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We examine a market with observably heterogeneous risks and a government sponsored guaranty fund and consider whether it is optimal to form a single insurer or separate insurers for each consumer type. Given the economic environment, pooling never dominates the formation of separate insurance companies. This result provides an incentive for the phenomenon of insurance fleets.  相似文献   

This paper describes a financial model currently being used by a major U.S. multiline property-casualty insurer. The model, which was first developed for solvency monitoring purposes, is now being employed for a variety of internal management purposes as well, including (1) the allocation of equity to corporate units, thereby allowing measurements of profitability by business segment and policy year, as well as analysis of the progression of “free surplus,” (2) the analysis of major risks–such as inflation risks, interest rate risks, and reserving risks–that have heretofore been difficult to quantify, and (3) consideration of varying scenarios on the company’s financial performance, both of macroeconomic conditions as well as of the insurance environment.

Many aspects of financial modeling do not differ significantly between life and property-casualty insurers, and these are not discussed in the paper. Rather, the paper focuses on the following topics:

1. Surplus allocation and profitability: how economic surplus and the returns on this surplus are determined by line of business, separately for new business and for the runoff of existing business, and how the progression of free surplus is viewed.

2. Multifaceted risks: how to model risks that affect multiple components of the insurer’s operations, such as economic risks and financial risks. The multiple effects of macroeconomic conditions and changing inflation rates on workers’ compensation claim frequencies and severities complicate the basic interest rate path modeling of life insurance products and annuity contracts.

3. Scenario building: how to construct scenarios of macroeconomic conditions or industry cyclical movements to test the resilience of the company to changing external conditions.  相似文献   

在我国,自然演进式的产业结构优化升级已远不能满足当前经济社会发展的需要。因而,人为调整产业结构成为产业发展的主要手段。广西正处于产业结构优化升级的关键时期,而完善的金融支撑体系则是产业结构调整的不可或缺的重要条件。基于我国直接融资渠道不畅的客观现实,以金融中介为主的间接融资主体自然成为产业结构调整的主要融资渠道。那么,金融中介的发展与产业结构调整之间是否存在必然的联系?本文以广西及其14个主要城市为样本,利用多元回归模型对广西金融中介的发展与其产业结构调整之间的关系进行了实证研究,发现金融中介的发展确实对产业结构调整产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

Previous studies of financial health of insurance companies are mainly focused on insurers operating in the United States and developed economies. This article focuses on the solvency of general (property‐liability) and life insurance companies in Asia using firm data and macro data separately. It uses different classification methods to classify the financial status of both general and life insurance companies. With the exception of Japan, failures of insurers in Singapore, Malaysia, and Taiwan are nonexistent. We find that, first, the factors that significantly affect general insurers' financial health in Asian economies are firm size, investment performance, liquidity ratio, surplus growth, combined ratio, and operating margin. Second, the factors that significantly affect life insurers' financial health are firm size, change in asset mix, investment performance, and change in product mix, but the last three factors are more applicable to Japan. Third, the financial health of insurance companies in Singapore seems to be significantly weakened by the Asian Financial Crisis. As the insurance industry in different Asian economies is at different stages of development, they require different regulatory guidelines.  相似文献   

论保险公司组织绩效评价指标体系及评价方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从保险公司组织绩效评价的理论出发,阐述保险公司组织绩效评价的内涵及其意义,构建了分析保险公司组织绩效评价的理论框架。在此基础上,总结了评价指标与保险公司组织绩效的相互关系,并提出构建评价保险公司组织绩效的方法,目的在于为科学评价保险公司组织绩效提供有效的分析方法。  相似文献   

Conventional economic theory predicts that medical insurance coverage causes an inefficient production of health because of  ex ante  and  ex post  moral hazard effects. However, no research has empirically examined the magnitude of the inefficiency. This study empirically examines the impact of medical insurance on the technical efficiency of health production at the metropolitan level. The underlying health production function allows for preventive care, curative care, and behavioral factors. Data envelopment analysis determines relative technical efficiency. The multiple regression results indicate that insurance coverage generates inefficiency but the efficiency loss appears to be relatively small on the extensive margin.  相似文献   

