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In a market with price impact proportional to a power of the order flow, we find optimal trading policies and their implied performance for long‐term investors who have constant relative risk aversion and trade a safe asset and a risky asset following geometric Brownian motion. These quantities admit asymptotic explicit formulas up to a structural constant that depends only on the curvature of the price impact function. Trading rates are finite as with linear impact, but are lower near the target portfolio, and higher away from the target. The model nests the square‐root impact law and, as extreme cases, linear impact and proportional transaction costs.  相似文献   

We derive the general equilibrium of a dynamic financial market in which the investors' opportunity set includes nonredundant forward contracts. We show that Breeden's (1979) consumption‐based CAPM equation for forward contracts contains an extra term relative to that for cash assets. We name this term a strategy risk premium. It compensates investors for the (systematic) risk that stems from their very portfolio strategies when the latter involve nonredundant forward contracts. We also show that Merton's (1973) multibeta intertemporal CAPM must be amended for forward contracts to exhibit adjusted risk premia for the market portfolio and all relevant state variables, as opposed to the usual risk premia for cash assets. Our results are shown not to depend on the usual cash‐and‐carry relationship, which, in general, does not hold. We, nevertheless, provide a well‐known special case where it does hold, albeit not grounded on the usual no‐arbitrage argument. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 23:817–840, 2003  相似文献   

We study portfolio selection in a model with both temporary and transient price impact introduced by Garleanu and Pedersen. In the large‐liquidity limit where both frictions are small, we derive explicit formulas for the asymptotically optimal trading rate and the corresponding minimal leading‐order performance loss. We find that the losses are governed by the volatility of the frictionless target strategy, like in models with only temporary price impact. In contrast, the corresponding optimal portfolio not only tracks the frictionless optimizer, but also exploits the displacement of the market price from its unaffected level.  相似文献   

This paper studies the optimal investment problem with random endowment in an inventory‐based price impact model with competitive market makers. Our goal is to analyze how price impact affects optimal policies, as well as both pricing rules and demand schedules for contingent claims. For exponential market makers preferences, we establish two effects due to price impact: constrained trading and nonlinear hedging costs. To the former, wealth processes in the impact model are identified with those in a model without impact, but with constrained trading, where the (random) constraint set is generically neither closed nor convex. Regarding hedging, nonlinear hedging costs motivate the study of arbitrage free prices for the claim. We provide three such notions, which coincide in the frictionless case, but which dramatically differ in the presence of price impact. Additionally, we show arbitrage opportunities, should they arise from claim prices, can be exploited only for limited position sizes, and may be ignored if outweighed by hedging considerations. We also show that arbitrage‐inducing prices may arise endogenously in equilibrium, and that equilibrium positions are inversely proportional to the market makers' representative risk aversion. Therefore, large positions endogenously arise in the limit of either market maker risk neutrality, or a large number of market makers.  相似文献   

This paper studies a robust continuous‐time Markowitz portfolio selection problem where the model uncertainty affects the covariance matrix of multiple risky assets. This problem is formulated into a min–max mean‐variance problem over a set of nondominated probability measures that is solved by a McKean–Vlasov dynamic programming approach, which allows us to characterize the solution in terms of a Bellman–Isaacs equation in the Wasserstein space of probability measures. We provide explicit solutions for the optimal robust portfolio strategies and illustrate our results in the case of uncertain volatilities and ambiguous correlation between two risky assets. We then derive the robust efficient frontier in closed form, and obtain a lower bound for the Sharpe ratio of any robust efficient portfolio strategy. Finally, we compare the performance of Sharpe ratios for a robust investor and for an investor with a misspecified model.  相似文献   

