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按照对效率与公平偏好的不同,初次分配效率与公平的政策组合有四种类型:"轻效率,轻公平"型;"轻效率,重公平"型;"重效率,轻公平"型;"重效率,重公平"型。不同社会发展阶段收入分配政策的制定实际上是对这四种政策组合的选择,以选择能带来最大化效用的分配制度。用分粥模型形象地对效率与公平的各种政策组合进行模拟,并根据收入分配效用函数对效率与公平政策组合的效用选择状况进行分析,结果表明,在初次分配"重效率"目标不变的前提下,消除收入分配不公平、减少贫富差距的关键在于同时建立初次分配"重公平"的机制。  相似文献   

随着对网络旅游内容和层次要求的提高,侧重于景点的“网络虚拟旅游”应运而生。基于SWOT分析,发展我国虚拟旅游的战略是:加强政府扶持力度,扩展虚拟旅游产品类型,加大虚拟旅游的宣传力度以及在真实旅游营销中的运用;整合旅游信息资源,将虚拟旅游参与到真实旅游规划中;注重虚拟旅游内容层次,推出品牌化在线主题游路线,全面提升虚拟旅游的技术水平。  相似文献   

Orangutans are projected to become critically endangered or extinct this century if humans continue to destroy their habitat. Threats include legal and illegal clearcutting of rain forests to establish palm oil plantations, climate change, and transnational organized crime. This study examines how self-benefit and other benefit appeals, knowledge of threats, concern about habitat loss, and liking orangutans are associated with (a) intent to protect habitat due to licit threats and crimes against wildlife, and (b) seeking information to save habitat. Upon entry to a zoo, 251 (118 men, 128 women, and 5 unknown) persons viewed posters highlighting the benefits of habitat conservation to self or others and completed a survey. Concern, threat knowledge, liking, and self-benefit and other benefit appeals accounted for 28% of the variance associated with intent to take action to protect the habitat. Integrating social influence principles into zoo displays and addressing barriers that prevent conservation behavior are discussed. The ideas in this paper are relevant to many primates and endangered species.  相似文献   

In today's dynamic entertainment environment, movies are struggling to stay afloat and remain profitable. Challenges such as piracy, digital theft, competition, overlapping movie campaigns, media fragmentation, and audience saturation are forcing marketers to stretch their film budgets and make every dollar as effective as possible. With more and more entertainment options crowding peoples' lives, marketers must search for innovative ways to reach movie audiences. By breaking through the daily clutter and noise, and capturing peoples' attention to the point that talking about a movie becomes an enjoyable experience to share, buzz marketing is one such promotional posture that drives audiences to theaters. In order to achieve success with buzz marketing, however, marketers must recognize the role it plays in the context of movie differentiation strategies to support the company's overall approach. To that end, this article analyzes buzz marketing as it pertains to six movie differentiation strategies (differentiation with cosmetic movie features, differentiation to reach market segments, growing a movie segment, positioning to support the movie image, positioning to extend the movie image, and differentiation via non-traditional channels) and offers steps for its successful implementation.  相似文献   

While prior consumer studies have adopted various theoretical perspectives to explain individuals' reactions to disasters, scant attention has been paid to the role of ontological security in shaping those responses. This study attempts to fill this knowledge gap by qualitatively exploring ontological security in two contexts: man-made and natural disasters. To this end, we conducted 35 focus groups in the UK, Germany, and France to address how people reacted to terrorist attacks and the COVID-19 pandemic respectively. Through thematic analysis, three themes emerged: fear versus anxiety, oneself versus others, and materialistic versus experiential purchases. Man-made disasters appear to elicit fear, concern for self, and a preference for materialistic purchases, whereas natural disasters seem to trigger anxiety, concern for others, and a preference for experiential purchases. Both types of disasters seem to evoke a desire to escape from reality. In closing, we discuss both transitory and prolonged threats to ontological security and how they shape individuals' behaviours while restoring their security.  相似文献   

王慧灵 《中国广告》2011,(6):124-127
本文探讨了中小企业打造高效低成本广告的八个问题:如何与广告公司合作;建立长期广告战略的必要性;是否需要广告预算及如何做广告预算;区隔细分市场的重要性及选择细分市场的要点;如何合理地控制媒体成本;为什么对产品的卖点要反复诉求;实效的广告作品是如何创作的;如何配合其他的营销策略提升广告效果。  相似文献   

