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由于目前高收入阶层税收流失严重,导致贫富差距进一步加大,因此,需要完善税收法律及税制结构,从制度的设计上保障能加强对高收入者税款的征收;同时,要执行有效的税收征管措施实现对高收入者税款的征收。  相似文献   

随着我国城市化水平的提高,经济税源也加速向城市集中,尤其是向大城市集中。所以,在客观上要求集中管理资源,将税收的管理重心向大城市转移,将税收管理的资源向大城市倾斜,逐步实现以大城市为中心的集约化管理。目前,大城市的税收征管由于存在各种问题而导致征管效率的较大损失。制约大城市税收征管效率的因素有很多,但相对而言,征纳交易费用、征管资源配置、税收服务体系建设应是三大关键因素。节约征纳交易费用、科学配置征管资源和完善税收服务体系是提升大城市税收征管效率的重要途径。  相似文献   

Measuring and predicting compliance with tax obligations is an important but challenging task. Survey data from California smokers show that several forms of tax avoidance and evasion were common. The analysis shows that 43% of smokers avoided taxes by purchasing cigarettes from out-of-state sources in the past year, 15% admitted to evading taxes through cross-border purchases, and 26% reported purchasing likely or certainly untaxed cigarettes in the state in the past month. Attitudinal factors related to tax morale explain much more of the variance in compliance rates than demographic or law-and-economics factors. The implications for policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary measures of Value Added Tax (VAT) compliance rates are valuable for identifying problem areas in VAT implementation. They are also essential for meaningful crosscountry and crosstime comparisons of VAT compliance. We present a comprehensive and general framework for calculating VAT compliance rates at both the economy wide and detailed sectoral levels. Unlike existing measures of VAT compliance, our framework isolates a compliance measure from the effects on VAT receipts of detailed features of VAT systems as actually implemented by tax authorities. These features include multiple VAT rates, exemptions, registration rates, refund limitations, informal activity, taxation of domestic nonresidents and undeclared imports. We implement our comprehensive VAT compliance measure for Vietnam, a country with a complex VAT system. Our estimate of Vietnam's VAT compliance rate is about 13 percentage points higher than that calculated by the most popular measure of compliance, Collection Efficiency (CE). Our method facilitates decomposition of the difference between CE and our VAT compliance measure into individual contributions by the statutory and structural features of Vietnam's VAT regime.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the possibility that newly-emerging equity markets in Central Europe exhibit semi-strong form efficiency such that no relationship exists between lagged values of changes in economic variables and changes in equity prices. We find that while there are connections between the real economy and equity market returns in Poland and Hungary, these links occur with lags, suggesting the possibility of profitable trading strategies based on public information and rejecting semi-strong efficiency. For the Czech Republic the situation is more complex. In recent periods, little connection exists between lagged economic variables and equity market returns. Although this finding might be viewed as consistent with semi-strong efficiency, in fact there is also little connection between current economic values and stock prices in the Czech Republic. Thus, instead of processing information efficiently, the Czech market appears to be entirely divorced from the real world. It is suggested that the difference in the current status of these markets may be due to the different methods by which they were created.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the distributional implications of environmental tax reform (ETR) for households, and presents new results from modelling the impacts of a major ETR for the European Union. The distributional effects arise from the new environmental taxes, any tax reductions made as part of the ETR, the wider macroeconomic impacts from the ETR, any special provisions in the ETR, and the environmental benefits from the ETR. The paper's literature review makes clear that while the impacts from taxes on the household use of energy are very often regressive, transport taxes tend not to be, although the impacts differ between urban and rural households. Moreover, the net distributional impact is often less regressive, or not at all, once the wider distributional effects are taken into account. Residual regressive effects can in principle be removed by further adjustments in the tax or benefits system. The modelling results suggest that an ETR in Europe will actually increase real incomes across the EU as a whole, and will not be generally regressive, although the results differ by country and for different socio-economic groups. The political acceptability of ETR may depend on the worst effects on these groups being mitigated in some way.  相似文献   

This paper examines the built-in flexibility properties — as measured by the elasticity of revenue with respect to profits — of the UK corporation tax system. Emphasis is placed on determining some of the major influences on the extent to which total corporation tax revenue changes when profits change over the economic cycle. A microsimulation model, CorpSim, is constructed and used to obtain numerical results. In the model, corporations use group relief, capital allowances and losses in a tax-minimising manner. The growth of aggregate corporation tax revenue in practice in the UK appears to be highly volatile in relation to the growth of profits. High volatility in revenue elasticities is found to be especially associated with economic downturns. In mild economic downturns, corporation tax revenue elasticities may rise (because tax growth falls less than profit growth), but in more severe downturns, large but temporary decreases in revenue elasticities (and even negative elasticities) can be expected.  相似文献   

