很低,对食品安全信息发布与采信的心理预期相应偏紧,为以社会宽松为突破点研究正常心理预期的重建提供了理论和实践的可能.食品安全信息发布与采信的正常心理预期发生机制的探析可从模型Ⅰ导入,过渡为模型Ⅱ,最后从模型Ⅲ导出,结论是政府要对现有的民众食品安全信息发布与采信的心理预期进行“偏中求正”式的重建,其中社会宽松是政府乃至全社会的一个重要调控工具.  相似文献   

European product law consists of three parts: product liability law, a general product safety regulation and an increasing number of provisions with requirements on product group level. In recent years this third part has been revised in order to speed up the completion of the European single market. This article describes the development from the negative integration of member states’ markets to the positive integration by supranational law. The CE-mark is the symbol of the new approach to the harmonization of European product safety requirements. The modular system of conformity assessment is an important characteristic of harmonization-based product law. Advantages and disadvantages of the new European product law are discussed from the perspective of ensuring the future of the consumers’ basic right to safety in an increasingly global and therefore international market.  相似文献   

Why do mainstream consumers who would not typically engage in illegal behaviour routinely resort to online piracy of copyrighted software? This paper provides answers to this research query by applying routine activity theory and the theory of reasoned action. The paper’s study analyses consumers’ role as possible offenders that can have the opportunity to engage in online software piracy as part of their routine online activities. Although it is problematic to measure the exact magnitude of the negative impact on the US economy, as stated by the Government Accountability Office it is sizeable. After analysing the conceptual model using a US national consumer sample of over 700 consumers, results show the influence of proximity to motivated offenders, target suitability, and capable guardianship on consumers’ attitudes and perceived subjective norms towards online software piracy, as well as their intentions to engage in this illegal behaviour on the Internet. By integrating routine activity theory, a criminology theory with the theory of reasoned action from psychology and analysing a widespread online software piracy phenomenon, several academic and practical contributions are made.  相似文献   

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