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企业社会责任信息披露是联通企业与外部相关者的重要方式。以A股2009年前上市公司为研究对象,运用面板数据考察企业社会责任信息披露与资本结构的关系。实证发现:在高竞争度行业,实际资本结构低于目标资本结构的企业样本中,企业社会责任信息披露对资本结构的调整速度有显著的负影响、主要通过短期债务影响资本结构、与资本结构的调整效率呈“U”型关系。  相似文献   

会计环境的变化诱致新的会计信息需求,进而使会计披露得以发展,会计披露的变迁过程直观地表现为会计披露范围和内容不断扩大的过程.税务信息缺失与税务信息需求的矛盾,对会计披露内容和方式提出了新的要求,促使会计信息披露含量增加以满足相关利益者对税务信息需要.为此,文章在界定税务信息与技露概念的基础上,首先论述了我国现行税务信息披露模式,然后分析了税务信息披露的必要性,最后提出了构建税务信息披露模式的一些建议.  相似文献   

Should incentive contracts expose the agent to market‐wide shocks? Counterintuitively, I show that market risk cannot be filtered out from the compensation and managed independently by the agent. Under plausible risk preferences, the principal should offer a contract in which performance pay increases following a favorable market shock. In the aggregate, however, the effect of market risk on individual contracts diversifies away and the agency problem does not directly affect the cost of capital. The analysis suggests caution in interpreting changes in cost of capital in terms of the stewardship role of accounting information.  相似文献   

We use a linear contracting framework to study how the relation between performance measures used in an agent's incentive contract and the agent's private predecision information affects the value of delegating decision rights to the agent. The analysis relies on the idea that available performance measures are often imperfect representations of the economic consequences of managerial actions and decisions, and this, along with gaming possibilities provided to the agent by access to private predecision information, may overwhelm any benefits associated with delegation. Our analytical framework allows us to derive intuitive conditions under which delegation does and does not have value, and to provide new insights into the linkage between imperfections in performance measurement and agency costs.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of informed trading on voluntary corporate disclosure in the presence of two factors: the cost of disclosure and the value of a manager's informedness. In the absence of both factors, informed trading has no impact on disclosure even when traders are not certain whether the manager has information. When disclosure is costly, informed trading serves as a free substitute for the disclosure of favorable information, and reduces disclosure. Surprisingly, when the manager's informedness is valuable for the firm, informed trading can also increase disclosure. Traders can discover unfavorable information about the firm, so managers with such information have less incentive to pool with uninformed managers and disclose to show that they are informed. The study also demonstrates that informed trading can have either a positive or a negative effect on firm value by crowding in or crowding out information production in the firm. These results hold for general information structures and are robust if traders can choose how much information can be acquired.  相似文献   

本文基于日本的统计数据,利用VAR模型和格兰杰因果关系检验方法,研究政府部门投资、民间部门投资和全产业总资本收益率之间的相互作用。VAR模型分析表明,政府投资对民间投资的影响比较大,两者对全产业总资本收益率的影响都很大且政府投资的影响远远大于民间投资,这些影响关系都较复杂。格兰杰因果关系检验表明,政府投资变化是民间投资变化的格兰杰原因,两者分别是全产业总资本收益率变化的格兰杰原因,而这些变量之间不存在相反方向的格兰杰因果关系。  相似文献   

低碳减排的设计使环境污染成本的外部性转向企业内部化,改变了环境资源的公共物品属性,也冲击了企业传统的经营模式。企业经营成本外延与扩大,影响了成本的核算与管理,迫切需要解决重构成本核算及管理体制,同时,低碳减排事项对企业现金流及业绩产生了重要影响,需要会计恰当反映与披露,文章讨论了低碳减排对成本核算管理的影响,并在FASB和IASB对减排会计的初步研究成果基础上从会计确认、计量及披露三个方面进行了研究。  相似文献   

