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由于智利三文鱼供应短缺,挪威三文鱼正成为美国水产品市场的新宠儿。美国水产业表示,未来挪威三文鱼和智利三文鱼将共同存在于美国水产品消费市场中,但种种迹象表明,挪威三文鱼正在慢慢取代智利三文鱼。  相似文献   

三文鱼学名叫鲑鳟鱼,是一种相对高档的食材。公开资料显示,我国的三文鱼年消费量达一万多吨,而且绝大部分都是依赖进口。这些进口三文鱼主要来自日本、挪威、英国、俄罗斯还有美国等等。或许您没有想到,在孝昌县的丰山镇,三文鱼也在此安了家。  相似文献   

俄罗斯宣布自2005年1月1日起禁止挪威的所有新鲜三文鱼进口,因为这些三文鱼含有高水平的铅及镉。  相似文献   

挪威是目前世界上主要水产品出口国之一,挪威的三文鱼和鳟鱼年出口量达4.23万吨左右,占挪威鱼类出口总量的32.2%。丹麦、法国、德国、英国是挪威鱼类的重要进口国。如今,挪威海产品的出口量在中国、日本、新加坡、印度、俄罗斯等国也稳步上升。  相似文献   

挪威是目前世界上主要水产品出口国之一,挪威的三文鱼和鳟鱼年出口量达4.23万吨左右,占挪威鱼类出口总量的32.2%。丹麦、法国、德国、英国是挪威鱼类的重要进口国。如今,挪威海产品的出口量在中国、日本、新加坡、印度、俄罗斯等国也稳步上升。  相似文献   

根据挪威晚邮报消息,今年上半年挪鱼产品出口较去年同期增长4.2%,出口额为128亿挪克朗。据挪鱼产品出口理事会统计,出口增长主要来自三文鱼和鳕鱼。到目前为止,三文鱼出口增长11%,雪鱼增长7.3%,尤其是腌鳕鱼,增长幅度达36.7%,主要进口国为波兰、俄罗斯、瑞典、日本、芬兰和意大利。与此同时,鲑鱼的出口有所下降,与去年同期相比下降9.7%。2004年上半年挪威鱼产品出口保持持续增长@王络斋  相似文献   

作为全球第二大海产品出口国,挪威向全球150多个国家出口大量海产品。目前全世界每天消耗3700万餐挪威海产。截至2010年11月,挪威出口到中国的三文鱼数量达11000吨,共计4.38亿元人民币。从捕捞加工到运往中国,只需要3天的时间,为了让中国人品尝到和挪威一样新鲜、优质的海产品,需要的是对整个海产品供应链不断优化与监管。  相似文献   

在美国,水产养殖充满争议.其未来的发展取决于利益相关者的支持态度.本研究比较分析了美国和挪威水产养殖利益相关者在观念上的差别,并进一步探究了观念上的差别如何影响扶持水产养殖发展的决策.通过对这两个国家中主要水产养殖利益相关者和专家进行网上调查获得原始数据,并利用多项对数模型,发现所有的观点变量同水产养殖利益相关者愿意支持水产养殖业发展的可能性显著回归.从而我们发现:美国和挪威水产养殖业的政策制定者、监管者以及利益相关者的观点如何影响决策;美国和挪威之间在观念上存在差别;政策、实践和教育可以改变水产养殖利益相关者的观念.这些关乎美国和挪威水产养殖业发展的未来.  相似文献   

张雯  付艳 《现代食品》2021,(6):20-22
转基因三文鱼的上市将会对三文鱼市场供不应求的局面产生重要影响。本文就转基因三文鱼的获批历程、安全性和获得市场的关键等方面作简要介绍与分析,对转基因三文鱼的发展前景做出展望。  相似文献   

正虹鳟鱼和三文鱼到底啥关系?淡水三文鱼寄生虫多不多?能不能生吃?"青海虹鳟鱼是打着三文鱼旗号的冒牌货……""淡水三文鱼是寄生虫高风险的虹鳟鱼,寄生虫超乎想象,不能生吃。"前段时间,在短短几日内,"国内真假三文鱼"之争席卷网络,"青海虹鳟鱼"俨然成了"网红"。而事件的起因,是源于央视财经频道的一则报道。央视报道称:"青藏高原很早以前就开始养殖三文鱼,目前已经占据了国内三文鱼三分之一的市  相似文献   

