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In the light of the fact that there has been substantial growth in China's exports in last three decades, particularly after China joined the WTO in 2001, this article investigates the major sources of China's export performance during 2002-2014 by using the constant market share (CMS) model. In this study, exports are further decomposed in three categories based on their technological intensity using Lail (2000) classification on 3 digit SITC Revision-3 data provided by UN Comtrade via WITS database. The categories are high technology, medium technology and low technology. It is found that growth of China's exports has, moreover, remained above world exports growth in all three categories during the period of study. The analysis reveals that export performance is mainly attributed to 让s competitive strength in the global market, though decreasing trend has been observed in the competitiveness of all three categories. Increasing cost of labor and appreciating RMB could be the causes behind decreasing competitiveness of Chinese exports. Product structure effect, on an average, has turned out to be negative in all the categories which is the most disturbing aspect of China's export performance. On the other hand, geographical structure effect has positive impact on export performance of high-technology based exports whereas it has negative impact on export performance of low-technology and medium-technology based exports. China being the world's largest exporter, decreasing competitiveness and wrong product structure effect could adversely influence its export performance in particular and its growth in general.  相似文献   

Evaluation of regional tourism competitiveness has been a hot issue of tourism geography and regional economics in recent years. This study introduces system theory and Professor Porter's National Diamond Model into constructing the evaluation index system of regional tourism competitiveness, which includes four decisive factors, namely production factor, market, industry and support competitiveness. And by comprehensive use of subjective and objective methods like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) the appraised values were calculated. At the same time, the method was applied to dynamic demonstration analysis of the tourism competitiveness of the provinces in Southwest China from 2001 to 2005. The result shows that their tourism comprehensive competitiveness has distinct differences. The comprehensive competitiveness of Sichuan and Yunnan are better, Chongqing and Guangxi are in the middle, and Guizhou and Tibet are weak. According to the competitiveness ranks in 2001-2005, comprehensive, production factor, industry and support competitiveness changed a little and market competitiveness changed a lot. This competitive pattern has been made mostly because natural resource conditions and economic development levels of the provinces are very different and are difficult to be changed in a short period.  相似文献   

A greater focus of environmental protection is directed toward environmental regulations in China. This paper focuses on environmental regulations and their impact on textile industry. The academic circle does not reach a consensus on the relationship between environmental regulations and international competitiveness. Some hold the view that environmental regulations lower international competitiveness while others think that environmental regulations improve both environment and economic performance. This paper aims to analyze the impact of the environmental regulations on the international competitiveness of textile industry in China. This study starts with theories relative to this subject; the second part, based on the impact mechanism of environmental regulations on competitiveness, analyzes the environmental impact on textile from the perspective of cost and market. The conceptual exploration comes to the conclusion that environmental regulations make a negative impact on the international competitiveness on the cost side and improve it by means of innovation and product differentiation on market side; the third part gives time series evidence to examine the impact. In this part the Pearson Correlation Analysis is conducted based on the data of China's textile industry of the period from 1991 to 2005. It turns out to prove that the negative environmental impact on cost side exceeds the positive environmental impact on market side, namely, environmental regulations deteriorate the international competitiveness in textile industry as a whole during the inspected period.  相似文献   

China's supermarket sector has been growing with a high rate for ten years. Relying on the advantages of new formats and adapting to the economic change of China, several China's supermarket companies have replaced the traditional department stores to become the leading player in retail industry of China. Although the interesting phenomenon shows that although these supermarket companies have the inherent problems of shortage of capital and weaknesses in management, their expansion is more emphasized on sizes and speeds. Being weak in management and over squeezing ,margin from suppliers that might lead their position to be vulnerable. Their market share is taken by different competitors, more notably by foreign giant retailers. Competition will become more fierce and complex. Merging, making joint ventures with foreign investors, expanding into chain and fuU-format retailer, hunting for skillful people would be the key strategic options to keep the sector's growth.  相似文献   