李晗  赵伟 《海南金融》2006,(9):36-38
随着金融全球化进程的逐步加快和金融创新活动的日益活跃,全球的金融风险也在逐渐升级。金融控股公司作为我国金融分业经营体制下实现混业经营的一种组织创新模式,由于其自身风险所呈现出的特殊性和复杂性,我国目前以行政强制指令为主的预防性监管模式已不可能实现对金融控股公司的有效监管,将以激励规制理论为基础的预先承诺制引入到我国金融控股公司监管立法对完善我国的金融监管立法将起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

兼具企业经济效益与社会保障功能的短期健康保险已经成为我国财险公司多元化经营转型的重要部分.本文选取2014~2019年22家经营短期健康保险的财产保险公司相关数据,运用窗口 SBM分析模型测算出各公司经营效率,揭示了财险业健康保险经营的效率趋势与改进路径,并且构建面板Tobit模型对经营效率的影响因素进行回归分析.结果...  相似文献   

本文采用数据包络分析(DEA)方法对我国金融控股公司2019年的经营效率进行测算与分析,发现我国金融控股公司整体实现较好的经营效率,其中民营金控和地方金控的效率低于央企金控,主要受纯技术效率偏低拖累;同时通过Malmquist指数对我国金融控股公司2015~2019年经营效率动态变化进行测算,发现经营效率先降后升、整体呈现上升趋势,这主要得益于专业能力和牌照优势等技术水平的提升。当前金融控股公司应该抓住发展机遇、完善公司治理;金融监管应该鼓励金控行业全面、多样发展,做好风险防范工作。  相似文献   

曹乾 《金融教学与研究》2006,(5):64-64,F0003,F0004
共谋假说和有效结构假说是产业组织理论中关于市场结构和企业绩效关系的两个最具有代表性的理论。研究发现:集中度与缋效之间呈正向关系,市场份额与集中度之间呈负向关系。但都不显著;保险业的效率是决定其蜻效的关键因素;我国保险业不存在产业组织学中所谓的共谋假说和有效结构假说。这一结论的政策性意义在于。保险公司在扩大市场份额的同时,应该更加关注其经营效率。  相似文献   

黄薇  杨锋 《金融研究》2012,(2):113-126
本文首次将企业的营销活动视为一个含有双性变量的生产系统,构建了集成双性变量的DEA模型,从而对中国寿险业整体营销效率进行了评估,并对不同营销渠道下的效率水平进行了跟踪。研究发现,与传统DEA方法相比,集成双性变量的DEA模型更适用于对企业的营销活动进行绩效评价。从营销渠道的效率水平看,国有控股寿险公司和外商独资寿险公司的直销效率和分销效率相对表现较好,而合资寿险公司的效率状况则并不如人意;从整体营销过程的总效率水平看,外商独资寿险公司还要优于国有控股寿险公司,其潜在的竞争优势应该值得内资寿险公司警觉。进一步的分析发现,尽管不能带来营销效率的提升,但外资保险对中方合作伙伴仍倾向于非保险类机构,这可能与其看重中方股东垄断地位或优势来分享保险市场资源有关。  相似文献   

The first contribution of this article is to provide a framework, a model together with a corresponding equilibrium notion, suitable for the study of the interaction between insurance and dynamic financial markets. Our central result is that in equilibrium risk‐averse agents purchase full insurance coverage, despite unfair insurance prices. We identify three conditions that explain this result: (1) insurance contracts are priced competitively, (2) financial prices include a risk premium only for undiversifiable risk, and (3) financial markets are effectively complete. An implication is that in this model disasters can be insured by fully assessable stock insurance companies.  相似文献   