Basket options are among the most popular products of the new generation of exotic options. They are particularly attractive because they can efficiently and simultaneously hedge a wide variety of intrinsically different financial risks and are flexible enough to cover all the risks faced by firms. Oddly, the existing literature on basket options considers only standard baskets where all underlying assets are of the same type and hedge the same kind of risk. Moreover, the empirical implementation of basket‐option models remains in its early stages, particularly when the baskets contain different underlying assets. This study focuses on various steps for developing sound risk management of basket options. We first propose a theoretical model of a nonstandard basket option on commodity price with stochastic convenience yield, exchange rate, and domestic and foreign zero‐coupon bonds in a stochastic interest rate setting. We compare the hedging performance of the extended basket option containing different underlying assets with that of a portfolio of individual options. The results show that the basket strategy is more efficient. We apply the maximum likelihood method to estimate the parameters of the basket model and the correlations between variables. Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to examine the performance of the maximum likelihood estimator in finite samples of simulated data. A real‐data study for a nonfinancial firm is presented to illustrate ways practitioners could use the extended basket option. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 33:299‐326, 2013  相似文献   

We consider the linear‐impact case in the continuous‐time market impact model with transient price impact proposed by Gatheral. In this model, the absence of price manipulation in the sense of Huberman and Stanzl can easily be characterized by means of Bochner’s theorem. This allows us to study the problem of minimizing the expected liquidation costs of an asset position under constraints on the trading times. We prove that optimal strategies can be characterized as measure‐valued solutions of a generalized Fredholm integral equation of the first kind and analyze several explicit examples. We also prove theorems on the existence and nonexistence of optimal strategies. We show in particular that optimal strategies always exist and are nonalternating between buy and sell trades when price impact decays as a convex function of time. This is based on and extends a recent result by Alfonsi, Schied, and Slynko on the nonexistence of transaction‐triggered price manipulation. We also prove some qualitative properties of optimal strategies and provide explicit expressions for the optimal strategy in several special cases of interest.  相似文献   

We provide an asymptotic expansion of the value function of a multidimensional utility maximization problem from consumption with small nonlinear price impact. In our model, cross‐impacts between assets are allowed. In the limit for small price impact, we determine the asymptotic expansion of the value function around its frictionless version. The leading order correction is characterized by a nonlinear second‐order PDE related to an ergodic control problem and a linear parabolic PDE. We illustrate our result on a multivariate geometric Brownian motion price model.  相似文献   

Many investment models in discrete or continuous‐time settings boil down to maximizing an objective of the quantile function of the decision variable. This quantile optimization problem is known as the quantile formulation of the original investment problem. Under certain monotonicity assumptions, several schemes to solve such quantile optimization problems have been proposed in the literature. In this paper, we propose a change‐of‐variable and relaxation method to solve the quantile optimization problems without using the calculus of variations or making any monotonicity assumptions. The method is demonstrated through a portfolio choice problem under rank‐dependent utility theory (RDUT). We show that this problem is equivalent to a classical Merton's portfolio choice problem under expected utility theory with the same utility function but a different pricing kernel explicitly determined by the given pricing kernel and probability weighting function. With this result, the feasibility, well‐posedness, attainability, and uniqueness issues for the portfolio choice problem under RDUT are solved. It is also shown that solving functional optimization problems may reduce to solving probabilistic optimization problems. The method is applicable to general models with law‐invariant preference measures including portfolio choice models under cumulative prospect theory (CPT) or RDUT, Yaari's dual model, Lopes' SP/A model, and optimal stopping models under CPT or RDUT.  相似文献   

We derived an intertemporal capital asset pricing model in which the mean‐variance efficiency of the market portfolio is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition. We obtained this result by modeling a frictionless, continuously open financial market in which nonredundant futures contracts are available for trade, in addition to cash assets. Introducing such contracts modifies the way investors optimally allocate their wealth. Their portfolios then comprise the riskless asset, a perturbed mean‐variance‐efficient portfolio of cash assets, and a perturbed mean‐variance‐efficient portfolio of futures contracts. Furthermore, a (3 + K) mutual fund separation is obtained, with K being the number of economic state variables, in lieu of the usual (2 + K) fund separation. Mean‐variance efficiency of the market portfolio is a necessary condition only when cash assets are the sole traded assets. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 21:329–346, 2001  相似文献   