The apple industry in Shaanxi Province is a resource-based industry; compared to the best productiveregions at home and abroad, it is advantageous in high quality as well as geographical and natural resources. Currently,big changes have occurred in the apple market supply-demand relations; long-term and comprehensive shortage haspassed; the buyer's market has come into being; competitions in the domestic market are fierce. At the same time, theforeign apple will impact on the domestic market, increasing competitive pressure. Foreign anti-dumping measures,green barriers and technologies restrict the exportation of the domestic apple. Based on successful experience of otherindustrial clusters, this paper analyzes the existing problems in the development of Shaanxi apple industrial cluster,combining empirical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, proposes specific policy recommendationsand get the conclusions. First, the characteristics of the agricultural industrial cluster are analyzed; Shaanxi appleindustry is characterized by cluster. Second, the rapid development of Shaanxi apple industrial cluster exposes someproblems. Third, we need the government to control the disorderly competition of Shaanxi apple industry.  相似文献   

China is facing severe problem of water scarcity.Agricultural sector,the main consumer of water resource,has remarkably changed its institutions on water resource deployment,due to heavy environmental pressure.As a new and spontaneous institution,groundwater market has developed rapidly in northern China,and has impacts on waterusing behaviors and benefits of farmers.Using household survey data from Hebei and Henan in 2007,this paper attempts to pin down the development and operating of groundwater market in rural China.We focus on the monopoly and competition in the market.Empirical analysis reveals that Chinese farmers are trying to make rational decision when they compete with others in groundwater market.In general,monopoly is not fierce in Chinese rural groundwater market,with great variations among different villages and even different tubewells within one village.Tubewell costs,regulation and the density of tubewells are the main determinants that affect monopoly level of groundwater market.To make water market benefit more and more farmers of low income,corresponding policies are needed to modify its development in the future.  相似文献   

The article discusses the determinant factor of the function of the securities market at first and then proposes that the basic factor is the inherent need of social economic operation and development process itself. In addition, the primary factor of mature securities market is perfect and integrated function of the securities market. Afterwards, the article analyses the static and dynamic function of the securities market. At last, it probes into the government role in the securities market briefly and proposes that China needs to carry out the essential change on government role, market function location, development goal and the mode of securities market if the function of China's securities market is to be exerted properly.  相似文献   

Because of the smallness of Estonia, its main source of economic growth is export, i.e. successful sales in the world market. It is necessary to shift from branches, activities and value chains where it is difficult to increase value added, to more profitable and promising ones. The present economic situation provides for this an exceptionally good chance. All kinds of development, international relocation of production and reallocation of economic power in the world are gathering speed. It is necessary to rapidly find an opportunity in the "declining" market, a profitable niche. Manufacturing entrepreneurs and executive managers have for several years already been complaining of shortage of workforce that hinders them carrying out new business plans, increasing production and exports. Increased supply of workforce dismissed from construction is an opportunity for the forced development of the manufacturing export sector and sharp increase in exports.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the economic analysis, policy debate, and methodological issues on soybean production, import and export, and impacts of GMO regulation on soybean foreign trade of China, Thepaper analyzes China‘s soybean production capability, and discovers that the present yield of China‘s soybean plant system cannot satisfy the domestic demand. The paper also provides the method to solve such matters by using the result of a modftTed Cobb.Douglas model, in the third section of this paper, the impacts of GMOregulation on soybean trade and market in China are analyzed, fn this section, we provide a methodological issue to analyze the impacts of such regulation on trade. The paper then explains the implicated result induced by such regulations.  相似文献   

Cotton plays a vital role in the Egyptian economy by meeting domestic and export demands,contributing significantly to agriculture,industry,export earnings,and providing a cash income to roughly one million small farmers.This paper examines the competitiveness of Egyptian cotton exports(ECE) in the international market during the period 1990-2006.It mainly aims at investigating the trends in cotton exports over the studied period,analyzing the competitive position of Egyptian cotton by employing several economic and trade indices,and identifying the key factors that influence Egypt's cotton exports to the world.The results revealed that the total quantity of ECE has fallen from 196.8 thousand tons in 2003 to 87.2 thousand tons in 2006.It also shows a high degree of geographic concentration of ECE,into India,Italy,the Republic of Korea,and Japan.Together,these markets imported about 50%of ECE during 1990-2006.The competitive advantage of Egyptian cotton would appear dependent on quality not price.Japan,the Republic of Korea and Italy presented the most stable markets for ECE.Linear regression analysis suggests that a one percent increase in the Egypt-to-USA export price ratio leads to a decrease in ECE by about 27.8 thousand tons.Such analysis has also shown a positive and significant effect of the World Trade Organization on ECE.  相似文献   

