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This paper provides an equilibrium numerical model of an open city economy with mobile firms and resident workers. Given household preferences and firm technologies and an exogenous configuration of city tax rates and national grants and fiscal mandates, the model calculates equilibrium values for aggregate city economic activity, factor prices, and finally, local tax bases, revenues, and public goods provision. The model is calibrated to the Philadelphia economy for Fiscal Year 1998. We then explore the economic and fiscal consequences of raising city tax rates and the city’s ability to finance rising local welfare payments. We find the city to be incapable of bearing significant increases in local responsibility for welfare transfers.  相似文献   

Property tax and urban sprawl: Theory and implications for US cities   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We develop a model that adopts a log-linear utility function with a variable elasticity of substitution greater than one and show that increasing the property tax reduces city size unambiguously. We then test this result using a dataset of effective property tax rates we developed using GIS methods for 448 urbanized areas. The empirical analysis estimates a regression equation relating an urbanized area's size to the property tax rate measure and other control variables such as population, income, agricultural rent, and transportation expenditure. We find that higher property taxes indeed result in smaller cities.  相似文献   

西方城市更新政策经历了从1970年代政府主导、具有福利主义色彩的内城更新,到1980年代市场主导、公私伙伴关系为特色的城市更新,向1990年代以公、私、社区三向伙伴关系为导向的多目标综合性城市更机关报转变.一个内涵更加多元化的城市更新现念,以及一个以多方伙伴关系为取向、更加注重社区参与和社会公平的城市更新管治模式,正代表着城市更新政策的新路向.这对我国制定城市更新政策有重要启示,包括:要提高对城市更机关报多维本质的认知,加强社区民众参与,建立以人为本的城市更新制度,以及强化政府在城市更新中的协调、引导和促进功能,等.  相似文献   

城市·休闲·机动性:基于城市休闲发展的一组思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市休闲的发展表现在城市旅游的快速增长和居民自身的休闲需求的增加。休闲的发展对出行行为有深刻的影响,本文将休闲出行的需求特征归结为弹性、不规律性、高质量和信息四个方面。此外,文章指出休闲的发展对机动性提出了新的要求,而机动性的条件也会对休闲行为的选择产生关键影响;休闲和机动性在一定程度上是一对共生现象。最后,从规划研究和政策的角度为我国城市应对休闲和机动性发展提出了一组建议。  相似文献   

城市规划、城市空间环境建设与城市社会发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在社会发展、社会发展目标内涵的基础上,总结了近现代城市规划中蕴涵的社会思想,分析了城市空间环境建设与城市社会发展目标之间的相互作用关系,提出了与城市规划建设相关的社会发展目标,并探讨了有助于实现社会发展目标的城市规划调控与改革的方向.  相似文献   

We test implications of economic geography by exploring spatial interactions among U.S. cities. We use a data set consisting of 1900–1990 metro area populations, and spatial measures including distance from the nearest larger city in a higher-tier, adjacency, and location within U.S. regions. We also date cities from their time of settlement. We find that among cities which enter the system, larger cities are more likely to locate near other cities. Moreover, older cities are more likely to have neighbors. Distance from the nearest higher-tier city is not always a significant determinant of size and growth. We find no evidence of persistent non-linear effects on urban growth of either size or distance, although distance is important for city size for some years.  相似文献   

Compared with the rich literature on urban sprawl in Western cities, relatively little is known of the driving factors, processes, and future trends of urban sprawl in China. This research analyzes the socioeconomic forces behind two parts of urban sprawl in China: urban decentralization and urban renewal, and reveals two basic characteristics of Chinese urban sprawl: de-densification and expansion of urbanized areas. It uses the term “urban sprawl” to consider the reasons behind urban transformation on a regional level in China. This research begins with definitions of sprawl in Western and Eastern countries, and follows with a dynamic analysis of the social, political, and cultural aspects of sprawl. Three case studies focus on three urban regions in China: Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. This research provides a comprehensive definition of “urban sprawl” in China, identifies the patterns of urban sprawl and growth, and indicates possible alternative strategies for urban expansion. Finally, it offers suggestions on how to effectively control urban sprawl in China, and provides a pathway to achieving sustainable development.  相似文献   

谈当前中国城市发展中的一些问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盲目大城市化的后果是土地利用率低下,过度超前的基础设施闲置,城市人气不足,经济效益不显著.把旧城改造简单地演变为城市重建或新建,其后果是破坏城市历史文脉、割断城市发展机理、丢弃原有城市特色.为了遏制住宅住房价格的非理性上涨,有必要改革现行的土地使用管理制度.城市政府必须采取有效措施,使每一个城市居民都能够得到必要的住房,不能由于少数人把住房用于投资或投机.而影响、妨碍弱势群体居住的权利.  相似文献   

老龄化社会城市老年政策的理念变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析中国老龄化社会城市遭遇的各种老年问题,讨论了老龄化城市社会问题的主要特征、发展趋势和解决老龄问题的重要性.回顾国外老龄化进程中的公共服务政策,认为中国城市应对日益加剧的老龄化应进行城市治理理念与公共服务理念的变革.提出政策创新体系基础上的老年社会政策与社会福利增长的对策与建议.  相似文献   

