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Social values and consumption values, although intricately linked, are not exactly the same. Nonetheless, marketers contend that the central premise of social value monitoring is that, if one understands people’s values, one can better predict how they will behave in the market‐place. This paper challenges this assumption because policy analysts and industries are relying on both the consumer and social value profiles at a time when society and the market‐place are undergoing a profound transition. Using Canada as a case study, the general societal values of consumers identified by pollsters are discussed relative to nine consumer values espoused by marketers. This comparative analysis suggests that many of Canadians’ alleged consumer values seem to be in direct conflict with their espoused social values. This conclusion implies that the validity of using social values as a proxy variable or predictor for consumer values needs to be examined by researchers and policy analysts. Also, future dialogue needs to occur about adhering to the convention of monitoring social and consumer values using public opinion polls while not marrying this process with public judgement dialogues. Finally, other countries are urged to examine the situation in their market‐place so as to facilitate cross‐cultural comparative analysis of consumer market‐place values.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of capital market integration on higher education and the link to economic growth. The analysis takes into account that participation in higher education is non‐compulsory and depends on individual choice. Due to capital–skill complementarity, integration increases (reduces) the incentives to participate in higher education in capital‐importing (‐exporting) economies, all other things equal. From a national policy point of view, public education expenditure should increase after integration of similar economies in order to attract mobile capital. Using foreign direct investment as a measure of capital flows, we present empirical evidence which largely confirms our main hypothesis: an increase in net capital inflows in response to capital market integration raises participation in higher education. In addition, we show that the adjustment in educational attainment is an empirically relevant channel through which capital inflows foster economic growth.  相似文献   

产业政策实施效果的分析与述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产业政策与市场机制都是资源配置的手段,对待产业政策不能简单地作出有效还是无效的判断;产业政策作为弥补市场失灵的一种制度安排,必不可少,对于推动经济社会的发展至关重要。但是,具有存在必要性的产业政策并不意味着其实施一定会带来积极的影响。如果产业政策脱离了其实施的范围、条件,则很可能由于不能成功实施而归于无效。同时,产业政策的失效并不意味着全面否定其存在的必要性,借口产业政策失效而取消它的存在、滑向市场万能论也是不可取的。  相似文献   

Using a simple overlapping generations model with the growth engine of public capital by incorporating the union wage setting, we examine the effects of fiscal policies on unemployment, economic growth and welfare in the imperfect labor market. We demonstrate that the growth‐maximizing tax in the imperfect labor market is larger than that of the perfect labor market. However, as the allocation ratio of public capital increases, the growth‐maximizing tax in the imperfect labor market approaches that of the perfect labor market, thus reducing the unemployment rate. The policy implications of the intergenerational welfare aspects are also mentioned.  相似文献   

Through the processes of commodification and marketization, materials and human activities are brought within the domain of market exchange. The results of these accelerating processes are observed in the consumer culture centred on objects of consumption. We contend that, in addition to healthcare, health itself has become yet another object incorporated within consumption space. This contention is consistent with the perspective of consumption as the dominant social paradigm in the structuring of health and healthcare practices. In this paper we present the conceptual backdrop for our contentions, together with details of a heuristic study. Our findings support the view that people regard health as a consumption object. Furthermore, the evidence suggests a patterning of responses by social grade and gender. Given our wider interest in class‐based health inequalities, we use our results to comment on the broader policy debate concerning this phenomenon in relation to consumerism.  相似文献   

In 1997, SFAS 131 established a new segment‐reporting standard for US public companies. Using measures of diversification based on the diversity in segment‐industry characteristics and controlling for endogeneity of the diversification decision, we document a diversification premium in our post‐1997 period. We find significant positive effects of cash flow diversity, leverage diversity and profitability diversity on excess value, consistent with the efficient internal capital market hypothesis. We also find that the size of the diversification premium in the post‐1997 data is negatively correlated with the degree of diversification and positively correlated with firm size. In contrast, we find that the pre‐1998 data typically generates a diversification discount, but the effect is statistically less significant when endogeneity is controlled for. Thus, the diversification discount documented in earlier studies can be an artifact of the pre‐1998 data or a failure to control for endogeneity.  相似文献   

We empirically examine whether a major government intervention in the small firm credit market yields significantly better results in markets that are less financially developed. The government intervention that we investigate is Small Business Administration (SBA) guaranteed lending. After controlling for the appropriate cross‐sectional market characteristics, we find that SBA guaranteed lending has a significantly more positive impact on the average annual level of employment when the local market is relatively less financially developed. This result has important implications for public policy directives concerning where SBA guaranteed lending should be directed.  相似文献   

