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In this paper, we study the excursions of Bessel and Cox–Ingersoll–Ross (CIR) processes with dimensions . We obtain densities for the last passage times and meanders of the processes. Using these results, we prove a variation of the Azéma martingale for the Bessel and CIR processes based on excursion theory. Furthermore, we study their Parisian excursions, and generalize previous results on the Parisian stopping time of Brownian motion to that of the Bessel and CIR processes. We obtain explicit formulas and asymptotic results for the densities of the Parisian stopping times, and develop exact simulation algorithms to sample the Parisian stopping times of Bessel and CIR processes. We introduce a new type of bond, the zero‐coupon Parisian bond. The buyer of such a bond is betting against zero interest rates, while the seller is effectively hedging against a period where interest rates fluctuate around 0. Using our results, we propose two methods for pricing these bonds and provide numerical examples.  相似文献   

We consider a financial framework with two levels of information: the public information generated by the financial assets, and a larger flow of information that contains additional knowledge about a random time. This random time can represent many economic and financial settings, such as the default time of a firm for credit risk, and the death time of an insured for life insurance. As the random time cannot be seen before its occurrence, the progressive enlargement of filtration seems tailor‐fit to model the larger flow of information that incorporates both the public flow and the information about the random time. In this context, our interest focuses on the following challenges: (a) How to single out the various risks coming from the financial assets, the random time, and their correlations? (b) How these risks interplay and lead to the formation of any risk in the larger flow of information? It is clear that understanding how risks build‐up and interact, when one enlarges the flow of information, is vital for an efficient risk management and derivatives' evaluation in those informational markets. Our answers to these challenges are full and complete no matter what the model for the random time is and no matter how the random time is related to the public flow. In fact, we introduce “pure default” risks, and quantify and classify these risks afterward. Then we elaborate our martingale representation results, which state that any martingale in the large filtration stopped at the random time can be decomposed into orthogonal local martingales (i.e., local martingales whose product remains a local martingale). This constitutes our first principal contribution, while our second contribution consists in evaluating various defaultable securities according to the recovery policy, within our financial setting that encompasses any default model, using a martingale “basis.” Our pricing formulas explain the impact of various recovery policies on securities and determine the types of pure default risk they entail.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study perpetual American call and put options in an exponential Lévy model. We consider a negative effective discount rate that arises in a number of financial applications including stock loans and real options, where the strike price can potentially grow at a higher rate than the original discount factor. We show that in this case a double continuation region arises and we identify the two critical prices. We also generalize this result to multiple stopping problems of Swing type, that is, when successive exercise opportunities are separated by i.i.d. random refraction times. We conduct an extensive numerical analysis for the Black–Scholes model and the jump‐diffusion model with exponentially distributed jumps.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of valuation of American options written on dividend‐paying assets whose price dynamics follow a multidimensional exponential Lévy model. We carefully examine the relation between the option prices, related partial integro‐differential variational inequalities, and reflected backward stochastic differential equations. In particular, we prove regularity results for the value function and obtain the early exercise premium formula for a broad class of payoff functions.  相似文献   

We introduce a class of stochastic processes, which we refer to as lyrebirds. These extend a class of stochastic processes, which have recently been coined peacocks, but are more commonly known as processes that are increasing in the convex order. We show how these processes arise naturally in the context of Asian and Australian options and consider further applications, such as the arithmetic average of a Brownian bridge and the average of submartingales, including the case of Asian and Australian options where the underlying features constant elasticity of variance or is of Merton jump diffusion type.  相似文献   

