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The start of the sixth session of the China Auto International Exhibition Tour brings a Chinese wind that sweeps across auto markds both at home and abroad.  相似文献   

The start of the sixth session of the China Auto Inter- national Exhibition Tour brings a Chinese wind that sweeps across auto markets both at home and abroad.To strike while the iron is hot,China's Foreign Trade in-  相似文献   

Webrooming is a two-stage shopping process that begins with examining product options online followed by making a purchase at an offline store. In four experiments, we investigate webrooming effects on product evaluation and purchase intentions. The results suggest that webrooming (vs. non-webrooming) has negative impacts on (1) perceived product performance vis-à-vis expectations and (2) purchase intentions for the products offline. Our moderated-mediation analyses show that webrooming leads to lower perceived product performance, which in turn results in lower purchase intentions, and participants’ Need for Touch (NFT) moderates the negative mediation effect, which is stronger with instrumental NFT than autotelic NFT. However, this moderated-mediation effect is attenuated when products are searched across multiple categories. These findings contribute to the marketing literature by providing a more nuanced understanding of how two-stage, webrooming behavior affects consumers’ cognitions and purchase decisions. They also provide several managerial implications that when controlling for time intervals between the stages, (1) webrooming may adversely affect retailers’ business outcomes when webrooming within a single (e.g., blankets), related (e.g., baby products), and unrelated product categories; (2) thus, creating an integrated online-to-offline cross-channel customer experiences is critical to minimize the negative webrooming effects on final sales.  相似文献   

楼市新政直指房价,自在情理之中。2009年的楼市跌宕起伏,但是最终以房价地价的高涨收盘,而部分一线城市的房价地价涨幅惊人。截至2009年11月,20个重点城市中已有北京、上海、广州、深圳、天津、重  相似文献   

上世纪80年代著名的朦胧派诗人北岛有一首脍炙人口的诗《我不相信》:“我不相信天是蓝的,我不相信雷的回声,我不相信梦是假的,我不相信死无报应。”当安全问题频出、食品安全堪忧、产品质量存疑的情况下,很多人会觉得绝望,陷入什么都不相信的迷茫中。血汗工厂、跳楼风波,再一次把其供应链上游企业推到了风口浪尖。人们指责这些跨国巨头在产业链上赚取品牌的超高利润,间接影响了供应链下游企业改善员工待遇的空间。  相似文献   

倪震 《市场研究》2006,(9):12-13
随着教育重要性越来越被人们所认识,主动的关注和投入就越来越多。零点调查&指标数据一项关于城乡居民教育现状的调查结果显示:中国家庭子女教育的支出比重接近于家庭总收入的1/3;相比于城市和小城镇,农村家庭教育负担越来越重;在城镇和农村地区,高收入家庭较倾向选择民办学校。  相似文献   

经过近五个月的精心酝酿、等备,“2005年中国大学生广告艺术节”(以下称“大广节”)于2005年9月24日在北京正式全面展开。“大广节”是由中国广告协会主办,中国传媒大学、中国青年校园先锋文化有限公司、吉林电视台联合承办的一年一度的全国高校校园年度广告盛事,至今已成功举办两届。  相似文献   


Africa is currently undergoing a transition that is unprecedented in its history. For the first time, the demand of urban populations pulls business development, thus creating economies with higher levels of specialization than before. This essay highlights the phenomenon of the endogenous African businesses that are arising in this process. These businesses tap into the natural resources and the social, economic, and cultural systems that build upon them. These resources and systems make the African business environment different from business environments in other parts of the world. Furthermore, the endogenous businesses have access to knowledge on how to manage modern businesses in the formal sector of the economy. In combination with African resources and systems, such knowledge enables them to create and sustain and competitive advantage in modern dynamic marketplaces. Endogenous African businesses are important because they have the potential to fuel economic growth, to revitalize rural areas, to contribute to food security and healthy diets, and to provide role models of which Africans can be proud. Hence, these businesses deserve our attention in the next two decades of scholarly research and education on African business.  相似文献   

Markets are overestimating China's 2012 slowdown There is still room to stimulate through monetary and fiscal policy Loosening will first happen in credit controls -.loan growth numbers should be cl...  相似文献   

Research on work values shows that respectful leadership is highly desired by employees. On the applied side, however, the extant research does not offer many insights as to which concrete leadership behaviors are perceived by employees as indications of respectful leadership. Thus, to offer such insights, we collected and content analyzed employees’ narrations of encounters with respectful leadership (N 1 = 426). The coding process resulted in 19 categories of respectful leadership spanning 149 leadership behaviors. Furthermore, to also harness this comprehensive repertoire for quantitative organizational research, we undertook two more studies (N 2a = 228; N 2b = 412) to empirically derive a feasible item-based measurement of respectful leadership and assess its psychometric qualities. In these studies, we additionally investigated the relationships between respectful leadership as assessed with this new measurement and employees’ vertical and contextual followership as assessed via subordinates’ identification with their leaders, their appraisal respect for their leaders, their feeling of self-determination, and their job satisfaction.  相似文献   

Is being responsible good enough? Stone (1975) argued that we need corporate moral responsibility because neither law nor market is adequate to forestall harmful effects of business activities. However, it is not possible for businesses to become responsible for all forms of foreseeable, preventable harm that they produce. This is illustrated here by cases from insurance, television programming, automobiles and weapons production. Reflection on these examples leads to the formulation of a new conception of unintended harms as moral externalities of business activities. Although one might argue that these (negative) moral external effects are outweighed by the desirable end products of business activities, three reasons not to accept the results of such a “moral subtraction”(or double effect) argument are presented. Instead, the article concludes by offering four techniques for a qualitative, ethical analysis of produced artefacts and their consequences; intended not to displace but to supplement the study of moral responsibility in business.  相似文献   

In the 500 years'history of tobacco industry,for nearly 100 years,people launched campaign for tobacco control and for nearly 30 years'adoption of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT),RUYAN,tobacco control products invented and created in China has made remarkable record-setting progresses.  相似文献   

企业创建和品牌维护不仅仅是做广告那么简单,没有严谨的行销策略、品牌策略的指导,就难有创意表现的灵光乍现。菲林格尔的每一次品牌广告创意,都与其市场行销策略和品牌定位策略紧紧的联系在一起。  相似文献   

专题:Hold住你的香槟派对刚到外企上班的Thomas收到公司年末香槟派对的邀请函,对葡萄酒素有研究的上司和心仪已久的她都会应邀出席。社交菜鸟Thomas面对职业生涯第一个香槟派对感觉苦恼,对于与香槟有关的知识和礼仪,如何与上司邀请的宾客自如交谈,怎样跟心仪的女孩破冰,Thomas都毫无头绪。怎么办?《葡萄酒》杂志给Thomas支出必胜妙招,让他淡定hold住香槟派对!  相似文献   

In the 500 years' history of tobacco industry, for nearly 100 years, people launched campaign for tobacco control and for nearly 30 years' adoption of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), RUYAN, tobacco control products invented and created in China has made remarkable record-setting progresses.  相似文献   

In near future, China is not possible to encounter year deficit in trade. However, monthly trade deficit is an alert, as it indicates that Chinese economy still has ruinerabilities that can not be neglected.  相似文献   

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