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Jarkko Turunen 《Economics of Transition》2004,12(1):129-152
I analyse the reallocation of labour and human capital from the state sector to the non‐state sector and non‐employment in Russia. I use a nationally representative household dataset, the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey, to study sectoral mobility in early transition using summary measures of mobility and multivariate discrete choice models. The results show that sectoral mobility varies between different skill groups, and in particular that those with university education, with supervisory responsibility and in white‐collar occupations are less likely to leave state jobs for both non‐state employment and non‐employment. The results suggest that in the early stages of transition in Russia mismatch of skills across state/non‐state employment was significant and that non‐state employment consisted mostly of low skill, ‘bad’ jobs. 相似文献
我国政府投资与民间投资的发展演变 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
政府投资对拉动我国经济增长在历史上曾经起到了积极作用,但也产生了许多消极影响.随着民营经济的发展,它在推动经济增长中的主导地位日益降低,并逐步被民间投资取代.民间投资具有巨大的潜力和明显的优势,它的发展对于推动增长、扩大内需、增加就业、提高人民的收入,将起到积极的作用.本文分析了政府投资和民间投资的发展变化现状、趋势,提出了促进民间投资的有关措施. 相似文献
Over the past several decades there has been dramatically increased attention paid to measuring the performance of public sector and nonprofit organizations in the United States and elsewhere. Recent research has indicated that public sector and nonprofit organizations are responsive to performance measurement in both productive and unproductive ways. However, it is not yet known how stakeholders respond to this measurement. This paper makes use of a unique panel survey dataset of the population of elementary and middle schools in the state of Florida to directly investigate this question. We exploit the fact that Florida changed its school grading system in 2002 and study the degree to which private contributions to schools are responsive to the information contained in school grades. We find evidence that school grades can have substantial effects on a school's ability to obtain private contributions. We also observe that schools serving different clienteles are treated differently in response to changes in school grades. 相似文献
Gaurav Nayyar 《Applied economics》2013,45(36):4701-4719
For some observers, the dramatic growth of the services sector in India reflects rapid strides made by educated professionals. Some others see it as the expansion of an employer of last resort. Given this heterogeneity, the object of this article is to analyse the quality of employment being created in different sub-sectors of services, relative to the industrial sector, where quality is defined to include wages, job security and social protection. Analysing household survey data from India in 1993–94 and 2004–05, we find the following. First, sub-sectors of services are generally either 'good' or 'bad' employers – higher wages do not compensate for less job security or less job protection. Second, the classification of most service sub-sectors as 'good' or 'bad' employers in 2004–05 is the same as that in 1993–94. Third, employment expansion during the 10-year period under consideration is more in service sub-sectors where quality of employment is low. 相似文献
This paper assesses the claims that employment in the new Russian private sector relies heavily on informal and unregistered labour agreements and that the violation of existing labour law by new private employers is driven by their need for more flexible working arrangements.
The paper shows that these claims are unsupported on every count. The new private sector does not rely heavily on informal or illegal forms of employment and there is no evidence that it uses labour more flexibly, in any of the usual senses of the term, than the traditional sectors of the economy. The conclusion is that there is no economic justification for the systematic violation of the existing labour legislation. It is suggested, therefore, that enforcement of the existing law is a precondition for its effective reform in those areas in which it might be a barrier to restructuring. 相似文献
The paper shows that these claims are unsupported on every count. The new private sector does not rely heavily on informal or illegal forms of employment and there is no evidence that it uses labour more flexibly, in any of the usual senses of the term, than the traditional sectors of the economy. The conclusion is that there is no economic justification for the systematic violation of the existing labour legislation. It is suggested, therefore, that enforcement of the existing law is a precondition for its effective reform in those areas in which it might be a barrier to restructuring. 相似文献
This study aims to improve our understanding of overqualification by incorporating distinctions in employment status (i.e. self-employed workers, private employees and public employees) in the analysis of the incidence, effects, dynamics and routes out of overqualification. To this end, we apply discrete choice – ordered and nonordered – and count models to the data obtained from the European Community Household Panel for the EU-15. Our results indicate that the incidence of overqualification varies by employment status, where self-employed workers report the lowest occurrence. Furthermore, this analysis suggests that overqualification is a permanent phenomenon and demonstrates that successful pathways out of overqualification differ by employment status. The implications of these results for education and labour market policies are also discussed. 相似文献