资本成本是特定主体为取得和使用资本而发生或应当发生的经济利益的总流出。在工业经济时代,资本主要是指财务资本,而在当今知识经济时代,最重要的资本是人力资本,财务资本是实现资本创造价值的条件。在会计上已提出建立人力资本会计,而在财务上还没有人提出将人力资本成本挪入到资本成本中去,从而造成资本成本理论的不完善。文章针对此问题,提出拓展资本成本内涵,完善财务理论。  相似文献   

We examine corporate disclosure activity around seasoned equity offerings and its relationship to stock prices. Beginning six months before the offering, our sample issuing firms dramatically increase their disclosure activity, particularly for the categories of disclosure over which firms have the most discretion. The increase is significant after controlling for the firm's current and future earnings performance and tends to be largest for firms with selling shareholders participating in the offering. However, there is no change in the frequency of forward‐looking statements prior to the equity offering, something that is expressly discouraged by the securities law. Firms that maintain a consistent level of disclosure experience price increases prior to the offering, and only minor price declines at the offering announcement relative to the control firms, suggesting that disclosure may have reduced the information asymmetry inherent in the offering. Firms that substantially increase their disclosure activity in the six months before the offering also experience price increases prior to the offering relative to the control firms, but suffer much larger price declines at the announcement of their intent to issue equity, suggesting that the disclosure increase may have been used to “hype the stock” and the market may have partially corrected for the earlier price increase. Firms that maintain a consistent disclosure level have no unusual return behavior relative to the control firms subsequent to the announcement, while the firms that “hyped” their stock continue to suffer negative returns, providing further evidence that the increased disclosure activity may have been hype, and suggesting that the hype may have been successful in lowering the firms' cost of equity capital.  相似文献   

非营利组织信息披露机制的理论构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
颜克高  陈晓春   《华东经济管理》2010,24(12):122-125
非营利组织的组织性质和产权特征决定了建立非营利组织信息披露机制的价值与意义,与以往研究不同,文章侧重于从机制运行的角度对我国非营利组织信息披露机制进行理论构建。将非营刹组织信息披露机制分为非营利组织的信息披露、利益相关者的信息分析与其享和利益相关者的奖励与惩罚等三个模块,认为自愿性信息披露的适度控制和强制性信息披露度的合理测量、第三方评估机构的完善和利益相关者之间信息的共享、行政性奖励与处罚的公平与公正是保证机制健康运行的关键。  相似文献   

ESG信息披露包含企业环境保护、社会责任履行和公司治理状况等内容,关乎企业的可持续发展。ESG信息披露能否有效缓解企业融资约束难题,媒体监督对两者关系是否存在调节效应是值得研究的主题。文章在理论分析了ESG信息披露对企业融资约束的影响,以及媒体监督在其中调节作用基础上,运用2011-2020年度中国上市公司的相关数据,基于媒体监督视角实证检验了ESG信息披露与企业融资约束间的关系。研究发现:ESG信息披露能显著缓解企业融资约束,媒体监督能进一步缓解ESG信息披露与企业融资约束间的关系,媒体积极报道能够提升 ESG信息披露对企业融资约束的缓解效应;进一步异质性分析表明,ESG信息披露的融资约束缓解效应在非国有企业、处于成长期或成熟期的企业、新《环保法》实施后、自愿披露社会责任的企业中表现得更加显著。  相似文献   

基于行政性投资形成的投资秩序,会导致投资主体与投资责任之间的错位,投资项目选择的非市场化和投资风险配置的失衡。改革中国行政性的投融资体制,需要让投资秩序的形成成为投资参与者自愿相互博弈的结果,投资规则的确定与投资项目的选择遵循市场化选择的原则:投资秩序的维持以会计信息为主体的信息披露为基础,对投资过程进行动态监管,对投资绩效进行最终评价。  相似文献   