长期以来 ,以证券市场为代表的我国资本市场一直处于低效弱效状态 ,这一市场态势已成为当前提升我国金融体系国际竞争力、深化经济体制、社会保障改革与金融市场应对加入WTO的最大障碍。我们的社会各界特别是政府部门应在借鉴外国高效的资本市场监管基础上 ,从立法与政策上采取得力措施进一步完善市场参与主体约束机制 ,改进入市股权所有制成份结构 ,准许国有法人股入市流通 ,健全市场信息披露制度 ,充分发挥市场价值规律 ,形成内在的价格均衡机制 ,降低平均交易成本 ,增强投融资效率 ,从而提高我国的资本市场效率 ,为提高我国金融体系国际竞争力、深化经济体制、社会保障改革 ,为应对加入WTO后的金融环境扫清障碍。  相似文献   

Beside traditional motives of giving – namely, altruism and donors’ self-interest, foreign aid also serves to encourage poor countries to liberalize trade. In this paper, I use recent foreign aid data from 15 European donors to 45 African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP) to assess the importance of each motive. Although all the motives are important, their relative importance varies from one sub-group of donors to another. In particular, big donors such as France, Germany and the United Kingdom seem to weight more their commercial interests than other European donors; besides, recipient needs appear to be less important. Contrary to other European donors, international cooperation, measured by the correlation in the votes at the United Nations General Assemblies influences their decision to allocate aid to ACP recipients. This last finding probably reflects their relatively high political power in international fora. Finally, I introduce a dummy variable for economic partnership agreement (EPA) and find that donors do not give to support trade liberalization per se. However, large donors give more aid to ACP exporters of raw materials that engage in the EPA. This result implies that foreign aid is a device to secure access to raw materials.  相似文献   

王俊荣 《中国市场》2008,(10):116-118
本文首先讨论了国际互联网通过信息网络技术特征及其使用,极大地提高了经济全球化下国际分工和专业化的效率,接着分析了产业向中国的转移导致了国际产业的重新布局,开辟了世界生产与交换的新格局;继续扩大对外开放,提高利用外国资金、技术的质量和水平;中国为稳定世界金融秩序作出了贡献,最后做了总结。只有正视知识经济的挑战,抓住机遇,坚定不移地促进本国或本地区知识经济的发展,强调自主创新,才能在知识经济发展的浪潮中缩小与发达国家间的经济与科技差距,并在世界经济格局中逐步提高自身的地位和影响力。  相似文献   

中国零售业如何应对金融危机的挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由美国引起的这场金融危机,已席卷全球,波及方方面面,从虚拟经济到实体经济、从国际到国内,从生产企业到流通企业,从进出口贸易到国内市场,无一不受波及和影响,都面临着考验和挑战。如何应付这场金融危机的冲击,是中国零售业必须面对的首要任务。  相似文献   

该文从全程、全面监管两个方面讨论了如何科学地做好工程质量的监管,论述了一位合格的监理工程师应依法监理,依图依标监理,依规监理工程的变更,应以旁站、巡视、平行检验和协调等方式做好监理工作;在工作中只有艰苦奋斗,加强学习与实践,采用先进监测技术和设备才能使监理工作有保障,才能提高工程质量,从而实现工程的经济效益和社会效益.  相似文献   

Propensity to plan is an indicator of financial capability that contributes to consumer financial well‐being. Previous research has shown that propensity to plan is positively related to objective financial well‐being but little research was found to examine its association with subjective financial well‐being. Using financial satisfaction to measure subjective financial well‐being, this study addressed this research gap and had three objectives: (1) to explore factors associated with propensity to plan, (2) to examine the association between propensity to plan and financial capability factors, and (3) to examine the association between propensity to plan and financial satisfaction. Using data from the 2015 US National Financial Capability Study, the results showed socioeconomic differences in propensity to plan. The results suggest consumers with more economic resources had higher scores in propensity to plan. In addition, propensity to plan was positively associated with financial capability factors, suggesting financial planning is a desirable financial behavior. Finally, propensity to plan made unique contributions to financial satisfaction after controlling for socioeconomic and other financial capability factors.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this work consists of displaying the different attitudes of men and women towards organic food, and their willingness to pay for it, in three different consumer intensities: usual, occasional and potential consumers. Several surveys have been carried out to obtain a representative sample of regular food purchasers living in Castilla‐La Mancha (Spain). Statistic analysis previously detecting significant differences with regard to gender and type of consumer has been conducted by univariate analysis to describe attitudes, and multivariate analysis, through ‘logit’ models, to calculate maximum willingness to pay. Results show that women have a more favourable attitude (directly related to their lifestyle) to the purchase and consumption of organic food than men, whereas men are inclined to pay a higher price for organic food than women. In general, men are disposed to pay a higher increase in price than women.  相似文献   