我国战略性贸易政策实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对改革开放以来我国的战略性贸易政策实践进行了分析。虽然我国政府从未明确提出要实行战略性贸易政策,但是通过和日本经济高速增长时期的战略性贸易政策相比较,可以发现,在我国广泛推行的产业政策中,战略性贸易政策早就存在。只是由于产业组织政策失效所导致的市场竞争程度低下,使得我国战略性贸易政策的实施效果很不理想。因此,协调产业政策和竞争政策,打破地方保护,建立国内统一大市场就成为我国今后战略性贸易政策成功的关键。  相似文献   

This paper explores the implications of e‐commerce transactions and the lack of consumer protection regulation on consumer educators and curricula. The discussion is divided into five sections: conceptualizing e‐commerce; the juggernaut of e‐commerce; consumer education defined, especially consumer protection in the electronic market‐place; the Organization for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD) 1998 Ottawa conference on electronic commerce; and the implications of this fluid market and policy context on consumer educators. Empowerment of the consumer, the ultimate objective of consumer education, is a total challenge in the global electronic market‐place, but a challenge that must be embraced by staying informed, becoming a consumer advocate, as well as educator, and remaining ever vigilant as curricula are developed for the domestic consumer transacting in an electronic global market.  相似文献   

A perennial issue in transformative consumer research and public policy is the plight of low‐literate vulnerable consumers. Low‐literate consumers have been observed misinterpreting labels, misusing products and purchasing the wrong item, which leads to devastating outcomes as they continue to make poor decisions out of ignorance. Based on a thorough review of past studies on consumer literacy and vulnerability, we explore how stigma and attribution operate as underlying mechanisms for influencing how low‐literate consumers behave in the marketplace. This paper problematises blanket statements that all low‐literate consumers are vulnerable and addresses the possibility that universal policy actions may inadvertently create further marginalization for those it is meant to protect. Our paper contributes by introducing a new typology of low‐literate consumer vulnerability to challenge conventional understandings of who the vulnerable consumers are in relation to their literacy level and actual marketplace behaviour. From a policy standpoint, the insights gained from our review speak to the need for differentiating low‐literate consumers in terms of their status of vulnerability, which inform public policy initiatives and effective consumer education for their empowerment and protection.  相似文献   

e‐Procurement is widely advocated as an effective tool to promote the participation of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as well as micro enterprises in the public procurement market. However, little evidence exists as to what factors may influence the allocation of contracts to differently sized suppliers. We address this issue by analyzing a rather rich and unique data set, namely the “direct award” (low‐value) transactions that took place on the Italian e‐marketplace during the period 2005–2010. In this paper, we exploit data from low‐value transactions to test the impact of different structural dimensions of the national public e‐marketplace on the probability that firms of different size are awarded public contracts, particularly focusing on micro and small firms. We find that both the nature of the public buyer and the characteristics of the traded goods/services do have an impact on different firms' ability to be awarded public contracts. We also test to what extent the geographical distance between public buyers and private suppliers explains the propensity of different size class of firms to be awarded public contracts, proving, at least to some extent, that some features of “physical” procurement markets are mirrored in the “virtual” market.  相似文献   

Network industries present several counterintuitive aspects. This peculiarity has attracted particular attention among policymakers, but public intervention has not always been irreproachable. A continuously improving appraisal of network industries tends to allow a better informed policy action and a good balance between otherwise potentially competing policies (competition policy and sector-specific regulation in the first place, but also innovation and standardization policies).  相似文献   