张艾 《时代经贸》2007,(4X):5-6,8
2007年3月14日,提交全国人大审议的企业所得税法草案规定,将内外资企业所得税税率统一为25%,法定税率由33%降低了8个百分点。外资实际税率要从15%变成25%,内资要从33%下降到25%。大多数的声音是,这项政策对外资企业是一种公平合理的国民待遇,对内资企业则是一种重要的激励。这将会使市场竞争朝着更加公平的方向发展。本文通过对这项具有里程碑意义的税改政策出台的背景、影响等方面加以综合分析,并归纳整理了该政策出台后理论界、业界的不同观点,为新税制的发展提供了展望。  相似文献   

This research examines the effectiveness of the Canadian tax incentive system for charitable giving while attempting to deal with two persistent methodological problems in past research. The Heckman selection model and the ordered probit model are used to examine the Canadian tax incentive system with 2010 survey data. The results imply that the effect of the tax credit systematically increases with an increase in donation expenditure suggesting that the higher tax credit for larger donations is more effective than the lower tax credit for smaller donations. While the results suggest that the current tax policy is effective, socio-economic characteristics, such as wealth, household income, and university education, appear to have a greater impact on donations.  相似文献   

This paper develops a theory of optimal sequencing of regional integration and applies it to the specific question of Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) and the EU. We show that the timing of transition and integration has implications for the long-term trade structure of Europe. In this model the interest to integrate the CEECs comes from harmonization of policies to attract industries. Without integration, European countries will try to inefficiently protect their industries. Because of the transfers implied by the CAP and the Structural Policies, the EU delays enlargement until the CEECs have sufficiently converged. CEECs might at this point prefer to stay outside the EU and attract industries by offering them more generous protection than the EU. Such timing may be inefficient ex ante for all countries because it may prevent full European integration in the long run, inducing firms to relocate outside of the EU and governments in the EU and the CEECs to inefficiently protect industry. During the transition, all countries benefit from regional integration among the CEECs.  相似文献   

张艾 《时代经贸》2007,5(4):5-6
2007年3月14日,提交全国人大审议的企业所得税法草案规定,将内外资企业所得税税率统一为25%,法定税率由33%降低了8个百分点.外资实际税率要从15%变成25%,内资要从33%下降到25%.大多数的声音是,这项政策对外资企业是一种公平合理的国民待遇,对内资企业则是一种重要的激励.这将会使市场竞争朝着更加公平的方向发展.本文通过对这项具有里程碑意义的税改政策出台的背景、影响等方面加以综合分析,并归纳整理了该政策出台后理论界、业界的不同观点,为新税制的发展提供了展望.  相似文献   

从茂名滨海新区发展的基本情况及经济发展趋势入手,广泛收集相关的税收资料,进行分类整理,按照企业类型运用趋势、对比等分析方法,分析不同企业类型的税收对地方税收总收入贡献的影响,最后得出结论并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

This article explores a gendered expansionary macroeconomic scenario for Europe as an alternative to current austerity policies over the medium term. Using a non-equilibrium structuralist macroeconomic model, it demonstrates that the dual aim of economic growth and increases in men’s and women’s employment can be achieved by adopting gender-sensitive expansionary macroeconomic policies. Based on historical data series, three scenarios for Europe for the 2015–25 period are compared: continued austerity, a gender-neutral expansionary scenario, and a gendered expansionary scenario. Projections for the gendered expansionary scenario suggest that 7.4 million more jobs could be created for women in the Eurozone and United Kingdom by reversing austerity policies and gendering and increasing government expenditure and private investment. Further, higher growth rates under this scenario lead to significant reductions of debt-to-GDP ratios and lower budget deficits. The study recommends Europe should roll back austerity policies and embark on a new gender-aware economic trajectory.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a quantitative analysis of innovation and diffusion in the European wind power sector. We derive a simultaneous model of wind power innovation and diffusion, which combines a rational choice model of technological diffusion and a learning curve model of dynamic cost reductions. These models are estimated using pooled annual time series data for four European countries (Denmark, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom) over the time period 1986–2000. The empirical results indicate that reductions in investment costs have been important determinants of increased diffusion of wind power, and these cost reductions can in turn be explained by learning activities and public R&D support. Feed-in tariffs also play an important role in the innovation and diffusion processes. The higher is the feed-in price the higher is, ceteris paribus, the rate of diffusion, and we present some preliminary empirical support for the notion that the impact on diffusion of a marginal increase in the feed-in tariff will differ depending on the support system used. High feed-in tariffs, though, also have a negative effect on cost reductions as they induce wind generators to choose high-cost sites and provide fewer incentives for cost cuts. This illustrates the importance of designing an efficient wind energy support system, which not only promotes diffusion but also provides continuous incentives for cost-reducing innovations.   相似文献   

