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This article translates the crimes of communism into their effects on the life of individuals. It does so by telling the story of the author's 13 years in communist Yugoslavia. The story covers only the events that the author witnessed or lived through. The article captures, fairly and accurately, the plight of young people growing up in all communist countries.  相似文献   

刘伟  张振明  陈春生 《价值工程》2011,30(15):257-257
在先进性教育活动中,机电工程学院党委注重发挥党支部的能动作用,在建立保持共产党员先进性的长效机制方面做了大胆尝试。在教师队伍中推广"党员教师下班级"行动计划的经验;在支部建设方面,建立党内外"双联系"制度、争创"四个一"支部的做法值得借鉴;在大学生党员中推行内在省问制,这些措施都有效发挥了党支部的战斗堡垒作用,为建立保持共产党员先进性长效机制进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

祖一康  徐妙婧 《价值工程》2013,(35):238-239
高职院校中,共青团是先进青年的组织,而团总支的学生干部作为共青团工作的主要协作者,是共青团的骨干力量。因此,团总支学生干部的教育与管理工作十分重要,如果做好了团总支学生干部的教育与管理工作,团总支的氛围就会积极向上,努力进取,对团总支的工作有着重要的作用。在本文中,笔者就自己的工作经验,谈一谈关于高职团总支学生干部的教育与管理的一点看法。  相似文献   

Against the background of the rise (and fall) of Solidarity in Poland this article examines the nature of communist trade unions, focusing on their development in China and emphasising the need to use a different approach from that appropriate to capitalist societies.  相似文献   

Public action and the quality of life in developing countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An attempt is made to identify the developing countries that have performed better than others in terms of the indicators of the so called "quality of life," relating this progress to the nature of these economies and to the public policies followed in these countries. A table presents data on life expectation at birth and adult literacy rates for 100 countries that had a gross national product per head of less than $3000 in 1977. The data have some comparability, and it is reasonable to use them for a rough international comparison of performance. 38 countries have shown distinction in 1 or both of the fields. There are 10 communist countries in the total list of 100, and 9 of them show some distinction. 8 of the 9 do this despite not having literacy figures reported. The entry is longevity, which is arguably a more basic indicator of success than poverty. Many of the communist countries are wealthier than the mean or median developing country. Although the indices are relative ones, the richer countries have typically done better, on the whole. The longevity performance of the communist countries is typically superior. This applies to the poorer group also. Some of the high growth early capitalist countries also have very good performance in terms of the chosen indicators (e.g., Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore). Taiwan and Hong Kong have the best overall performance record in terms of the 2 criteria for those 61 countries for which both sets of data are available. The countries that appear to have done relatively worse in terms of the indicators are those in the "middle," i.e., neither communist nor successfully capitalist. There are some exceptions. Tanzania appears to have been relatively successful in terms of the removal of illiteracy, and Sri Lanka has been successful in raising life expectancy. In examining the excellent performance of the Republic of Korea and Taiwan, the lesson to be learned from their experience is the great importance of employment expansion in poverty removal. The experiences of Sri Lanka and Tanzania are recounted to illustrate the positive role of state action. Like Sri Lanka's program of social welfare, Tanzania's literacy program shows how much can be achieved by a determined effort, sensibly directed toward specific goals. Poverty removal and related features, including longevity enhancement, is ultimately dependent on a wide distribution of effective entitlements. This, for any given level of per capita income--would tend to be reflected in the low level of inequality in the distribution of income.  相似文献   

李斌 《价值工程》2010,29(26):236-238
建党伊始,与波兰的其他政党相比,波兰工人党的政治力量状况暂时还显得薄弱,政治影响力也有限。这其中的原因比较复杂。但波兰罗马天主教会的因素,战前波兰共产党的"遗产",共产国际和苏联的影响,德国法西斯和波兰流亡政府的破坏却是不可忽视的因素。  相似文献   

李华忠 《价值工程》2014,(30):289-290
当前,高校毕业生就业创业工作得到了全社会的关注,服务引导青年大学生就业创业是高校共青团组织的重要使命,高校共青团组织要从帮助学生树立科学的就业创业观、提升个人综合素质、将个人理想融入社会发展等多角度服务学生,增强学生就业创业能力。  相似文献   

中国共产党历来重视党史和党建理论的研究。党史研究已经取得了巨大进展,出现了大量的研究成果,但是在当前及今后的一段时期,对于研究者而言,还有若干问题是需要高度重视并加以切实解决的。在思想作风建设方面,一部马克思主义发展史就是一部不断解放思想的历史,中国共产党的九十年就是不断解放思想的九十年。解放思想永无止境。在我国经济转型期,伴随着社会财富的增加,构建和谐社会必须要注重社会的公平、公正。  相似文献   


The paper empirically identifies the world’s cultural zones, comprised of the countries with the distinctive patterns of values, and determines their relationship with the country’s communist past and current state of democracy. The analysis is based on the countries’ average values on the two main dimensions of cross-cultural variations: the traditional versus secular-rational and the survival versus self-expression values. The World Values Survey and European Values Study data from 101 countries were used. The K-means method of cluster analysis and the Variance Ration Criterion for determining the final number of clusters were performed. The solution with three clusters appeared as the most appropriate and theoretically meaningful, representing three broad cultural value syndromes. The first value syndrome was defined by low self-expression and high secular-rational values (the zone of secularized authority), the second one by low secular-rational and low self-expression values (the zone of traditional authority), while the third was characterized by high values on both value dimensions (the zone of emancipation). The countries’ cluster membership is highly correlated with the (non-)communist past and the level of socioeconomic development. The countries in three cultural zones significantly differ in terms of the state of democracy: democracy is more fully developed in the countries in the cultural zone of emancipation, and the least developed in the countries with the prevailing traditional authority cultural outlook.