Commercial aquaculture, the cultivation of fish in managed systems, has received increasing attention in recent years as an alternative source of fish, employment and income. High value species particularly offer a better prospect of profitable farming. For example, Atlantic salmon, which is one of the more expensive species on the market, is now being farmed in Norway, Scotland, Canada, the United States, and several other countries. Norway has made rapid progress in Atlantic salmon aquaculture; farmed salmon have now replaced cod as her principal export species. In the opinion of some observers, Norway' s success in farming the Atlantic salmon is the most significant event in the history of European aquaculture (United States Department of Commerce, 1984).
Commercial aquaculture in Canada is still in its initial stage of development, but recently there has been increased interest in aquaculture as a means of generating incomes and jobs, and of acquiring technological expertise. The Science Council of Canada has urged a commitment towards commercial aquaculture; it cites Norwegian aquaculture that by the year 2000 could be producing fish worth U.S. $3 billion and be employing 50.000 people (Science Council of Canada 1985). In Canada, farming of Atlantic salmon is expanding rapidly on both east and west coasts. Canada' s output of farmed Atlantic salmon reached 174t in 1984 and is forecast to reach 1,200t by 1987, with a further immediate potential on the east coast of 2.000–3,000t. On the west coast, more than a million Atlantic salmon eggs have been imported for hatching and for cultivation in sea pens. The number of Atlantic salmon farms on the west coast is projected to more than double by the end of 1986.  相似文献   

Due to the successful development of Norwegian salmon farming, major salmon producing countries (such as Canada, the United States, Japan, Chile, Scotland, etc.) have actively attempted to duplicate this practice. This recent development has far reaching implications for the salmon industry. Therefore, a demand analysis of Atlantic salmon products is timely. While we applaud the work by Kabir and Ridler (hereafter, KR), we would like to comment on the specification of their econometric model and elaborate on the implications of KR's findings on fishery management.  相似文献   

A cost function is used to quantify potential sources of gains from deregulation of the Norwegian salmon farming industry, an industry that has been heavily regulated in order to achieve a regional dispersion of production and profits along the entire coastline. It now seems to be widely recognised that the regulations have led to cost inefficiencies. A region-augmented cost function with data from 282 fish farms for 1988 is used to estimate regional productivity differences, i.e. differences in the total cost of producing salmon in one region compared to another. It is found that the potential gains from deregulation may be substantial.  相似文献   

本文基于2011—2017年养殖户的微观调查数据,利用超越对数的随机前沿生产函数实证分析了大宗淡水鱼养殖户的技术效率、TFP增长及其分解。研究发现,(1)大宗淡水鱼养殖户的技术效率为0.827,表明养殖户的技术利用水平还存在较大的改进空间;(2)不同养殖规模对养殖户技术效率影响不显著,但专业化养殖对技术效率具有显著的正向影响;(3)养殖户TFP年均增长率为3.29%,且呈持续增长趋势;(4)养殖户TFP增长主要来源于技术进步,但技术效率的下降阻碍了TFP的增长;(5)技术效率和TFP增长都具有明显的区域性特征,总体表现为从西部到东部递减的趋势。  相似文献   

While there is a large body of literature investigating the effect of crop and livestock insurance on input and yield, limited attention has been paid to the effect of insurance on efficiency. This article investigates how insurance affects technical efficiency and whether insurance alters the utilized input quantity to a riskier bundle using the Norwegian salmon farming industry as a case. The results illustrate that insurance has an enhancing effect on production and efficiency and changes the utilized input mix—a well‐insured farmer uses more feed and less capital and labor than a less‐insured farmer. When linking this to each input's risk profile, the results indicate that insurance will induce the use of the risk‐increasing factor (feed) and reduce the use of the risk‐decreasing factors (labor and capital)—thereby increasing production risk and indicating moral hazard.  相似文献   

青岛市曾经引领了山东乃至全国的水产养殖业,但近几年青岛市渔业发展不容乐观。本研究对青岛市渔业产业链的众多环节进行了考察,分析了当前青岛市渔业产业链上存在的水产养殖高风险与保险缺位的困境,捕捞、养殖高投资与融资难的困境,养殖业与加工业分离以及辅链对主链支撑力度不够等困境,提出了扶持本地水产品加工、延长产业链条,着力发展水产养殖保险、有力支撑主链发展,创新贷款担保模式、破解融资难题,加大渔业研发力度、强力支撑主链发展以及积极培育合作组织等一系列整合渔业产业链的对策。  相似文献   