An investor trades a safe and several risky assets with linear price impact to maximize expected utility from terminal wealth. In the limit for small impact costs, we explicitly determine the optimal policy and welfare, in a general Markovian setting allowing for stochastic market, cost, and preference parameters. These results shed light on the general structure of the problem at hand, and also unveil close connections to optimal execution problems and to other market frictions such as proportional and fixed transaction costs.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes portfolio risk and volatility in the presence of constraints on portfolio rebalancing frequency. This investigation is motivated by the incremental risk charge (IRC) introduced by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. In contrast to the standard market risk measure based on a 10‐day value‐at‐risk calculated at 99% confidence, the IRC considers more extreme losses and is measured over a 1‐year horizon. More importantly, whereas 10‐day VaR is ordinarily calculated with a portfolio’s holdings held fixed, the IRC assumes a portfolio is managed dynamically to a target level of risk, with constraints on rebalancing frequency. The IRC uses discrete rebalancing intervals (e.g., monthly or quarterly) as a rough measure of potential illiquidity in underlying assets. We analyze the effect of these rebalancing intervals on the portfolio’s profit and loss distribution over a risk‐measurement horizon. We derive limiting results, as the rebalancing frequency increases, for the difference between discretely and continuously rebalanced portfolios; we use these to approximate the loss distribution for the discretely rebalanced portfolio relative to the continuously rebalanced portfolio. Our analysis leads to explicit measures of the impact of discrete rebalancing under a simple model of asset dynamics.  相似文献   

We study the suitability of using absolute risk aversion as a measure of willingness to take risk in the Arrow–Debreu portfolio framework. We define a global measure of risk for the Arrow–Debreu portfolio, which is measured by the sensitivity of an individual's Arrow–Debreu portfolio payoff to the change in the market return. We call this measure ‘conservatism’ and show that the concept of ‘more conservative’ is stronger than that of ‘more risk‐averse.’ A higher absolute risk aversion is only necessary but not sufficient to induce a less risky Arrow–Debreu portfolio. Our results not only challenge the well‐accepted notion that a more risk‐averse investor holds a less risky portfolio, but also suggest a stronger measure – conservatism – for evaluating the riskiness of portfolio.  相似文献   

Portfolios can be valuable tools for development and are in this respect informative evaluation devices for gaining under‐standing about individual accomplishments. The portfolio's strongest benefit is probably the insight it provides into performance as well as the way it helps track progress in learning. This study investigates how the portfolio's attribute to proliferate can show acquired competence in a concrete, visible and tangible way. Differences between three types of portfolio were studied. These are the reflective portfolio, the dossier, and the course learning portfolio. It was hypothesised that a developmental use of portfolio would support the portfolio collector best through the functional feedback it provides. The results of the study indicate that the reflective portfolio is an especially effective assessment tool for bringing about performance and learning‐related change. The reflective portfolio is particularly suitable for focusing directly on self‐determined levels of performance as well as showing recommendations from feedback provided by the portfolio instrument.  相似文献   

Cover's celebrated theorem states that the long‐run yield of a properly chosen “universal” portfolio is almost as good as that of the best retrospectively chosen constant rebalanced portfolio. The “universality” refers to the fact that this result is model‐free, that is, not dependent on an underlying stochastic process. We extend Cover's theorem to the setting of stochastic portfolio theory: the market portfolio is taken as the numéraire, and the rebalancing rule need not be constant anymore but may depend on the current state of the stock market. By fixing a stochastic model of the stock market this model‐free result is complemented by a comparison with the numéraire portfolio. Roughly speaking, under appropriate assumptions the asymptotic growth rate coincides for the three approaches mentioned in the title of this paper. We present results in both discrete and continuous time.  相似文献   