In this study we use the newly available Yugoslavian Labor Force Survey data to investigate wage differentials and employment decisions in the state and private sectors in Yugoslavia. For the analysis we use three empirical models that rely on different statistical assumptions. We extend the standard switching regression model to allow non‐normality in the joint distribution of the error terms. After correcting for the sector selection bias and controlling for workers’ characteristics we find a private sector wage advantage. The wage premium is largest for workers with low education levels and declining for workers with higher educational levels. Given the regulatory and tax policies that pushed the private sector into the informal sphere of the economy during the period covered by our data, we argue that the state/private wage gap is likely to grow in the future. This will make it increasingly difficult for the state sector to attract and retain highly skilled employees. 相似文献
Konstantin Gluschenko 《Economics of Transition》2003,11(3):411-434
A cross‐sectional relationship among Russian regions between price dispersion and per capita income dispersion is used to measure the degree of integration between regional commodity markets. The sequence of cross‐sectional estimations for each month of the period spanning 1992 through 2000 provides the temporal pattern of market integration in Russia, yielding an integration trajectory. The regional fragmentation of the national market increased during the early years of transition but integration has subsequently tended to improve notwithstanding occasional deviations from this trend. 相似文献
This study empirically examines the business cycle behaviour of public consumption and its main components, the public wage bill (including its breakdown into compensation per employee and public employment) and intermediate consumption, in the euro area aggregate, euro area countries and a group of selected non-euro area Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries (Denmark, Sweden, the UK, Japan and the US). It looks across a large number of variables and methods, using annual data from 1960 to 2005. It finds robust evidence supporting that public consumption, wages and employment co-move with the business cycle in a pro-cyclical manner with 1–2 year lags, notably for the euro area aggregate and euro area countries. The findings reflect mainly the correlation between cyclical developments, but also point to an important role of pro-cyclical discretionary fiscal policies. 相似文献
The proportion of working pensioners in Russia is high relative to what is usually observed in several Eastern and Western European countries. In this paper, we present an analysis of the determinants of pensioner employment, using panel data from the on-going Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey for the period 1994-99. Given the sharp deterioration in the safety net in recent years, a particular attempt is made to assess the role of inadequate pension benefits, along with other individual, household, and local labour market characteristics, in driving up the employment rate of older people during transition. Both the probability of holding a job and the number of hours worked are modeled. The microeconometric analysis confirms the role that family income and access to alternative coping mechanisms such as subsistence farming play in pensioner employment for women, but also stresses for both men and women the importance of age, education, and health status. Finally, the results show a low sensitivity of pensioner employment to pension arrears and pension benefits, indicating that even the full payment of benefits may be too low to significantly affect the decision to remain in employment.
JEL classification: C33, H55, J14, J21, P36. 相似文献
JEL classification: C33, H55, J14, J21, P36. 相似文献
《Journal of Comparative Economics》2021,49(3):693-714
Informal work is traditionally large in Russia and has further increased in the recent years. We explore the implications of this shift in terms of wage dynamics. Our characterization is based on the estimation of informal pay gaps at the mean and along the wage distribution, relying on the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey for 2003–2017. Our approach comprises three original features: we rely on unconditional quantile effects of informality, we incorporate quantile-specific fixed effects using a tractable approach, and we suggest a treatment of the incidental parameter bias. Over the whole period, informal wage penalties are relatively small and do not suggest heavily segmented labor markets, even at low wage levels. Yet, in the past decade, a substantial negative selection into informal employment and self-employment has taken place, on average and especially at low earnings. Economic downturns and labor market policies have likely contributed to the shakeout of less productive workers in the formal sector, making the low-tier informal sector more of a last resort. 相似文献
规模经济、人民币汇率与民营企业进出口——兼论民营企业进出口的影响因素 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
分析了包括规模经济、汇率在内的影响我国民营企业进出口的主要因素。结论认为,人民币升值导致其出口下降,但进口反而减少,人民币升值对民营企业的负面影响较大;随着民营企业规模的扩大,其进出口规模也在增加;2004年贸易经营权的放开对民营企业出口没有明显的刺激效应,但对进口有明显影响;研发支出增加对民营企业出口没有明显影响,但对进口有正面影响;人均国民收入的增加和民营企业进出口没有太大关系。 相似文献
This paper provides new survey evidence on managerial entrenchment and the role of outsiders in the post-privatization restructuring of Russian enterprises. The major findings are that managers are hostile towards outside ownership, and they effectively collude with other employees to preserve insider control. The paper also provides empirical evidence that the gradual accumulation of shares by managers is not based only on a profit motive, but is also driven by their efforts to preserve insider control. The issues raised have relevance to other transition economies where the privatization process has encouraged insider control, such as Ukraine and Belarus. 相似文献
王志凯 《Frontiers of Economics in China》2009,4(2):292-316
Along with the implementation of reform and open up policy in China, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, two provinces have got rapid economic
development and greatly contributed to China’s market transition. Jiangsu, Zhejiang together with Shanghai, have shaped China’s
economic heartland—the Yangtze River Delta Economic Region. Undoubtedly, the private sector is the driving force for the tremendous
economic development in the Yangtze River Delta, particularly for facilitating institutional transition and economic development.