[目的]文章通过深入分析海域养殖空间管理存在的问题及原因,从空间优化及制度完善方面提出规划策略,以期解决权益纠纷,促进科学高效用海。[方法]制度分析与实证分析相结合。[结果](1)随着海域养殖空间蕴含的价值不断显现和增强,海域养殖空间划分不科学,缺乏划分依据及公平分配机制;(2)高效养殖用海激励机制缺失,普遍存在低效用海情况,对海洋资源造成巨大浪费;(3)养殖证管理制度不健全,存在大量办证未养殖及养殖未办证的情况,缺乏有效制约手段等问题逐渐显现。[结论]全面优化海域养殖空间布局及完善制度建设,可从三方面进行推进:(1)科学合理地确定各级各类海域养殖空间,分级分类统筹管控海域养殖空间,以减少由于海域空间资源划分引发的争议;(2)构建养殖用海效益评价体系,建立高效养殖用海激励机制,促进海域养殖空间效益提升;(3)健全养殖证管理制度,提高渔业主管部门执法力度,完善养殖空间权属的管理。  相似文献   

[目的]政府出台的“粮改饲”结构调整、种养结合和农业供给侧结构性改革是针对种植业与养殖业供给侧结构问题提出的重大决策。[方法]文章在“粮改饲”策略实施的基础上,以养殖业为切入点,根据京津冀冀北张家口市万全区与塞北管理区的实地调研数据,实证分析“粮改饲”策略实施前后的效益,[结果]按照种植饲草饲料的规模计算,奶牛养殖主体实施“粮改饲”后比“粮改饲”前节省成本910元/667m2,按照奶牛消耗青贮玉米量计算,养殖企业可以节省成本1 820元/(头·年); 而养殖规模较大经营主体的效益明显高于规模较小经营主体的效益,[结论]得出实施“粮改饲”降低了养殖业成本,提高了养殖业规模效益的结论,并提出对策建议:从农牧业供给侧入手,引导耕地流转,扩大种养业结合经营规模; 从农牧业产业各环节切入,延长产业链条,融合发展“产加销”; 依据区域资源特征,创新粮草轮作模式; 依据饲料饲草种植主体规模进行“粮改饲”补贴。  相似文献   

Inland saline aquaculture may offer an opportunity for income diversification and a potentially productive use of land that can no longer support traditional agriculture in salt-affected parts of inland Australia. Interest in inland saline aquaculture is increasing in Western Australia, however, production and investment levels are characteristically low. Inland saline aquaculture presents a continuum of production and investment options for landholders and investors, from being a small-scale, hobby-like remedial use of salinised farmland to a novel and legitimate agricultural industry. Successful progress toward the latter depends on a number of factors: appropriate production technology; identification and establishment of sustainable markets; establishment of environmentally sustainable production systems; and industry management. We use preliminary data from finfish aquaculture in inland Western Australia to consider why industry success requires concurrent development across all these fields.  相似文献   

目的 为揭示中国淡水养殖业绿色水资源效率的时空演变特征及其与淡水养殖经济增长呈现的脱钩关系,从而为中国淡水养殖业绿色水资源管理及绿色高质量发展提供借鉴和参考。方法 文章结合2011—2020年中国淡水养殖业省级面板数据,采用包含非期望产出的全局Super-SBM模型,对淡水养殖业绿色水资源效率进行评价。结果 (1)从全国层面来看,中国淡水养殖业绿色水资源效率总体呈提升态势,其中“十三五”时期较“十二五”时期效率提升幅度更加明显。(2)从区域层面来看,不同区域淡水养殖业绿色水资源效率均值呈现华南、东北、华北、华东、西北、华中和西南依次递减的特征,且各区域内部波动存在明显差异。(3)从省级层面来看,除北京、上海以外,其余地区淡水养殖业绿色水资源效率均呈波动上升趋势,效率均值较高的地区在地理空间上呈“V”形分布特征。(4)淡水养殖业水资源投入、绿色水资源效率与其经济增长的脱钩关系总体向好发展。结论 为发展节水型淡水养殖业,提升淡水养殖业绿色水资源效率,实现淡水养殖大国到强国的转变,建议优化淡水养殖产业布局,因地制宜选择适养品种,推进广东、海南、福建、湖北和江苏等淡水养殖重点区域示范区建设,并在水资源禀赋相对不高但效率提升潜力大的省份为循环水养殖等节水型养殖模式的推广提供资金及技术支持。  相似文献   

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