Recent advances in electronic communication technology led to many drivers opting to send and receive text messages while driving. This, inevitably, has a potential to distract drivers, impair driving performance and lead to crashes. This study aims to assess the risk involved in texting while driving through assessing the distraction caused and determining the change in key driving performance indicators. Twenty-one paid young male volunteers were recruited to participate in this study. Each participant drove a driving simulator on four different scenarios involving driving while texting and without texting on highways and town roads. Results showed that texting while driving led, on average, to five times more crashes than driving without texting. Due to distraction also, participants unnecessarily crossed lane boundaries and road boundaries more often while texting as compared to driving without texting. Moreover, distraction due to texting led to participants deviating their eyes off the road while texting 15 times per session, on average, more than without texting. Results demonstrated a high-risk level of distraction and clear impairment in drivers’ ability to drive safely due to texting. Based on the results, practical recommendations to combat this phenomenon are given.  相似文献   

The conceptual framework proposed herein reveals how firms might establish a human experience focus, using both systematized and non-systematized knowledge to identify points of pain and gain. Such efforts align with the critical need for firms to develop their approaches to the customer experience, by moving beyond addressing how customers respond to their offerings and toward thinking about the human experience of how firms respond to customers’ ambitions, beliefs, values, and feelings to interact in the manner customers prefer. To create a human experience, firms must manage it in relation to touchpoints, personalization, operations, and company culture, using systematized knowledge to monitor the experience, identify problems, and make improvements, together with non-systematized knowledge to innovate in relation to the experience.  相似文献   

政府间国际公共组织的筹资方式,主要有缴纳会费、自愿捐款和认缴股金赢利等.非政府国际公共组织的筹资方式,除自愿捐款和会费外,还有基金会支持、政府补助等方式.当代国际公共组织的筹资困难和问题,包括组织成员"搭便车"、规章制度不完善、政治性干扰,会员拖欠会费,组织经营不善等五个方面.解决上述难题,一是进行制度改革,废除过时条款;二是根据发展情况,设立新的规制;三是精简机构,提高效率,整治浪费;四是应该允许和重视赢利;五是实行借贷.  相似文献   

Interactions with retail salespersons in stores contribute to building trust and profits. Within the largely impersonal Internet, an interactive animated character or avatar, playing the social role of an online sales assistant, should provide a potent source of social presence and so have the potential to replace some of these interactions. This investigation tests whether avatars with social- or task-oriented communication styles contribute to user trust and patronage intentions. Further tests explore the moderating effects of product/service type. The study includes an online experiment and survey, involving 636 participants, mainly from North America, Oceania and Europe, allocated randomly to different treatments.Task-oriented communications contribute to trust, which in turn contributes to patronage intentions, especially for search goods/services. Social-oriented communications also contribute directly to trust and to patronage intentions, most strongly for credence goods/services. The authors recommend a three-fold approach to avatar implementation, involving requirements captured to define appropriate appearance, role, interaction style and content for the task. Conclusions include further suggestions for development and research.  相似文献   

Management fees of mutual funds are more costly to investors than is often realized. Moreover, research indicates that in many cases, the fees are not related to performance, contrary to what might be expected from an efficient market. This study uses sample data to illustrate the consequences of inefficiency to an individual investor. It then turns to an empirical examination of the determinants of the ratio of management fees to total assets (MER), investigating market concentration, fund performance, and non-performance characteristics as explanatory variables. All of these classes of variables contributed to the variation of MERs . JEL Classification G23  相似文献   

构建宿迁农业加快发展的长效机制,应明确宿迁农业发展的战略方向,推动宿迁农业发展的产业化经营,建立健全农民合作经济组织体系,从本地区农业的特点出发发展多种类型的合作经济组织,构建宿迁农村人才培养的机制,推动农村实用人才的培养,提升农村远程职业教育水平,为农民接受培训创造条件。  相似文献   

安瑞娟 《商业研究》2001,(4):121-124
在国企改革与建立现代企业制度过程中,一些深层次的矛盾和问题逐渐暴露出来。国有资产所有者职能不到位;新建立的公司法人治理结构缺乏规范性;对国企经营者缺乏有效的激励机制和约束机制等诸多症结的存在,使国企改革面临很大困难。因此,建立科学的产权制度和规范的法人治理结构;实行资本的人格化,使资产对增值的追求转化为国企经营者对利润的追求;企业董事会统筹决策并选聘经营者;建立、完善国有资产授权经营制度,积极探索各种国有资产经营公司的运作模式;以及健全、完善对经营者的激励机制和约束机制,无疑是国企走出困境、建立起现代企业制度实践过程中切实可行的思路和良好对策。  相似文献   

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