Fortunately, this kind of economic development driven by the private sector was not only restricted in the Yangtze River Delta
Region, but also across the country as it has been gradually extended nationwide. This paper is to look at the development
of the private sector in Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas and particularly trace its fantastic effects on nationwide economic development
and market transition.
Our model captures the fact that Russia has both much human capital and an education system that produces the wrong skills for a market economy. We define a rule for the timing of educational restructuring that is Pareto optimal and that dominates all later times in a Paretian sense while simultaneously reducing inequality. We demonstrate that failure to implement restructuring early in the transition process is likely to produce a very long delay that will significantly reduce Russia's human capital. A retreat from subsidizing public education is likely to be counterproductive. We argue that early educational restructuring should be emphasized in Russia's transition strategy. J. Comp. Econom., December 1999, 27(4), pp. 618–643. Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, N.T., Hong Kong, People's Republic of China; University of Colorado, Denver, Denver, Colorado 88217; and Royal Holloway College, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 OEX, United Kingdom. 相似文献
We analyze the effects of wage subsidy policies on unemployment and welfare in the model that is characterized by the existence of both open unemployment and the informal sector that producesfinal goods. Our main findings are as follows. Wage subsidies to the agricultural and informal sectors increase welfare and decrease urban unemployment. The effects of a wage subsidy to manufacturing sector on welfare and unemployment are conditional. We identify some sufficient conditions for the definite results and interpret them. 相似文献
Private information, money, and growth: Indeterminacy, fluctuations, and the Mundell-Tobin effect 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
We introduce an informational asymmetry into an otherwise standard monetary growth model and examine its implications for the determinacy of equilibrium, for endogenous economic volatility, and for the relationship between steady-state output and the rate of money growth. Some empirical evidence suggests that, for economies with low initial inflation rates, permanent increases in the money growth rate raise long-run output levels. This relationship is reversed for economies with high initial inflation rates. Our model predicts this pattern. Moreover, in economies with high enough rates of inflation, credit rationing emerges, monetary equilibria become indeterminate, and endogenous economic volatility arises. 相似文献
《Review of Economic Dynamics》2014,17(2):262-286
An important determinant of informality in a country is its tax enforcement capacity, which some authors argue further distorts the decisions of firms and creates inefficiency. In this paper, I assess the quantitative effect of incomplete tax enforcement on aggregate output and productivity using a dynamic general equilibrium framework. I calibrate the model using data for Mexico, where the informal sector is large. I then investigate the effects of improving enforcement. I find that under complete enforcement, Mexico's labor productivity and output would be 19% higher under perfect competition and 34% higher under monopolistic competition. The source of this gain is the removal of the distortions induced by incomplete enforcement of taxes. These distortions affect the economy in three ways: by reducing the capital–labor ratios of informal establishments; by allowing low-productive entrepreneurs to enter; and by misallocating resources towards low-productive establishments. As a result, TFP and capital accumulation are reduced, and hence output. I decompose the gains following the guidelines of five leading papers in the literature of resource misallocation across plants. I isolate the effects of pure factor misallocation, distorted occupational choices, capital accumulation, and complementarities. I also study marginal improvements in enforcement and find that there is an inverted-U relationship between the size of the informal sector and output. This reflects the fact that improving enforcement entails a tradeoff: more taxes vs. fewer distortions. 相似文献
Measuring conditional cooperation: a replication study in Russia 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We replicate the strategy-method experiment by Fischbacher et al. (Econ. Lett. 71:397–404, 2001) developed to measure attitudes towards cooperation in a one-shot public goods game. We collected data from 160 students at four different universities across urban and rural Russia. Using the classification proposed by Fischbacher et al. (2001) we find that the distribution of types is very similar across the four locations. The share of conditional cooperators in our Russian subject pools is comparable to the one found by Fischbacher et al. in a Swiss subject pool. However, the distribution of the other types differs from the one found in Switzerland. 相似文献