This paper is a report on 72 firms which went public since 1983 but previously underwent a full or divisional LBO. Accounting measures of performance reveal significant improvements in profitability which resulted mainly from these firms' ability to reduce costs. Firms experience dramatic increases in leverage at the LBO, but the leverage ratios are gradually reduced. The evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that the change in the governance structure of these firms towards more concentrated residual claims created a new organizational structure which is more efficient than its predecessor.  相似文献   

社会医疗保险是一项巨大的民生工程,经过多年的运行,已经初步达到了预期目的,但尚有许多亟待完善的地方;同时在发展过程中又会面临许多新的问题和挑战,需要用新的举措予以应对,这些问题比较集中地体现在医保基金所涉各方的利益平衡、均衡医疗资源、医保基金城乡统筹、医保基金收支平衡和安全运行、弱势群体就医权益的保护等五个方面。为此,以财务视角的研究方法进行深度分析,从而找出相应的解决措施,推进医保基金管理更加科学化、效益最优化。  相似文献   

证券公司效率评价:一种经过风险调整的方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鉴于现有的有关证券公司效率评价的研究没有考虑风险的状况,利用数据包络方法,以风险作为证券公司效率评价中的一种投入,以净资产与净资本之差作为风险的代理指标,基于2010年证券公司财务报告和净资本数据,对我国证券公司效率进行实证研究,并与不考虑风险条件下的效率评价结果进行比较。结果发现,上述方法具有可行性,是否考虑风险对于证券公司效率评价具有显著的影响。  相似文献   

论我国金融监管效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国目前的金融监管侧重于安全的考虑,而忽视了效率的因素。为了实现监管的效率,我国应该建立市场约束、行业自律、金融企业内部控制以及法律法规有机结合的监管体系,实现金融监管效率的提高。  相似文献   

作为金融安全网之一的存款保险直接和农村金融组织参保相关.农村金融组织的运营状况直接决定存款保险制度的有效性,而存款保险制度的构建反过来又会影响存款金融组织运营.基于此,本文通过分析目前我国农村合作金融组织职能定位缺陷和经营中的风险,借鉴美国、日本、德国以及印度模式,指出只有实现农村合作金融组织的创新,并且建立与之相适应的存款保险制度,才能更加有力地保障农村金融的安全和有效.  相似文献   

中国上市公司融资结构及行为分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对中国上市公司从1998年到2004年的融资情况进行统计分析,发现内源融资是中国上市公司资金的主要来源,其次是金融机构借款、股权融资和债券融资,总体看企业间接融资比例在上升,直接融资比例在下降,股权融资明显受政策和市场的影响。本文建立了一个基于不同决策目标的融资决策模型,研究表明在股权帐面价值最大化目标下的融资决策比股价最大化目标下的融资决策有更多的机会选择股权融资,但是当股市低迷,市价接近或低于账面价值时,这种差异减弱或消失。  相似文献   

本文以2018年3467家A股非金融类上市公司为样本,从全国层面、行业层面、地区层面以及专题层面等多个维度对2018年中国实体企业资本效率与财务风险状况进行了调查,研究发现:(1)从全国层面来看,2018年全国上市公司总资金增速放缓,总资金及经营活动资金回报率略有回落,总体财务风险较低;(2)从行业层面来看,2018年总资金回报率下降的行业较多,经营活动营运资金管理绩效下降的行业也较多,有较多的行业短期财务风险水平上升;(3)从地区层面来看,2018年中、西部地区总资金存量增速较快,总资金回报率与东部地区基本持平,按渠道的经营活动营运资金管理绩效呈东高西低的阶梯差异,三地区总体财务风险较为接近;(4)从全国、各行业、各地区调查数据看,经营活动资金效率显著优于投资活动,但资金配置对营业活动间资金效率差异敏感性依旧较差,部分行业资金错配问题进一步恶化;(5)产能过剩行业2018年总资金增速放缓、总资金管理绩效得到改善、但短期财务风险仍过高;民营企业总资金管理绩效下降;高杠杆类上市公司资金管理水平有待加强,重资产上市公司总资金管理绩效相比轻资产上市公司仍有较大差距、短期财务风险过高。  相似文献   

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