The gradual transition of health care toward businesses during the past 50 years has converted passive patients into active customers. In our digital society, patients increasingly use online health communities to satisfy complex needs that healthcare professionals leave unmet, including the creation of cure‐oriented (i.e., functional) and care‐oriented (i.e., emotion) value. This research investigates patients’ reference frames (self versus other) as an information processing mechanism and their impact on value creation in online communities. The analysis of 1,687 online postings of a leading healthcare platform shows that self‐referencing is typical for information obtained through an individualistic, patient–doctor encounter; other‐referencing emerges when patients focus on the needs of their peers. Information gathered through the patient–doctor encounter and processed with a self‐referencing frame accordingly enhances cure‐related value, but limits care‐oriented value co‐creation. Other‐referencing does exactly the opposite: it creates a barrier to cure‐related value, but stimulates care‐related value. A patient's experience with the community largely moderates the impact of both self‐ and other‐referencing on cure‐ and care‐related value. These findings show that online health communities can identify and address unmet patient needs, but healthcare professionals still play a critical role in terms of ensuring information quality in online health communities.  相似文献   

We study the portfolio choice problem for an asset-liability investor who invests in stocks, equity mutual funds, government bonds, short term interest, hedge funds, listed real estate, and commodities futures available in Brazil. Inflation and real interest play as important risk sources. We estimate the asset classes and liabilities time-varying conditional covariance structure using an asymmetric multivariate dynamic conditional correlation GARCH model and compare the asset-liability portfolio's global minimum variance allocation with Brazilian pension funds' market portfolio. The conditional covariance structure provides insights about the complex dynamic relationships between the asset classes and liabilities. We find that some (though not all) Brazilian alternative assets render strong diversification and liabilities hedging benefits for asset-liability investors. There are significant strategic asset allocation differences between the market portfolio and the liability driven portfolio as given by our model. We, therefore, question the Brazilian pension funds' allocation.  相似文献   

A risk‐averse agent hedges her exposure to a nontradable risk factor U using a correlated traded asset S and accounts for the impact of her trades on both factors. The effect of the agent's trades on U is referred to as cross‐impact. By solving the agent's stochastic control problem, we obtain a closed‐form expression for the optimal strategy when the agent holds a linear position in U. When the exposure to the nontradable risk factor is nonlinear, we provide an approximation to the optimal strategy in closed‐form, and prove that the value function is correctly approximated by this strategy when cross‐impact and risk‐aversion are small. We further prove that when is nonlinear, the approximate optimal strategy can be written in terms of the optimal strategy for a linear exposure with the size of the position changing dynamically according to the exposure's “Delta” under a particular probability measure.  相似文献   

We search for common factors and/or a mispricing factor for Tokyo Stock Exchange firms. We utilize the Edwards–Bell–Ohlson model to compute the firms' fundamental value and divide this value by the firms' market price to construct a new variable called a ‘value‐to‐price ratio’ (VPR). We find that this VPR variable can generate abnormal returns even after adjusting for the risk factors related to portfolio style differences. To find out whether it is indeed a risk factor or simply a characteristic, we construct return difference portfolios of the high VPR stocks minus the low value‐to‐price stocks and call this portfolio the upward‐forecast minus downward‐forecast (UMD) factor. Fama and MacBeth test indicate that the risk premium for this UMD factor is positive. The best model in terms of the adjusted R2 value is the four‐factor model in which the UMD factor is added to the Fama and French three factors. GMM Euler condition tests reveal that the UMD factor helps to price assets and that the four‐factor model is not rejected. We conclude the VPR variable contains new information content that is not contained in the conventional Fama and French's three factors.  相似文献   

A financial market model with general semimartingale asset–price processes and where agents can only trade using no‐short‐sales strategies is considered. We show that wealth processes using continuous trading can be approximated very closely by wealth processes using simple combinations of buy‐and‐hold trading. This approximation is based on controlling the proportions of wealth invested in the assets. As an application, the utility maximization problem is considered and it is shown that optimal expected utilities and wealth processes resulting from continuous trading can be approximated arbitrarily well by the use of simple combinations of buy‐and‐hold strategies.  相似文献   

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