文章着眼于我国证券市场中发生的上市公司信息披露违规行为,从组织合法性视角,根据信号甄别理论和有效市场理论,实证分析信息披露违规与高管变更及其市场反应之间的关系。研究结果表明:信息披露违规的公司更可能发生高管变更;进一步地,在发生信息披露违规的情况下,变更高管的公司比未变更高管的公司有更好的市场反应,且主动变更高管的公司,其利好反应更加明显。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relation between audit regulation and cost of equity capital. There is scant empirical evidence on this relation because changes in audit regulation are frequently accompanied by other major regulatory changes. We exploit variation in the timing of regulatory changes induced by foreign governments' staggered allowance of PCAOB inspections. Using a difference-in-differences design, we find that foreign SEC registrants with auditors from countries that allow PCAOB inspections enjoy a lower cost of capital, relative to foreign SEC registrants with auditors from countries that prohibit inspections. Furthermore, we find that this cost of capital effect is attenuated for companies with higher-quality governance mechanisms. Finally, we document that inspection access is associated with higher-quality analyst forecasts, which suggests that this change in audit regulation reduces information risk for market participants.  相似文献   

王宏昌 《科技和产业》2007,7(5):14-16,68
信息是决策的基础,如何引导企业对内部信息进行充分的、自愿的披露,是一个迫切需要解决的问题。本文在剖析了企业信息自愿披露的动力系统的基础上,提出了如何推进企业自愿披露的一些措施。  相似文献   

根据代理理论与信号理论,资质优良的公司有动力通过自愿性信息披露降低代理成本或突出自身竞争优势,因此,作为一种信号传递机制或契约安排,自愿性信息披露将对上市公司价值产生影响.以此为切入点,文章选取了沪市2004年制造业公司作为研究样本,实证检验了上市公司自愿性信息披露与公司价值之间的关系,结果发现,自愿性信息披露与公司价值之间呈现显著的正相关关系;由此,有必要进一步地加强我国上市公司的自愿性信息披露制度.  相似文献   

基于演化博弈的环境信息披露监管研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑到政府监管部门与公司均为有限理性参与人,文章通过构建环境信息披露演化博弈模型,分析政府环境信息披露监管部门和公司的策略变化及演化趋势,并针对达到的演化博弈稳定状态进行分析。结果表明:环境信息披露监管的稳定状态与公司环境信息披露的成本、政府环境信息披露监管成本、处罚力度等因袭密切相关。根据分析结果,提出针对环境信息披露监管的政策建议。  相似文献   

信息公开视角的我国大学智力资本报告指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李平  赵如  王盈 《科学决策》2010,(7):38-46
大学智力资本报告是高等学校信息公开的一种有效载体,文章研究了我国大学智力资本报告指标体系的构建问题。在回顾国内外有关智力资本报告理论研究的基础上,遵循一定的构建原则,从现有国内外文献中梳理出候选指标,以问卷方式收集数据,采用因子分析方法对指标进行了遴选,最后结合我国高校信息公开制度确定了指标体系。  相似文献   

邱静  李丹 《科学决策》2022,(5):1-14
基于 2017-2020 年沪深 A 股上市公司的数据,利用面板 logit 回归模型,探讨了管理层信息披露语调与企业违规的关系。研究发现:管理层信息披露语调越积极,企业违规的概率越低,在二者的关系中,信息透明度起着调节作用,结果经过内生性和稳健性的检验后依然成立。经进一步分析发现积极语调与企业违规的负向关系只在标准审计意见和分析师关注度高的情况下成立,且公司治理水平会强化二者关系。该研究结论表明企业管理层积极语调可以向市场传递有效信号,对投资者决策具有重要意义。  相似文献   

选取上海证券交易所与深圳证券交易所A股市场共903家上市公司作为研究样本,对投资者关系管理的四个构成要素与权益资本成本之间的相关关系进行了实证检验。回归结果表明:投资者关系管理的四个构成要素对权益资本成本作用的效果有大有小,自愿性信息披露和减少信息不对称的作用较大,提高公司可见度和吸引分析师跟随的作用较小,因此并不是所有的投资者关系管理活动都可以显著影响权益资本成本,但从总体上看,投资者关系管理是可以降低权益资本成本的。最后,提出了改善我国投资者关系管理现状的几点建议。  相似文献   

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