The competitiveness of navel orange characteristic industrial cluster lies in three aspects. First is the competitiveness of specific resources. The second is the competitiveness of market. The third is the competitiveness of manpower, organization and system background .An evaluation model on competitiveness of navel orange characteristic industry cluster is established with AHP in this article. The conclusion is that the competitive essence of navel orange characteristic industry cluster refers to the quality of the soil, the climate, the geographical position and the transportation condition which the cluster has. Compared with the navel orange characteristic industry clusters in western developed countries, especially in USA, the disparity of competitiveness of Gannan navel orange characteristic industrial cluster (GNOCIC for short) is obvious from a global perspective. Compared with the navel orange characteristic industry competitive advantage of GNOCIC is extremely obvious. clusters in Three Gorges, and Sichuan Province, the competitive advantage of GNOCIC is extremely obvious.  相似文献   

China has been a leader in export strategy since the reform and opening-up for trade. This has played a positive role in economic development, however, since stepping into a large country economy, entering the.WTO and the current development of economic globalization at a rapid rate, the leading export strategy has already been very difficult to adapt to the daily challenges in export because of the constant changes in domestic and international economic environment. In view of this, China should turn its strategy into one of dynamic comparative advantages with a global competitive strategy, in conformity with big country's economy in the economic background of globalization.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, China has become the largest destination of Japanese foreign direct investment (FDI). Observing this trend, the authors analyzed whether Japanese FDI did promote exports from China to the rest of the world, and more importantly, whether this is a strategy adopted by Japanese multinationals to penetrate not only the Chinese market but also the global market. This analysis takes into account not only the direct effects of FDI on exports, but also the indirect effects, by examining the mediating role of export oriented Japanese FDI in China from 1998 to 2007 through panel analysis. The study contributes to the conceptual framework of indirect relationship among the macroeconomic variables, FDI and exports provides some insights into the strategy of export oriented Japanese FDI in creating a win-win platform for Japan and China.  相似文献   

After 35 years' reform and development, China has established an "exogenous" financial system. This type of financial system was created outside of real economy rather than derived from its inherent demand. To improve the role of market mechanism in allocation of financial resources, China's financial system must be reformed to be endogenous in real economy, which means, expanding the financial options available to enterprises and households so that they can compete with financial institutions such as commercial banks in financial market. Corporate bonds, with their advantages in matching the supply and demand of funds, can play important role in cultivate the endogenous financial system com- bined with real economy.  相似文献   

This paper discusses how the threat of revaluing Chinese currency would impact China and world's economy. The author discusses the issue from 5 perspectives. (1)Revaluing Chinese currency(the renminbi, RMB)would decreases China's export and increases its import, which will lead to reduce its foreign exchange reserves, and then bring about import decreasing. China's economy will get into recession. China's export decreasing means other countries' import that come from china will reduce and bring about unfavorable influence on international trade. (2) The RMB appreciation will make re-export products dearer and make China less attractive to foreign investment. (3) Both China's banking system and its capital market are under-developed. Revaluing RMB will destabilize China financial market, even though world financial market. (4) If the risk comes from revaluing the RMB become true, it will hinder the transformation of the China's foreign exchange system. (5) Priced Chinese exports due to revaluing the RMB will worsen China's already grim employment situation. Since above negative influences will produce from Revaluing the RMB, it is wise for China to choose stabilizing the RMB rather then Revaluing the RMB.  相似文献   