We propose a measure for the convexity of an option-implied volatility curve, IV convexity, as a forward-looking measure of risk-neutral tail-risk contribution to the perceived variance of underlying equity returns. Using equity options data for individual US-listed stocks during 2000–2013, we find that the average realized return differential between the lowest and highest IV convexity quintile portfolios exceeds 1% per month, which is both economically and statistically significant on a risk-adjusted basis. Our empirical findings indicate the contribution of informed options trading to price discovery in terms of the realization of tail-risk aversion in the stock market.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the 3/2 model for VIX studied by Goard and Mazur and introduce the generalized 3/2 and 1/2 classes of volatility processes. Under these models, we study the pricing of European and American VIX options, and for the latter, we obtain an early exercise premium representation using a free‐boundary approach and local time‐space calculus. The optimal exercise boundary for the volatility is obtained as the unique solution to an integral equation of Volterra type. We also consider a model mixing these two classes and formulate the corresponding optimal stopping problem in terms of the observed factor process. The price of an American VIX call is then represented by an early exercise premium formula. We show the existence of a pair of optimal exercise boundaries for the factor process and characterize them as the unique solution to a system of integral equations.  相似文献   

This paper examines a novel strategy to get older people talking about their financial needs and equity release. A questionnaire was used to identify issues which were then written into a drama on equity release products and bank accounts. This dramatic representation of the issues preceded discussion among older people at a World Café event – a format that involves a series of circulating focus groups where concepts can be discussed in depth and recorded. The drama offered an initial stimulus of alternative and opposing opinions and facilitated conversation about financial products and services which are often considered uninteresting and private. The aim was to record ideas in the discussions that would benefit the production and design of innovative financial products that would meet the needs of people over 50 years. Further, as a technique, the combination of drama, used to stimulate discussion, and the World Café format, to obtain and record consumer opinions, arguably offers innovative options to researchers in other sectors of product or service consumption.  相似文献   