The environmental and economic performance of silvoarable agroforestry in Europe is highly variable. Multi-criteria analysis, using the PROMETHEE outranking approach, was used to evaluate the integrated performance of silvoarable agroforestry on hypothetical farms in nineteen landscape test sites in Spain, France, and The Netherlands. The silvoarable scenarios allocated a proportion of the hypothetical farms (10 or 50%) to silvoarable agroforestry at two different tree densities (50 or 113 trees ha− 1) on two different qualities of land (best or worst quality land). The status quo (conventional arable farming) was also assessed for comparison. The criteria used in the evaluation (soil erosion, nitrogen leaching, carbon sequestration, landscape biodiversity, and infinite net present value) were assessed at each landscape test site; infinite net present value was assessed under six levels of government support. In France, the analysis showed, assuming equal weighting between environmental and economic performance, that silvoarable agroforestry was preferable to conventional arable farming. The best results were observed when agroforestry was implemented on 50% of the highest quality land on the farm; the effect of tree density (50-113 trees ha− 1) was small. By contrast, in Spain and The Netherlands, the consistently greater profitability of conventional arable agriculture relative to the agroforestry alternatives made overall performance of agroforestry systems dependent on the proportion of the farm planted, and the tree density and land quality used.  相似文献   

源泉扣缴是税款征收的重要方式之一,能有效地控制税源、节约税收成本、提高征管效率。我国源泉扣缴制度存在法律规定层级多、不同层级税收法律规定相抵触等问题。针对我国源泉扣缴制度中存在的问题,应在《税收基本法》中明确源泉扣缴的概念、原则;统一税收实体法中的相关规定,从而完善制度体系;在《税收征管法》中明确扣缴义务人的法律地位,改变扣缴义务人权利和义务失衡的状态,明确区分源泉扣缴和委托代征。  相似文献   

采矿废弃地所造成的资源浪费、生态退化及文化遗 失等突出问题已受到国内外广泛关注,在生态文明建设指引和 新时期发展需求的双重背景下,如何将采矿废弃地视为一种景 观资源,重新赋予其生态、经济、文化、美学价值成为全新命 题。总结欧洲发达国家在该领域积累的成功经验,对解决中国 同类型问题具有重要借鉴和启示意义。首先,从法律法规和运 营机制2个层面总结了欧洲采矿废弃地景观恢复的宏观保障经 验;其次,从生态修复、文化挖掘、经济带动三大视角剖析了 欧洲采矿废弃地景观恢复的具体实施经验;最后,客观认知欧 洲所面临的挑战,结合中国的突出问题及特点,从构建多主 体、精准化保障机制,实施分类型、动态化恢复途径,整合潜 在性、多元化资源系统3个方面提出对中国采矿废弃地景观恢 复的具体启示及实施建议。  相似文献   

个人所得税是我国税收的主体税种,在对社会成员收入分配的调节中具有其他税种无法替代的作用,是贯彻国家宏观政策、体现社会公平的重要工具。我国的个人所得税制从建国初到现在,虽几经合并与改革,但从经济和社会发展及国际税收发展趋势等视角来看,仍然存在着诸如课税模式老化;税率设计不合理、边际税率过高;计征方法和费用扣除标准不合理;征管效率低下等问题。改革和完善我国现行个人所得税制,建立科学合理的个人所得税征收管理制度,是我国目前收入差距逐渐扩大,经济结构需要转型的新形势下亟待研究的重要课题。本文通过对我国现行个人所得税制种种弊端的分析,提出了应建立适合我国国情的分类与综合相结合的个人所得税模式;逐步扩大个人所得税税基范围;调高个人所得税免征额;实行"少档次、低税率"的累进税率模式;增加家庭联合申报方式;加强税收征管,减少税源流失等改革构想。  相似文献   

新企业所得税法的实施,对我国内外资企业发展、引进外资和地方经济发展等方面产生了重大影响。宿迁市作为一个经济欠发达地区,新税法的实施,有助于促进宿迁市农业产业化,促进高新技术企业的发展,提高企业市场竞争力和外资引进的质量和水平。为应对新税法的实施,宿迁市应充分利用新税法的税收政策和结合地区特点,促进农业规模化 促进传统产业高新技术化和高新技术产业化 创造公平的竞争环境和改善投资环境,促进本地区经济协调快速发展。  相似文献   

东北老工业基地振兴战略实施以来,沈阳市装备制造业发展水平和质量不断提高,对地方经济的拉动作用和税收贡献度显著增强。2008年,沈阳市装备制造业实现增加值804.1亿元,增长21.9%,占全市GDP的20.8%,对全市GDP增长的直接拉动作用为6.0%,拉动幅度为23.4%。利用2007年沈阳市投入产出表①,计算得2007年装备制造业对沈阳GDP的全部拉动作用达32.5%,较2002年提高了18.4个百分点。分子行业看,装备制造业七个子行业中通用设备制造业前后产业关联度最高,影响力系数和感应度系数分别达到7.8和4.4;电气机械器材制造业和通用设备制造业税收收入同比增加最多,占全部制造业税收收入增量的90.5%;仪器仪表及文化办公用品制造业税收弹性系数最高,达26.6。  相似文献   

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