Many countries and governments consider smart cities a solution to global warming, population growth, and resource depletion. Numerous challenges arise while creating a smart city. Digital twins, along with the Internet of Things, fifth-generation wireless systems, blockchain, collaborative computing, simulation, and artificial intelligence technologies, offer great potential in the transformation of the current urban governance paradigm toward smart cities. In this paper, the concept of a digital twin city (DTC) is proposed. The characteristics, key technologies, and application scenarios of a DTC are elaborated upon. Further, we discuss the theories, research directions, and framework regarding DTCs.  相似文献   

西方城市蔓延和理性增长研究综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
城市理性增长已被西方大多数学者所接受。论文回顾了西方学者关于城市蔓延的度量、蔓延机制、蔓延后果、理性增长管理等方面的研究,认为城市蔓延和理性增长的研究内容和方法越来越趋向于完善,建议措施越来具有可操作性和更有针对性。我国以土地低密度开发为特征的城市蔓延随处可见,借鉴西方成功的研究思路、研究方法及对策研究,将有效地避免蔓延所产生的严重后果。  相似文献   

In a monocentric city with a well-functioning residential market, Pareto-efficient spatial equilibrium entails the sorting of residents according to their bid–rent gradient in descending order away from city center. Violation of this sorting condition creates opportunities for Pareto-improving trading of locations and can be sustained only if the market is hindered. We propose a simple ordered-location-choice model using matched location and location-preference data of individual households to examine violations of the Pareto-efficient spatial sorting condition. In so doing we are able to identify population groups facing housing-choice hindrances. We find in a sample of Chinese cities undergoing housing market liberalization that poor marketability of the previously state-provided homes, inadequate provision of housing finance, and spatial mismatch between job-market and housing-market opportunities contribute to a Pareto-inefficient spatial structure.  相似文献   

分析了20世纪60年代以来韩国首尔和首尔都市区快速增长的驱动力,回顾了韩国政府的城市增长管理政策,并通过比较数据评析其政策成效.研究韩国的城市增长经验教训,可以为其他快速增长的国家和城市提供有益的启示.  相似文献   

Cet article considère comment la culture dans les villes brésiliennes représente un reflet ainsi qu'une voie de médiation de la domination des classes. On analysera ici les pratiques et les orientations des différentes classes sociales par l'examen des stratégies employées pour répondre aux besoins materiels et culturels. On montrera comment les comportements formels et informels s'entrecoupent et comment, malgré le fait qu'ils semblent souvent ětre en conflit avec les formes ‘rationnelles’ de confronter un problème, en réalité, ils proviennent des péculiarités de l'ordre social et économique actuel, se conformant bien à la logique du processus brésilien de l'accumulation du capital.  相似文献   

大中型城市中心城区都市型产业发展研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
分析了大中型城市中心城区的特点,指出都市型产业适应大都市可持续发展要求,并就其发展策略进行了探讨.  相似文献   

唐代城市在中期发生了很多新的变化,集中表现为在城市经济发展的基础上,新的事物不断涌现,呈现出后现代城市发展的某些特征.具体来说,唐代城市经济发展表现为开放式城市经济的发展、工商互动、城市经济功能增强和城乡关系的变化四个方面.  相似文献   

城市文化建设与历史文化名城保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章论述了城市文化建设的重要意义 ,指出历史文化传统是形成城市特色文化的基础 ,而历史文化名城具有得天独厚的条件 ,应当引起重视 ,并提出了历史文化名城保护的对策  相似文献   

High-speed rail (HSR) has greatly promoted cross-regional economic activities, but few studies have been conducted from the perspective of urban network externalities (UNEs). Based on data from China from 2008 to 2019, this paper constructs an HSR operation network model to study the impact of the network position (NP) on urban agglomeration economies (UAEs) by jointly employing network and econometric analysis methods. The findings suggest the following: (1) Improvements to NP significantly enhance UAEs. Improving the comprehensive NP by 1% will increase urban output per capita by 193.5–226.8 RMB. The findings hold under several robustness tests. (2) The NP's facilitation of growth in UAEs is reflected mainly in national core cities, while the impact of peripheral cities reflects a “∽-shaped” curve as their distance from each nearest neighboring core city changes. (3) From the temporal-dynamic perspective, the NP's impact on UAEs appeared one year before the HSR line was opened and was fully realized three years after the opening of the HSR. (4) Investment agglomeration and expansions in borrowed size are the main mediating mechanisms whereby NP facilitates UAEs.  相似文献   

The high-speed rail (HSR) of China has developed and expanded rapidly and made great achievements in the past twenty years. The ongoing HSR plan is expected to have a significant impact on the urban economy and spatial structure in China. However, relevant data-driven research is still lacking. Traditional data collection approaches such as field surveys are costly to assure the accuracy of materials. In this study, a new remote sensing perspective of night-time light (NTL) was adopted to observe the long-term impact of the HSR on cities along the rail. More specifically, we investigated the impact of the Beijing–Guangzhou High-Speed Railway (BGHSR) on urban economic development by using night-time light data from 2002 to 2018. Such a line connects the capital (located in the north of China) and southern China and lies on the most important geographic axis of the country. Our results find that the construction of BGHSR line has a considerable positive impact on economies of first-tier cities (e.g., Beijing and Guangzhou) and new-first-tier cities (e.g., Zhengzhou, Wuhan, and Changsha), but also hurt some second-tier and third-tier cities such as Baoding and Handan. Generally, the spatial economic pattern of cities along the BGHSR line has been rapidly reshaped with the change of the transportation system. Each city needs to reconsider its role and value in the coming regionalization process to adapt to the national strategy.  相似文献   

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