This study examines whether difficult targets and quality indicators in executives' pay‐for‐performance (P4P) plans affect performance. The impact of target‐setting and P4P plans on quality improvement in the public sector is unclear. The Ontario government initiated the Quality Improvement Plan (QIP), which requires hospitals to set targets for quality indicators annually and link executive pay to target achievement since 2011. Analyzing Health Quality Ontario's database and hospitals' 2012–2013 QIPs, this study shows greater quality improvement in hospitals with difficult targets than hospitals with easy targets or without assigned targets; however, the positive impact disappears for high‐performance hospitals relative to their peers. We find no significant effect of the use of quality indicators in executives' P4P plans on quality improvement. Copyright © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Business‐to‐business branding has received increasing attention from researchers in the last few years. Nonetheless, there is no agreement on the relative contribution of a brand versus an offering's functional attributes to the industrial buyer's preferences. Drawing on models from the business‐to‐consumer context, this paper demonstrates that non‐attribute‒based brand beliefs are predictors of hedonic outcomes as measured by industrial buyers' attitudinal loyalty, while attribute‐based brand beliefs are not. Moreover, the moderating role of the buyer's level of knowledge for the value‐generating process is identified, suggesting that the impact of non‐attribute‒based brand beliefs on attitudinal loyalty is greater for buyers with a low level of knowledge. Copyright © 2012 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We focus on the role of entrepreneurs in organizations that are structured as cooperatives. In considering the similarities and differences among various forms of entrepreneurship, a comprehensive definition of the cooperative entrepreneur is formulated. A model illustrating four variations in the manner in which cooperative entrepreneurship contributes to the creation of cooperatives is also presented. These contributions help to more clearly frame future research and lend visibility to the challenges faced by entrepreneurs in the cooperative context. Copyright © 2013 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article seeks to provide more insights on the two‐way link between internationalization and innovation by considering total, direct, and reciprocal effects using a nonrecursive structural model. Innovation is defined through product and process development, while internationalization is defined through inward and outward internationalization in both closer and farther markets. The results suggest that these two major sources of growth are linked by different sets of relations, from the investment in product and process innovation to outward internationalization in a closer market, or from inward and outward internationalization in farther markets to the investment in product innovation. Copyright © 2013 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study integrates Social Cognitive Theory with the Job Demands‐Resources Model to examine self‐efficacy in relation to emotional exhaustion and work‐family conflict (WFC) in a sample of 192 employees. The results obtained through structural equation analysis show: a negative association between self‐efficacy and both work overload and emotional exhaustion; a positive relationship between work overload and both emotional exhaustion and WFC; that work overload mediates the relation between self‐efficacy and both emotional exhaustion and WFC; that role ambiguity moderates the relation of self‐efficacy with work overload; and that tenure in the sales territory moderates the relation of work overload with WFC. Copyright © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite decades of research, how CEO compensation is determined remains an enigma. Drawing on agency, managerial hegemony, and institutional theoretical perspectives, we use hierarchical linear modelling—a multilevel analytic technique—to examine how firm‐, industry‐, and time‐level effects drive CEO compensation in US corporations. Results show that while cash salary is mostly driven by firm‐specific factors, equity‐based compensation responds to time‐level effects with firm‐ and industry‐level effects playing a marginal role. We argue that such evidence is consistent with the institutionalization of the CEO compensation determination process through the widespread adoption of benchmark peer‐group comparisons. Such practices underlie economy‐wide changes in CEO compensation that are increasingly disconnected from other fundamental firm‐ or industry‐specific factors. Copyright © 2015 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present an upstream model of impression management, focusing on how institutional actors may influence the rhetorical content of images IPO firms present to potential investors. Focusing on impression management to minimize poor and maximize good perceptions, we examined the risk, strategy, and governance images presented in prospectuses of 167 firms who issued an IPO between 1996 and 2000. Our results show that dependence on professional firms and IPO firm network prominence help shape the rhetorical construction of these images and suggest that impression management can be understood in terms of Goffman's team‐based effort to control a social interaction situation. Copyright © 2011 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study uses a sample of 832 Canadian public servants to test a theoretically derived framework which hypothesizes that generational cohort: (1) predicts the importance public servants place on intrinsic and extrinsic work values, (2) predicts the perceived availability of such rewards in public service workplaces, and (3) impacts the relationship between perceived availability of important rewards, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. Our study adds to the limited body of research on generational cohort and work values in the public service. Generational cohort had little impact on the importance of work values, but did predict perceived availability of work‐rewards and the relationship between perceived availability of important rewards, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. Findings could help public service organizations' recruitment and retention efforts. Copyright © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered (GBLT) sports industry has grown substantially over the last few decades. A major change occurred in this field in 2004, after the Montréal 2006 Gay Games organizing committee could not resolve its conflict with the Federation of Gay Games. We examined how such conflicts begin, get resolved, and influence organizational fields using the concept of institutional conflict. We focused on two types of conflicts: contradictions between organizational identity and image of GLBT sport associations, and struggles for governance and institutional leadership within the field of GLBT sport. We found that conflicts between individuals and groups are often the result of conflicts between organizing principles and governance arrangements. Copyright © 2010 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Drawing on social information processing theory, this study uses a multilevel design to integrate the literature on organizational justice with the literature on feedback‐seeking behaviour. Results from a laboratory study with data involving 690 employees showed that individual‐level interpersonal justice was related to employee negative feedback‐seeking behaviour (NFSB) via the mediation of trust in the supervisor. Multilevel analysis of the follow‐up field study with data involving 390 employees from 46 teams confirmed the findings of the laboratory study and indicated that team‐level interpersonal justice was associated with NFSB through a supportive climate. Also, team‐level supervisor support climate was positively related to individual‐level trust in the supervisor. The paper discusses managerial implications of these findings and suggests directions for future research. Copyright © 2014 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous empirical studies examining the direct relationship between rational strategic planning and firm performance have produced contradictory results. Therefore, in order to better understand the nature of this relationship, it is important to take into consideration the role of some mediating and moderating variables. We take into account this aspect by testing the mediating role of employee strategic alignment in the rational strategic planning–firm performance relationship. Based on a quantitative empirical study conducted among 372 European firms, we find that employee strategic alignment is a full mediator in this relationship. We then discuss the theoretical contributions and practical implications of our study. Copyright © 2013 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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