This study examines the factors that affect the performance of foreign acquiring firms in Chinese M&As (mergers and acquisitions) market. Comparing between overseas Sino-Group and Anglo-Group, this study found that familiarity and location were the most important factors influencing performance of M&A transactions in China. It also found that unrelated M&A deals should be merged with familiarity for gaining positive acquisition performance. The total sample used in this study was 3,442 cases from October 1980 to March 2005. Because this period included all deals of M&As after the opening of Chinese market in China. The authors' finding provided a more universal explanation in the cross-border M&As in China.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to analyse the competitiveness of the main maritime Port sited in Portugal - Port of Sines. This paper is developed under the resource-based view approach. A literature review about the resource-based view is presented with a special highlight on the contribution of organisation owns' resources to the competitiveness. With this study we intend to emphasize the applicability of a management theory to a different type of organisation which only recently starts to be preoccupied with its competitiveness. A case study methodology is used in order to collect all information needed about its main resources and capabilities of Port and also its competitiveness. The resources analysed in this paper are: The infrastructures, the accessibilities, the Port operations and also the information systems used on it. Also, a set of performance data is analysed as the main indicators of competitiveness. After that, a conceptual model is presented in order to systematise the main resources and capabilities under which the competitiveness of the Port of Sines is built on.  相似文献   

According to the differences between operation and correlationship by both sides of the takeover in the market for corporate control, the takeover can be divided into three types--transverse takeover, longitudinal takeover and mixed takeover. Meanwhile, due to the activities of takeover taken by the companies in the different trade life circles adopting different takeover types, so their performances are different. Seeing about this relationship, you can effectively inspect the efficiency of the market for corporate control. Adopting298 stylebook data from the market for corporate control in China, and through empirical analyzing, it can see that because of the existing of the stock holding, the efficiency of the market for corporate control in China is not very high. The government tempts to adjust the industrial structure through merger and acquisition (M&A), but it urged the aim of state-owned economy forward strategic transfer difficult to come true. To solve the contradiction of "setting up of the stock holding" comes to no time to delay. '  相似文献   

Given the arduous progress in the international talk on climate change mitigation,there is still uncertainty in the continuation of the Clean Development Mechanism(CDM) after 2012.However,a number of countries have regarded market mechanisms as an important approach towards climate change.China’s 12 th Five-year Plan on National Economic and Social Development clearly states that China will set up and improve the system for statistical accounting of greenhouse gas emission and will gradually establish an emission trading scheme.It is expected that in the following couple of years China will develop its own policies on carbon trading and gradually establish its domestic emission trading market.The construction of China carbon market is to be promoted in a voluntary-to-mandatory and regional-to-national manner.China will firstly standardize and promote the trading of voluntary emission reductions,and will then encourage pilot provinces and cities as well as some key industries to implement a policy on emission allowance trading while at the same time facilitating the construction of infrastructural facilities for carbon market operation including climate change legislation and setting up a system for the measurement and verification of carbon emissions.China will also carry out international or bilateral cooperation with foreign carbon trading schemes based on the progress of international negotiation so as to set up a unified domestic carbon market that is linked to international carbon trading schemes.  相似文献   

As a growing number of countries, including both developed and developing countries, have in recent yearstaken environmental regulation at different levels, a question of great concern has been raised: can the regulation alterthe existing trade volume and trade pattern, and ultimately drive pollution-intensive industries to countries with low-levelregulations or even those without regulations at all? Starting from the three different propositions concerning therelationship between environmental regulation and trade pattern, this paper applies cointegration analysis and errorcorrection model to empirically testing the relationship between environmental regulation and trade in China during theperiod of 1985-2005. Our empirical results indicate that in the short run the collection of pollution discharge fees bearsa positive impact on the export share of clean products of total exports. Thus, higher pollution discharge fees raise theratio of clean products exports to total exports. This further indicates that more stringent environmental regulationpromotes the exports of clean products. In the long run pollution discharge fees are positively correlated with the exportshare of clean products but negatively associated with their import share. Such correlations imply that environmentalregulation tends to facilitate the international specialization in line with comparative advantages.  相似文献   

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