We investigate the process by which firms become participants in official programmes of public support designed to promote outward internationalization. This study builds on previous research that has established the distinct factors associated with firms’ awareness and use of public support measures. These earlier studies have also shown that deficiencies within programmes manifest in low participation rates. However, scholars have not extended this reasoning to focus on the underlying processes involved, and have paid little attention to the steps through which firms elect to use public support, and how support operates upon, and within, the firm. In particular, the link between awareness of public incentives towards internationalization and the use of these incentives has been overlooked. General failure to understand this link is a potential source of policy inefficiency, reducing the effectiveness of those public programmes that employ incentives. We pose three research questions to examine the concept of such a link: (1) Do firms select public incentives that compensate for a lack of resources or capabilities in their possession? (2) Do firms react primarily to internal or external exigencies, for example, internal financial constraints or, rather, are they responding to unfolding circumstances, such as the more demanding market conditions experienced on internationalization? And (3) do firms use public support to “externalize” the increased risk to which they are exposed as internationalization proceeds, and thereby protect their external activities and investments from loss?The process that firms go through to apply for any type of public support is normally two-staged. Firms first become aware of incentives and then decide whether or not to use them. This process can be handled empirically using a Heckman Selection Model, which we apply to explore our research questions using survey data collected from a sample of Portuguese firms. We find that the greater are the internal limitations of these firms with respect to resources and capabilities and the more demanding are the conditions in which internationalization takes place, then the greater is the use made of public support. We find that awareness of the availability of support is promoted by firms’ in-house resources and capabilities and, at the same time, is positively associated with more demanding conditions of internationalization. The use of public support appears to be associated with the opportunity cost to the firm of public incentives, and with the increased risk inherent with internationalization. These results point to the existence of important sources of inefficiency within the process of application for policy measures, particularly with respect to the link between awareness and use. The use of public support is inversely associated with the opportunity cost to the firm of the resources deployed to apply for public incentives and, for firms with greater resources and capabilities, associated positively with the increased inherent risk of internationalization. We find evidence that it is the firms with greater resources and capabilities that predominate in the application for public incentives, allowing us to infer from the data that the typical recipient pursues more risky modes of entry, or selects locations with higher levels of risk, because of the availability of public support. These results point to the possible existence of important sources of inefficiency within the process of application for policy measures, particularly with respect to the link between awareness and use. This behaviour is quite distinct from the search for return on commercial investments and, therefore, is indicative of the possibility of social loss within this public policy intervention.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine trade policy regime and trade‐related development issues in the Maldives on the basis of the Trade Policy Review Maldives 2003 of the WTO. The key theme of the paper is that, given the narrow resource base and small domestic market, openness to foreign trade and investment remains the ‘natural’ policy choice for a small developing economy like the Maldives. Since the late 1980s, the Maldivian government has made considerable progress in implementing policy reforms driven by this conviction. However, the reform process is far from complete. High import tariffs maintained predominantly on revenue considerations, a large direct role played by the public sector in foreign trade and some key sectors of the economy, lack of transparency in duty concessions and other investment incentives, failure to incorporate environmental concerns as part of the national development policy, and delays in meeting reform commitments under the WTO are among the key items of the unfinished reform agenda.  相似文献   

在湘黔边地的苗族聚居地,有一块历代中央王朝都不能直接控制的地方,就是历史上的"生苗区",这一局面一直维持到清代康雍年间对"苗疆"的大规模开辟.清王朝开辟"苗疆"的政策,产生了很大的社会影响,本文仅对开辟"苗疆"的过程进行探讨.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new theory that sheds a different light on the potential relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Stock Price Informativeness (PI). More specifically, we explain why a neutral association between CSR and PI can be an indicator of high economic and social welfare, while a positive association can be an indicator of both markets and governments failure. Under a neutral relationship, we argue that mandatory disclosure is getting firms to disclose near their optimal level. Therefore, any voluntary disclosure beyond the mandatory regime (such as CSR disclosure) should not improve PI. We base our hypothesis on public interest theory that suggests that regulators promote the public interest when a market failure is identified. On the other hand, under a positive association between CSR and PI, we argue that regulators do not offer adequate incentives for firms to disclose at their socially optimal levels because the level of voluntary disclosure by socially responsible firms is optimal in comparison to the level of mandatory disclosure provided by other firms with weak CSR engagement.  相似文献   

The present paper studies the factor content of heterogenous firm trade in the presence of market imperfections and transaction costs. The conceptual framework builds on a relative factor endowment model, which we extend to account for firm heterogeneity and transaction costs. Using a large panel of firm‐level data for the EU, we are able to examine not only the aggregate factor content of trade but also to identify differences in the factor of trade between heterogenous firms. Our empirical results suggest that because of transaction costs and market imperfections, the factor content of agricultural trade is heavily distorted in the CEE transition economies. To increase the gains of trade and the employed factor rewards, the policy should first address the transaction costs and market imperfections.  相似文献   

后期扶持是我国解决水工程移民遗留问题的一项特殊政策。移民参与后期扶持既有理论基础,又有法律依据,还有域外实践经验。近年来,库区和移民安置区通过创设移民自治机构、公开政策信息、民主选择项目等途径践行移民参与机制,取得了一定成效,但也面临参与意识不强、能力不足、机制不全的障碍。为了发挥移民参与的效能,必须进一步完善参与法规,培育移民组织,提升参与能力,畅通参与渠道。  相似文献   

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