This article overviews developments in industrial relations in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland since the fall of the communist regimes in 1989, and assesses the extent to which key developments in these countries reflect both change and continuity from the communist period. We explore the four main institutions through which industrial relations have been conducted: trades unions, workers’ councils, employer organisations, and the tripartite arrangements involving representatives of unions and employers with the state.  相似文献   

The communist misappropriation of words for political purposes still makes people in Eastern Europe struggle to find unambiguous language of political and economic thought. This paper discusses the problem of language that distorts reality and focuses on traps that hinder communication between people from the West and people from the post-communist Eastern Europe.  相似文献   

Dialectical theory is applied to the examination of how institutional and organizational level changes are leading to a new human resource management (HRM) paradigm in Cuba. The paper starts with a general overview of economy and enterprise in Cuba, which serves to expose the nature of the pressures and contradictions facing managers and organizations in this country. Based on a focus group study, an analysis of the process of change in the HRM paradigm as perceived by a sample of Cuban managers is presented. The emerging dialectical paradigm is to a great extent influenced by the institutional context, namely by the control of the state. The state's role in the protection of the communist principles, combined with the need to open the economy to the logic of the market, is constituting a singular case in the world of management in general and of HRM in particular: that of a communist country with an increasingly market-based economy, where the socialist cadre is simultaneously becoming a market-oriented HR manager.  相似文献   

The ascent of Mikhail Gorbachev as leader of the USSR was hailed as the end of hardline policies from the Politburo Polish economist Jacek Rostowski questions Gorbachev's relative 'liberalism' and examines communist disagreement on the admission of market forces to economic policy  相似文献   

朱玉华 《价值工程》2014,(14):219-221
组织员队伍建设对高职院校学生党员的发展以及学生党建工作起到非常重要的作用。建立健全组织员工作长效机制,建设好组织员队伍,是加强高职院校大学生思想政治教育和党的建设工作的重要保证。  相似文献   

The continued cautious advance of communist China towards economic liberalism and the resultant internal debate is decumented by Geoffrey Parkins, a Research Consultant at the University of Surrey and Lecturer at Willesden College.  相似文献   

This article first analyses the internal economic trajectory of the Cuban economic reforms and evaluates their effectiveness in delivering the extensive and intensive development needed to correct Cuba's structural and economic imbalances. It concludes that without the lifting of the US economic sanctions success will at best be only partial, with serious implications for long‐term stability. The article then evaluates the reasons for the US economic sanctions against Cuba and argues that while the embargo policy might have failed to topple the Cuban communist regime, it has served other, largely unacknowledged, purposes that are important in explaining why the policy has persisted. The article concludes by suggesting that the US is not likely to jettison the sanctions regime while Cuba's single‐party, state‐led economic system remains. At the same time, Cuba is not likely to jettison its single‐party system while the sanctions remain.  相似文献   

This paper provides a review of the literature on post‐communist transitions. It outlines the debate between the proponents of rapid reforms and the advocates of neo‐institutionalism. Providing evidence from the transitional countries, it suggests an alternative approach, explicitly acknowledging the impact of two categories of constraints on reforms.  相似文献   

理想信念教育是大学生思想政治教育的核心,在新的历史背景下,认真分析大学生理想信念教育所面临的新课题,并采取切实有效的措施加强大学生理想信念教育,使青年学生树立共产主义信仰,培养和造就一大批青年马克思主义者,具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

唐现杰  王文秀 《物流科技》2008,31(1):138-141
建设创新型企业是构建创新型国家的基础.理论界和实务界已达成共识.但是.如何界定及评价创新型企业却是各持己见,成为各界关注的焦点问题。鉴于此从财务角度研究创新型企业综合财务能力系统.依据模块化理论将综合财务能力系统分解为创新能力、偿债能力、盈利能力、资本运营能力及发展能力五个子系统.设计各子系统的评价指标,采用德尔菲法确定各指标的评价标准.进而实现其适用性及可操作性。  相似文献   

基于CALS的军民融合物流信息体系构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
军民融合物流是十七大提出的“军民融合”重要思想在物流发展建设中的重要体现,运用CALS能很好地指导军民融合物流信息体系的构建。文中介绍了CALS的内涵及其对现代物流发展和军民融合的影响,探讨了基于CALS的军民融合物流信息体系构建的指导思想、基本原则、机构设置和运行机制等问题。  相似文献   

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